9 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection in free-ranging wild animals in Belgium.

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    The aim of this review paper is to evaluate the putative susceptibilities of different free-ranging wild animal species in Belgium to SARS-CoV-2 and provide a risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection in those animals. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, natural SARS-CoV-2 infections have mainly been confirmed in domestic and production animals, and in wild animals kept in captivity, although the numbers remain limited when compared to human cases. Recently, the first SARS-CoV-2 infections in presumably escaped minks found in the wild have been detected, further addressing the much-feared scenario of transmission of the virus to animals living in the wild and its consequences. Considering the most likely origin of the virus being a wild animal and the putative susceptibilities of free-ranging wild animal species to SARS-CoV-2, the risk of infection with possible establishment of the virus in these populations has to be investigated closely. The authors conclude that most attention should be given to surveillance and awareness raising activities for SARS-CoV-2 infection in wild mustelids, bats, wild canids and felids, particularly these collected in wildlife rescue centres. People involved in frequent and close contact with wild animals should take all necessary precautionary measures to protect wild animals against exposure to the virus. One year after the first detection of SARS-CoV-2 in humans, the time has come to increase investments in research and surveillance activities in animals, including in free-ranging wild animals, as part of a One Health control of this pandemic. This study focusing on Belgium could be helpful for other countries with similar animal densities and ecosystems

    Presence of low virulence chytrid fungi could protect European amphibians from more deadly strains

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    Wildlife diseases are contributing to the current Earth’s sixth mass extinction; one disease, chytridiomycosis, has caused mass amphibian die-offs. While global spread of a hypervirulent lineage of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (BdGPL) causes unprecedented loss of vertebrate diversity by decimating amphibian populations, its impact on amphibian communities is highly variable across regions. Here, we combine field data with in vitro and in vivo trials that demonstrate the presence of a markedly diverse variety of low virulence isolates of BdGPL in northern European amphibian communities. Pre-exposure to some of these low virulence isolates protects against disease following subsequent exposure to highly virulent BdGPL in midwife toads (Alytes obstetricans) and alters infection dynamics of its sister species B. salamandrivorans in newts (Triturus marmoratus), but not in salamanders (Salamandra salamandra). The key role of pathogen virulence in the complex host-pathogen-environment interaction supports efforts to limit pathogen pollution in a globalized world

    Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Prevalence in Sheep, Wild Boar and Ticks in Belgium

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is the most important tick-borne zoonotic virus in Europe. In Belgium, antibodies to TBEV have already been detected in wildlife and domestic animals, but up-to-date prevalence data for TBEV are lacking, and no studies have assessed its seroprevalence in sheep. Serum samples of 480 sheep from all over Belgium and 831 wild boar hunted in Flanders (northern Belgium) were therefore screened for TBEV antibodies by ELISA and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT), respectively. The specificity of positive samples was assessed by PRNTs for TBEV and the Louping Ill, West Nile, and Usutu viruses. TBEV seroprevalence was 0.42% (2/480, CI 95%: 0.11–1.51) in sheep and 9.27% (77/831, CI 95%: 7.48–11.43) in wild boar. TBEV seroprevalence in wild boar from the province of Flemish Brabant was significantly higher (22.38%, 15/67) compared to Limburg (7.74%, 34/439) and Antwerp (8.61%, 28/325). Oud-Heverlee was the hunting area harboring the highest TBEV seroprevalence (33.33%, 11/33). In an attempt to obtain a Belgian TBEV isolate, 1983 ticks collected in areas showing the highest TBEV seroprevalence in wild boars were tested by real-time qPCR. No TBEV-RNA-positive tick was detected. The results of this study suggest an increase in TBEV prevalence over the last decade and highlight the need for One-Health surveillance in Belgium

    Comparison of Serological Methods for Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-Specific Antibody Detection in Wild Boar and Sheep: Impact of the Screening Approach on the Estimated Seroprevalence

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a flavivirus transmitted by ticks. Serological screenings in animals are performed to estimate the prevalence and distribution of TBEV. Most screenings consist of a primary screening by ELISA, followed by confirmation of positive samples by plaque reduction neutralization tests (PRNTs). In this study, 406 wild boar sera were tested with 2 regularly used commercial ELISAs for flavivirus screening in animals (Immunozym FSME (TBEV) IgG All Species (Progen) and ID Screen West Nile Competition (Innovative Diagnostics)) and PRNTs for TBEV and USUTU virus. The results showed that the Immunozym and IDScreen ELISAs had low relative sensitivities of 23% and 20%, respectively, compared to the PRNT results. The relative specificities were 88% and 84% due to cross reactions with USUTU virus-specific antibodies. The minimal TBEV prevalence in our sample set was 8.6% when determined by PRNT. When the screening approach of ELISA testing followed by PRNT confirmation was applied, a TBEV seroprevalence of only 2.0% and 1.7% was found. The suboptimal performance of the ELISAs was confirmed by testing sera collected from experimentally TBEV-infected sheep. While the PRNT detected TBEV specific antibodies in 94% of samples collected between 7 and 18 days post-infection, the ELISAs classified only 50% and 31% of the samples as positive. Both routinely used ELISAs for TBEV antibody screening in animal sera were shown to have a low sensitivity, potentially leading to an underestimation of the true prevalence, and furthermore cross-react with other flavivirus antibodies

    Usutu virus epizootic and Plasmodium coinfection in Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula) in Flanders, Belgium

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    At the end of the summer of 2016, unusually high levels of mortality were detected in Passeriformes and Strigiformes in Flanders, Belgium, mainly in Eurasian Blackbirds (Turdus merula). A passive surveillance program demonstrated a widespread Usutu virus outbreak and revealed a coinfection with Plasmodium in 99% of the dead passerine birds that were necropsied

    Comparison of Serological Methods for Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-Specific Antibody Detection in Wild Boar and Sheep: Impact of the Screening Approach on the Estimated Seroprevalence

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a flavivirus transmitted by ticks. Serological screenings in animals are performed to estimate the prevalence and distribution of TBEV. Most screenings consist of a primary screening by ELISA, followed by confirmation of positive samples by plaque reduction neutralization tests (PRNTs). In this study, 406 wild boar sera were tested with 2 regularly used commercial ELISAs for flavivirus screening in animals (Immunozym FSME (TBEV) IgG All Species (Progen) and ID Screen West Nile Competition (Innovative Diagnostics)) and PRNTs for TBEV and USUTU virus. The results showed that the Immunozym and IDScreen ELISAs had low relative sensitivities of 23% and 20%, respectively, compared to the PRNT results. The relative specificities were 88% and 84% due to cross reactions with USUTU virus-specific antibodies. The minimal TBEV prevalence in our sample set was 8.6% when determined by PRNT. When the screening approach of ELISA testing followed by PRNT confirmation was applied, a TBEV seroprevalence of only 2.0% and 1.7% was found. The suboptimal performance of the ELISAs was confirmed by testing sera collected from experimentally TBEV-infected sheep. While the PRNT detected TBEV specific antibodies in 94% of samples collected between 7 and 18 days post-infection, the ELISAs classified only 50% and 31% of the samples as positive. Both routinely used ELISAs for TBEV antibody screening in animal sera were shown to have a low sensitivity, potentially leading to an underestimation of the true prevalence, and furthermore cross-react with other flavivirus antibodies

    Widespread disease in hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) caused by toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans

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    Toxin-producing Corynebacterium ulcerans, a causative agent of diphtheria in humans, was isolated from 53 hedgehogs in Belgium during the spring of 2020. Isolates showed low levels of acquired antimicrobial drug resistance. Strain diversity suggests emergence from an endemic situation. These findings stress the need for raising public awareness and improved wildlife disease surveillance

    Spatial spreading of Echinococcus multilocularis in Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) across nation borders in Western Europe

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    The occurrence of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis in Red foxes was studied in Belgium and a neighbouring region in The Netherlands. A total number of 1202 foxes were analysed (1018 in Belgium and 184 in The Netherlands) of which 179 were infected with E. multilocularis (164 in Belgium and 15 in The Netherlands). Further, the spatial distribution of infection among sampled foxes was analysed with an ellipsoidal gradient, demonstrating a decreasing prevalence in northwestern direction. Using this gradient, we showed that the spatial patterns of infection in Belgium and the neighbouring region in The Netherlands correspond, indicating a continuous distribution of E. multilocularis across the nation borders. Part of the Belgian data allowed investigating temporal changes in the spatial distribution of E. multilocularis. This revealed a northwestern spread of E. multilocularis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza causes mass mortality in Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis breeding colonies across north-western Europe

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    In 2022, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus clade became enzootic and caused mass mortality in Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensis and other seabird species across north-western Europe. We present data on the characteristics of the spread of the virus between and within breeding colonies and the number of dead adult Sandwich Terns recorded at breeding sites throughout north-western Europe. Within two months of the first reported mortalities, 20,531 adult Sandwich Terns were found dead, which is >17% of the total north-western European breeding population. This is probably an under-representation of total mortality, as many carcasses are likely to have gone unnoticed and unreported. Within affected colonies, almost all chicks died. After the peak of the outbreak, in a colony established by late breeders, 25.7% of tested adults showed immunity to HPAI subtype H5. Removal of carcasses was associated with lower levels of mortality at affected colonies. More research on the sources and modes of transmission, incubation times, effective containment, and immunity is urgently needed to combat this major threat for colonial seabirds