435 research outputs found

    Análise do eletroencefalograma durante estimulação visual por realidade virtual estereoscópica em tarefa de interceptação de bola

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    This Thesis developed a voluntary movement evaluation protocol, composed by a ball interception task, in a stereoscopic virtual reality environment. Thirty one righthanded volunteers participated of the experimental protocol, that simulated the point of view of goal keeper during soccer penalty defense, with three types of random stimuli, 28 each: left, centered and right ball. Two segments of EEG signals were studied in order to observe the expectancy-related potential (CNV). (1) 2 s before the beginning of the movement detected by the accelerometer and (2) 4 s between the sound of the whistle and the beginning of the movement of the ball. The epochs composed by the segment (2), present a higher CNV (p 0.05), but by the cortical responses (p < 0.05), and only after the ball initiate your trajectory (p < 0.001). Therefore, it seems that the ball direction influence the complexity of cortical responses after the beginning of the ball’s motion. Forma adicional Também disponível on-line.Esta Tese desenvolveu um protocolo de avaliação do movimento voluntário composto pela tarefa de interceptação de bola, em um ambiente de realidade virtual estereoscópica. Trinta e um voluntários destros participaram do protocolo experimental, que simulava a defesa de um pênalti do futebol a partir do ponto de vista de um goleiro, dividido em três tipos de estímulos: bola à esquerda, ao centro e à direita, sendo 28 estímulos, ordenados aleatoriamente, para cada um. Foram estudados dois trechos com vistas a observar o potencial de expectativa relacionado ao movimento (CNV): (1) 2 s antes do início do movimento detectado pelo acelerômetro e (2) 4 s compreendidos entre o som do apito e o início do movimento da bola. As épocas compostas pelo trecho (2) apresentaram uma maior CNV (p 0,05), mas sim pelas respostas corticais (p < 0,05), e somente após a bola iniciar sua trajetória (p < 0,001). Portanto, os resultados indicam que a direção da bola influencia a complexidade cortical após o início do movimento da bola

    The Influence of Age on the Wood Properties of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud

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    Forests in Portugal are highly dependent on a short number of wood species, and new species with higher profitability are needed. The Paulownia species has generated great interest due to its fast-growing and relatively good wood properties. However, environmental factors have shown that Paulownia grows differently in each case. This study intends to determine the properties of young Paulownia trees from Portuguese plantations to determine the best age to cut the trees according to their use. The chemical composition (extractives in dichloromethane, ethanol and water, lignin, -cellulose, and hemicelluloses), heating value, elemental analysis (CHNO), inorganic elements and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA), and the most important mechanical and physical properties (density, MOE, bending strength, water absorption equilibrium, moisture content, and dimensional changes) were determined for 1-, 3-, and 5-year-old trees. The results show that, chemically, the extractives increased while hemicelluloses decreased with age, and no trend was found for lignin and -cellulose. The physical and mechanical properties increased with age, except for the MOE and bending strength. The 5-year-old samples presented the best features for pellet production, namely, calorific power, elemental composition CHNO and sulfur, and inorganic elementsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Termite resistance, chemical and mechanical characterization of paulownia tomentosa wood before and after heat treatment

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    The introduction of new species in forest management must be undertaken with a degree of care, to help prevent the spread of invasive species. However, new species with higher profitability are needed to increase forest products value and the resilience of rural populations. Paulownia tomentosa has an extremely fast growth. The objective and novelty of this work was to study the potential use of young Paulownia trees grown in Portugal by using heat treatment to improve its properties, thereby allowing higher value applications of the wood. The average chemical composition of untreated and heat-treated wood was determined. The extractive content was determined by successive Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane (DCM), ethanol and water as solvents. The composition of lipophilic extracts was performed by injection in GC-MS with mass detection. Insoluble and soluble lignin, holocellulose and α-cellulose were also determined. Physical (density and water absorption and dimensional stability) and mechanical properties (bending strength and bending stiffness) and termite resistance was also determined. Results showed that extractive content increased in all solvents, lignin and α-cellulose also increased and hemicelluloses decreased. Compounds derived from the thermal degradation of lignin were found in heat-treated wood extractions. Dimensional stability improved but there was a decrease in mechanical properties. Resistance against termites was better for untreated wood than for heat-treated wood, possibly due to the thermal degradation of some toxic extractives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Impact of Sex and Performance Level on Pacing Behavior in a 24-h Ultramarathon

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    Purpose: We analyzed the impact of sex, performance level and substantial speed reductions (SSR) on pacing in the VI Rio 24-h Marines Ultramarathon. This will provide insights into the importance of minimizing speed variations in relation to optimal pacing in endurance events. Methods: Runners (30 males and 21 females), classified as high- (HP) and low-performance (LP) ran the race while having their time recorded every 400 m. The pacing was analyzed as the first 10% (initial epoch), the following 80% (intermediate epoch) and the last 10% of the race (final epoch). The time percentage spent at speeds 8.0 km·h−1 (running speed) was calculated. Results: Runners showed a reverse J-shaped pacing (P < 0.001) regardless of sex and performance level, although male (P < 0.004) and HP runners (P < 0.001) have preserved a higher mean speed throughout the race. Male and HP runners spent more time at running speed (P < 0.001) and less time at SSR (P < 0.001) than female and LP runners. Total distance was inversely correlated with the number of SSR and speed CV in male (r = −0.47 and r = −0.64, respectively) and female (r = −0.61 and r = −0.47, respectively). Conclusion: Male, HP runners showed less SSR, conserving a higher mean speed with less variation throughout the race. Results suggest that conservative pacing strategies, with lower speeds in the beginning and higher speeds toward the end, may be the most adequate for different endurance running disciplines. Results also show different competition dynamics between men and women, which warrants further exploration in ultramarathons as well as other IAAF events

    How safe are the new green energy resources for marine wildlife? The case of lithium

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    Considering the increasing use of Lithium (Li) and the necessity to fulfil this demand, labile Li occurrence in the environment will be enhanced. Thus, additional research is needed regarding the presence of this element in marine environment and its potential toxic impacts towards inhabiting wildlife. The aim of the present study was to evaluate Li toxicity based on the exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis to this metal, assessing the biochemical changes related with mussels' metabolism, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity. For this, organisms were exposed to different Li concentrations (100, 250, 750 μg/L) for 28 days. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that Li lead to mussels' metabolism depression. The present study also revealed that, especially at the highest concentrations, antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes were not activated, leading to the occurrence of lipid peroxidation and loss of redox homeostasis, with increased content in oxidized glutathione in comparison to the reduced form. Furthermore, after 28 days, higher Li exposure concentrations induced neurotoxic effects in mussels, with a decrease in acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity. The responses observed were closely related with Li concentrations in mussels' tissues, which were more pronounced at higher exposure concentrations. Such results highlight the potential toxic effects of Li to marine species, which may even be higher under predicted climate changes and/or in the presence of other pollutants.publishe

    The Influence of Age on the Wood Properties of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud.

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    Forests in Portugal are highly dependent on a short number of wood species, and new species with higher profitability are needed. The Paulownia species has generated great interest due to its fast-growing and relatively good wood properties. However, environmental factors have shown that Paulownia grows differently in each case. This study intends to determine the properties of young Paulownia trees from Portuguese plantations to determine the best age to cut the trees according to their use. The chemical composition (extractives in dichloromethane, ethanol and water, lignin, α-cellulose, and hemicelluloses), heating value, elemental analysis (CHNO), inorganic elements and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA), and the most important mechanical and physical properties (density, MOE, bending strength, water absorption equilibrium, moisture content, and dimensional changes) were determined for 1-, 3-, and 5-year-old trees. The results show that, chemically, the extractives increased while hemicelluloses decreased with age, and no trend was found for lignin and α-cellulose. The physical and mechanical properties increased with age, except for the MOE and bending strength. The 5-year-old samples presented the best features for pellet production, namely, calorific power, elemental composition CHNO and sulfur, and inorganic elements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relações Públicas e Secretariado Executivo: Interfaces de Atuação no Campo da Comunicação Organizacional

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    Os debates teórico-metodológicos no campo das Relações Públicas e do Secretariado Executivo podem ser encontrados em diferentes pesquisas científicas (França, 2003; Kunsch, 2006; Nonato, 2008; Sabino &amp; Marchelli, 2009; Oliveira, 2009). Singularmente, há também estudos que tratam das similaridades e peculiaridades entre as duas áreas (Leite, 2009; Werner; Oliveira, n.d. &amp; Artico, 2013). Desse modo, este trabalho destina-se a responder a seguinte inquietação: Quais as interfaces de atuação profissional existentes entre a profissão de Relações Públicas e a de Secretário Executivo? Quanto à abordagem do problema este artigo é qualitativo. No que se refere aos objetivos e fins ele é descritivo. No tocante aos meios tem-se que se trata de um trabalho bibliográfico, tematizado e documental.  Por fim, foi possível identificar quatro principais eixos comuns entre as ocupações, a saber: a) atuação pautada nas transformações tecnológicas; b) inserção no ambiente estratégico das organizações; c) agir com base na utilização da comunicação assertiva e, finalmente, d) a atuação profissional entendida como complementar, pois possibilita um efetivo assessoramento para a tomada de decisão por parte do alto escalão organizacional

    Toxoplasma gondii em lingüiças frescas de porco e soroprevalência em açougueiros de fábricas de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar a presença de cistos de Toxoplasma gondii em lingüiça de origem suína tipo frescal e de anticorpos anti-T. gondii no soro de trabalhadores de indústrias produtoras, com Serviço de Inspeção Municipal (SIM) de Londrina, PR. Buscou-se ainda, obter informações relativas às práticas adotadas nestas indústrias e aos hábitos dos trabalhadores, que pudessem influenciar na prevalência desta parasitose. Foram coletadas 149 amostras de lingüiça em oito indústrias produtoras e 47 amostras de sangue de todos os trabalhadores destes locais. Após a realização do bioensaio em camundongos, obteve-se 13 (8,72%) amostras de lingüiça positivas, sendo que em uma o parasita foi isolado e nas outras 12 os camundongos soroconverteram. Dos 47 trabalhadores, 36 (76,6%) atuavam na produção de lingüiça e 11 (23,4%) exerciam outras funções; os percentuais de soropositivos ao T. gondii foram, respectivamente, 59,5% (28/47), 55,5% (20/36) e 72,7% (8/11). Não houve diferença significativa entre nenhuma das variáveis relacionadas às indústrias e aos trabalhadores. Os resultados permitem inferir que lingüiças tipo frescal possuem importância na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose no Município de Londrina-PR.The aims of this study were to verify the presence of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in fresh pork sausage and the presence of antibodies against T. gondii in serum of workers from factories with Municipal Inspection Service, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. 149 samples of sausage were collected from eight factories and blood samples from 47 workers. We also took information about the practices that were adopted in the factories and the workers' habits that could influence the prevalence of toxoplasmosis. After bioassay in mice, 13 (8.7%) sausage samples were positive, in one of them T. gondii was isolated and in the other 12 the mice seroconverted. Of 47 workers, 36 (76.6%) worked in sausage production and 11 (23.4%) were involved in other functions; 59.5% (28/47), 55.5% (20/36) and 72.7% (8/11), respectively, had T. gondii antibodies. There were no significant differences in the variables of industries' practices and workers' habits related to T. gondii infection. We concluded that fresh pork sausage could be important in the transmission of toxoplasmosis

    Seedless Cu electroplating on Co-W thin films in low pH electrolyte: early stages of formation

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    The use of Ta/TaN barrier bilayer systems in electronic applications has been ubiquitous over the last decade. Alternative materials such as Co-W or Ru-W alloys have gathered interest as possible replacements due to their conjugation of favourable electrical properties and barrier layer efficiency at reduced thicknesses while enabling seedless Cu electroplating. The microstructure, morphology, and electrical properties of Cu films directly electrodeposited onto Co-W or Ru-W are important to assess, concomitant with their ability to withstand the electroplating baths/conditions. This work investigates the effects of the current application method and pH value of the electroplating solution on the electrocrystallisation behaviour of Cu deposited onto a Co-W barrier layer. The film structure, morphology, and chemical composition were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, as well as photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that the electrolyte solution at pH 1.8 is incapable of creating a compact Cu film over the Co-W layer in either pulsed or direct-current modes. At higher pH, a continuous film is formed. A mechanism is proposed for the nucleation and growth of Cu on Co-W, where a balance between Cu nucleation, growth, and preferential Co dissolution dictates the substrate area coverage and compactness of the electrodeposited films.Portugal 2020 through European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) in the frame of Operational Competitiveness and Internationalisation Programme (POCI) and in the scope of the project USECoIN with grant number PTDC/CTM-CTM/31953/2017. This work was also supported by FCT, through IDMEC, under LAETA project UIDB/50022/202

    Particleboard Production from Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. Grown in Portugal

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    Paulownia wood has raised high attention due to its rapid growth and fire resistance. The number of plantations in Portugal has been growing, and new exploitation methods are needed. This study intends to determine the properties of particleboards made with very young Paulownia trees from Portuguese plantations. Single layer particleboards were produced with 3-year-old Paulownia trees using different processing parameters and different board composition in order to determine the best properties for use in dry environments. The standard particleboard was produced at 180 °C and a 36.3 kg/cm2 pressure for 6 min using 40 g of raw material with 10% urea-formaldehyde resin. Higher particle size lead to lower-density particleboards, while higher resin contents lead to higher density of the boards. Density has a major effect on board properties with higher densities improving mechanical properties such as bending strength, modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond, lower water absorption but higher thickness swelling and thermal conductivity. Particleboards meeting the requirements for dry environment according to NP EN 312 standard, could be produced with young Paulownia wood with acceptable mechanical and thermal conductivity properties with density around 0.65 g/cm3 and a thermal conductivity of 0.115 W/mK.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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