63 research outputs found

    On the Eulerian Large Eddy Simulation of disperse phase flows: an asymptotic preserving scheme for small Stokes number flows

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    In the present work, the Eulerian Large Eddy Simulation of dilute disperse phase flows is investigated. By highlighting the main advantages and drawbacks of the available approaches in the literature, a choice is made in terms of modelling: a Fokker-Planck-like filtered kinetic equation proposed by Zaichik et al. 2009 and a Kinetic-Based Moment Method (KBMM) based on a Gaussian closure for the NDF proposed by Vie et al. 2014. The resulting Euler-like system of equations is able to reproduce the dynamics of particles for small to moderate Stokes number flows, given a LES model for the gaseous phase, and is representative of the generic difficulties of such models. Indeed, it encounters strong constraints in terms of numerics in the small Stokes number limit, which can lead to a degeneracy of the accuracy of standard numerical methods. These constraints are: 1/as the resulting sound speed is inversely proportional to the Stokes number, it is highly CFL-constraining, and 2/the system tends to an advection-diffusion limit equation on the number density that has to be properly approximated by the designed scheme used for the whole range of Stokes numbers. Then, the present work proposes a numerical scheme that is able to handle both. Relying on the ideas introduced in a different context by Chalons et al. 2013: a Lagrange-Projection, a relaxation formulation and a HLLC scheme with source terms, we extend the approach to a singular flux as well as properly handle the energy equation. The final scheme is proven to be Asymptotic-Preserving on 1D cases comparing to either converged or analytical solutions and can easily be extended to multidimensional configurations, thus setting the path for realistic applications

    Simulation aux grandes échelles d'écoulements diphasiques turbulents à phase liquide dispersée

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    Les écoulements diphasiques turbulents sont présents dans de nombreux systèmes industriels (moteur à piston, turbines à gaz, moteurs fusée...). La compréhension fine de telles configurations s'avèrent de nos jours nécessaire pour limiter notamment les émissions de polluants et de gaz à effet de serre, et la consommation des énergies fossiles. Nous nous intéressons ici à la simulation aux grandes échelles des écoulements diphasiques turbulents, permettant de capturer une large partie du spectre de la turbulence, et ainsi être capable de prédire des phénomènes instables ou transitoires. La phase dispersée est ici modélisée par une approche eulérienne, en raison de ses avantages dans le contexte du calcul haute performance. Le travail de cette thèse a consisté à étendre le formalisme eulérien existant dans le code AVBP à la simulation de sprays polydisperses dans des écoulements turbulents. Pour cela, le Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique (FEM) a été couplé à une approche Multi-fluide. Cette nouvelle approche, intitulée Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique Multi-fluide (FEMM), a été évaluée sur des cas simples canoniques, permettant de bien caractériser le comportement autant en terme de dynamique turbulente que d'effets polydisperses. Les stratégies numériques disponibles dans le code de calcul AVBP sont aussi analysées, afin d'en cerner les limites pour la simulation eulérienne d'une phase liquide. Ce nouveau formalisme est finalement appliqué à la configuration aéronautique MERCATO, pour laquelle on dispose de résultats numériques obtenus avec d'autres approches (FEM et approche lagrangienne), et de résultats expérimentaux. Un accord satisfaisant avec l'expérience est montré pour toutes les approches, même si le FEM, monodisperse, obtient de moins bon résultats en terme de fluctuations. D'autres résultats expérimentaux s'avèrent nécessaires pour évaluer les approches et déterminer quelle est la plus prédictive pour cette configuration, notamment concernant la fraction massique de kerosene, autant en phase liquide qu'en phase gazeuse. ABSTRACT : Turbulent two-phase flows are encountered in several industrial devices (piston engine, gas turbine, rocket engine...). A fine understanding of such configurations is mandatory to face problems of pollutant emissions, greenhouse gas, and fossil fuel rarefaction. The Large Eddy Simulation seems to be a good candidate. This kind of simulation captures a wide part of turbulence spectrum, and thus allows to predict instabilities and transient phenomena. The dispersed phase is simulated using an Eulerian approach, which seems to be more suitable than lagrangian methods for High Performance Computing. The present work consists in the extension to polydisperse flows of the existing eulerian formalism in the AVBP code. The Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism (MEF) is coupled with the Multifluid approach. This new formalism, called Multifluid Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism, is evaluated on simple test cases, showing the ability of such approach to capture turbulent and polydisperse effects. Numerical strategies available in AVBP are also evaluated, in order to emphasize on their limiting aspects for the eulerian simulation of a dispersed phase. The new formalism is finally applied to the simulation of the aeronautical configuration called MERCATO. Several experimental results are available, as well as numerical results using FEM and lagrangian approach. Results show a good agreement between experiments and numerical results, even if FEM results are worse concerning the fluctuations. New experimental results are necessary to determine which is the best approach, especially in terms of liquid and gas kerosene mass fraction

    On the Direct Numerical Simulation of moderate-Stokes-number turbulent particulate flows using Algebraic-Closure-Based and Kinetic-Based Moment Methods

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    In turbulent particulate flows, the occurrence of particle trajectory crossings (PTC) is the main constraint on classical monokinetic Eulerian methods. To handle such PTC, accounting for high-order moments of the particle velocity distribution is mandatory. In the simplest case, second-order moments are needed. To retrieve these moments, two solutions are proposed in the literature: the Algebraic-Closure-Based Moment Method (ACBMM) and the Kinetic-Based Moment Method (KBMM). The ACBMM provides constitutive relations for the random-uncorrelated-motion (RUM) particle kinetic stress tensor as algebraic closures based on physical arguments (Simonin et al. 2002; Kaufmann et al. 2008; Masi 2010; Masi & Simonin 2012). These closures rely on the internal energy, namely the RUM particle kinetic energy, which is obtained using an additional transport equation. Alternatively, it is possible to directly solve for the second-order moment by providing a closure for the third-order correlation. The KBMM proposes a kinetic description, that is, the number density function (NDF) is reconstructed based on the resolved moments and on a presumed shape. In the present work, an isotropic Gaussian and the anisotropic Gaussian closure of Vié et al. (2012) are used. The goal of the present study is to provide a first comparison between ACBMM and KBMM, using the same robust numerical methods, in order to highlight differences and common points. The test case is a 2D turbulent flow with a mean shear

    A hyperbolic two-fluid model for compressible flows with arbitrary material-density ratios

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    A hyperbolic two-fluid model for gas–particle flow derived using the Boltzmann–Enskog kinetic theory is generalized to include added mass. In place of the virtual-mass force, to guarantee indifference to an accelerating frame of reference, the added mass is included in the mass, momentum and energy balances for the particle phase, augmented to include the portion of the particle wake moving with the particle velocity. The resulting compressible two-fluid model contains seven balance equations (mass, momentum and energy for each phase, plus added mass) and employs a stiffened-gas model for the equation of state for the fluid. Using Sturm\u27s theorem, the model is shown to be globally hyperbolic for arbitrary ratios of the material densities Z=ρf/ρp (where ρf and ρp are the fluid and particle material densities, respectively). An eight-equation extension to include the pseudo-turbulent kinetic energy (PTKE) in the fluid phase is also proposed; however, PTKE has no effect on hyperbolicity. In addition to the added mass, the key physics needed to ensure hyperbolicity for arbitrary Z is a fluid-mediated contribution to the particle-phase pressure tensor that is taken to be proportional to the volume fraction of the added mass. A numerical solver for hyperbolic equations is developed for the one-dimensional model, and numerical examples are employed to illustrate the behaviour of solutions to Riemann problems for different material-density ratios. The relation between the proposed two-fluid model and prior work on effective-field models is discussed, as well as possible extensions to include viscous stresses and the formulation of the model in the limit of an incompressible continuous phase

    Particle-laden flows forced by the disperse phase: Comparison between Lagrangian and Eulerian simulations

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    The goal of the present work is to assess the ability of Eulerian moment methods to reproduce the physics of two-way coupled particle-laden turbulent flow systems. Previous investigations have been focused on effects such as preferential concentration, and turbulence modulation, but in regimes in which turbulence is sustained by an imposed external forcing. We show that in such regimes, Eulerian methods need resolutions finer than nominal Kolmogorov scale in order to capture statistics of particle segregation, but gas and disperse phase velocity variances can be captured with resolutions comparable to the Kolmogorov length. The work is then extended to address the question whether Eulerian methods are suitable in scenarios in which the continuum field of interest (temperature or momentum) is itself primarily driven by particles. To this end we have extended our analysis to the problem of turbulence driven by heated particles (Zamansky et al. PoF 2014) and have assessed capabilities of Eulerian methods in capturing particle segregation, as well as statistics of the temperature and velocity fields. Separate investigations are developed for cases with and without buoyancy driven turbulence. For each case corresponding Lagrangian calculations are developed and convergence of statistics with respect to the number of particles is established. Then the statistically- converged Lagrangian and Eulerian results are compared. Results show that accurate capture of segregation by the Eulerian methods always requires resolutions much higher than the nominal Kolmogorov scale. In scenarios for which a continuum phase is forced by particles, results from Eulerian methods show some sensitivity of predicted continuum statistics to the mesh resolution. This sensitivity was found to be largest for the case of a temperature field forced by hot particles, but without presence of buoyancy. In this case a Eulerian method with nominal Kolmogorov resolution was found to be insufficient for capture of temperature statistics. When additional coupling between particles and continuum phase is introduced by including the buoyancy effects, this sensitivity is suppressed in the temperature field, but some sensitivity to the Eulerian mesh resolution were detected in the momentum fields

    Reexamining the framework for intermittency in Lagrangian stochastic models for turbulent flows: a way to an original and versatile numerical approach

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    The characterization of intermittency in turbulence has its roots in the refined similarity hypotheses of Kolmogorov, and if no proper definition is to be found in the literature, statistical properties of intermittency were studied and models were developed in an attempt to reproduce it. The first contribution of this work is to propose a requirement list to be satisfied by models designed within the Lagrangian framework. Multifractal stochastic processes are a natural choice to retrieve multifractal properties of the dissipation. Among them, we investigate the Gaussian multiplicative chaos formalism, which requires the construction of a log-correlated stochastic process Xt. The fractional Gaussian noise of Hurst parameter H=0 is of great interest because it leads to a log correlation for the logarithm of the process. Inspired by the approximation of fractional Brownian motion by an infinite weighted sum of correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, our second contribution is to propose a stochastic model: Xt=∫∞0Yxtk(x)dx, where Yxt is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with speed of mean reversion x and k is a kernel. A regularization of k(x) is required to ensure stationarity, finite variance, and logarithmic autocorrelation. A variety of regularizations are conceivable, and we show that they lead to the aforementioned multifractal models. To simulate the process, we eventually design a new approach relying on a limited number of modes for approximating the integral through a quadrature XNt=∑Ni=1ωiYxit, using a conventional quadrature method. This method can retrieve the expected behavior with only one mode per decade, making this strategy versatile and computationally attractive for simulating such processes, while remaining within the proposed framework for a proper description of intermittency

    Statistical and probabilistic modeling of a cloud of particles coupled with a turbulent fluid

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    This paper exposes a novel exploratory formalism, the end goal of which is the numerical simulation of the dynamics of a cloud of particles weakly or strongly coupled with a turbulent fluid. Given the large panel of expertise of the list of authors, the content of this paper scans a wide range of connex notions, from the physics of turbulence to the rigorous definition of stochastic processes. Our approach is to develop reduced-order models for the dynamics of both carrying and carried phases which remain consistant within this formalism, and to set up a numerical process to validate these models. The novelties of this paper lie in the gathering of a large panel of mathematical and physical definitions and results within a common framework and an agreed vocabulary (sections 1 and 2), and in some preliminary results and achievements within this context, section 3. While the first three sections have been simplified to the context of a gas field providing that the disperse phase only retrieves energy through drag, the fourth section opens this study to the more complex situation when the disperse phase interacts with the continuous phase as well, in an energy conservative manner. This will allow us to expose the perspectives of the project and to conclude

    Evolutionary Strategies with Analogy Partitions in P-Guessing Games

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    Large eddy simulation of turbulent gas-dispersed liquid two-phase flows

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    Les écoulements diphasiques turbulents sont présents dans de nombreux systèmes industriels (moteur à piston, turbines à gaz, moteurs fusée...). La compréhension fine de telles configurations s'avèrent de nos jours nécessaire pour limiter notamment les émissions de polluants et de gaz à effet de serre, et la consommation des énergies fossiles. Nous nous intéressons ici à la simulation aux grandes échelles des écoulements diphasiques turbulents, permettant de capturer une large partie du spectre de la turbulence, et ainsi être capable de prédire des phénomènes instables ou transitoires. La phase dispersée est ici modélisée par une approche eulérienne, en raison de ses avantages dans le contexte du calcul haute performance. Le travail de cette thèse a consisté à étendre le formalisme eulérien existant dans le code AVBP à la simulation de sprays polydisperses dans des écoulements turbulents. Pour cela, le Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique (FEM) a été couplé à une approche Multi-fluide. Cette nouvelle approche, intitulée Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique Multi-fluide (FEMM), a été évaluée sur des cas simples canoniques, permettant de bien caractériser le comportement autant en terme de dynamique turbulente que d'effets polydisperses. Les stratégies numériques disponibles dans le code de calcul AVBP sont aussi analysées, afin d'en cerner les limites pour la simulation eulérienne d'une phase liquide. Ce nouveau formalisme est finalement appliqué à la configuration aéronautique MERCATO, pour laquelle on dispose de résultats numériques obtenus avec d'autres approches (FEM et approche lagrangienne), et de résultats expérimentaux. Un accord satisfaisant avec l'expérience est montré pour toutes les approches, même si le FEM, monodisperse, obtient de moins bon résultats en terme de fluctuations. D'autres résultats expérimentaux s'avèrent nécessaires pour évaluer les approches et déterminer quelle est la plus prédictive pour cette configuration, notamment concernant la fraction massique de kerosene, autant en phase liquide qu'en phase gazeuse.Turbulent two-phase flows are encountered in several industrial devices (piston engine, gas turbine, rocket engine...). A fine understanding of such configurations is mandatory to face problems of pollutant emissions, greenhouse gas, and fossil fuel rarefaction. The Large Eddy Simulation seems to be a good candidate. This kind of simulation captures a wide part of turbulence spectrum, and thus allows to predict instabilities and transient phenomena. The dispersed phase is simulated using an Eulerian approach, which seems to be more suitable than lagrangian methods for High Performance Computing. The present work consists in the extension to polydisperse flows of the existing eulerian formalism in the AVBP code. The Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism (MEF) is coupled with the Multifluid approach. This new formalism, called Multifluid Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism, is evaluated on simple test cases, showing the ability of such approach to capture turbulent and polydisperse effects. Numerical strategies available in AVBP are also evaluated, in order to emphasize on their limiting aspects for the eulerian simulation of a dispersed phase. The new formalism is finally applied to the simulation of the aeronautical configuration called MERCATO. Several experimental results are available, as well as numerical results using FEM and lagrangian approach. Results show a good agreement between experiments and numerical results, even if FEM results are worse concerning the fluctuations. New experimental results are necessary to determine which is the best approach, especially in terms of liquid and gas kerosene mass fraction