795 research outputs found

    Measuring business relationship success: The case of an industrial textiles manufacturer.

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    This exploratory paper investigates why some companies appear to find successful business relationships relatively effortless. It seems that the organisation’s search for and utilisation of key resources can guarantee its success in the market place. The paper incorporates a critique of literature from technology strategy, cross cultural management, and strategic management fields. The research questions, set by the author, are designed to explore the technological, managerial and cultural factors contributing to the success of the organisation and its further growth in the market. The company on which this research is based in this research is a leader in the paper machine clothing industry - Albany International Corp. The search for key success factors contributing to Albany International’s leadership position in the industry have been identified and analysed. Data have been collected through survey questionnaires, and have been used to develop a model designed to predict the success of business relationships in the paper machine clothing industry. Further investigation into relationships between variables has been carried out and a number of proposed dependencies are highlighted in the paper

    Photon waiting time distributions: a keyhole into dissipative quantum chaos

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    Open quantum systems can exhibit complex states, which classification and quantification is still not well resolved. The Kerr-nonlinear cavity, periodically modulated in time by coherent pumping of the intra-cavity photonic mode, is one of the examples. Unraveling the corresponding Markovian master equation into an ensemble of quantum trajectories and employing the recently proposed calculation of quantum Lyapunov exponents [I.I. Yusipov {\it et al.}, Chaos {\bf 29}, 063130 (2019)], we identify `chaotic' and `regular' regimes there. In particular, we show that chaotic regimes manifest an intermediate power-law asymptotics in the distribution of photon waiting times. This distribution can be retrieved by monitoring photon emission with a single-photon detector, so that chaotic and regular states can be discriminated without disturbing the intra-cavity dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Control of a single-particle localization in open quantum systems

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    We investigate the possibility to control localization properties of the asymptotic state of an open quantum system with a tunable synthetic dissipation. The control mechanism relies on the matching between properties of dissipative operators, acting on neighboring sites and specified by a single control parameter, and the spatial phase structure of eigenstates of the system Hamiltonian. As a result, the latter coincide (or near coincide) with the dark states of the operators. In a disorder-free Hamiltonian with a flat band, one can either obtain a localized asymptotic state or populate whole flat and/or dispersive bands, depending on the value of the control parameter. In a disordered Anderson system, the asymptotic state can be localized anywhere in the spectrum of the Hamiltonian. The dissipative control is robust with respect to an additional local dephasing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Social institute of family in modern conditions

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    The importance of the social institution of the family and its functions are considered, the complexity of the definition of family is currently associated with major changes in marriage and family relations. The differences between the traditional and the modern family are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the functions and specific social relations is received. This article focuses on the statistical data on the European countries and Russia, the main trends of social transformation of the institution of the family are identified. The state intervention in the sphere of marriage and family relations and its consequences are considered.Рассматривается значение социального института семьи и ее функции, сложности определения семьи в настоящее время, связанные с серьезными изменениями брачно-семейных отношений. Подробно анализируются различия между традиционной и современной семьей, проводится сравнительный анализ выполняемых функций и специфики социальных отношений. Приводятся статистические данные по европейским странам и России, выявляются основные тенденции трансформации социального института семьи. Рассматривается вмешательство государства в сферу брачно-семейных отношений и его последствия

    Localization in open quantum systems

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    In an isolated single-particle quantum system a spatial disorder can induce Anderson localization. Being a result of interference, this phenomenon is expected to be fragile in the face of dissipation. Here we show that dissipation can drive a disordered system into a steady state with tunable localization properties. This can be achieved with a set of identical dissipative operators, each one acting non-trivially only on a pair of neighboring sites. Operators are parametrized by a uniform phase, which controls selection of Anderson modes contributing to the state. On the microscopic level, quantum trajectories of a system in a localized steady regime exhibit intermittent dynamics consisting of long-time sticking events near selected modes interrupted by jumps between them.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Localization in periodically modulated speckle potentials

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    Disorder in a 1D quantum lattice induces Anderson localization of the eigenstates and drastically alters transport properties of the lattice. In the original Anderson model, the addition of a periodic driving increases, in a certain range of the driving's frequency and amplitude, localization length of the appearing Floquet eigenstates. We go beyond the uncorrelated disorder case and address the experimentally relevant situation when spatial correlations are present in the lattice potential. Their presence induces the creation of an effective mobility edge in the energy spectrum of the system. We find that a slow driving leads to resonant hybridization of the Floquet states, by increasing both the participation numbers and effective widths of the states in the strongly localized band and decreasing values of these characteristics for the states in the quasi-extended band. Strong driving homogenizes the bands, so that the Floquet states loose compactness and tend to be spatially smeared. In the basis of the stationary Hamiltonian, these states retain localization in terms of participation number but become de-localized and spectrum-wide in term of their effective widths. Signatures of thermalization are also observed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    About the Applicability of Bone and Cartilage Acid-free Staining for Anura

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    The article describes the first use of acid-free alcian-alizarin staining for tailless amphibians in comparison with the standard method of acid staining on the example of the moor frog. The acid-free protocol is applicable for Anura and it has a number of advantages, such as the absence of decalcification, safety for the researcher andothers. However, this method also has limitations, such as the binding of alcian blue with soft tissues

    Lyapunov exponents of quantum trajectories beyond continuous measurements

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    Quantum systems interacting with their environments can exhibit complex non-equilibrium states that are tempting to be interpreted as quantum analogs of chaotic attractors. Yet, despite many attempts, the toolbox for quantifying dissipative quantum chaos remains very limited. In particular, quantum generalizations of Lyapunov exponent, the main quantifier of classical chaos, are established only within the framework of continuous measurements. We propose an alternative generalization which is based on the unraveling of a quantum master equation into an ensemble of so-called 'quantum jump' trajectories. These trajectories are not only a theoretical tool but a part of the experimental reality in the case of quantum optics. We illustrate the idea by using a periodically modulated open quantum dimer and uncover the transition to quantum chaos matched by the period-doubling route in the classical limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure