160 research outputs found

    Satisfaction with an expatriate job : the role of physical and functional distance between expatriate and supervisor

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to focus on satisfaction with an expatriate job and how such satisfaction is linked to leadership. Specifically, this research examines how two different kinds of distances – physical distance and functional distance – between an expatriate and his/her supervisor are related to satisfaction with the expatriate job. Design/methodology/approach - The study was conducted among 290 Finnish expatriates. Moderated hierarchical regression analysis was conducted in order to test the research hypothesis. Findings - The results show that low functional distance with a supervisor is related to greater satisfaction with the expatriate job. The physical distance is not directly connected to expatriate job satisfaction, but the common effect of the two types of distance shows that among those whose functional distance is low, working in the same country with the leader is linked to greater expatriate satisfaction than recorded among those who were physically distant. Interestingly, expatriates with high functional distance are more satisfied with the expatriate job if they work in a different country to their supervisor. Originality/value - This study makes a contribution in three areas; first, it addresses the understudied phenomena of international work-specific job satisfaction, specifically satisfaction with an expatriate job. Second, it provides new knowledge on the outcomes of leader distance in the context of expatriation, a work situation that is inherently related to changes in physical location and to organizational relationships. Third, it contributes to leadership literature and highlights the importance of the conditions and the context in which leadership occurs.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Factors Contributing to Work/Life Conflicts and Enrichment Among Finnish Global Careerists

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    It has been argued (see, e.g., Haslberger and Brewster 2008; Lazarova, Westman, and Sheffer 2010; Mäkelä, Känsälä, and Suutari 2011; Mäkelä and Suutari 2011) that expatriates have difficulties balancing work with the rest of their lives. Our understanding of the issues and factors contributing to the work/non-work balance is limited. To increase our understanding of these issues, twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with Finnish global careerists, each of whom had spent most of their working lives outside their home country. The results of the study indicate that, besides facing conflicts, global careerists benefit from the interface of their work and non-work life. Several work-domain, non-work domain, and individual factors were identified. We argue that the literature regarding the work/life balance needs to take into account context-related factors and to put more emphasis on the perspective of enrichment.©2014 Journal of Finnish Studies, University of Illinois Press.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Managing global and migrant workers

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    The international workforce has existed since slaves built the pyramids. But international work has been increasing substantially in recent decades. With it, the interest in how to manage international workers, their talent and global careers has grown. In this chapter we are exploring key forms of international work. We use the length of international assignment as our template and concentrate on international business travellers (IBTs); short-term assignees, company-sponsored long-term expatriates (AEs), selfinitiated expatriates (SIEs) and global careerists. We also discuss immigration related mobility of labour. Throughout the text we will investigate contextual, strategic, operational and individual influences and will put a particular focus on how organizations can manage their international workers.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A method for detecting non-stationary oscillations in process plants

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    This paper proposes a method for detecting oscillations in non-stationary timeseries based on the statistical properties of zero-crossings. The main development presented is atechnique to remove non-stationary trend component from the analysed signals before applyingan oscillation detection procedure. First, the method extracts the signal's baseline that is utilizedto stationarize the signal. Then, an index describing the regularity of the stationarized signal'szero-crossings is computed in order to determine the presence of oscillation. The propertiesand performance of the method are analysed in simulation studies. Furthermore, the methodis comprehensively tested with industrial data in a comparative study in which the proposedmethod is tested against other oscillation detection methods using industrial benchmark dataand in tests on paperboard machine process. Finally, the simulation and industrial results areanalysed and discussed.Peer reviewe

    Teacher Ratings of Executive Function Difficulties in Finnish Children with Combined and Predominantly Inattentive Symptoms of ADHD

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    School-age children with difficulties in executive functions (EFs) are at risk for substantial academic impairment and poorer developmental outcome. Although Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is generally associated with weaknesses in EFs, a relatively minimal amount is known about school-related EF difficulties and differences between ADHD subtypes. The present study examined teacher ratings of EF behaviors in 7- to 15-year-old Finnish children with combined symptoms of ADHD (ADHD-C; n =189), predominantly inattentive symptoms (ADHD-I; n = 25), and no ADHD (n = 691). The teacher ratings showed that both ADHD groups had more EF difficulties than controls. Ratings also indicated specific EF profiles for the ADHD subtypes, students with ADHD-I having more wide-ranging EF difficulties in attention as well as initiation, planning, and execution of actions than children with ADHD-C. According to the present findings, the school-related EF difficulties of children with ADHD-I need to be specifically acknowledged. Teacher ratings seem to be sensitive indicators of EF difficulties and distinguish between different kinds of EF profiles. In clinical practice, rating scales with reliable psychometric properties and normative data relevant to the specific cultural environment should be employed.Peer reviewe

    Data on characterizing the gene expression patterns of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis genes: CLN1, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5 and their association to interneuron and neurotransmission markers: Parvalbumin and Somatostatin

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    Abstract The article contains raw and analyzed data related to the research article “Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis genes, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5 are spatially and temporally co-expressed in a developing mouse brain” (Fabritius et al., 2014) [1]. The processed data gives an understanding of the development of the cell types that are mostly affected by defective function of CLN proteins, timing of expression of CLN1, CLN2, CLN3 and CLN5 genes in a murine model. The data shows relationship between the expression pattern of these genes during neural development. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify known interneuronal markers for neurotransmission and cell proliferation: parvalbumin, somatostatin subpopulations of interneurons. Non-radioactive in-situ hybridization detected CLN5 mRNA in the hippocampus. Throughout the development strong expression of CLN genes were identified in the germinal epithelium and in ventricle regions, cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. This provides supportive evidence that CLN1, CLN2, CLN3 and CLN5 genes may be involved in synaptic pruning.Peer reviewe

    Integral kernels for k-hypermonogenic functions

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    We consider the modified Cauchy- Riemann operator M-k = Sigma(n)(i=0)=0(ei partial derivative xi) + k/xn Q' in the universal Clifford algebra Cl-0,Cl-n with the basis e1, ... ,en. The null- solutions of this operator are called k-hypermonogenic functions. We calculate the k- hyperbolic harmonic fundamental solutions, i. e. solutions to M-k(M)over bar(k)f = 0, and use these solutions to find k-hypermonogenic kernels for a Cauchy-type integral formula in the upper half-space.Peer reviewe

    A David and Goliath set-up : a qualitative study of the challenges of ensuring the introduction of cost-effective new cancer medicines in Finland

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    Background: To combat the global challenge of cancer, priority has been placed on the research and development of new cancer medicines (NCMs). NCMs are often approved for marketing in accelerated processes. Despite significant advances in treating cancer, the overall added value and high prices of NCMs has been questioned. While market authorisations for NCMs are granted at the EU level, the assessment of added value, price negotiations and purchase or reimbursement decisions are made by member states. This article explores the practices in Finland for assessing and deciding on purchasing or reimbursing NCMs. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 civil servants, hospital employees, scientists, and representatives of cancer NGOs and of the pharmaceutical industry in 2019 and 2020. The transcribed interviews were coded inductively using Atlas.ti software and analysed thematically under 3 major themes and 11 sub-themes. Results: The clinical value of NCMs is considered to be high, especially regarding NCMs for certain types of cancer. Proper patient selection is important but difficult and not all NCMs can be considered as adding value. The prices are considered to often be very high, leading to concerns about the sustainability and equity of health systems. Equity concerns among cancer patients are raised concerning differences in the availability of NCMs between hospital districts and cost differences for patients between those receiving outpatient and inpatient treatment. The systems and processes in Finland for deciding on the introduction of NCMs are fragmentary, involving separate approaches for outpatient care and hospital medicines by under-resourced evaluation bodies. The scientific evidence available is often limited for evidence-based decisions on introduction. Individual hospital districts sometimes introduce NCMs without assessment by national bodies. This can hamper the proper assessment of some NCMs before their uptake and lead to unequal access to NCMs by hospitals. There is an increasing lack of transparency about pricing, due to the rapid increase of market entry agreements. Lack of transparency on information on prices poses a challenge for authorities responsible for equitable access to cost-effective care within the available resources. Conclusions: Robust reform of the national introductory systems is needed. Internationally, efforts are needed to increase price transparency, to revise incentives within the system of market approval and to accumulate and assess evidence of comparable value and cost-effectiveness after the market approval of NCMs.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Radium-223-dikloridi kastraatioresistentin eturauhassyövän hoidossa : Arviointikooste

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    Kastraatioresistentillä eturauhassyövällä tarkoitetaan tilannetta, jolloin tauti leviää, vaikka seerumin testosteronipitoisuus on kastraatiotasolla. Levinneessä eturauhassyövässä luusto on tavallisin etäpesäkkeen ilmenemispaikka. Luustoetäpesäkkeet ja niihin liittyvät komplikaatiot heikentävät potilaan toimintakykyä ja elämänlaatua sekä huonontavat merkittävästi potilaan ennustetta. Radium-223 on alfahiukkasia säteilevä radioaktiivinen lääkevalmiste. Se on tarkoitettu kastraatioresistentin eturauhassyövän hoitoon aikuisille, joilla on oireilevia luustoetäpesäkkeitä mutta ei tiedossa olevia sisäelimiin liittyviä etäpesäkkeitä. Radium-223:n tehoa ja turvallisuutta on tutkittu yhdessä satunnaistetussa faasin III hoitokokeessa, jossa lääkehoitoa verrattiin tukihoitoon. Keskeisimmät tulokset ovat: − Kokonaiselossaoloajan mediaani oli radium-223-ryhmässä 14,9 kuukautta ja tukihoitoryhmässä 11,3 kuukautta (riskisuhde (HR) 0,70; 95 %:n luottamusväli (LV) 0,58–0,83). − Oireisen luustotapahtuman ilmaantumisajan mediaani oli radium-223-ryhmässä 15,6 kuukautta ja tukihoitoryhmässä 9,8 kuukautta (HR 0,66; 95 %:n LV 0,52–0,83). − AFOS-arvon suurenemiseen kuluvan ajan mediaani oli radium-223-ryhmässä 7,4 kuukautta ja tukihoitoryhmässä 3,8 kuukautta (HR 0,17; 95 %:n LV 0,13–0,22). − PSA-arvon suurenemiseen kuluvan ajan mediaani oli radium-223-ryhmässä 3,6 kuukautta ja tukihoitoryhmässä 3,4 kuukautta (HR 0,64; 95 %:n LV 0,54–0,77). − Tyypillisimpiä radium-223:n haittavaikutuksia ovat ripuli, trombosytopenia ja neutropenia, joita esiintyi radium-223-ryhmässä useammin kuin tukihoitoryhmässä. − Radium-223:n vaikutus elämänlaatuun on vähäinen. Radium-223-hoidon vaikutusta kokonaiselossaoloaikaan voidaan pitää kliinisesti merkittävänä. Lisäksi hoidon haittaprofiilin voidaan katsoa olevan maltillinen. Tutkimusnäyttö perustuu kuitenkin vain yhteen faasin III tutkimukseen, eikä radium-223:a ole verrattu satunnaistetussa tutkimuksessa muihin lääkehoitoihin, mikä voidaan katsoa selkeäksi rajoitteeksi. Kuuden annoksen radium-223-hoidon lääkekustannukset ovat noin 28 000 euroa potilasta kohden. Osalla potilaista hoito keskeytyy. Mikäli annoksia annetaan keskimäärin 5,1 ja potilaita hoidetaan vuosittain noin sata, odotettavissa olevat hoidon lääkekustannukset ovat noin 2,4 miljoonaa euroa. Hoitoon liittyy myös muita kustannuksia. Kokonaisuudessaan hoitoon liittyvät lääkekustannukset ovat korkeat ja muun muassa tästä syystä esimerkiksi NICE on suositellut hoidon käyttöä vain tietyin edellytyksin.Tiivistelmä myös ruotsiksi ja englanniksi