675 research outputs found

    Eficacia analgésica del tratamiento invasivo miofascial (punción seca) en fibromialgia

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    Introducción. La fibromialgia (FM) es una entidad clínica caracterizada por un dolorcrónico generalizado. La sensibilización central del sistema nervioso se considera laexplicación más plausible al dolor crónico generalizado que afecta a las personas conFM. La nueva neurobiología del dolor establece que los puntos gatillo miofascialespuede ser fuente periférica capaz de originar el dolor. El tratamiento de los PGM puededisminuir el dolor de los pacientes con FM. Metodología. Se realizó un ensayo clínicoaleatorizado con 120 participantes, se diseñaron 3 grupos con el objetivo de comprobarla eficacia de la intervención. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos determinandiferencias significativas entre el grupo Tratamiento y grupo Placebo (p=0,01). Conclusiones.Los pacientes sometidos a la técnica de punción seca mostraron una disminuciónde la hiperalgesia local a las 24 horas de la intervención.Introduction. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a clinical entity characterized by widespread chronicpain. Central sensitization of the nervous system is considered the most plausibleexplanation for the widespread chronic pain that affects people with FM. The new neurobiologyof pain states that myofascial trigger points can be a peripheral source capableof causing pain. Treatment of MTrPs may decrease the pain of patients with FM.Methodology. We designed a randomized clinical trial with 120 participants dividedinto 3 groups with the objective of checking the effectiveness of the intervention. Results.The results obtained determined significant differences between the treatmentand the Placebo group (p = 0.006). Conclusions. Patients undergoing the dry needlingtechnique showed a decrease in local hyperalgesia 24 hours after surgery

    Metabolic drivers of IC-BEVS productivity: Tackling the production of enveloped viral particles

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    The Insect Cell-Baculovirus Expression System (IC-BEVS) has a major track record for the production of recombinant proteins and vaccines. Although its widespread use, the physiological aspects that contribute to systems productivity are still to be fully disclosed. In the present work, the metabolic features of the two main insect host cell lines, Sf9 and High Five, were analyzed during cellular growth and after baculovirus infection for the production of enveloped Influenza VLPs (Inf-VLPs). The gathered data were contextualized in a metabolic network representative of central carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) was performed to have a quantitative overview of the cellular fluxome dynamics that followed infection. In addition, the main carbon sources that contributed most to flux activity were identified. The impact of baculovirus infection on the physiology of High Five and Sf9 host cell lines was assessed by metabolomics, aiming at the identification of metabolic markers of productivity. The information herein generated was used to design tailored supplementation schemes that could boost IC-BEVS production yields of two enveloped viral particles: influenza VLPs (Inf-VLP) as a vaccine candidate and the recombinant baculovirus (BV). The strong correlation observed between the metabolic state of the host cell and baculovirus infection highlights the capacity of this virus to act as a metabolic engineer, re-directing the cellular fluxome to support virus replication and production. The results also show that the viral load influence the cellular responsiveness to the supplements, with lower MOIs retrieving higher improvements in specific productivity. The careful selection of the MOI, along with the supplementation of culture medium with compounds altering cellular redox state and cholesterol metabolism, yielded a 6-fold improvement of specific productivity. These results pave the way to deepen our knowledge on the relationship between host cell and virus, contributing to the disclosure of the metabolic determinants that contribute to productivity

    Proyecto de automatización de una calandra en el proceso industrial de fabricación de no tejidos

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    [ES] En el proyecto se ha llevado a cabo la automatización de una máquina de no tejidos mediante un autómata programable. Para ello se ha utilizado además una pantalla HMI y un variador para conseguir un mejor control sobre la máquina. El autómata y sus componentes son de la marca Siemens, los cuales para llevar a cabo su programación se ha utilizado el programa propio de la marca llamado TIA PORTAL. La máquina cuenta con diferentes modos de funcionamientos, adaptados a los posibles usos que tiene la máquina. Para escribir la programación se ha tenido en cuenta tanto los diferentes actuadores y sensores como los requisitos técnicos de la máquina. Mediante la pantalla HMI se controla el funcionamiento de la máquina, pudiendo modificar los diferentes parámetros con los que cuenta y pudiendo visualizar los diferentes valores de los sensores y los fallos que puedan ocurrir durante el funcionamiento.[EN] In the project, the automation of a nonwoven machine was carried out using a programmable automat. For this, an HMI display and a variator have also been used to achieve better control over the machine. The automaton and its components are from Siemens, which used the brand's own program called TIA PORTAL to carry out its programming. The machine has different operating modes, adapted to the possible uses that the machine has. For writing the programe, the different actuators, sensors and the technical requirements of the machine have been taken into account. Through the HMI screen, the operation of the machine is controlled, being able to modify the different parameters that it has and being able to visualize the different values of the sensors and the faults that may occur during operation.Ferrer Bernal, V. (2020). Proyecto de automatización de una calandra en el proceso industrial de fabricación de no tejidos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150148TFG

    Los obstáculos para el desarrollo profesional de una profesora de Enseñanza Secundaria en ciencias experimentales

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    Este trabajo es un estudio de casos de una profesora de ciencias experimentales, con el objetivo de determinar los obstáculos que surgen de la interacción entre la reflexión y la práctica de aula, así como su influencia en su desarrollo profesional. El estudio se efectúa en dos planos diferentes, una investigación de orientación cualitativa y otra de naturaleza crítica, orientado hacia el desarrollo profesional. Los instrumentos de análisis fueron de diversa índole, destacando significativamente entre ellos el horizonte de la integración. Los resultados mostraron que la profesora analizada, al final de los dos cursos de investigación, se encontraba en proceso de evolucionar de forma más compleja su práctica de aula, mostrando un grado de integración notable con los procesos reflexivos.This article is a case study of a secondary Science teacher and deals with the interaction between reflection and classroom practice and its influence on professional development. The study was carried out from two different viewpoints: a study with a qualitative orientation on the one hand, and collaborative action research on the other, to form the backbone of professional development. The analysis instruments were of diverse nature, between them the reflection-practice integration horizon. The results showed that teacher was in process of evolving of more complex her classroom practice, showing a degree of remarkable integration with the reflective processes

    El programa AQUAD como generador de teorías sobre la reflexión : el caso de una profesora de ciencias en Secundaria

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    El artículo describe la forma en que un programa de análisis de datos cualitativos, AQUAD, se aplica en un contexto determinado de investigación. El objetivo es la búsqueda de los núcleos duros de lo que hemos denominado Teorías Explícitas de la Reflexión. Se indaga en un conjunto de unidades información ya codificadas de reflexiones de una profesora, la cual pertenece a un grupo de profesoras inmersas en un proceso de innovación curricular en enseñanza secundaria. A partir de un sistema de categorías, que se han ido re-construyendo durante todo el proceso de investigación, indagamos en aquellas categorías que representan verdaderos obstáculos para su práctica docente, en base a su presencia en las reflexiones de la profesora y en su capacidad de vincularse a otras categorías para conformar los núcleos duros. Tales núcleos, como se demuestra, son muy estables y resistenttes en el tiempo._________________________________This paper describes the form in which a program of analysis of qualitative data, AQUAD, is applied in a determined context of research. Our goals is the search for the hard cores of what we have called Reflection Explicit Theories. We focus on in a set of codified units information of reflections of a teacher who belongs to a group of teachers involved in a curricular innovation process in secondary education. From a system of categories, which have been re-constructed throughout the investigation process, we dealt with those categories that represent true obstacles for their educational practice, on the basis of their presence in the teacher's reflections and their capacity to match other categories, to conform the hard cores. Such cores, as it is highlighted in this paper, are very stable and time resistant

    La reflexión en profesoras de ciencias experimentales de enseñanza secundaria : estudio de casos

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    El trabajo que describimos es un estudio de casos de dos profesoras de ciencias de secundaria sobre la reflexión orientada a la acción y su influencia en el desarrollo profesional. El estudio se enmarca en una investigación acción colaborativa, como vertebradora del desarrollo profesional. Los resultados mostraron que las profesoras estaban en proceso de volver más compleja su reflexión. Asimismo se encontraron obstáculos en sus teorías explícitas, que constituyen núcleos duros, que impiden o dificultan la complejidad de la reflexión y el desarrollo profesional de las profesoras.The article that we describe here is a case study of two secondary science teachers about action-oriented refl ection and its influence on professional development. The framework of the study is a collaborative action research program designed to provide the essential structure for her professional development. The results showed that teachers were in the process of turning their reflection more complex. It was also found that they had obstacles in their explicit theories, which constitute hard cores that impede or make diffi cult the complexity of the refl ection and their professional development

    The Long Road to Shared PCK: a Science Teacher’s Personal Journey

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    Teachers’ development can be seen as a dialog between their refective thinking and their actions, with an added gradient of complexity from their social interactions. All of these elements are conjugated within their classroom practice, with their Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) as theoretical background. This paper analyzes the case of a secondary education science teacher’s development over diferent periods, with a focus on classroom atmosphere, social organization and problem-based interactions, the infuence of the topic being taught, and the teacher’s participation in an Action-Research group. The sources of information included the teacher’s diaries, questionnaires, interviews, ethnographic records, and extracts from videotaped sessions of her lessons. The data analysis for the areas of refection and of action was approached with methodological plurality. Although these two felds of study (refection and action) share essential aspects, they presented subtle diferences, with refection being more fully developed than action in the classroom, and the contribution of the Action-Research group to the teacher’s development was important, but less so than her professional command of the content. Two underlying obstacles deeply rooted in the teacher’s thinking and actions impregnate her classroom interactions: classroom competitiveness, and the use of excessively rigid activities.This project has funding for its translation and open access charge from University of Huelva/ CBUA, Spain

    Production of L-carnitine by secondary metabolism of bacteria

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    The increasing commercial demand for L-carnitine has led to a multiplication of efforts to improve its production with bacteria. The use of different cell environments, such as growing, resting, permeabilized, dried, osmotically stressed, freely suspended and immobilized cells, to maintain enzymes sufficiently active for L-carnitine production is discussed in the text. The different cell states of enterobacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Proteus sp., which can be used to produce L-carnitine from crotonobetaine or D-carnitine as substrate, are analyzed. Moreover, the combined application of both bioprocess and metabolic engineering has allowed a deeper understanding of the main factors controlling the production process, such as energy depletion and the alteration of the acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio which are coupled to the end of the biotransformation. Furthermore, the profiles of key central metabolic activities such as the TCA cycle, the glyoxylate shunt and the acetate metabolism are seen to be closely interrelated and affect the biotransformation efficiency. Although genetically modified strains have been obtained, new strain improvement strategies are still needed, especially in Escherichia coli as a model organism for molecular biology studies. This review aims to summarize and update the state of the art in L-carnitine production using E. coli and Proteus sp, emphasizing the importance of proper reactor design and operation strategies, together with metabolic engineering aspects and the need for feed-back between wet and in silico work to optimize this biotransformation

    Towards a contingent approach to firm strategy on the lowest levels of the hierarchy of the defence industry

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    Purpose – This paper aims to provide a strategic analysis of firms at the lowest hierarchical levels of the defence industry. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the main results of an exploratory, multiple-case study that analyses the current strategy drivers and their views about the future ones, and their impact at the lowest hierarchical levels of the defence industry in Spain. Findings – This investigation develops and analyses a contingency model regarding the strategy impact and effects of firms’ drivers and clients, both mediated by the strategy players because of their huge impact on the defence industry. The research model focuses on the internal relations between technical and commercial activities due to the cause and effect of their capabilities. Simultaneously, pull and push mechanisms boost firms’ capabilities and requirements to provide strategic foresight. Practical implications – Ministries of Defence (MoDs) and prime contractors will remain mediating players in the near future even with further implications for the competition of Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB) firms. It implies that firms and MoDs must maintain a close relation and implement more flexible practices, such as open innovation, property rights or new commercialization schemes