100 research outputs found

    Influence of available resources on medical practitioners’ decision-making process and practice: study of a reference hospital emergency department

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la variación del indicador “periodo de tiempo de observación” dedicado a cada paciente, en respuesta a una reducción del número de camas disponibles. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio «quasiexperimental preprueba postprueba» sin grupo control en una unidad de urgencias durante 2 períodos de un mes. En este tiempo el único cambio fue el número de camas disponibles, que disminuyeron de 20 (período A) a 16 (período B). Resultados: El servicio de urgencias atendió a 7.725 pacientes: 3.706 pacientes en el período A, 335 de los cuales fueron admitidos en la unidad de observación con una estancia media de 1.105,4 minutos por paciente; y 4.019 pacientes en el período B, 570 de los cuales fueron admitidos en la unidad de observación con una estancia media de 686,1 minutos por paciente (p < 0,001). No hubo variaciones en la mortalidad, readmisiones o quejas. Conclusiones: Una disminución en el número de camas disponibles para observación comporta una reducción en el tiempo de estancia de los pacientes

    Determination of key residues for catalysis and RNA cleavage specificity: one mutation turns RNase II into a "SUPER-ENZYME"

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    RNase II is the prototype of a ubiquitous family of enzymes that are crucial for RNA metabolism. In Escherichia coli this protein is a single-stranded-specific 3'-exoribonuclease with a modular organization of four functional domains. In eukaryotes, the RNase II homologue Rrp44 (also known as Dis3) is the catalytic subunit of the exosome, an exoribonuclease complex essential for RNA processing and decay. In this work we have performed a functional characterization of several highly conserved residues located in the RNase II catalytic domain to address their precise role in the RNase II activity. We have constructed a number of RNase II mutants and compared their activity and RNA binding to the wild type using different single- or double-stranded substrates. The results presented in this study substantially improve the RNase II model for RNA degradation. We have identified the residues that are responsible for the discrimination of cleavage of RNA versus DNA. We also show that the Arg-500 residue present in the RNase II active site is crucial for activity but not for RNA binding. The most prominent finding presented is the extraordinary catalysis observed in the E542A mutant that turns RNase II into a "super-enzyme."The work was supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Grant SAF2007-61926, an institutional grant from the “Fundación Ramón Areces”, and by Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, PortugalS

    Amphiphilic COSAN and I2-COSAN crossing synthetic lipid membranes: planar bilayers and liposomes

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    The boron-rich cobaltabisdicarbollide (COSAN) and its 8,80-I2 derivative (I2-COSAN), both of purely inorganic nature, are shown to cross through synthetic lipid membranes. These results reveal unexpected properties at the interface of biological and synthetic membranes

    Realización de vídeo de enseñanza online y presencial para prácticas por internet y presenciales de la radiografía de muñeca como método para valorar el desarrollo óseo

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    Se ha realizado un video en el que el alumno visualiza los diferentes estadios de desarrollo que tienen lugar en la osificación de la muñeca y puede aprender cómo utilizar la radiografía de muñeca para determinar el momento de desarrollo del paciente

    Multiple evidences suggest sox2 as the main driver of a young and complex sex determining ZW/ZZ system in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    A major challenge in evolutionary biology is to find an explanation for the variation in sex-determining (SD) systems across taxa and to understand the mechanisms driving sex chromosome differentiation. We studied the turbot, holding a ZW/ZZ SD system and no sex chromosome heteromorphism, by combining classical genetics and genomics approaches to disentangle the genetic architecture of this trait. RAD-Seq was used to genotype 18,214 SNPs on 1,135 fish from 36 families and a genome wide association study (GWAS) identified a ~ 6 Mb region on LG5 associated with sex (P < 0.05). The most significant associated markers were located close to sox2, dnajc19 and fxr1 genes. A segregation analysis enabled narrowing down the associated region and evidenced recombination suppression in a region overlapping the candidate genes. A Nanopore/Illumina assembly of the SD region using ZZ and WW individuals identified a single SNP fully associated with Z and W chromosomes. RNA-seq from 5-90 day-old fish detected the expression along the gonad differentiation period of a short non-coding splicing variant (ncRNA) included in a vertebrate-conserved long non-coding RNA overlapping sox2. qPCR showed that sox2 was the only differentially expressed gene between males and females at 50-55 days post fertilization, just prior the beginning of gonad differentiation. More refined information on the involvement of secondary genetic and environmental factors and their interactions on SD was gathered after the analysis of a broad sample of families. Our results confirm the complex nature of SD in turbot and support sox2 as its main driver.Postprin

    Optical and visual quality with physical and visually simulated presbyopic multifocal contact lenses

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    16 pags. 6 figs., 1 tab.Purpose: As multifocal contact lenses (MCLs) expand as a solution for presbyopia correction, a better understanding of their optical and visual performance becomes essential. Also, providing subjects with the experience of multifocal vision before contact lens fitting becomes critical, both to systematically test different multifocal designs and to optimize selection in the clinic. In this study, we evaluated the ability of a simultaneous vision visual simulator (SimVis) to represent MCLs. Methods: Through focus (TF) optical and visual quality with a center-near aspheric MCL (low, medium and high near adds) were measured using a multichannel polychromatic Adaptive Optics visual simulator equipped with double-pass, SimVis (temporal multi-plexing), and psychophysical channels to allow measurements on-bench and in vivo. On bench TF optical quality of SimVis-simulated MCLs was obtained from double-pass (DP) images and images of an E-stimulus using artificial eyes. Ten presbyopic subjects were fitted with the MCL. Visual acuity (VA) and DP retinal images were measured TF in a 4.00 D range with the MCL on eye, and through SimVis simulations of the same MCLs on the same subjects. Results: TF optical (on bench and in vivo) and visual (in vivo) quality measurements captured the expected broadening of the curves with increasing add. Root mean square difference between real and SimVis-simulated lens was 0.031/0.025 (low add), 0.025/0.015 (medium add), 0.019/0.011 (high add), for TF DP and TF LogMAR VA, respectively. A shape similarity metric shows high statistical values (lag κ = 0), rho = 0.811/0.895 (low add), 0.792/0.944 (medium add), and 0.861/0.915 (high add) for TF DP/LogMAR VA, respectively. Conclusions: MCLs theoretically and effectively expand the depth of focus. A novel simulator, SimVis, captured the through-focus optical and visual performance of the MCL in most of the subjects. Visual simulators allow subjects to experience vision with multifocal lenses prior to testing them on-eye. Translational Relevance: Simultaneous visual simulators allow subjects to experience multifocal vision non-invasively. We demonstrated equivalency between real multifocal contact lenses and SimVis-simulated lenses. The results suggest that SimVis is a suitable technique to aid selection of presbyopic corrections in the contactology practice.Supported by the European Research Council (ERC-2011-AdC 294099) to SM; Spanish Government (FIS2017-84753R) to SM, and pre-doctoral fellowship (FPU16/01944) to SA; Collaborative agreement with Johnson & Johnson Vision, Inc., Research & Development, Jacksonville, FL, USA

    The mouse deafness locus (dn) is associated with an inversion on chromosome 19

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    Recombination data for the mouse deafness locus (dn) on chromosome 19 are consistent with the presence of an inversion for which one of the breakpoints is between D19Mit14 and D19Mit96, a distance of less than 226 kb. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies using a bacterial artificial chromosome on interphase (G1) nuclei provide additional support for the presence of an inversion. The dn gene is probably the orthologue of the human DFNB7/DFNB11 gene on chromosome 9. Copyright (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V

    Impact of house dust mite-driven asthma on children's school performance and activity

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    Absenteeism; Allergic asthma; Subcutaneous allergen immunotherapyAbsentisme; Asma al·lèrgica; Immunoteràpia subcutània amb al·lèrgensAbsentismo; Asma alérgica; Inmunoterapia subcutánea con alérgenosEvidence regarding asthma's impact on children's daily lives is limited. This prospective and cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study assessed school/work and activity impairment in children and adolescents with allergic asthma and their caregivers and allergen immunotherapy (AIT) effects. Included patients were schooled children and adolescents (5 to 17 years) with allergic asthma due to house dust mites (HDM). Impairment of school/work (i.e., absenteeism and presenteeism) and activity was measured in patients and their caregivers using the Work Productivity Impairment Questionnaire plus Classroom Impairment Questions: Allergy Specific (WPAI + CIQ:AS). HDM allergic patients with school impairment received subcutaneous AIT with a MicroCrystalline Tyrosine-associated allergoid. WPAI + CIQ:AS and effectiveness variables were compared between baseline and 1-year post-AIT. Of the 113 patients included, 59 (52.2%) and 51 (45.1%) showed school and activity impairment, respectively, missing a mean (SD) of 37.6 (24.4) % and 42.6 (25.6) % of school and activity time, respectively. Twenty-six (23%) caregivers reported activity impairment and, of the 79 (69.9%) employed, 30 (38%) reported work impairment. Of the 65 patients with school/activities impairment, 41 (63.1%) received AIT, of which 21 (51.2%) completed 1 year of treatment. Effectiveness variables and WPAI + CIQ:AS significantly improved: Mean (SD) school impairment decreased from 39.7 (26.7) to 2.1 (7.1) % (p < 0.001) and activity impairment from 46.2 (34.6) to 1.4 (3.6) % (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Allergic asthma due to HDMs results in school/work and activity impairment in children and adolescents and their caregivers. One year of AIT provided clinical benefits and reduced school and activity impairment. What is known: • Allergic asthma impairs children's school performance and daily activities. • Allergen immunotherapy modifies allergic disease course and ameliorates its symptoms. What is new: • Asthma symptoms due to allergy to house dust mites impair children's school attendance and productivity and daily activity and their caregivers' work performance and daily lives. • Allergen immunotherapy with a house dust mite MicroCrystalline Tyrosine (MCT)-associated allergoid seems to provide clinical benefits, associated with decreased school and activity impairment, supporting it as an effective treatment option