1,280 research outputs found

    Transgresiones culturales en la tragedia griega

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    Esta conferencia desarrolla un aspecto relacionado con un proyecto de investigación sobre el léxico relativo a irreligiosidad, agnosticismo y ateísmo en la Grecia Antigua que un grupo de investigación llevamos a cabo en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Se trata en concreto de un análisis de la transgresión religiosa en dos aspectos cultuales en la tragedia griega, a saber, en actividades directamente dirigidas a las divinidades (cuidado de los santuarios y de los atributos o símbolos divinos, por ejemplo) y en actividades propias de las relaciones interpersonales (que suponen una correcta/incorrecta veneración a las divinidades, como pueden ser las exequias, por ejemplo).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sacrilegio y ciudad en las tragedias de Sófocles

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    Este artículo realiza un análisis léxico-semántico de la terminología irreligiosa en la literatura griega. Se ha seleccionado un término clave y un autor relevante a fin de ilustrar la importancia del fenómeno irreligioso en la sociedad de Época Clásica. El adjetivo ὅσιος describe el respeto religioso en acciones y actitudes hacia las divinidades y también hacia otros seres humanos. Sófocles usa la forma privativa ἀνόσιος en contextos donde falta ese respeto religioso, con consecuencias negativas para la polis

    Energy evaluation of extruded compound foods for dogs by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predictthe chemical composition, the apparent digestibility and the content ofdigestible nutrients and energy of commercial extruded compoundfoods fordogs

    Análise e medida de fatores que afetam as curvaturas retardadas em porcelanato

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    Os revestimentos cerâmicos de porcelanato, tanto os esmaltados como os não esmaltados, apresentam um fenômeno conhecido como “curvaturas retardadas”, que consiste na mudança de curvatura das peças depois da saída do forno. Este fenômeno é mais problemático a medida de aumentam as dimensões das peças. Neste trabalho se quantificou a variação da curvatura ao longo do tempo em peças industriais de porcelanato esmaltado, observando-se que a curvatura parece apresentar uma evolução em um sentido (habitualmente em direção ao sentido côncavo, ou em forma de barco) para, após transcorrido certo tempo, inverter esta tendência. A cinética deste processo foi parametrizada considerando que existem dois mecanismos, simultâneos e antagônicos, com cinéticas diferentes.As análises teóricas apontam que somente existem dois fatores que podem produzir curvaturas retardadas: as tensões residuais e a expansão dos suportes. Em ambos os casos é necessário condições adicionais para que as curvaturas efetivamente se manifestem: Deste modo, por exemplo, a presença de tensões residuais não é sinônimo de curvaturas retardadas, mais sim um mecanismo adicional que permita a liberação progressiva destas tensões; este mecanismo é chamado de fluência. Além disso é necessário que o perfil de tensões residuais não seja simétrico em relação ao plano central da peça. No que diz respeito a expansão dos suportes, também são necessárias condições especiais para que estas possam provocar curvaturas retardadas; em particular, é necessário que estas sejam diferentes nas duas faces da peça (face lisa e tardoz). Uma expansão uniforme provocaria uma leve mudança dimensional, mas não uma curvatura retardada, nem mesmo para peças esmaltadas. A medida dos fatores que influenciam sobre as curvaturas retardadas é complexa pois requer o emprego de técnicas diferentes das habitualmente empregadas para a caracterização de revestimentos cerâmicos. Foram criados, especialmente para este trabalho, procedimentos para a medida dos diferentes fatores que produzem as curvaturas retardadas e se estudou a influencia de algumas variáveis sobre estes fatoresGlazed and unglazed porcelain tiles exhibit a phenomenon known as delayed curvatures, which consists of the change in tile curvature after the tiles leave the kiln. This phenomenon becomes more problematic as tile size increases. In this study, the variation of curvature in time has been quantified in industrial glazed porcelain tiles. It was observed that the curvature usually displays an evolution in one direction (customarily in a concave direction or vessel shape) which, after a certain time has elapsed, reverses this trend. The kinetics of this process has been parameterised, assuming there are two simultaneous, opposing mechanisms, with different kinetics. Theoretical analyses indicate that only two factors can produce delayed curvatures: residual stresses and expansion of the tile body. In both cases, additional circumstances need to occur for delayed curvatures to appear; thus, for example, the presence of residual stresses is not synonymous with delayed curvatures, but an additional mechanism is needed that allows progressive release of these stresses, a mechanism known as creep. In addition, the condition that the stress profile is not symmetrical with respect to the centre plane of the tile also needs to be obeyed. In regard to the expansion of the bodies, special conditions must also occur for these to cause delayed curvatures. In particular, it is necessary for the expansion at the tile fair face and at the rib face to be different. Uniform expansion would cause a slight dimensional change, but not a delayed curvature, not even in the presence of glaze. The measurement of the factors that influence delayed curvatures is complex because different techniques from those typically used in characterising ceramic tiles are required. Procedures have been fine-tuned to measure the different factors that give rise to delayed curvatures, and the influence of certain variables on these factors has been studiedVersió editoria

    El modelo EFQM, análisis de los criterios resultados en un servicio deportivo municipal con más de 25.000 habitantes

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar la autoevaluacion, del Modelo EFQM de Excelencia, a un Servicio Deportivo Municipal de un ayuntamiento con mas de 25000 habitantes de la Region de Murcia, tiene 41 trabajadores (clientes internos), 24 (58.54%) hombres y 17 (41.46%) mujeres. Los resultados permiten una vision de los alcances obtenidos por este servicio deportivo en su camino hacia la excelencia. Para la validez de constructo se utilizo el analisis factorial confirmatorio con el programa, LISREL, version 8.54, fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach, valores superiores a .800 nivel de significacion de p ≤.05. Existen diferencias estadisticamente significativas en los sub-criterios 9a y 9b (t32 = -2.730, p=.010)

    Diferenciación y desarrollo postnatal de los tipos de fibras musculares en el cerdo chato murciano

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    Mediante la técnica que detecta la actividad de la enzima ATPasa miosínica se analiza el tamaño y porcentajes de los distintos tipos de fibras que integran el músculo longísimo lumbar del cerdo “Chato Murciano”, desde el nacimiento hasta los 120 días de edad. Al nacimiento, el músculo longísimo está conformado por un 5,5% de fibras tipo I, de gran tamaño y un 94,5% de fibras tipo II, de menor tamaño. Durante el primer mes de vida postnatal las fibras tipo II se irán diferenciando en nuevas fibras tipo I y subtipos IIA y IIX. A partir de los dos meses tiene lugar un aumento del diámetro fibrilar (hipertrofia) y una distribución fibrilar que recuerda a la de animales adultos. Aunque la hipertrofia observada afecta a los tres tipos de fibras evaluados, parece claro que el crecimiento y conformación muscular en el cerdo chato murciano está muy asociado al notable incremento en diámetro que experimentan las fibras IIX, ya que éstas crecen más rápidamente que las tipo I y IIA

    Soft–bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean): influence of anthropogenic impacts and sediment characteristics on their distribution

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    We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom.Se analizó la distribución de los sipuncúlidos de fondos blandos de San Pedro del Pinatar (Mediterráneo occidental). Este estudio se llevó a cabo entre diciembre de 2005 y junio de 2010, muestreando con periodicidad semestral (junio y diciembre). Se analizaron parámetros físicos y químicos del sedimento (granulometría, contenido de materia orgánica, pH, salinidad de fondo y disponibilidad de refugio). Nueve especies y subespecies diferentes fueron identificadas, pertenecientes a cinco familias. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri fue la especie dominante, acumulando el 89,06% de la abundancia total de sipuncúlidos. Las mayores abundancias de sipuncúlidos se correlacionaron con las estaciones con mayores porcentajes de arena gruesa, conchas de moluscos vacías y tubos vacíos del poliqueto serpúlido Ditrupa arietina, donde viven algunas de las especies registradas. Las características del sedimento jugaron el papel principal en el control de la distribución de sipuncúlidos. Los impactos antropogénicos podrían estar afectando indirectamente su distribución, cambiando las características del sedimento. Palabras clave: Sipuncúlidos, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterráneo, Impacto antropogénico, Fondos blandos.We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom

    Analysis of Forces Involved in the Perching Maneuver of Flapping-Wing Aerial Systems and Development of an Ultra-Lightweight Perching System

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    Trying to optimize the design of aerial robotics systems, this work presents an optimized low-weight landing system for flapping-wing aerial robots. The design, based on the use of low-sized neodymium magnets, intends to provide that these aerial robots have the capability of landing in restricted areas by using the presented solution. This capacity will increase the application range of these robots. A study of this situation has been done to analyze the perching maneuver forces and evaluate the system. The solution presented is low-weight, lowsized, and also relatively inexpensive. Therefore, this solution may apply to most ornithopter robots. Design, analysis of the implied forces, development and experimental validation of the idea are presented in this work, demonstrating that the developed solution can overcome the ornithopter’s payload limitation providing an efficient and reliable solutionUnión Europea SI-1867/23/2018 ERC-AD

    Effects of 2 Physiotherapy Programs on Pain Perception, Muscular Flexibility, and Illness Impact in Women With Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study

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    [EN] Objective This study assessed the effect of 2 physiotherapy programs designed to improve flexibility and to reduce the impact of the illness and pain perception in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), and compared the effects of the 2 programs in the short and intermediate term. Methods Twenty FMS patients were randomly assigned to 2 training groups, one following a program of kinesiotherapy and active muscular stretching and one using techniques of Global Myofascial Physiotherapy, according to the Mézières method. Both groups met twice a week for 12 weeks, for a total of 150 minutes each week. Flexibility and illness impact were measured by means of a standard test, whereas pain was assessed by means of thumb palpation. Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the program and 24 weeks after its end. Results Patients had achieved a statistically significant reduction in the severity of the disease and improved their flexibility level by the end of the program, but had returned to initial values after follow-up. Significant differences were not observed between the 2 treatment groups in the initial values or in the results at the end of the program or after the follow-up, so neither program proved better than the other. Conclusion The FMS patients in this study improved their flexibility level and general well-being using both kinesiotherapy and stretching exercises techniques.S