20 research outputs found

    Mutual information rate and bounds for it

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    The amount of information exchanged per unit of time between two nodes in a dynamical network or between two data sets is a powerful concept for analysing complex systems. This quantity, known as the mutual information rate (MIR), is calculated from the mutual information, which is rigorously defined only for random systems. Moreover, the definition of mutual information is based on probabilities of significant events. This work offers a simple alternative way to calculate the MIR in dynamical (deterministic) networks or between two data sets (not fully deterministic), and to calculate its upper and lower bounds without having to calculate probabilities, but rather in terms of well known and well defined quantities in dynamical systems. As possible applications of our bounds, we study the relationship between synchronisation and the exchange of information in a system of two coupled maps and in experimental networks of coupled oscillators

    Genetic evaluation of tropical popcorn inbred lines using BLUP

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    The objectives were to identify superior inbred lines and single-crosses, predict untested hybrids and analyze the importance of pedigree information and the prediction efficiency. We analyzed 24 experiments in the incomplete block design, including 20 tests of hybrids and 4 tests of inbred lines. The expansion volume (EV) and grain yield were measured in each plot. The analyses were made using ASReml software. Analyses of the general combining ability (GCA) effects and the additive genetic values of the inbred lines, and the genotypic values of the hybrids in relation to EV showed that no inbred line selection strategy resulted in a set of clearly superior or inferior inbred lines and hybrids. Including pedigree information resulted in an increase in the variance of the GCA effects in relation to EV and a reduction in relation to yield. For both traits, there was an increase in the variance of the specific combining ability effects. The cross-validation study showed that the prediction of the genotypic value of a hybrid based only on the GCA effects is not efficient in the presence of dominance. With dominance, the efficiency of the hybrid prediction depends on the degree of relationship among the inbred lines

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    Neuroesquistossomose medular avaliação clínico-laboratorial de 5 anos

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    A incidência da esquistossomose no Brasil continua alta, atingindo cerca de 10% da população. Desde o primeiro relato da neuroesquistossomose (NE) em nosso país, há mais de 4 décadas, seu comparecimento na literatura nacional tem mostrado acréscimo significativo. O presente trabalho tem como substrato o estudo de 5 casos de NE medular. Estes casos foram avaliados sob o ponto de vista clínico-laboratorial e submetidos a tratamento medicamentoso. Além disso, é nosso propósito incentivar a pesquisa de novos casos, em portadores de quadros sugestivos desta patologia, sobretudo pelos resultados obtidos neste estudo

    Comparação da assistência em saúde mental em unidades básicas de saúde com ou sem equipe do Programa de Saúde da Família Comparison of mental health assistance in primary care settings with or without Family Health Program team

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o perfil de assistência em saúde mental realizado por unidade básica de saúde (UBS) com equipe de Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) e sem equipe de PSF. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional, avaliando pacientes encaminhados por UBS da área de abrangência de um serviço especializado de saúde mental no período de abril de 2003 a março de 2006. RESULTADOS: A UBS com equipe de PSF apresentou melhor padrão global de registros de dados, maior responsabilidade exclusiva do médico em suas referências ao nível especializado (p = 0,000), menor capacidade de retenção dos usuários na UBS (p = 0,099), maiores taxas de abandono de tratamento em nível secundário (p = 0,060) e menor percentual de contrarreferência pela equipe especializada (p = 0,028). A taxa de concordância diagnóstica global foi semelhante entre os dois modelos de UBS, com razoável nível de concordância (índice kappa de 44,5 e 43,0%, respectivamente, para UBS com e sem equipe PSF). CONCLUSÃO: A UBS com equipe de PSF não apresentou resultados compatíveis com o que seria de se esperar, em função de sua hipotética melhor qualidade de estrutura.<br>INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to compare the profile of mental health assistance provided at primary care units (PCUs) with and without a Family Health Program (FHP) team. METHOD: Observational study evaluating patients referred by PCUs located in the coverage area of a specialized mental health institution between April 2003 and March 2006. RESULTS: The PCU with a FHP team presented better global standards for data recording, higher exclusive participation of medical doctors on their referral to specialists (p = 0.000), lower capacity of patient retention (p = 0.099), higher rates of treatment dropout in secondary level (p = 0.060), and lower percentage of counter-referral by the specialized team (p = 0.028). The overall index of diagnostic agreement was similar for both types of PCU model, with a reasonable level of agreement (kappa index of 44.5 and 43.0%, respectively, for PCUs with and without a FHP team). CONCLUSION: The PCU with a FHP team did not present results compatible with what would be expected based on its hypothetically better quality

    Relação entre plano de saúde e a realização do exame Papanicolaou: uma aplicação de escore de propensão usando um inquérito amostral complexo Relationship between health care insurance and Papanicolaou exam: a propensity score application using a complex sample inquiry

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    O câncer de colo de útero é a segunda doença mais comum entre mulheres em todo o mundo. O esfregaço de Papanicolaou é um teste simples que pode detectar a doença em um estágio precoce e curável. Embora indicado para todas as mulheres adultas, a cobertura do teste é inferior a 70% das mulheres brasileiras. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se a posse de plano de saúde privado está associada à realização do exame de Papanicolaou. Foram analisados dados de 6.299 mulheres com 35 anos ou mais de idade, residentes no Rio de Janeiro, entrevistadas na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) em 2003. A fim de minimizar a ocorrência de vieses, utilizamos o escore de propensão com a técnica de pareamento, levando em consideração todas as informações do desenho amostral na estimação dos escores (pesos amostrais, estratos e unidades primárias de amostragem). Uma subamostra de 2.348 mulheres foi então obtida, com covariáveis socioeconômicas e biológicas distribuídas igualmente entre os grupos com e sem cobertura de plano de saúde privado (1.174 pares). Os resultados com utilização de modelo de regressão logística mostraram que a chance de realizar o exame Papanicolaou é 26,1% maior (OR=1,261; p=0,096; IC 95%=[0,96; 1,66]) para mulheres com plano de saúde quando comparadas às mulheres sem cobertura de plano de saúde, no nível de significância de 10%. Os resultados indicam a necessidade da extensão do rastreio periódico do câncer de colo de útero para todas as mulheres, reduzindo as desigualdades ainda presentes nos dias atuais.<br>Cervical uterine cancer is the second most common malignancy affecting women worldwide. Papanicolaou smear is a simple screening test that can detect the disease at an early and curable stage. Although indicated to every adult woman, Pap smear screening covers less than 70% of Brazilian women. This study aimed to evaluate if private health care insurance coverage was associated with Papanicolaou smear screening. We analyzed data from 6,299 women aged 35 years or older, resident in Rio de Janeiro state, who had been interviewed in the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) in 2003. In order to minimize the occurrence of biases, we utilized the propensity score matching method, considering all information from sample design in the scores estimation (sample weights, strata and primary sampling units). A sub-sample of 2,348 women was then obtained, with socioeconomic and biological covariates equally distributed between the groups with and without private health insurance coverage (1,174 pairs). Logistic regression model was then used and the results showed that the chance of Papanicolaou smear screening is 26.1% higher (OR=1.261; p=0,096; CI 95%= [0.96;1.66]) for women with health insurance coverage when compared to women without health insurance coverage at 10% of significance. The results indicate the need of extending periodic cervical cancer screening for all women, reducing the inequalities still present nowadays

    Tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar esquistossomótica Treatment of schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary hypertension

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    A esquistossomose mansoni é a terceira doença parasitária endêmica mais prevalente do mundo. Estima-se que mais de 200 milhões de pessoas estejam infectadas com uma das espécies do parasita Schistosoma. Dessas, 270.000 pessoas (4,6%) são portadoras de hipertensão arterial pulmonar, que é associada à forma hepatoesplênica da doença. Essa alta prevalência coloca a hipertensão pulmonar esquistossomótica como a causa mais frequente de hipertensão pulmonar no mundo. Entretanto, o tratamento dirigido especificamente ao acometimento vascular pulmonar não está ainda estabelecido. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente portadora dessa doença que foi tratada com um inibidor de fosfodiesterase-5 (sildenafil) com resultados satisfatórios.<br>Schistosomiasis mansoni is the third most prevalent endemic parasitic disease in the world. It is estimated that over 200 million people are infected with parasites belonging to one of the Schistosoma species. Of those, 270,000 people (4.6%) suffer from pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is associated with the hepatosplenic form of the disease. This high prevalence makes schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary hypertension the leading cause of pulmonary hypertension worldwide. However, no specific treatment for the pulmonary vascular component of the disease has yet been devised. We report the case of a patient with schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary hypertension who was treated satisfactorily with a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor (sildenafil)