248 research outputs found

    Anti-Trypanosonza cruzi IgM antibodies as serological evidenre of recent infection

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    A responsabilidade social empresarial: proposta de modelo de avaliação estudo em Moçambique

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    A empresa da era moderna, desempenha o papel de líder da nova identidade confrontada não apenas com a necessidade de produção de bens e serviços para satisfação dos clientes como também, de participar activamente no desenvolvimento da comunidade, através de programas ou investimentos económicos com enfoque social, aprendizagem organizacional contínua, criação de condições que propiciem a protecção do meio ambiente, em contraposição ao protagonismo assumido pelo Estado até aos princípios da segunda metade do século XX. Esta nova abordagem, assenta na responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE), novo paradigma de gestão. A empresa deve tomar a dianteira na resolução dos problemas da sociedade e, por essa via, levar a cabo grandes projectos de investimento em prol do desenvolvimento da comunidade, sem descurar o papel do Estado focalizado na regulação da actividade económica, das relações sociais e criação de um ambiente favorável (Stewart, 2002; Cohendet e Llerna (2001); Zadek et al., 2005). Esta forma de estar, implica uma revolução das preocupações empresariais apontando para um novo papel do gestor, que não se limita ao aumento da produtividade e do lucro, uma vez que a estratégia de actuação da empresa moderna deve necessariamente se mostrar comprometida com a causa social, pautar pela avaliação dos compromissos com os stakeholders considerando os aspectos éticos e sociais, pilares da RSE, que hoje têm primazia no negócio. Na procura de equilíbrio social, a RSE assume um sentido concreto, ganha espaço na resposta às pressões externas, tornando-se numa variável da avaliação da eficácia e efectividade das empresas no seio da comunidade. A nova postura centrada no respeito pelos princípios éticos e morais, fazendo com que as prioridades para a excelência da empresa não sejam apenas as económicas, devendo incorporar também apreciações sociais e ambientais, questionar os modelos clássicos de gestão que não atendem à dimensão sócio cultural e nem promovem a aprendizagem organizacional (Ashley, 2005; Matten e Moon, 2004; Harris et al., 2004; Zadek, 2004). Nesta discussão, ganha também substância o questionamento sobre os efeitos prejudiciais que historicamente a empresa causa à sociedade, onde novos desafios são colocados, reclamando-se um papel mais aberto da empresa o que requer uma significativa transformação no modo como faz o negócio e se relaciona com o mundo, devendo tornar-se co-responsável pelo desenvolvimento da sociedade, através de promoção de políticas sociais viradas para o desenvolvimento, promovendo uma cultura responsável para com o meio ambiente e cultivando o conhecimento através da aprendizagem de grupo e individual, dinamizando as particularidades da economia moderna e cada vez mais globalizada. A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar o trabalho desenvolvido relativamente à evolução do conceito e dos modelos de avaliação das práticas de RSE e a sua relação com o desempenho e resultados, culminando com a definição do modelo MARSE, específico para a prossecução desta investigação, operacionalizado através de um questionário, administrado no campo prático, resultando na obtenção de respostas 432 respostas válidas, em 102 empresas abarcando todas as zonas geográficas do país (norte, centro e sul), submetidas a análise e tratamento estatístico, cujo resultado confirmara a robustez e consistência do modelo. O tema RSE tem capitalizado bastante interesse, tanto entre académicos, como no seio dos empresários, gestores públicos e outros stakeholders. Com frequência assinalável, artigos sobre o tema são publicados e vários encontros são organizados, ainda assim, apesar de todo esse interesse e esforço em torno da sua abordagem, o exame da literatura específica sugere que a própria ideia, o conceito de RSE, características fundamentais, operacionalização e consequências para o mundo económico e social ainda são controversos.The company's modern era, plays the leading role of the new identity not only confronted with the need to produce goods and services for customer satisfaction but also to participate actively in community development through programs focusing on economic or social investment, continuous organizational learning, creation of conditions for the protection of the environment, in contrast to the role assumed by the state until the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century. This new approach, based on corporate social responsibility (CSR), new management paradigm. The company should take the lead in solving the problems of society and, thereby, to undertake major investment projects for development of the community, without neglecting the role of the state focused on the regulation of economic activity, social relations and creating a favorable environment (Stewart, 2002; Cohendet and Llerna (2001), Zadek et al., 2005). This way of living, implies a revolution in business concerns by pointing to a new role of manager, which is not limited to increased productivity and profit, since the action strategy of the modern enterprise must necessarily show committed to social cause, guided by the assessment of commitments to stakeholders considering the ethical and social pillars of CSR, which take precedence in the business today. By seeking to balance social, CSR assumes a concrete sense, is gaining ground in response to external pressures to become a variable in assessing the efficiency and effectiveness within the business community. The new approach focused on respect for ethical and moral principles, so that the priorities for the excellence of the company are not only economic but must also incorporate social and environmental assessments, questioning the classical models of management that does not meet the socio cultural and or promote organizational learning (Ashley, 2005; Matten and Moon, 2004, Harris et al. 2004; Zadek, 2004). In this discussion, also gains substance questioning about the harmful effects that historically the company cause to society, where new challenges are posed, claiming to be a more open company which requires a significant transformation in the way it does business and relates with the world, should become co-responsible for the development of society through the promotion of social politics facing the development, a culture promoting responsible for the environment and cultivating knowledge through group and individual learning, fostering the peculiarities of the modern economy based on globalization. The literature review has shown the work on the evolution of the concept of evaluation models and practices of CSR and its relationship to performance and results, culminating in the model definition MARSE, specific for pursuing this research, operational through A questionnaire administered in the practical field, resulting in obtaining responses 432 valid in 102 companies covering all geographical areas of the country (north, central and south), and subjected to statistical analysis, which confirmed the robustness and consistency of the model. The theme of CSR has capitalized enough interest, both among academics and within the entrepreneurs, public administrators and other stakeholders. With remarkable frequency, on the topic are published and several meetings are organized, yet despite all this interest and effort around its approach, the specific examination of the literature suggests that the very idea, the concept of CSR, key features , operations and consequences for the economic and social world are still controversial

    Dynamic and operational capabilities for innovation: their influence on export market effectiveness

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    This paper analyzes the influence of technological turbulence, organizational management dynamic capability and operational capabilities for innovation on export market effectiveness. Based on the dynamic capability view, we investigate the effect of technological turbulence on organizational management dynamic capability, and how this latter contributes to leverage operational capabilities for innovation in order to benefit performance in export markets. To test the hypotheses, we carry out a structural equation model, using a sample of 471 exporting manufacturers firms that operate from Portugal. The results demonstrate that technological turbulence is an antecedent factor of organizational management dynamic capability, which in turn has a significant impact on the development of firms’ operational capabilities for innovation, specifically innovativeness, innovation strategy, and technological capability. However, the findings only establish that innovation strategy and technological capability have a significant direct effect on export market effectiveness. Implications for scholars and practitioners are discussed along with suggestions for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macroelementos no Tecido Foliar e Produtividade do Capim Mombaça sob Níveis de Sombreamento na Amazônia.

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    The adoption of conservationist systems such as agroforestry is indicative of nutritional quality of forage species. The objective was to evaluate primary and secondary macroelements in leaf tissue and dry matter content of Mombasa grass (Megathyrsus maximus) with shade levels in Amazonia. The trial was allocated in a completely randomized design, with six replicates for each of three treatments - three levels of shading, totaling eighteen experimental units. The measured variables consisted of values of the primary macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and secondary (calcium and magnesium) contents in the leaf tissue and dry matter content of the Mombasa grass. Shading is an important factor in increasing the nutritional value of the Mombasa forage, especially when considering the macroelements for ruminants, which may reduce the nutritional load used for grazing cattle in the silvopastoral system. On the other hand the low production of dry matter requires a balance point. Thus, the treatment, shading 25% presented the best performance from a productive and qualitative point of view.A adoção de sistemas conservacionistas como o agroflorestais, é indicativo na qualidade nutricional das espécies forrageiras. O objetivo foi avaliar macroelementos primários e secundários no tecido foliar e teor de matéria seca do capim Mombaça (Megathyrsus maximus cv. Mombaça) com níveis de sombreamento na Amazônia. O ensaio foi alocado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições para cada um dos três tratamentos – três níveis de sombreamento, totalizando dezoito unidades experimentais. As variáveis mensuradas constaram de valores dos teores dos macroelementos primários (nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio) e secundários (cálcio e magnésio) no tecido foliar e teor de matéria seca do capim Mombaça. O sombreamento é importante fator de incremento no valor nutricional da forrageira Mombaça, principalmente quando se considera os macroelementos para ruminantes, o que pode reduzir a carga nutricional usada para bovinos em pastejo em sistema silvipastoril. Por outro lado a baixa produção de matéria seca exige um ponto de equilíbrio. Dessa forma, o tratamento, sombreamento 25% apresentou o melhor desempenho do ponto de vista produtivo e qualitativo

    Os sobas e a construção de Angola nos séculos XVI e XVII

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    A partir da análise da primeira obra historiográfica relativa a Angola, escrita em 1680, apresenta-se o papel das autoridades locais na construção deste território enquanto espaço colonial. Este processo foi estruturado a partir da vontade portuguesa, no final do século XVI, em articulação com a atuação dos líderes locais, os chamados sobas. Entre os séculos XVI e XVII, Angola irá constituir-se como um dos eixos fundamentais para a política imperial portuguesa no Atlântico Sul. Partindo dos modelos de colonização no império português e da caraterização territorial, política e social do reino do Ndongo, apresenta-se a evolução da estratégia portuguesa relativa ao tráfico de escravizados deste território africano, em direção à América. Tendo por base uma revisão da bibliografia existente e do confronto de fontes primárias, pretende-se enunciar as características do poder das autoridades tradicionais de Angola à chegada dos portugueses, descrever as políticas esboçadas para a imposição do domínio português sobre o território, demonstrar as estratégias de adesão ou contestação dos sobas às intenções portuguesas, caracterizando tipologias de atuação e padrões de relação. Defende-se que atuação destas autoridades locais africanas foi decisiva para a permanência do poder português neste espaço, criando modelos que serão implementados por outros sistemas coloniais nas centúrias seguintes. A relação entre portugueses e africanos produziu mudanças significadas para as sociedades africanas, que resultaram tanto da capacidade de adaptação de africanos, como de portugueses. Consideramos também, que com estes contactos surgiram novas identidades e novas dinâmicas, que foram fundamentais para a construção do espaço atlântico.Starting with the first historiographic work related to Angola, written in 1680, the role of local authorities in the construction of the territory as a colonial space is addressed. This process was supported on the Portuguese will, at the end of the 16th century, together with the agency of local leaders, also called as sobas. Between the 16th and 17th centuries, Angola became one of the fundamental axis of action for the Portuguese imperial politics in the South Atlantic. Based upon the colonization models in the Portuguese empire and given the territorial, political and social characterisation of the Kingdom of Ndongo, the evolution of the Portuguese strategy regarding the slave trade from this African territory, towards America is here presented. Based on a review of the existing literature and the analysis of primary sources, it is intended to state characteristics of power of the traditional authorities of Angola at the arrival of the Portuguese, to describe the outlined politics for the imposition of the Portuguese rule over the territory, to show strategies of support or challenge of the sobas to the Portuguese intentions, featuring plans of action and relationship patterns. We argue that the actions taken by the local African authorities were decisive for the permanence of the Portuguese power in this land, creating structures that would be implemented by other colonial systems in the following centuries. The relationship between Portuguese and Africans produced significant changes for African societies, result of the adaptability of Africans and Portuguese. We also consider that these contacts have created new identities and new dynamics, that were fundamental to the construction of the Atlantic world


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    International operations, with its multiplicity of objectives, can be seen as a diversification strategy, sometimes even as a strategic option taken as an effective alternative to product diversification. Focusing on a sample of SMEs of Portuguese manufacturing industries, this study analyzes the international diversification strategies and their organizational and exogenous antecedents. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities of the firm are two factors of organizational nature, while the environmental uncertainty arising from the diversity of the different markets is studied as an exogenous antecedent. Data collected in 390 companies through an online questionnaire, its processing and analysis through the use of a structural equations model suggest the existence of different types of influence of the antecedents, according to companies’ options in various dimensions of the international diversification strategies. These results provide guidelines for managers and generate directions for future research


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    The rational use of resources is currently a widely discussed topic in any organization, although it takes on greater importance in those of productive scope. Measures of different levels − strategic, tactical or operational − are increasingly being implemented, so it is pertinent to analyze their effect on the distinct dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. Any strategic process must go through those that are considered the four crucial stages: analysis, formulation, implementation and control. The perfect knowledge of the environment and its emerging needs and concerns along with an in-depth survey of the internal situation of the organizations will allow us to achieve truly differentiating levels of excellence. This research, carried out in a wine-producing organization – Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde – identifies its crucial activities, the main strategic, tactical and operational actions that have been implemented in the last eight years, fits them into the above-mentioned dimensions of sustainability and determines its relative weights. Particular emphasis is placed on grapes suppliers − the capital holders −, as regards their mode of production and its impact on biodiversity and the environment. Raising public awareness of this issue is of great importance and people should be encouraged to alter their behaviour by changing some attitudes in everyday life. This awareness to achieve sustainable development becomes even more important insofar as it is a cooperative institution with a management model of well-defined specific characteristics

    Development of mechatronic systems at UMinho: a review of some case studies

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    Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary area of engineering that combines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology. The development methodology for mechatronic systems supports the creation of innovative solutions, improving the reliability and ability of products and reducing their costs. This study reviews some projects (as case studies) that were undertaken by the authors in the area of mechatronics applied to the mechanical, textile, biotechnology and biomedical fields.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardiac venous arterialization in acute myocardial infarction: how great is the benefit?

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    Cardiac venous arterialization has been proposed as an alternative approach for myocardial revascularization in ischaemic heart disease. It is based on using the cardiac venous system to transport arterial blood from a systemic artery to infarcted myocardial areas. Our goal was to evaluate its benefit in reducing acute myocardial infarct size and its effects on cardiac performance. In a group of pigs, the left internal mammary artery was anastomosed to the left anterior descending vein; this vein was ligated proximally. The left anterior descending coronary artery was also occluded. Over 5 days, several diagnostic procedures were used to characterize and measure the extent of myocardial infarct, namely ECG, echocardiography, cardiac biomarkers and histopathology. Data were compared with those from a control group of pigs, which were submitted to ligation of only the left anterior descending coronary artery. In the experimental group, echocardiography revealed that the ejection fraction and thickness of the ventricular walls remained unchanged 4 days after surgery, in contrast to the major alterations in the control group. In fact, the ejection fraction in the control group decreased by 21% (P 0.2). This study reveals that selective cardiac venous arterialization can nourish the myocardium and is able to reduce infarct size by more than 50%, while protecting cardiac performance. We believe, therefore, that further investigation should be carried out into this technique in order for it to be considered as an option in coronary surgery

    Limit Analysis using the extended Matsuoka-Nakai yield criterion under plane strain conditions

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    This paper investigates the implementation of the Extended-Matsuoka-Nakai yield criterion on Limit Analysis formulation under plane strain conditions. The current approach is based on a three-field mixed finite element model and the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers optimization algorithm. For this purpose, an equivalence between the classical Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the Extended-Matsuoka-Nakai is established and explored. Three numerical applications are presented to test and to illustrate the capabilities of this approach. The results are confronted with other authors’ solutions or experimental data