94 research outputs found

    Co-design of the Medical Assistive and Transactional Technologies system

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    National audienceThis paper could argue that the co-design method is strongly needed to design acceptable and usable assistive technologies. It describes the co-design of the Medical Assistive and Transactional Technologies (MATT) system. This method was implemented for Matthieu a quadriplegic and a non verbal person. The paper reports how the collaborative design was running between Matthieu, his occupational therapists, his family and the designer team

    Weather regimes and related atmospheric composition at a Pyrenean observatory characterized by hierarchical clustering of a 5-year data set

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    Atmospheric composition measurements taken at many high-altitude stations around the world, aim to collect data representative of the free troposphere and of an intercontinental scale. However, the high-altitude environment favours vertical mixing and the transportation of air masses at local or regional scales, which has a potential influence on the composition of the sampled air masses. Mixing processes, source-receptor pathways, and atmospheric chemistry may strongly depend on local and regional weather regimes, and these should be characterized specifically for each station. The Pic du Midi (PDM) isa mountaintop observatory (2850 m a.s.l.) on the north side of the Pyrenees. PDM is associated with the Centre de Recherches Atmosph{\'e}riques (CRA), a site in the foothills ar 600 m a.s.l. 28 km north-east of the PDM. The two centers make up the Pyrenean Platform for the Observation of the Atmosphere (P2OA). Data measured at PDM and CRA were combined to form a5-year hourly dataset of 23 meteorological variables notably: temperature, humidity, cloud cover, wind at several altitudes. The dataset was classified using hierarchical clustering, with the aim of grouping together the days which had similar meteorological characteristics. To complete the clustering, we computed several diagnostic tools, in order to provide additional information and study specific phenomena (foehn, precipitation, atmospheric vertical structure, and thermally driven circulations). This classification resulted in six clusters: three highly populated clusters which correspond to the most frequent meteorological conditions (fair weather, mixed weather and disturbed weather, respectively); a small cluster evidencing clear characteristics of winter northwesterly windstorms; and two small clusters characteristic of south foehn (south- to southwesterly large-scaleflow, associated with warm and dry downslope flow on the lee side of the chain). The diagnostic tools applied to the six clusters provided results in line with the conclusions tentatively drawn from 23 meteorological variables. This, to some extent,validates the approach of hierarchical clustering of local data to distinguish weather regimes. Then statistics of atmospheric composition at PDM were analysed and discussed for each cluster. Radon measurements, notably, revealed that the regional background in the lower troposphere dominates the influence of diurnal thermal flows when daily averaged concentrations are considered. Differences between clusters were demonstrated by the anomalies of CO, CO2_2, CH4_4, O3_3 and aerosol number concentration, and interpretations in relation with chemical sinks and sources are proposed.Comment: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, In pres

    MATT, un dispositif de domotique et d'aide à la communication : un cas d'étude de co-conception

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    Introduction : Les aides techniques (AT) sont considérées comme une réponse aux besoins des personnes en situation de handicap. Néanmoins, celles-ci délaissent souvent leurs aides même lorsque les barrières technologiques sont surmontées. De nombreuses études ont ainsi rapporté un taux d'abandon élevé dû à l’incompréhension de fonctionnement des AT, à son inadéquation aux besoins des personnes en situation de handicap, et aux faibles performances en raison de leur inaptitude à s’adapter à l’aggravation des déficiences. Une patiente LIS (Locked-In Syndrome) avec de faibles capacités motrices des doigts de sa main gauche a participé activement à la co-conception et à l’évaluation de MATT

    The pattern and diagnostic criteria of sensory neuronopathy: a case–control study

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    Acquired sensory neuronopathies encompass a group of paraneoplastic, dysimmune, toxic or idiopathic disorders characterized by degeneration of peripheral sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia. As dorsal root ganglia cannot easily be explored, the clinical diagnosis of these disorders may be difficult. The question as to whether there exists a common clinical pattern of sensory neuronopathies, allowing the establishment of validated and easy-to-use diagnostic criteria, has not yet been addressed. In this study, logistic regression was used to construct diagnostic criteria on a retrospective study population of 78 patients with sensory neuronopathies and 56 with other sensory neuropathies. For this, sensory neuronopathy was provisionally considered as unambiguous in 44 patients with paraneoplastic disorder or cisplatin treatment and likely in 34 with a dysimmune or idiopathic setting who may theoretically have another form of neuropathy. To test the homogeneity of the sensory neuronopathy population, likely candidates were compared with unambiguous cases and then the whole population was compared with the other sensory neuropathies population. Criteria accuracy was checked on 37 prospective patients referred for diagnosis of sensory neuropathy. In the study population, sensory neuronopathy showed a common clinical and electrophysiological pattern that was independent of the underlying cause, including unusual forms with only patchy sensory loss, mild electrical motor nerve abnormalities and predominant small fibre or isolated lower limb involvement. Logistic regression allowed the construction of a set of criteria that gave fair results with the following combination: ataxia in the lower or upper limbs + asymmetrical distribution + sensory loss not restricted to the lower limbs + at least one sensory action potential absent or three sensory action potentials <30% of the lower limit of normal in the upper limbs + less than two nerves with abnormal motor nerve conduction study in the lower limbs

    Taxonomic and Functional Microbial Signatures of the Endemic Marine Sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis

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    The endemic marine sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis (Porifera, Demospongiae, Haplosclerida) is a known source of secondary metabolites such as arenosclerins A-C. In the present study, we established the composition of the A. brasiliensis microbiome and the metabolic pathways associated with this community. We used 454 shotgun pyrosequencing to generate approximately 640,000 high-quality sponge-derived sequences (∼150 Mb). Clustering analysis including sponge, seawater and twenty-three other metagenomes derived from marine animal microbiomes shows that A. brasiliensis contains a specific microbiome. Fourteen bacterial phyla (including Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Cloroflexi) were consistently found in the A. brasiliensis metagenomes. The A. brasiliensis microbiome is enriched for Betaproteobacteria (e.g., Burkholderia) and Gammaproteobacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas and Alteromonas) compared with the surrounding planktonic microbial communities. Functional analysis based on Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST) indicated that the A. brasiliensis microbiome is enriched for sequences associated with membrane transport and one-carbon metabolism. In addition, there was an overrepresentation of sequences associated with aerobic and anaerobic metabolism as well as the synthesis and degradation of secondary metabolites. This study represents the first analysis of sponge-associated microbial communities via shotgun pyrosequencing, a strategy commonly applied in similar analyses in other marine invertebrate hosts, such as corals and algae. We demonstrate that A. brasiliensis has a unique microbiome that is distinct from that of the surrounding planktonic microbes and from other marine organisms, indicating a species-specific microbiome

    Specific In Vivo Staining of Astrocytes in the Whole Brain after Intravenous Injection of Sulforhodamine Dyes

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    Fluorescent staining of astrocytes without damaging or interfering with normal brain functions is essential for intravital microscopy studies. Current methods involved either transgenic mice or local intracerebral injection of sulforhodamine 101. Transgenic rat models rarely exist, and in mice, a backcross with GFAP transgenic mice may be difficult. Local injections of fluorescent dyes are invasive. Here, we propose a non-invasive, specific and ubiquitous method to stain astrocytes in vivo. This method is based on iv injection of sulforhodamine dyes and is applicable on rats and mice from postnatal age to adulthood. The astrocytes staining obtained after iv injection was maintained for nearly half a day and showed no adverse reaction on astrocytic calcium signals or electroencephalographic recordings in vivo. The high contrast of the staining facilitates the image processing and allows to quantify 3D morphological parameters of the astrocytes and to characterize their network. Our method may become a reference for in vivo staining of the whole astrocytes population in animal models of neurological disorders

    Rapid response to the M_w 4.9 earthquake of November 11, 2019 in Le Teil, Lower Rhône Valley, France

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    On November 11, 2019, a Mw 4.9 earthquake hit the region close to Montelimar (lower Rhône Valley, France), on the eastern margin of the Massif Central close to the external part of the Alps. Occuring in a moderate seismicity area, this earthquake is remarkable for its very shallow focal depth (between 1 and 3 km), its magnitude, and the moderate to large damages it produced in several villages. InSAR interferograms indicated a shallow rupture about 4 km long reaching the surface and the reactivation of the ancient NE-SW La Rouviere normal fault in reverse faulting in agreement with the present-day E-W compressional tectonics. The peculiarity of this earthquake together with a poor coverage of the epicentral region by permanent seismological and geodetic stations triggered the mobilisation of the French post-seismic unit and the broad French scientific community from various institutions, with the deployment of geophysical instruments (seismological and geodesic stations), geological field surveys, and field evaluation of the intensity of the earthquake. Within 7 days after the mainshock, 47 seismological stations were deployed in the epicentral area to improve the Le Teil aftershocks locations relative to the French permanent seismological network (RESIF), monitor the temporal and spatial evolution of microearthquakes close to the fault plane and temporal evolution of the seismic response of 3 damaged historical buildings, and to study suspected site effects and their influence in the distribution of seismic damage. This seismological dataset, completed by data owned by different institutions, was integrated in a homogeneous archive and distributed through FDSN web services by the RESIF data center. This dataset, together with observations of surface rupture evidences, geologic, geodetic and satellite data, will help to unravel the causes and rupture mechanism of this earthquake, and contribute to account in seismic hazard assessment for earthquakes along the major regional Cévenne fault system in a context of present-day compressional tectonics