42 research outputs found

    Social networks as digital leisure spaces

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    Vivimos en una sociedad digital donde los hábitos y estilos de vida se han visto transformados debido al desarrollo de Internet y las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). El ocio, entendido en este artículo como experiencia de desarrollo humano (Cuenca, 2000) y ámbito vital, tampoco se ha resistido a la influencia de la tecnología y la esfera virtual, dando pie a la generación de nuevos ocios virtuales entre los que destaca el uso de las redes sociales. Son parte de las nuevas prácticas de ocio de los jóvenes españoles y los nuevos formatos de entretenimiento. Fundamentándonos en el modo de entender el ocio del Instituto de Estudios de ocio de la Universidad de Deusto y en la dicotomía de ocio serio y ocio casual defendida por Stebbins (2008), pretendemos dar respuesta a los siguientes planteamientos: ¿de qué manera ha influido la revolución digital en el ámbito del ocio?, ¿nos encontramos ante nuevos formatos de entretenimiento de carácter consumista o bien ante prácticas de ocio digital que fomentan el desarrollo personal? Esto nos llevará a analizar los usos que los jóvenes pertenecientes a la generación digital hacen de las redes sociales virtuales.We live in a digital society where habits and lifestyles have been transformed by the development of the Internet and New Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT). Leisure, understood in this article as an experience of human development (Cuenca, 2000) and vital area, neither has resisted the influence of technology and the virtual sphere, and that caused the generation of new virtual leisures, among which the most important is the use of social networks. They are part of the new leisure practices of Spanish young people and new entertainment formats. Based on the way of understanding the concept of leisure inherent to Institute of Leisure Studies of the University of Deusto and the dichotomy between of serious leisure and casual leisure defended by Stebbins (2008), we try to answer the following approaches: what way has influenced the digital revolution in the field of leisure?, are we faced with new practices of consumer entertainment formats or with digital leisure practices that promote personal development? This will lead us to analyze the uses that young people belonging to the digital generation made of virtual social networks

    Connected, mobile, transmedia and multiformat leisure of youngs in the digi-tal age

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    El desarrollo constante de las tecnologías digitales ha transformado una gran parte de los ámbitos de actuación hu-mana, entre ellos, la esfera del ocio. Los jóvenes son uno de los colectivos que más han notado su influencia, ya que el ciberespacio se ha instaurado como un espacio de ocio al que recurren con frecuencia, más aún desde que los smartphones comenzaron a ser los principales dispositivos de acceso a Internet. El ocio de los jóvenes se define como un ocio conectado, móvil, transmedia y multisoporte. Estilos de ocio que emplean para informarse, comunicarse, pa-sar el rato y divertirse. Prácticas de ocio en red que interpretadas desde el paradigma del ocio casual vs. ocio serio o el nivel de apropiación de la tecnología son propias de un ocio superficial. Un e-ocio que pese a ser percibido por los propios jóvenes como positivo, no aprovecha todas las potencialidades que Internet ofrece.The constant development of digital technologies has become a large part of the areas of human performance, in-cluding the sphere of leisure. Young people are one of the collective that have most noticed his influence, since cy-berspace has established itself as a leisure space which often recur, even more so since smartphones began to be the main Internet access devices. Leisure of youth is defined as a leisure connected, mobile, and multi transmedia. Lei-sure styles they use to learn, communicate, hang out and have fun. Leisure practices networked interpreted from the paradigm leisure casual vs. serious leisure or level of appropriation of technology are characteristic of a superficial leisure. An e-leisure that, despite being perceived by young people themselves as positive, does not take full potential of the Internet

    Association of retinol binding protein4 (RBP4) and ghrelin plasma levels with insulin resistance and disease severity in non-diabetic patients with hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with insulin resistance (IR). Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) and ghrelin are two bioactive proteins that have been involved in glucose metabolism and IR, but also in the regulation of immune and inflammatory processes. The aim of this study was to determine the serum levels of RBP4 and ghrelin in patients with HS, and to assess the possible relationship between these levels and IR, disease severity and HS risk. A total of 137 subjects (77 HS patients and 60 controls) without diabetes mellitus were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Patients with HS had significantly higher RBP4 but lower ghrelin plasma levels than controls, independently of body mass index (BMI). Serum RBP4 levels were positively correlated to disease severity and IR in HS patients. However, we found no association between ghrelin levels and any clinical or laboratory parameters. Moreover, high serum RBP4 and low ghrelin levels were associated with an increased risk for HS. Our results suggest that high RBP4 levels may be a surrogate biomarker for IR in patients with HS. Moreover, increased RBP4 and decreased ghrelin levels could also be independent risk factors for the development of HS

    TDR-LAB 2.0: Improved TDR software for soil water content and electrical conductivity measurements

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    Trabajo presentado en las XI Jornadas de Investigación en la Zona No Saturada del Suelo celebradas en Lugo del 6 al 8 de noviembre de 2013.[ES]: La técnica de Reflectometría de Dominio Temporal (TDR) permite estimar la humedad (θ) y la conductividad eléctrica aparente del suelo (σa). Esta comunicación presenta una nueva versión del programa TDR-Lab para la medida de θ y σa. El TDR-Lab 2.0 es compatible con tres ecómetros TDR diferentes y puede conectarse a multiplexores SDMX50 (Campbell Sci). Puede estimar θ y σa por métodos gráficos y numéricos y incluye nuevas aplicaciones para la medida de niveles de agua, potencial mátrico o conductividad eléctrica de la solución del suelo. Está disponible en una versión ligera que trabaja con ficheros XML y una versión completa que centraliza los datos en una base SQL. Una robusta interface de importación-exportación de datos permite comunicar ambas versiones.[EN]: Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a widely used technique that allows real time estimation of soil volumetric water content (θ), and bulk electrical conductivity (σa). This work presents an enhanced release of TDR-Lab, software which controls instrumentation for measurements of θ and σa. TDR-Lab 2.0 supports three different TDR equipments and can be connected to a multiplexing system (SDMX50, Campbell Sci). Graphical or numerical methods can be used for the estimation of θ and σa. Additional features to carry out water-surface-level measurements such as matric potential and soil solution electrical conductivity are also available. A little and a full release, for field and laboratory applications have been developed. The light version works with XML-files instead of the SQL database engine of the extended TDRLab. A robust import/export graphical user interface facilitates transferring projects between the centralized SQL database and XML files.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain (grant AGL2010-22050-C03-02) and DGA- Obra social La Caixa (Grants: 2012/ GA LC 074).Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of serum omentin-1 and apelin concentrations in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Introduction: Recent studies suggest a role of adipokines in the pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). Omentin-1 and apelin are two recently identified adipokines that have been involved in the regulation of metabolic and inflammatory responses. Aim: To investigate serum omentin-1 and apelin levels in patients with HS and to assess their associations with metabolic parameters, disease severity and HS risk. Material and methods: This case-control study included 139 non-diabetic individuals (78 HS patients and 61 ageand sex-matched controls). Serum concentrations of omentin-1 and apelin and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were measured in all participants. Results: Serum omentin-1 concentrations were significantly higher in HS patients compared to controls, whereas apelin serum levels did not significantly differ between both groups. These differences in omentin-1 concentrations remained significant even after adjusting for age, sex, and body mass index (BMI). The results of logistic regression analysis showed that increased omentin-1 plasma levels were an independent risk factor for HS. However, we found no association between serum levels of both omentin-1 and apelin with HS severity. Conclusions: Our results show that patients with HS have raised omentin-1 serum levels, which are associated with HS risk

    Recomanacions de bones pràctiques en l’ús de mesures de restricció: avançant cap a la contenció mecànica zero

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    Mesures de restricció; Contenció mecànica zero; Bones pràctiquesMedidas de restricción; Contención mecánica zero; Buenas prácticasRestraint measures; Zero mechanical containment; Good practicesDes del Departament de Salut, dins de la línia 8 del Pla de salut de Catalunya 2016-2020: Gestió de l’excel·lència i la seguretat s’han desenvolupat accions que contribueixen a millorar la seguretat del pacient. Una d’aquestes accions ha sigut la creació del grup de treball “Contenció Zero” el 2016, constituït per experts sanitaris, metges i infermers de diferents àmbits assistencials de diversos centres hospitalaris de Catalunya, amb l’objectiu de garantir la màxima qualitat dels serveis sanitaris mitjançant el desenvolupament d’una pràctica assistencial segura que avança cap a la contenció mecànica zero.:ca_E

    Information technology and the optimisation of experience – the role of mobile devices and social media in human-nature interactions

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    Information technologies have seeped their way into every aspect of our lives, mediating interactions between ourselves and our environments. They are becoming an important part of human-nature interactions, with smartphones, their apps and social media offering new ways to plan, navigate and share experiences. This article explores the changes that these mobile media technologies bring to human-nature interactions, focusing on the outdoor practices of experienced outdoor users. Drawing on observational and interview data gathered in the Scottish Highlands, we analysed hillwalkers', mountain bikers' and nature photographers' interactions with mobile media technology. Using social practice theory and the idea of technologies as 'scripts', we found that the increased availability of information reportedly enhanced access to, confidence in and knowledge about outdoor practices. Participants negotiated the use of devices within social norms of good practice, but generally showed enthusiasm for the ever-increasing access to information. The easy access to information and the ability to share one's performance, inscripted in the technology, guided the participants to optimise their experience. Paradoxically, this optimisation seemed to reduce the likelihood of encountering unanticipated situations that would have made their experience memorable, something our participants had previusly identified as an important aspect of their outdoor activities. Our findings illustrate the value of an in-depth empirical understanding of lived experiences, revealing how interactions between technological scripts, personal agency and social norms amplify some aspects of human-nature interactions while attenuating others. Although incremental, these changes fundamentally alter the character of our experience of nature

    Comprehensive establishment and characterization of orthoxenograft mouse models of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors for personalized medicine

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are soft-tissue sarcomas that can arise either sporadically or in association with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). These aggressive malignancies confer poor survival, with no effective therapy available. We present the generation and characterization of five distinct MPNST orthoxenograft models for preclinical testing and personalized medicine. Four of the models are patient-derived tumor xenografts (PDTX), two independent MPNSTs from the same NF1 patient and two from different sporadic patients. The fifth model is an orthoxenograft derived from an NF1-related MPNST cell line. All MPNST orthoxenografts were generated by tumor implantation, or cell line injection, next to the sciatic nerve of nude mice, and were perpetuated by 7-10 mouse-to-mouse passages. The models reliably recapitulate the histopathological properties of their parental primary tumors. They also mimic distal dissemination properties in mice. Human stroma was rapidly lost after MPNST engraftment and replaced by murine stroma, which facilitated genomic tumor characterization. Compatible with an origin in a catastrophic event and subsequent genome stabilization, MPNST contained highly altered genomes that remained remarkably stable in orthoxenograft establishment and along passages. Mutational frequency and type of somatic point mutations were highly variable among the different MPNSTs modeled, but very consistent when comparing primary tumors with matched orthoxenografts generated. Unsupervised cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) using an MPNST expression signature of ~1,000 genes grouped together all primary tumor-orthoxenograft pairs. Our work points to differences in the engraftment process of primary tumors compared with the engraftment of established cell lines. Following standardization and extensive characterization and validation, the orthoxenograft models were used for initial preclinical drug testing. Sorafenib (a BRAF inhibitor), in combination with doxorubicin or rapamycin, was found to be the most effective treatment for reducing MPNST growth. The development of genomically well-characterized preclinical models for MPNST allowed the evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies for personalized medicine

    Comprehensive establishment and characterization of orthoxenograft mouse models of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors for personalized medicine

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are soft-tissue sarcomas that can arise either sporadically or in association with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). These aggressive malignancies confer poor survival, with no effective therapy available. We present the generation and characterization of five distinct MPNST orthoxenograft models for preclinical testing and personalized medicine. Four of the models are patient-derived tumor xenografts (PDTX), two independent MPNSTs from the same NF1 patient and two from different sporadic patients. The fifth model is an orthoxenograft derived from an NF1-related MPNST cell line. All MPNST orthoxenografts were generated by tumor implantation, or cell line injection, next to the sciatic nerve of nude mice, and were perpetuated by 7-10 mouse-to-mouse passages. The models reliably recapitulate the histopathological properties of their parental primary tumors. They also mimic distal dissemination properties in mice. Human stroma was rapidly lost after MPNST engraftment and replaced by murine stroma, which facilitated genomic tumor characterization. Compatible with an origin in a catastrophic event and subsequent genome stabilization, MPNST contained highly altered genomes that remained remarkably stable in orthoxenograft establishment and along passages. Mutational frequency and type of somatic point mutations were highly variable among the different MPNSTs modeled, but very consistent when comparing primary tumors with matched orthoxenografts generated. Unsupervised cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) using an MPNST expression signature of ~1,000 genes grouped together all primary tumor-orthoxenograft pairs. Our work points to differences in the engraftment process of primary tumors compared with the engraftment of established cell lines. Following standardization and extensive characterization and validation, the orthoxenograft models were used for initial preclinical drug testing. Sorafenib (a BRAF inhibitor), in combination with doxorubicin or rapamycin, was found to be the most effective treatment for reducing MPNST growth. The development of genomically well-characterized preclinical models for MPNST allowed the evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies for personalized medicine