1,371 research outputs found

    Spectral energy distribution analysis of class i and class ii fu orionis stars

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    FU Orionis stars (FUors) are eruptive pre-main sequence objects thought to represent quasi-periodic or recurring stages of enhanced accretion during the low-mass star-forming process. We characterize the sample of known and candidate FUors in a homogeneous and consistent way, deriving stellar and circumstellar parameters for each object. We emphasize the analysis in those parameters that are supposed to vary during the FUor stage. We modeled the spectral energy distributions of 24 of the 26 currently known FUors, using the radiative transfer code of Whitney et al. We compare our models with those obtained by Robitaille et al. for Taurus class II and I sources in quiescence periods by calculating the cumulative distribution of the different parameters. FUors have more massive disks: we find that ~80% of the disks in FUors are more massive than any Taurus class II and I sources in the sample. Median values for the disk mass accretion rates are ~10–7 M ☉ yr–1 versus ~10–5 M ☉ yr–1 for standard young stellar objects (YSOs) and FUors, respectively. While the distributions of envelope mass accretion rates for class I FUors and standard class I objects are similar, FUors, on average, have higher envelope mass accretion rates than standard class II and class I sources. Most FUors (~70%) have envelope mass accretion rates above 10–7 M ☉ yr–1. In contrast, 60% of the classical YSO sample has an accretion rate below this value. Our results support the current scenario in which changes experimented by the circumstellar disk explain the observed properties of these stars. However, the increase in the disk mass accretion rate is smaller than theoretically predicted, although in good agreement with previous determinations.Fil: Gramajo, Luciana Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba; ArgentinaFil: Rodón Javier A.. European Southern Observatory. Santiago; ChileFil: Gomez, Mercedes Nieves. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba; Argentin

    Personality trait development in midlife: exploring the impact of psychological turning points

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    This study examined long-term personality trait development in midlife and explored the impact of psychological turning points on personality change. Self-defined psychological turning points reflect major changes in the ways people think or feel about an important part of their life, such as work, family, and beliefs about themselves and about the world. This study used longitudinal data from the Midlife in the US survey to examine personality trait development in adults aged 40-60years. The Big Five traits were assessed in 1995 and 2005 by means of self-descriptive adjectives. Seven types of self-identified psychological turning points were obtained in 1995. Results indicated relatively high stability with respect to rank-orders and mean-levels of personality traits, and at the same time reliable individual differences in change. This implies that despite the relative stability of personality traits in the overall sample, some individuals show systematic deviations from the sample mean-levels. Psychological turning points in general showed very little influence on personality trait change, although some effects were found for specific types of turning points that warrant further research, such as discovering that a close friend or relative was a much better person than one thought they wer

    Information seeking, technology use, and vulnerability among migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border

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    Through interviews with migrants and migrant aid-workers at a shelter in the border town of Nogales, Mexico, we examine how undocumented migrants are seeking, acquiring, understanding, and using information prior to, and during, migration across the U.S.-Mexico border. Our study examines migrants’ perceptions of humanitarian service and the use of so-called “border disturbance technologies” by activists to help prevent the death of migrants in the desert, finding that migrants appreciate water-caching efforts but generally distrust technologies they feel could subject them to surveillance by border agents. Exploratory in nature and based on a small sample, our findings are not necessarily representative of the broader population, but provide rich evidence of the prevalence of word-of-mouth information seeking and use of cell phones over other information technologies, and explore the ambivalent nature of information technology use in the vulnerable setting of life at the border. In particular, we find that mobile phones help migrants meet their communication needs, but also increase their exposure to crime and abuse

    Isótopos Estables de Carbono y Nitrógeno y Cromatografía gaseosa en cerámica arqueológica del Nordeste de la Provincia de Chubut (Patagonia Argentina)

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    El registro arqueológico del nordeste de la provincia del Chubut (costa marina y valle inferior del río Chubut) señala que el área estuvo ocupada desde por lo menos siete mil años atrás por cazadores recolectores que explotaron la costa, el río y las mesetas adyacentes. Durante esos milenios el espectro alimenticio habría sido amplio y mixto (marino-terrestre) acorde con las variaciones paleoclimáticas y estacionales en la oferta de recursos, así como también con circunstancias históricas a partir de la irrupción de los europeos en la región. Hacia 1500-1000 AP se habría adoptado la tecnología cerámica, cuya implementación se vincularía con un proceso de intensificación en el aprovechamiento de plantas. A los fines de contrastar esta hipótesis se presentan los resultados de análisis de isotopos estables de carbono 13 y nitrógeno 15 y de cromatografía gaseosa de residuos orgánicos (adheridos y absorbidos) en tiestos cerámicos de distintos sitios hallados en el área. Estos datos se discuten de manera integrada con información obtenida a partir de estudios arqueofaunísticos, tecnológicos, bioarqueológicos y análisis isotópicos en restos humanos y alimentos.Fil: Gomez Otero, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Constenla, Diana Teresita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Schuster, Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; Argentin

    Cohort Differences in Personal Goals and Life Satisfaction in Young Adulthood: Evidence for Historical Shifts in Developmental Tasks

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    This study investigated the influence of changing socio-historical conditions on personal goals in young adulthood. It was hypothesized that socio-historical changes related to individualization have resulted in shifts in goal pursuit. Participants from three birth cohorts reconstructed their important goals when they were 20years old. Members of the oldest cohort were born between 1920 and 1925. Members of the middle cohort were born between 1945 and 1950. Members of the youngest cohort were born between 1970 and 1975. Goal content, the degree to which goals were perceived as being shared by members of the same cohort (social sharedness), perceived control over goal attainment, success in attainment, and life satisfaction at age 25 were measured in a retrospective study. Results show consistent shifts over time. Whereas members of older cohorts mentioned goals related to classical developmental tasks, members of younger cohorts mentioned more individualistic, self-related goals and goals related to education. The processes through which goal pursuit influenced life satisfaction also changed. Perceived social sharedness of goals was a direct predictor of life satisfaction for the oldest cohort. For the younger cohorts, perceived control over goal attainment influenced success which in turn influenced life satisfaction. These changes support the contention that developmental tasks and processes are historically varian

    Le sourcier du village est cadre à Dakar : la circulation de l’eau au Sénégal entre privatisation et attachement au terroir

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    Cette recherche aborde la problématique de la circulation de l’eau en milieu rural sénégalais à partir du dysfonctionnement : la cessation du service d’eau. Lors de ces moments de crise, les habitants font régulièrement appel à un « fils du village », un cadre de l’administration, natif de la zone et établi à Dakar. Ces épisodes permettent d’éclairer aussi bien les registres de pouvoir et de légitimité locaux que les rapports du rural à l’urbain à un moment clé : la privatisation communautaire du service d’eau rural dans le cadre des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement que poursuit actuellement le Sénégal. L’eau se révèle ainsi sujet et médium d’une histoire à la fois locale et nationale et permet d’explorer le processus de formation de l’État sénégalais en donnant accès au domaine de l’immatériel : le pouvoir et l’affect.This paper explores local water management in Senegal through water supply failure. When water supply problems occur in a community, the « son of the soil » is seen as the preferred solution to end the crisis. « Sons of the soil » have several points in common: they were born in the village and now work as administrative executives in Dakar. As Senegal is achieving the Millenium Development Goals by privatizing rural water supply, the lack of access to water sheds a light on local norms of power and its legitimacy as well as on urban and rural interaction. In this sense, water gives us the opportunity to explore the process of state formation by allowing us to study the immaterial, namely power and affect

    Obtaining Cultural Competency Skills: Perceptions from Supervisors in Higher Education

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    A program evaluation was done on the supervisor training at Central Washington University to obtain the perceptions of supervisors on cultural competency. Eighteen supervisors were interviewed. The results demonstrated supervisors’ support of incorporating cultural competency as part of their professional development. However, supervisors indicated the current supervisor training does not give them tools to interact effectively with diverse populations. Implications for including cultural competency skills for supervisors in higher education are discussed

    The effect of pomegranate juice extract on the Hedgehog signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States. There have been several reports indicating that phytochemicals in fruits can reduce the risk of cancer due to the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the polyphenols. Our lab has shown that pomegranate juice extract (PJE) has anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in human pancreatic cancer cells. In the past, we have shown that cells adhere more strongly to the plate when treated with PJE. This observation prompted an investigation of how PJE regulates cell adhesion proteins. Previously, our lab investigated E-cadherin, a cell adhesion protein. Upon activation of the Hedgehog signaling pathway, Gl-1 has been shown to down-regulate E-cadherin. The purpose of this study was to determine if PJE up-regulates ezrin, another cell adhesion protein, by interfering with the Gl-1 transcription factor of the Hedgehog signaling cascade. Through the use of immunoblots, we evaluated Gl-1 and ezrin protein levels after PJE treatment in COLO-357 human pancreatic cancer cells. We showed that pancreatic cancer cells treated with PJE led to decreased expression of Gl-1 and up-regulation of ezrin. This data suggests that PJE can help restore pancreatic cancer cell adhesion by blocking an important signaling pathway, thus serving as a potential suppressor of invasion and metastasis

    Rapid detection and quantitation of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in experimentally challenged rainbow trout by real-time RT-PCR

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    A quantitative real-time RT-PCR (Q-RT-PCR) was developed to detect and determine the amount of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) in organs of experimentally infected rainbow trout. Primers and TaqMan probes targeting the glycoprotein (G) and the nucleoprotein (N) genes of the virus were designed. The efficiency, linear range and detection limit of the Q-RT-PCR were assessed on cell cultured virus samples. VHSV N gene amplification was more efficient and more sensitive than the VHSV G amplicon. On cell culture grown virus, samples could be accurately assayed over a range of seven logs of infectious particles per reaction. To demonstrate the utility of Q-RT-PCR in vivo, bath infection trials were carried out and samples from fish spleen, kidney, liver and blood were harvested and tested for VHSV. Q-RT-PCR was a more reliable method than either conventional RT-PCR or the cell culture assay for virus diagnosis. Results of VHSV RNA detection in fish shortly after infection as well as on asymptomatic fish several weeks after experimental challenge are presented here. This is the first report showing the utility of Q-RT-PCR for VHSV detection and quantitation both in vitro and in vivo. The suitability of this method to test the efficacy of antiviral treatments is also discussed