Genetic evaluation of tropical popcorn inbred lines using BLUP


The objectives were to identify superior inbred lines and single-crosses, predict untested hybrids and analyze the importance of pedigree information and the prediction efficiency. We analyzed 24 experiments in the incomplete block design, including 20 tests of hybrids and 4 tests of inbred lines. The expansion volume (EV) and grain yield were measured in each plot. The analyses were made using ASReml software. Analyses of the general combining ability (GCA) effects and the additive genetic values of the inbred lines, and the genotypic values of the hybrids in relation to EV showed that no inbred line selection strategy resulted in a set of clearly superior or inferior inbred lines and hybrids. Including pedigree information resulted in an increase in the variance of the GCA effects in relation to EV and a reduction in relation to yield. For both traits, there was an increase in the variance of the specific combining ability effects. The cross-validation study showed that the prediction of the genotypic value of a hybrid based only on the GCA effects is not efficient in the presence of dominance. With dominance, the efficiency of the hybrid prediction depends on the degree of relationship among the inbred lines

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