38 research outputs found

    Factors associated with midwives\u27 job satisfaction and intention to stay in the profession: An integrative review

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To conduct an integrative review of the factors associated with why midwives stay in midwifery. BACKGROUND: Midwifery retention and attrition are globally acknowledged as an issue. However, little is known as to why midwives stay in midwifery as the focus has previously focussed on why they leave. DESIGN: A structured six-step integrative review approach was used, and this involved the development of a search strategy, study selection and critical appraisal, data abstraction and synthesis, interpretation of findings and recommendations for future practice. METHODS: The review was conducted using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsychInfo. Included studies were in the English language with an unlimited publication date. RESULTS: Six studies were included in this review: one qualitative, two quantitative and three using mixed methods. Seven themes emerged from synthesisation of the data reported for the six included studies that together help answer the question of why midwives stay in midwifery. CONCLUSION: This integrative review has highlighted some important factors that assist in answering the question why midwives stay in midwifery. However, it has also highlighted the need for quality data that reflects the range of contexts in which midwifery is practised. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: There is an abundance of literature focussing on why midwives leave the profession; however, the gap exists in the reasons why midwives stay. If we can uncover this important detail, then changes within the profession can begin to be implemented, addressing the shortage of midwives issue that has been seen globally for a large number of years

    Actomyosin and vimentin cytoskeletal networks regulate nuclear shape, mechanics and chromatin organization

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    This work was supported in part by a Marie Curie CIG grant (PCIG14-GA-2013-631011 CSKFingerprints) and a BBSRC grant (BB/P006108/1). MCK is supported by a PhD studentship from the Life Sciences Initiative at QMUL

    I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am : A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study of why midwives stay in midwifery

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    Aims and objectives: To understand why Western Australian (WA) midwives choose to remain in the profession. Background: Midwifery shortages and the inability to retain midwives in the midwifery profession is a global problem. The need for effective midwifery staff retention strategies to be implemented is therefore urgent, as is the need for evidence to inform those strategies. Design: Glaserian grounded theory (GT) methodology was used with constant comparative analysis. Methods: Fourteen midwives currently working clinically area were interviewed about why they remain in the profession. The GT process of constant comparative analysis resulted in an overarching core category emerging. The study is reported in accordance with Tong and associates’ (2007) Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ). Results: The core category derived from the data was labelled—“I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am.” The three major categories that underpin the core category are labelled as follows: “The people I work with make all the difference”; “I want to be ‘with woman’ so I can make a difference”; and “I feel a responsibility to pass on my skills, knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.” Conclusion: It emerged from the data that midwives’ ability to be “with woman” and the difference they feel they make to them, the people they work with and the opportunity to “grow” the next generation together underpin a compelling new middle‐range theory of the phenomenon of interest. Relevance to clinical practice: The theory that emerged and the insights it provides will be of interest to healthcare leaders, who may wish to use it to help develop midwifery workforce policy and practice, and by extension to optimise midwives’ job satisfaction, and facilitate the retention of midwives both locally and across Australia

    The plant LINC complex at the nuclear envelope

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    Significant advances in understanding the plant nuclear envelope have been made over the past few years; indeed, knowledge of the protein network at the nuclear envelope is rapidly growing. One such network, the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex, is known in animals to connect chromatin to the cytoskeleton through the nuclear envelope. The LINC complex is made of Sad1/Unc84 (SUN) and Klarsicht/Anc1/Syne1 homology (KASH) proteins which have been recently characterized in plants. SUN proteins are located within the inner nuclear membrane, while the KASH proteins are included into the outer nuclear membrane. SUN and KASH domains interact and bridge the two nuclear membranes. In Arabidopsis, KASH proteins also interact with the tryptophan-proline-proline (WPP) domain-interacting tail-anchored protein 1 (WIT1), associated with the nuclear pore complex and with myosin XI-i which directly interacts with the actin cytoskeleton. Although evidence for a plant LINC complex connecting the nucleus to the cytoskeleton is growing, its interaction with chromatin is still unknown, but knowledge gained from animal models strongly suggests its existence in plants. Possible functions of the plant LINC complex in cell division, nuclear shape, and chromatin organization are discussed

    Experimental and modeling study on zeolite catalysts for diesel engines

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    The work presented in this paper was aimed at detecting, understanding and modeling some critical behavior aspects of zeolite-containing diesel catalysts. An already available mathematical model for precious metal catalysts was used as a starting point. A specially designed set of experiments provided the information needed to improve certain modeling features. New submodels were introduced to account for hydrocarbon and H2O adsorption, as well as diffusion limitations in the zeolite. The effect of flow maldistribution during real world operation was investigated experimentally and computationally. Although a number of issues (especially regarding the DeNOx mechanisms) are not yet fully resolved, significant progress was achieved as regards the understanding and computational prediction of diesel catalyst operation

    Preparing Map of Chromosome Territory Distribution Frequency

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    The chromosomes in mammalian interphase nuclei are organized into domains called chromosome territories that play a major role in nuclear organization. Here we propose a methodology that combines the use of micro-patterning of adhesive molecules to impose single-cell geometry, with visualization of chromosome territories. This allows obtaining a representative statistical map of the absolute positions of chromosome territories relative to the geometry imposed to the cell population by combining the signal from each cell

    Multigene Expression Profile Testing in Breast Cancer: Is There a Role for Family Physicians?

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    Background: Family physicians (fps) play a role in aspects of personalized medicine in cancer, including assessment of increased risk because of family history. Little is known about the potential role of fps in supporting cancer patients who undergo tumour gene expression profile (gep) testing. Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study with qualitative and quantitative components. Qualitative data from focus groups and interviews with fps and cancer specialists about the role of fps in breast cancer gep testing were obtained during studies conducted within the pan-Canadian canimpact research program. We determined the number of visits by breast cancer patients to a fp between the first medical oncology visit and the start of chemotherapy, a period when patients might be considering results of gep testing. Results: The fps and cancer specialists felt that ordering gep tests and explaining the results was the role of the oncologist. A new fp role was identified relating to the fp–patient relationship: supporting patients in making adjuvant therapy decisions informed by gep tests by considering the patient’s comorbid conditions, social situation, and preferences. Lack of fp knowledge and resources, and challenges in fp–oncologist communication were seen as significant barriers to that role. Between 28% and 38% of patients visited a fp between the first oncology visit and the start of chemotherapy. Conclusions: Our findings suggest an emerging role for fps in supporting patients who are making adjuvant treatment decisions after receiving the results of gep testing. For success in this new role, education and point-of-care tools, together with more effective communication strategies between fps and oncologists, are needed