79 research outputs found

    Oftalmološke manifestacije kod multiple skleroze

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    Analizirana su 332 bolesnika, slučajevi vjerojatne multiple skleroze (MS) prema R. S. Allisonu i J. H. D. Millaru, koji su od 1945.-1969. boravili na očnom i neurološkom odjelu jedne gradske bolnice. Spolni indeks bio je 1.3 ; dob bolesnika između 20. i 40. god. života, a 2/3 njih pokazivali su relapsno-remitirajući tijek bolesti. Vidni simptomi i znaci bili su početni u 25% bolesnika: najčešće jedno ili obostrani optički neuritis (8.7%) i dvoslike (5.7%). Izolirano oštećenje n. abducensa bilo je prisutno u 4.2% ispitanika. Četiri (1.2%) bolesnika pokazivala su sindrom vanjske oftalmoplegije. Kampimetrija bolesnika s optičkim neuritisom, njih 29, pokazivala je: u 17 masivne (para)centralne skotome, u 10 skotom združen s perifernim ispadom vidnog polja ; u jednog kvadrianopsiju, a u drugog homonimnu hemianopsiju. U daljnjem tijeku MS bio je dijagnosticiran nistagmus u 34%, lagana anizokorija u 15.6%, jednostrana amauroza u 7.2%, te Hornerov sindrom u 0, 6% bolesnika. Periflebitis retine nađen je u 2.5% bolesnika. Šest (1.8%) bolesnika imalo je grč konvergencije: četiri od njih pokazivala su fenomenologiju somatoformnog poremećaja. Samo 45 (13.5%) bolesnika, prvenstveno slučajevi progresivno-primarne MS, nije pokazivalo vidne simptome i znakove tijekom bolesti. Ispravna dijagnoza bila je postavljena po oftalmologu u 27 (8.1%) ispitanika

    Primena bezmetalnih endokruna u protetskoj terapiji endodontski lečenih zuba - prikaz slučaja

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    The all-ceramic endocrowns are one piece restoration used in the therapy of endodontically treated teeth, usually, with a decreased vertical dimension of the tooth crown. The aim of this paper is to describe two techniques of the making of endocrowns using case studies and to present the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques by way of their comparison. Chair-side production with the Cerec CAD-CAM system and pressing of the ceramic with the Empres II system was used for the production of the endocrowns. Cerec CAD-CAM and Empres II systems yielded equally good results in the production of the endocrowns, in terms of their functionality, retention, aesthetic and duration. The basic difference between them is the length of the endocrown production procedure as the Cerec CAD-CAM system makes it possible to apply the treatment during a single visit using a wide range of materials….Bezmetalne endokrune su jednokomadne nadoknade koje se koriste u terapiji endodontski lečenih zuba u uslovima smanjene vertikalne dimenzije krunice zuba. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se na slučajevima iz kliničke prakse predstave dve tehnike izrade endokruna i da se poređenjem karakteristika tih sistema ukaže na njihove prednosti i nedostatke. Kod jednog pacijenta, za izradu endokruna korišćena je jednoseansna izrada Cerec CAD-CAM sistemom, a kod drugog presovanje keramike Empres II sistemom. Obe tehnike, i Cerec CAD - CAM i Empress II sistem, pokazale su podjednako dobre rezultate, u smislu funkcionalnosti, retencije, estetike i dugotrajnosti endokruna. Osnovna razlika je u trajanju procedure izrade endokruna jer Cerec CAD - CAM sistem omogućava tretman u samo jednoj poseti pacijenta i koristi širu paletu gradivnih materijala

    Oftalmološke manifestacije kod multiple skleroze

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    Analizirana su 332 bolesnika, slučajevi vjerojatne multiple skleroze (MS) prema R. S. Allisonu i J. H. D. Millaru, koji su od 1945.-1969. boravili na očnom i neurološkom odjelu jedne gradske bolnice. Spolni indeks bio je 1.3 ; dob bolesnika između 20. i 40. god. života, a 2/3 njih pokazivali su relapsno-remitirajući tijek bolesti. Vidni simptomi i znaci bili su početni u 25% bolesnika: najčešće jedno ili obostrani optički neuritis (8.7%) i dvoslike (5.7%). Izolirano oštećenje n. abducensa bilo je prisutno u 4.2% ispitanika. Četiri (1.2%) bolesnika pokazivala su sindrom vanjske oftalmoplegije. Kampimetrija bolesnika s optičkim neuritisom, njih 29, pokazivala je: u 17 masivne (para)centralne skotome, u 10 skotom združen s perifernim ispadom vidnog polja ; u jednog kvadrianopsiju, a u drugog homonimnu hemianopsiju. U daljnjem tijeku MS bio je dijagnosticiran nistagmus u 34%, lagana anizokorija u 15.6%, jednostrana amauroza u 7.2%, te Hornerov sindrom u 0, 6% bolesnika. Periflebitis retine nađen je u 2.5% bolesnika. Šest (1.8%) bolesnika imalo je grč konvergencije: četiri od njih pokazivala su fenomenologiju somatoformnog poremećaja. Samo 45 (13.5%) bolesnika, prvenstveno slučajevi progresivno-primarne MS, nije pokazivalo vidne simptome i znakove tijekom bolesti. Ispravna dijagnoza bila je postavljena po oftalmologu u 27 (8.1%) ispitanika

    Geneza i evolucija uvala u paleodolini Gajina mlaka na Kučaju

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    The evolution of Gajina mlaka paleovalley from pre-karstic to current phase reveals the complexity of process of transformation of valleys in karst and formation of fluviokarst uvalas. The creation of river network and formation of the valley of Gajina mlaka are related to successive withdrawal of the Pontiac Sea. Predominance of karstic process over fluvial causes the transformation of fluvial morphology into karstic. The degree of transformation depends on relationship of the intensity between these two opposed processes. Karstification covers all parts of Gajina mlaka valley which are built in karst. Riverbeds are almost completely transformed and dolines are formed along them. In the parts of valleys with more significant lithologic differences, more complex tectonic relationships and different pre-karstic fluvial morphology, larger forms of relief are created by karstic process and they are called uvalas. According to the presented method of genesis and evolution of uvalas it can be concluded that they are clearly morphologically and genetically individualized karst landforms, which negates some contemporary opinions that exclude both the term and form uvala as karstic element of relief.Evolucija paleodoline Gajina mlaka od prekraške do savremene faze otkriva složenost procesa transformacije dolina u krasu i nastanak fluvio-kraških uvala. Nastanak rečne mreže i stvaranje doline Gajina mlaka vezan je za sukcesivno povlačenje Pontiskog mora. Prevaga kraškog procesa nad fluvijalnim dovodi do transformacije fluvijane morfologije u krašku. Stepen transformacije zavisi od odnosa inteziteta ova dva suprostavljena procesa. Karstifikacija zahvata sve delove doline Gajina mlaka koji su izgrađeni u krečnjacima. Rečna korita su gotovo u potpunosti preoblikovana i duž njih se formiraju vrtače. U delovima dolina sa značajnijim litološkim razlikama, složenijim tektonskim odnosima i različitom prekraškom fluvijalnom morfologijom kraškim procesom izgrađuju se veći oblici reljefa - uvale. Iz prikazanog načina nastanka i evolucije uvala proističe da su one jasno morfološki i genetski individualisani kraški oblici, čime se negiraju pojedina savremena shvatanja koja isključuju i termin i oblik uvale kao kraškog elementa reljefa

    Geneza i evolucija uvala u paleodolini Gajina mlaka na Kučaju

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    The evolution of Gajina mlaka paleovalley from pre-karstic to current phase reveals the complexity of process of transformation of valleys in karst and formation of fluviokarst uvalas. The creation of river network and formation of the valley of Gajina mlaka are related to successive withdrawal of the Pontiac Sea. Predominance of karstic process over fluvial causes the transformation of fluvial morphology into karstic. The degree of transformation depends on relationship of the intensity between these two opposed processes. Karstification covers all parts of Gajina mlaka valley which are built in karst. Riverbeds are almost completely transformed and dolines are formed along them. In the parts of valleys with more significant lithologic differences, more complex tectonic relationships and different pre-karstic fluvial morphology, larger forms of relief are created by karstic process and they are called uvalas. According to the presented method of genesis and evolution of uvalas it can be concluded that they are clearly morphologically and genetically individualized karst landforms, which negates some contemporary opinions that exclude both the term and form uvala as karstic element of relief.Evolucija paleodoline Gajina mlaka od prekraške do savremene faze otkriva složenost procesa transformacije dolina u krasu i nastanak fluvio-kraških uvala. Nastanak rečne mreže i stvaranje doline Gajina mlaka vezan je za sukcesivno povlačenje Pontiskog mora. Prevaga kraškog procesa nad fluvijalnim dovodi do transformacije fluvijane morfologije u krašku. Stepen transformacije zavisi od odnosa inteziteta ova dva suprostavljena procesa. Karstifikacija zahvata sve delove doline Gajina mlaka koji su izgrađeni u krečnjacima. Rečna korita su gotovo u potpunosti preoblikovana i duž njih se formiraju vrtače. U delovima dolina sa značajnijim litološkim razlikama, složenijim tektonskim odnosima i različitom prekraškom fluvijalnom morfologijom kraškim procesom izgrađuju se veći oblici reljefa - uvale. Iz prikazanog načina nastanka i evolucije uvala proističe da su one jasno morfološki i genetski individualisani kraški oblici, čime se negiraju pojedina savremena shvatanja koja isključuju i termin i oblik uvale kao kraškog elementa reljefa

    Nano-QSAR: Model of mutagenicity of fullerene as a mathematical function of different conditions

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    The experimental data on the bacterial reverse mutation test (under various conditions) on C60 nanoparticles for the cases (i) TA100, and (ii) WP2uvrA/pkM101 are examined as endpoints. By means of the optimal descriptors calculated with the Monte Carlo method a mathematical model of these endpoints has been built up. The models are a mathematical function of eclectic data such as (i) dose (g/plate); (ii) metabolic activation (i.e. with mix S9 or without mix S9); and (iii) illumination (i.e. darkness or irradiation). The eclectic data on different conditions were represented by so-called quasi-SMILES. In contrast to the traditional SMILES which are representation of molecular structure, the quasi-SMILES are representation of conditions by sequence of symbols. The calculations were carried out with the CORAL software, available on the Internet at http://www.insilico.eu/coral. The main idea of the suggested descriptors is the accumulation of all available eclectic information in the role of logical and digital basis for building up a model. The computational experiments have shown that the described approach can be a tool to build up models of mutagenicity of fullerene under different conditions

    Orijentacija crkava manastira ovčarsko-kablarske klisure (Republika Srbija)

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    Ovčar-Kablar gorge is after Fruška Gora Mountain the area with the largest number of old Serbian monasteries. This paper analyzes church orientation of all nine monasteries of the gorge from mathematical-geographical point of view, focusing on the churches of six monasteries that originate from the so called extended Middle Ages. Of these six churches only the axis of the Church of the Holy Trinity is directed exactly to the equinoctial east. Considering the means and methods that the chief architect could use, the orientation of monastery church of Vavedenje ('Presentation of Mary') with the aberration of only 4° can be also regarded as accurate. Moreover, this aberration could be the consequence of a mistake made by the chief architect about the date of equinox, which is also the case with the aberration of the monastery church of Sretenje ('Presentation of Our Lord'). The axis of the monastery church of Blagoveštenje ('Annunciation') is approximately directed to the point of the sunrise of summer solstice. Only the axis of the monastery church of Nikolje ('St Nicholas'), the oldest in the group of six of conditionally medieval churches, is out of the eastern sector of the horizon i.e. only this axis is not oriented in accordance with the ideal-type church rule.Posle Fruške Gore, Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura jeste prostor najveće koncentracije starih srpskih manastira. U radu je sa matematičko-geografskog stanovišta analizirana orijentacija crkava svih devet tamošnjih manastira, sa težištem na crkve šest manastira koje potiču iz tzv. produženog srednjeg veka. Od njih šest, tačno ka ravnodnevačkom istoku usmerena je samo osa crkve Sv. Trojice. Uzimajući u obzir sredstva i metode koje je mogao koristiti protomajstor, tačnom se može smatrati i orijentacija crkve manastira Vavedenje čiji je otklon samo 4°. Taj otklon mogao je biti i posledica proto-majstorove zablude o datumu ravnodnevice, isto kao i otklon ose crkve manastira Sretenja. Osa crkve manstira Blagoveštenja usmerena je približno ka tački izlaska sunca letnjeg soslsticijuma. Od šest uslovno srednjovekovnih crkava, samo se osa crkve manastira Nikolje, najstarije u toj grupi, nalazi van istočnog sektora horizonta, tj. jedina ona nije orijentisana u skladu idealtipskim crkvenim pravilom

    Orijentacija crkava manastira ovčarsko-kablarske klisure (Republika Srbija)

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    Ovčar-Kablar gorge is after Fruška Gora Mountain the area with the largest number of old Serbian monasteries. This paper analyzes church orientation of all nine monasteries of the gorge from mathematical-geographical point of view, focusing on the churches of six monasteries that originate from the so called extended Middle Ages. Of these six churches only the axis of the Church of the Holy Trinity is directed exactly to the equinoctial east. Considering the means and methods that the chief architect could use, the orientation of monastery church of Vavedenje ('Presentation of Mary') with the aberration of only 4° can be also regarded as accurate. Moreover, this aberration could be the consequence of a mistake made by the chief architect about the date of equinox, which is also the case with the aberration of the monastery church of Sretenje ('Presentation of Our Lord'). The axis of the monastery church of Blagoveštenje ('Annunciation') is approximately directed to the point of the sunrise of summer solstice. Only the axis of the monastery church of Nikolje ('St Nicholas'), the oldest in the group of six of conditionally medieval churches, is out of the eastern sector of the horizon i.e. only this axis is not oriented in accordance with the ideal-type church rule.Posle Fruške Gore, Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura jeste prostor najveće koncentracije starih srpskih manastira. U radu je sa matematičko-geografskog stanovišta analizirana orijentacija crkava svih devet tamošnjih manastira, sa težištem na crkve šest manastira koje potiču iz tzv. produženog srednjeg veka. Od njih šest, tačno ka ravnodnevačkom istoku usmerena je samo osa crkve Sv. Trojice. Uzimajući u obzir sredstva i metode koje je mogao koristiti protomajstor, tačnom se može smatrati i orijentacija crkve manastira Vavedenje čiji je otklon samo 4°. Taj otklon mogao je biti i posledica proto-majstorove zablude o datumu ravnodnevice, isto kao i otklon ose crkve manastira Sretenja. Osa crkve manstira Blagoveštenja usmerena je približno ka tački izlaska sunca letnjeg soslsticijuma. Od šest uslovno srednjovekovnih crkava, samo se osa crkve manastira Nikolje, najstarije u toj grupi, nalazi van istočnog sektora horizonta, tj. jedina ona nije orijentisana u skladu idealtipskim crkvenim pravilom