3,325 research outputs found

    The effect of nature on designers' creativity, according to their personality profile

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate whether natural environments, either real or simulated, tend to enhance designers' creativity, and whether the effects differ depending on their personality profile. Numerous studies have been conducted on the variables that shape the work environment and affect the designer's creativity, but few take into account the interaction between the work environment and the designer's personality profile. The aim of this study is to carry out a practical experiment in which a certain number of individuals solve conceptual design problems in different work environments, followed by an assessment of the creativity of the results. The results show higher values of creativity for both types of natural setting than in a neutral scenario. The personality of the designers determines whether the highest values are achieved in real or in artificial nature

    Industrial synthesis of cysteine derivatives

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    Comunicación presentada en European Research Conference: "Organic Electrochemistry: Moving Towards Clean and Selective Synthesis", Agelonde-La Londe Les Maures, April 15-19, 1998

    Multiple Order Dual-Band Active Ring Filters with Composite Right/Left Handed Cells

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    In this paper, a novel dual-band active filter topology is presented. The non-linear phase response of a composite right/left-handed cell is used to achieve the desired dual-band performance. Additionally, the proposed structure based on coupled ring resonators yields a very compact solution in which high-order implementations can be easily obtained by cascading multiple rings. The theoretical principles of this type of filters are analyzed in detail. Finally, three prototypes based on first-, second- and third-order structures validate the feasibility of this type of filters. Good agreement between simulations and measurements has been achieved

    Noise Figure Measurement of Differential Amplifiers Using non-Ideal Baluns

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    This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles

    Knowledge generation for enhancing design creativity through co-creative Virtual Learning Communities

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    With the current technological explosion, the arrival of Web 2.0 and the growth of ICTs, designers’ tools can be understood and used by novice users. With this statement in mind, and considering previous works that claim that team-working enhances creativity, the present paper reports on an experiment conducted to test whether a large group of creative people organised in a Virtual Learning Community are able to produce a Graphic Design with a satisfactory level of creativity starting from an almost complete lack of knowledge on the discipline, where a “satisfactory level of creativity” is understood as being that level which can be achieved by an individual with specific knowledge in the subject working in isolation. The results were assessed by means of an adapted questionnaire based on the CPSS taxonomy, and statistically analysed using ANOVA. The conclusions appear to reinforce the idea that virtual team-working enhances creativity, but the lack of specific competence training can be discerned by an expert eye.The research presented in this paper was funded by the Universitat Jaume I (project ref. P1· 1B2015-30 - El arte y el diseño en la nueva sociedad digital

    Sobre la traducción y edición de literatura griega moderna y contemporánea en España (1993-2005)

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    In order to study the development of the Spanish reception of Modern and Contemporary Greek literature in the second half of the twentieth century and approach more fully the present-day state of the question, it is necessary to avoid a consideration of these five decades as if they constituted a homogeneous period. For the objectives of our study it is posible to distinguish three phases. The first covers the period from the first Spanish editions of the work of Casantsakis (1959) and the poetry of C.P. Cavafis (1962) to the death of the dictator and the beginning of the Spanish transition to democracy (1975). The second one covers the years from 1976 (first publication of Cavafy’s 154 canon poems a few months after Franco´s death) to 1992, an emblematic year in the recent history of Spain. The third phase goes from 1993 to 2005, year in which Liber, the International Book Fair in Madrid, was dedicated to Greece

    Dual-Band Tunable Recursive Active Filter

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    This letter presents a novel recursive active filter topology that provides dual-band performance, with independent tuning capability in both bands. The dual-band operation is achieved by using two independent feedback lines. Additionally, linear phase shifters based on left-handed cells are included in these two branches in order to tune the center frequency of both pass bands

    Educative attention to diversity. Deaf students in the classroom of Portugal and Turkey

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    en esta publicación pretendemos dar a conocer algunos resultados de la experiencia innovadora que estamos realizando a través del proyecto SMILE. Nos hemos centrado en el análisis de las relaciones que se establecen en torno a los alumnos sordos en el ámbito escolar y el papel de la lengua de signos en su integración y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta indagación se basa en las percepciones de los autores de este artículo, los docentes de los centros escolares donde se educan niños sordos, los alumnos oyentes y sordos, y nuestros estudiantes universitarios que realizaron las prácticas in situ. A continuación ponemos de relieve la realidad específica sobre la atención a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades, centrada en la situación de los discentes con sordera, en centros escolares de Turquía y Portugalin this publication we intend to present some results of the innovative experience that we are realizing through Project SMILE. We have focused on the analysis of the relationships established around deaf students in schools and the role of sign language and its integration in the teaching-learning processes. This research is based on the perceptions of the authors of this article, teachers in schools where children are educated deaf children, hearing and deaf students, and university students who realized the practices on-site. Here we highlight the specific situation on the attention to diversity and equal opportunities, focusing on the situation of deaf learners in schools in Turkey and Portuga

    Illness, disability or cultural identity? Interpretation of deafness and answers from the Spanish educational system

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    En España, en los últimos años, se han experimentado múltiples cambios en la prevención y la aten - ción de las personas con discapacidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a las personas sordas. La interpretación de la sordera no sólo como deficiencia auditiva, sino como una diferencia comunicativa, está llevando a la disposición de contextos educativos con carácter bilingüe y bicultural. Esta nueva perspectiva conceptual y la consecuente orientación de las prácticas escolares tienen un impacto positivo en los campos de la salud, la educación y el ámbito social, fomentando el desarrollo tanto del alumnado sordo, como del alumnado oyente. En este artículo se expone la situación del con - texto español en este campo, y ha servido de base para la realización de un proyecto transnacional europeo

    La responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) en Europa: la apuesta por un nuevo modelo de empresa. Una revisión crítica desde la ética empresarial

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    El presente artículo tiene un doble objetivo. Por una parte, poner de manifiesto el desarrollo del discurso europeo respecto a la necesidad de asunción de valores y principios sociales y medioambientales en la gestión y dirección de las empresas con la finalidad de alcanzar altas cotas de competitividad y de cohesión social. Por otra parte, ofrecer un modelo de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) fundamentado en la teoría ético-discursiva que permite delimitar la definición y el alcance de la responsabilidad de las empresas, así como aportar algunas orientaciones prácticas acerca de cómo opera este modelo en la práctica.The purpose of the present article is twofold. On one hand, it expounds the development of the European discourse on the need to incorporate social and environmental values and principles into business management in order to reach high levels of competitiveness and social cohesion. On the other hand, the article offers a model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based on discourse ethics theory that allows us to set boundaries to the definition and scope of the responsibilities of businesses, and to contribute some practical orientations on how this model operates in practice