973 research outputs found

    Quantum Criticality in a Bosonic Josephson Junction

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    In this paper we consider a bosonic Josephson junction described by a two-mode Bose-Hubbard model, and we thoroughly analyze a quantum phase transition occurring in the system in the limit of infinite bosonic population. We discuss the relation between this quantum phase transition and the dynamical bifurcation occurring in the spectrum of the Discrete Self Trapping equations describing the system at the semiclassical level. In particular, we identify five regimes depending on the strength of the effective interaction among bosons, and study the finite-size effects arising from the finiteness of the bosonic population. We devote a special attention to the critical regime which reduces to the dynamical bifurcation point in the thermodynamic limit of infinite bosonic population. Specifically, we highlight an anomalous scaling in the population imbalance between the two wells of the trapping potential, as well as in two quantities borrowed from Quantum Information Theory, i.e. the entropy of entanglement and the ground-state fidelity. Our analysis is not limited to the zero temperature case, but considers thermal effects as well.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    New linearization and reweighting for simulations of string sigma-model on the lattice

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    We study the discretized worldsheet of Type IIB strings in the Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov background in a new setup, which eliminates a complex phase previously detected in the fermionic determinant. A sign ambiguity remains, which a study of the fermionic spectrum shows to be related to Yukawa-like terms, including those present in the original Lagrangian before the linearization standard in a lattice QFT approach. Monte Carlo simulations are performed in a large region of the parameter space, where the sign problem starts becoming severe and instabilities appear due to the zero eigenvalues of the fermionic operator. To face these problems, simulations are conducted using the absolute value of a fermionic Pfaffian obtained introducing a small twisted-mass term, acting as an infrared regulator, into the action. The sign of the Pfaffian and the low modes of the quadratic fermionic operator are then taken into account by a reweighting procedure of which we discuss the impact on the measurement of the observables. In this setup we study bosonic and fermionic correlators and observe a divergence in the latter, which we argue - also via a one-loop analysis in lattice perturbation theory - to originate from the U(1)-breaking of our Wilson-like discretization for the fermionic sector

    Genre Hybridization in Leonardo Sciascia’s The Day of the Owl and Vikram Chandra’s Sacred Games

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    The rise of an original Indian detective novel can be dated back to the 1950s. Like its European predecessor, the genre was initially considered strictly popular; books were sold at railway stations as cheap reading matter for commuters. During the Sixties, however, thanks to the rising importance of the middle class, detective novels became increasingly popular. For years the detective genre had been on the wane and it was only in the first decade of the 21st century that new detective and noir stories appeared

    Quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory

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    We consider antiparallel Wilson lines in N = 4 super Yang-Mills in the presence of a codimension-1 defect. We compute the Wilson lines’ expectation value both at weak coupling, in the gauge theory, and at strong coupling, by finding the string configurations which are dual to this operator. These configurations display a Gross-Ooguri transition between a connected, U-shaped string phase and a phase in which the string breaks into two disconnected surfaces. We analyze in detail the critical configurations separating the two phases and compare the string result with the gauge theory one in a certain double scaling limit

    Harmonisation Initiatives of Copernicus Data Quality Control

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    The Copernicus Space Component Data Access system (CSCDA) incorporates data contributions from a wide range of satellite missions. Through EO data handling and distribution, CSCDA serves a set of Copernicus Services related to Land, Marine and Atmosphere Monitoring, Emergency Management and Security and Climate Change. The quality of the delivered EO products is the responsibility of each contributing mission, and the Copernicus data Quality Control (CQC) service supports and complements such data quality control activities. The mission of the CQC is to provide a service of quality assessment on the provided imagery, to support the investigation related to product quality anomalies, and to guarantee harmonisation and traceability of the quality information. In terms of product quality control, the CQC carries out analysis of representative sample products for each contributing mission as well as coordinating data quality investigation related to issues found or raised by Copernicus users. Results from the product analysis are systematically collected and the derived quality reports stored in a searchable database. The CQC service can be seen as a privileged focal point with unique comparison capacities over the data providers. The comparison among products from different missions suggests the need for a strong, common effort of harmonisation. Technical terms, definitions, metadata, file formats, processing levels, algorithms, cal/val procedures etc. are far from being homogeneous, and this may generate inconsistencies and confusion among users of EO data. The CSCDA CQC team plays a significant role in promoting harmonisation initiatives across the numerous contributing missions, so that a common effort can achieve optimal complementarity and compatibility among the EO data from multiple data providers. This effort is done in coordination with important initiatives already working towards these goals (e.g. INSPIRE directive, CEOS initiatives, OGC standards, QA4EO etc.). This paper describes the main actions being undertaken by CQC to encourage harmonisation among space-based EO systems currently in service

    Radiography registration for mosaic tomography

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    CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQA hybrid method of stitching X-ray computed tomography (CT) datasets is proposed and the feasibility to apply the scheme in a synchrotron tomography beamline with micrometre resolution is shown. The proposed method enables the field of view of the system to be extended while spatial resolution and experimental setup remain unchanged. The approach relies on taking full tomographic datasets at different positions in a mosaic array and registering the frames using Fourier phase correlation and a residue-based correlation. To ensure correlation correctness, the limits for the shifts are determined from the experimental motor position readouts. The masked correlation image is then minimized to obtain the correct shift. The partial datasets are blended in the sinogram space to be compatible with common CT reconstructors. The feasibility to use the algorithm to blend the partial datasets in projection space is also shown, creating a new single dataset, and standard reconstruction algorithms are used to restore high-resolution slices even with a small number ofprojections.A hybrid method of stitching X-ray computed tomography (CT) datasets is proposed and the feasibility to apply the scheme in a synchrotron tomography beamline with micrometre resolution is shown. The proposed method enables the field of view of the system to be extended while spatial resolution and experimental setup remain unchanged. The approach relies on taking full tomographic datasets at different positions in a mosaic array and registering the frames using Fourier phase correlation and a residue-based correlation. To ensure correlation correctness, the limits for the shifts are determined from the experimental motor position readouts. The masked correlation image is then minimized to obtain the correct shift. The partial datasets are blended in the sinogram space to be compatible with common CT reconstructors. The feasibility to use the algorithm to blend the partial datasets in projection space is also shown, creating a new single dataset, and standard reconstruction algorithms are used to restore high-resolution slices even with a small number of projections.243686694CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQSem informaçã

    Strings on the lattice and AdS/CFT

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    We present a new auxiliary field representation for the four-fermi term of the gauge-fixed Green-Schwarz superstring action which describes fluctuations around the null-cusp background in AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. We sketch the main features of the fermionic operator spectrum, identifying the region of parameter space where the sign ambiguity is absent. Measurements for the observables in the setup here described are presented and discussed in a forthcoming publication

    Two-loop cusp anomaly in ABJM at strong coupling

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    We compute the null cusp anomalous dimension of ABJM theory at strong coupling up to two-loop order. This is done by evaluating corrections to the corresponding superstring partition function, weighted by the AdS 4 × ℂℙ3 action in AdS light-cone gauge. We compare our result, where we use an anomalous shift in the AdS 4 radius, with the cusp anomaly of N = 4 SYM, and extract the two-loop contribution to the non-trivial integrable coupling h(λ) of ABJM theory. It coincides with the strong coupling expansion of the exact expression for h(λ) recently conjectured by Gromov and Sizov. Our work provides thus a non-trivial perturbative check for the latter, as well as evidence for two-loop UV-finiteness and quantum integrability of the Type IIA AdS 4 × ℂℙ3 superstring in this gauge

    Green-Schwarz superstring on the lattice

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    We consider possible discretizations for a gauge-fixed Green-Schwarz action of Type IIB superstring. We use them for measuring the action, from which we extract the cusp anomalous dimension of planar N=4 SYM as derived from AdS/CFT, as well as the mass of the two AdS excitations transverse to the relevant null cusp classical string solution. We perform lattice simulations employing a Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo (RHMC) algorithm and two Wilson-like fermion discretizations, one of which preserves the global SO(6) symmetry the model. We compare our results with the expected behavior at various values of g=λ√4π . For both the observables, we find a good agreement for large g, which is the perturbative regime of the sigma-model. For smaller values of g, the expectation value of the action exhibits a deviation compatible with the presence of quadratic divergences. After their non-perturbative subtraction the continuum limit can be taken, and suggests a qualitative agreement with the non-perturbative expectation from AdS/CFT. Furthermore, we detect a phase in the fermion determinant, whose origin we explain, that for small g leads to a sign problem not treatable via standard reweigthing. The continuum extrapolations of the observables in the two different discretizations agree within errors, which is strongly suggesting that they lead to the same continuum limit. Part of the results discussed here were presented earlier in [1]

    Remarks on the geometrical properties of semiclassically quantized strings

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    We discuss some geometrical aspects of the semiclassical quantization of string solutions in type IIB Green–Schwarz action on ADS5xS5 We concentrate on quadratic fluctuations around classical configurations, expressing the relevant differential operators in terms of (intrinsic and extrinsic) invariants of the background geometry. The aim of our exercise is to present some compact expressions encoding the spectral properties of bosonic and fermionic fluctuations. The appearing of non-trivial structures on the relevant bundles and their role in concrete computations are also considered. We corroborate the presentation of general formulas by working out explicitly a couple of relevant examples, namely the spinning string and the latitude BPS Wilson loop
