582 research outputs found

    Epi Info: del mundo de la salud a la metodología de encuestas

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    El mercado del software estadístico, como cualquier otro, se encuentra fuertemente sujeto a la dinámica de las competencias. Se supone que este mecanismo permite ofrecer cada vez mejores productos a los usuarios, de tal forma que éstos podrán realizar mejores análisis de datos, adaptados mejor a sus necesidades, con más agilidad y comprensión, más opciones de gestión, etc... Sin embargo, el uso continuado de estos programas llega a mostrar que las diferencias entre versiones pueden ser más aparentes que reales, justificándose más por la aludida dinámica de las competencias que por las necesidades reales de análisis. Citando un texto anterior: "Posiblemente, el ser humano no termina de encontrar un remedio frente a las novedades. Ocurre en multitud de facetas de nuestra existencia cotidiana, pero quizá en ninguna de ellas resulta más contradictorio para nuestra vida y más lucrativo para la vida de otros, que en el caso de los productos de informática" (Manzano y otros, 1999:203) Frente a este contexto comercial, el desarrollo de software libre sigue conociendo un impulso indudable. Ya en este mismo número de Metodología de Encuestas ha quedado evidente la importancia de estos productos gracias al excelente trabajo de Rubén Ledesma (2004), situado en la línea de publicaciones anteriores (Young y col., 2001). Una de las utilidades que menciona en su trabajo es, precisamente, Epi Info

    Examining Retirement Housing Preferences Among International Retiree Migrants

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    Housing demand models based on individual consumers' utility function reflect preferences about the structure and lot, neighborhood, and location as related to socioeconomic characteristics of the occupants. As a growing proportion of aging residents in many countries are undertaking late life moves, their preferences will have an influence on destination housing markets. We examine the characteristics, attitudes and preferences about retirement housing among immigrant retirees currently living in traditional housing in a retirement destination in Alicante, Spain. Using results from a survey of German and British retirees living in the region, we find through logistic regression that preference for retirement housing is associated with aging and gaining access to in-home support services.Housing preferences; Demographic trends; Seniors housing

    O desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas para inovação do modelo de negócio : estudo de multicasos em empresas do setor de tecnologia da informação

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Márcia Ramos MayDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/01/2016Inclui referências : f.127-132Resumo: Nas últimas décadas a inovação tem sido considerada elemento impulsionador de mudanças que influenciam no desenvolvimento das organizações e, por consequência, da economia como um todo. Nesse sentido, o processo que visa á inovação deve ser contínuo e abarcar elementos organizacionais envolvidos no direcionamento estratégico, o que permite a permanência no mercado, além de gerar vantagem competitiva. O setor de tecnologia da informação se destaca nesse cenário, ao apresentar uma diversidade de descobertas tecnológicas, além da dinamicidade em conceber inovações que são lançadas constantemente no mercado. Tal ação faz com que as empresas desse setor desenvolvam capacidades de reter informações e conhecimento que possam gerar inovações ao longo do tempo. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como o desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas contribuiu para a inovação do modelo de negócio em empresas do setor de tecnologia da informação. Para isso realizou-se um estudo de casos múltiplos em quatro empresas do setor de tecnologia da informação na cidade de Curitiba, Paraná. Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores e demais colaboradores que participam dos processos organizacionais, além da observação direta e análise documental, o que permitiu validar e confirmar os dados. Os dados coletados foram analisados com auxílio do software Atlas ti., que permitiu desmembrar os dados em categorias para posterior análise. Os resultados demonstram que conhecimento e informação são fundamentais no processo de desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas, além da percepção do gestor em relação às tecnologias mundiais, que são, muitas vezes, concebidas por meio das parcerias realizadas, conforme declarado durante as entrevistas. A falha em buscar informações e gerir o conhecimento diminui as chances de inovar, além de desfavorecer uma cultura organizacional voltada à inovação, o que pode estar relacionado com a complexidade da organização e a forma como são tratados esses elementos. Sugere-se como estudos futuros aplicar a pesquisa em outras empresas, setores e localidades, além da possibilidade de realização de pesquisa quantitativa que permita verificar a relação entre a complexidade da organização com o desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas. Palavras-chave: capacidades dinâmicas; modelos de negócio; tecnologia da informação; inovação.Abstract: In the recent decades, innovation has been considered the enhancer element of change that influences the development of organizations and therefore of the economy as a whole. In this sense, the process aimed at innovation must be continuous and embed organizational elements involved in strategic direction, which allows the permanence in the environment and generates competitive advantage. The information technology sector stands out in this scenario to present a variety of technological discoveries, as well as dynamics to conceive innovations that are released constantly in the environment. Such action makes the companies in this sector develop capacities to retain information and knowledge that can generate innovations over time. Thus, this paper aims to analyze how the development of dynamic capabilities contributed to the innovation of the business model for companies in the information technology sector. With this goal, a study of multiple cases was carried out in four companies in the information technology sector in the city of Curitiba, State of Parana. Sixteen semi-structured interviews with managers and other employees who participate in the organizational processes were carried out, as well as the direct observation and document analysis, which allowed to validate and confirm the data. The collected data were analyzed using the software Atlas ti., which allowed dismember the data into categories for further analysis. The results show that knowledge and information are fundamental in the process dynamic capabilities development, beyond the perception of the manager in relation to global technologies, which are often conceived through partnerships, as told during the interviews. The failure to seek information and manage knowledge decreases the chances for innovation, as well as disfavors an organizational culture focused on innovation, which can be related to the complexity of the organization and the way that these elements are treated. It is suggested as future studies the application of the research in other companies, sectors and localities, as well as the possibilities for conducting quantitative research for verifying the relationship between the complexity of the organization to the development of dynamic capabilities. Kew-words: dynamic capabilities; business models; information technology; innovation

    Deterioro cognitivo y horas de sueño en mayores de 65 años no institucionalizados: estudio en farmacia comunitaria

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    Objetivo: Determinar factores de riesgo, relacionados con el estilo de vida, asociados con la presencia de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores de 65 años.Método: Para ello se diseñó un estudio observacional transversal con personas mayores de 65 años no institucionalizadas mediante entrevista personal estructurada. El estudio se realizó en 14 farmacias de la Comunidad Valenciana desde marzo 2011 hasta marzo de 2013. Se utilizan como test de cribado el Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) de Pfeiffer y el Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) versión NORMACODERM de Blesa. Se definió deterioro cognitivo por SPMSQ ≥ 3 (para analfabetos ≥ 4) y/o MMSE ≤ 24.Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 729 personas. Se encontró que el 17,6% de los participantes (n = 128) presentaban resultados compatibles con deterioro cognitivo. Se determinó que dormir 9 o más horas diarias es causa o consecuencia y, por tanto, un factor de riesgo y/o de alarma en el desarrollo de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores de 65 años. El ejercicio físico y pocas horas de sueño no obtuvo relación con el deterioro cognitivo.Conclusión: El cambio de hábitos de sueño en el anciano (pasar a dormir más horas) es una señal de alerta para estudiar la presencia de un posible deterioro cognitivo

    New technology proposals for tackling intimate partner violence: Challenges and opportunities

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    Intimate partner violence remains a critical social phenomenon in today’s societies. Among the different effective resources and tools to address it, technology seems to offer an innovative procedure to reduce its impact. This article is based on the potential contribution of technology to protect female victims, offering a qualitative analysis of the testimonies of experts who contributed to an ongoing project to design a device capable of providing automatic and immediate warning when women are in at-risk situations. The analysis of the discourses of the experts interviewed provided valuable information to explore the possibilities, limitations and unforeseen effects offered by technology in general, and this new device in particular, for tackling intimate partner violence.The EMPATIA-CM research project, Y2018/TCS-5046, has been supported by the Region of Madrid, Department of Science, University and Innovation, under the Program of synergistic R&D projects in new and emerging scientific areas on the frontier of science and of an interdisciplinary nature, co-financed with the Operational Programs of the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund

    Does the level of competition influence the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and service quality?

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    In times of economic instability and increasingly competitive environments, organisations need to differentiate themselves and find the best version of themselves. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is increasingly present in organisations in general and constitutes an opportunity to improve performance in the sports associations sector. Sporting clubs are organisations of great qualitative and quantitative relevance, although few studies have approached their entrepreneurial character as an opportunity to seek success in achieving their goals. Although the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance has been well established, the moderating role of other variables in this relationship has not been studied to the same extent. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between EO with its constitutive dimensions (innovation, proactivity and risk-taking), with service quality (SQ) considered as the performance variable. The study has been approached considering entrepreneurship orientation from both a one-dimensional and multidimensional point of view, taking into account the discrepancies observed in the literature. The moderating role of the competition level (CL) of Spanish basketball clubs in this relationship was analysed as well, and this analysis was performed using the PROCESS macro, designed to test moderation by directly evaluating the importance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (X; EO INNO, RISK, and PROAC) on the dependent variable (Y; SQ) through a moderator: CL (M). The study was carried out with 103 Spanish basketball clubs (61% from the national category and 39% from the regional category). The results show significantly higher results in proactivity and EO in national sports clubs. There is also a relationship between all the variables studied (innovation, proactivity, risk taking, EO and service quality). The variables that best explain service quality are risk taking and entrepreneurial orientation. However, there is no moderating role for the competition level in the relationship between innovation, proactivity, risk taking and EO, with service quality

    Agent-based Adaptive Selection and Interaction to Z39.50 Servers

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    Digital libraries and OPACs are offering an enormous collection of information resources which can be accessed through Internet by quite different users thanks to the existence of standard protocols for information retrieval such as Z39.50. However, some users may find difficult to get the items they are looking for in such a huge bulk of heterogeneous resources since they have to know where and how they have to search for. Thus, one of the main reasons for the disregard of the Z39.50 service has traditionally been the absence of appropriate interfaces and the cost of making alternative searches. WAY-Z39.50 tries to help spreading the use of these servers by providing easy web access to them, as well as, by facilitating the access to multiple servers at once. The prototype described implements the WAY general model based on an agent-based architecture that provides adaptive searching in different servers through an adaptive interfac

    Diseño de una herramienta informática para un discurso inclusivo y promoción de la igualdad

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    La utilización de un lenguaje inclusivo en los discursos académicos constituye un excelente vehículo con el que crear referentes femeninos, representar la aportación de mujeres y hombres tanto en la vida cotidiana como en la Academia y en la ciencia, así como romper estereotipos y prejuicios de carácter sexista. A través de la lengua no solo se describen los acontecimientos y hechos que intentamos transmitir sino que también se construye la realidad que buscamos comunicar. Este alcance dual del uso de la lengua (describir y construir) convierte al uso del lenguaje inclusivo en un elemento central en la consideración de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria. En este marco, la Red de investigación para la docencia universitaria “Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad” de la UA trabaja en el diseño de una herramienta informática que permita identificar, de forma rápida y sencilla, el sexismo en el lenguaje de nuestros discursos

    Using fuzzy logic to implement adaptability in WAY-Z39.50

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    The design and implementation of adaptive systems for accessing information is a sophisticated task. Different models have been proposed to build systems that adapt to the user reducing the complexity in the information browsing process, saving user time and offering personalized interfaces. The work described in this paper, named WAY-Z39.50, is an example of fuzzy adaptive system specially built for accessing digital librarie