47 research outputs found

    NMR for sample quality assessment in metabolomics.

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    Abstract The EU Framework 7 project SPIDIA was the occasion for development of NMR approaches to evaluate the impact of different pre-analytical treatments on the quality of biological samples dedicated to metabolomics. Systematic simulation of different pre-analytical procedures was performed on urine and blood serum and plasma. Here we review the key aspects of these studies that have led to the development of CEN technical specifications, to be translated into ISO/IS in the course of the EU Horizon 2020 project SPIDIA4P. Inspired by the SPIDIA results, follow-up research was performed, extending the analysis to different sample types and to the different effects of long-term storage. The latter activity was in conjunction with the local European da Vinci Biobank. These results (which partially contributed to the ANNEX of CEN/TS 16945"MOLECULAR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATIONS - SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRE-EXAMINATION PROCESSES FOR METABOLOMICS IN URINE, VENOUS BLOOD SERUM AND PLASMA") are presented in detail

    DHA-Induced Perturbation of Human Serum Metabolome. Role of the Food Matrix and Co-Administration of Oat β-glucan and Anthocyanins

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    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been reported to have a positive impact on many diet-related disease risks, including metabolic syndrome. Although many DHA-enriched foods have been marketed, the impact of different food matrices on the effect of DHA is unknown. As well, the possibility to enhance DHA effectiveness through the co-administration of other bioactives has seldom been considered. We evaluated DHA effects on the serum metabolome administered to volunteers at risk of metabolic syndrome as an ingredient of three different foods. Foods were enriched with DHA alone or in combination with oat beta-glucan or anthocyanins and were administered to volunteers for 4 weeks. Serum samples collected at the beginning and end of the trial were analysed by NMR-based metabolomics. Multivariate and univariate statistical analyses were used to characterize modifications in the serum metabolome and to evaluate bioactive-bioactive and bioactive-food matrix interactions. DHA administration induces metabolome perturbation that is influenced by the food matrix and the co-presence of other bioactives. In particular, when co-administered with oat beta-glucan, DHA induces a strong rearrangement in the lipoprotein profile of the subjects. The observed modifications are consistent with clinical results and indicate that metabolomics represents a possible strategy to choose the most appropriate food matrices for bioactive enrichmen

    Entropy-Based Network Representation of the Individual Metabolic Phenotype

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    We approach here the problem of defining and estimating the nature of the metabolite-metabolite association network underlying the human individual metabolic phenotype in healthy subjects. We retrieved significant associations using an entropy-based approach and a multiplex network formalism. We defined a significantly over-represented network formed by biologically interpretable metabolite modules. The entropy of the individual metabolic phenotype is also introduced and discussed.</p

    Ex vivo mapping of enhancer networks that define the transcriptional program driving melanoma metastasis

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    : Mortality from vmelanoma is associated with metastatic disease, but the mechanisms leading to spreading of the cancer cells remain obscure. Spatial profiling revealed that melanoma is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity, which is established by the ability of melanoma cells to switch between different phenotypical stages. This plasticity, likely a heritage from embryonic pathways, accounts for a relevant part of the metastatic potential of these lesions, and requires the rapid and efficient reorganization of the transcriptional landscape of melanoma cells. A large part of the non-coding genome cooperates to control gene expression, specifically through the activity of enhancers (ENHs). In this study, we aimed to identify ex vivo the network of active ENHs and to outline their cooperative interactions in supporting transcriptional adaptation during melanoma metastatic progression. We conducted a genome-wide analysis to map active ENHs distribution in a retrospective cohort of 39 melanoma patients, comparing the profiles obtained in primary (N = 19) and metastatic (N = 20) melanoma lesions. Unsupervised clustering showed that the profile for acetylated histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27ac) efficiently segregates lesions into three different clusters corresponding to progressive stages of the disease. We reconstructed the map of super-ENHs (SEs) and cooperative ENHs that associate with metastatic progression in melanoma, which showed that cooperation among regulatory elements is a mandatory requirement for transcriptional plasticity. We also showed that these elements carry out specialized and non-redundant functions, and indicated the existence of a hierarchical organization, with SEs on top as masterminds of the entire transcriptional program and classical ENHs as executors. By providing an innovative vision of how the chromatin landscape of melanoma works during metastatic spreading, our data also point out the need to integrate functional profiling in the analysis of cancer lesions to increase definition and improve interpretation of tumor heterogeneity

    Effects of Probiotics Administration on Human Metabolic Phenotype

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    The establishment of the beneficial interactions between the host and its microbiota is essential for the correct functioning of the organism, since microflora alterations can lead to many diseases. Probiotics improve balanced microbial communities, exerting substantial healthpromoting effects. Here we monitored the molecular outcomes, obtained by gut microflora modulation through probiotic treatment, on human urine and serum metabolic profiles, with a metabolomic approach. Twenty-two subjects were enrolled in the study and administered with two different probiotic types, both singularly and in combination, for 8 weeks. Urine and serum samples were collected before and during the supplementation and were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and statistical analyses. After eight weeks of treatment, probiotics deeply influence the urinary metabolic profiles of the volunteers, without significantly altering their single phenotypes. Anyway, bacteria supplementation tends to reduce the differences in metabolic phenotypes among individuals. Overall, the effects are recipient-dependent, and in some individuals, robust effects are already well visible after four weeks. Modifications in metabolite levels, attributable to each type of probiotic administration, were also monitored. Metabolomic analysis of biofluids turns out to be a powerful technique to monitor the dynamic interactions between the microflora and the host, and the individual response to probiotic assumption

    Different Antioxidant Efficacy of Two MnII-Containing Superoxide Anion Scavengers on Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Exposed Cardiac Muscle Cells

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    Oxidative stress due to excess superoxide anion ([Formula: see text]) produced by dysfunctional mitochondria is a key pathogenic event of aging and ischemia-reperfusion diseases. Here, a new [Formula: see text]-scavenging MnII complex with a new polyamino-polycarboxylate macrocycle (4,10-dimethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,7-diacetate) containing 2 quinoline units (MnQ2), designed to improve complex stability and cell permeability, was compared to parental MnII complex with methyls replacing quinolines (MnM2). MnQ2 was more stable than MnM2 (log K = 19.56(8) vs. 14.73(2) for the equilibrium Mn2+ + L2-, where L = Q2 and M2) due to the involvement of quinoline in metal binding and to the hydrophobic features of the ligand which improve metal desolvation upon complexation. As oxidative stress model, H9c2 rat cardiomyoblasts were subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation. MnQ2 and MnM2 (10 μmol L-1) were added at reoxygenation for 1 or 2 h. The more lipophilic MnQ2 showed more rapid cell and mitochondrial penetration than MnM2. Both MnQ2 and MnM2 abated endogenous ROS and mitochondrial [Formula: see text], decreased cell lipid peroxidation, reduced mitochondrial dysfunction, in terms of efficiency of the respiratory chain and preservation of membrane potential (Δψ) and permeability, decreased the activation of pro-apoptotic caspases 9 and 3, and increased cell viability. Of note, MnQ2 was more effective than MnM2 to exert cytoprotective anti-oxidant effects in the short term. Compounds with redox-inert ZnII replacing the functional MnII were ineffective. This study provides clues which further our understanding of the structure-activity relationships of MnII-chelates and suggests that MnII-polyamino-polycarboxylate macrocycles could be developed as new anti-oxidant drugs

    S1P Signalling Axis Is Necessary for Adiponectin-Directed Regulation of Electrophysiological Properties and Oxidative Metabolism in C2C12 Myotubes

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    Background: Adiponectin (Adn), released by adipocytes and other cell types such as skeletal muscle, has insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is reported to act as effector of diverse biological actions of Adn in different tissues. S1P is a bioactive sphingolipid synthesized by the phosphorylation of sphingosine catalyzed by sphingosine kinase (SK) 1 and 2. Consolidated findings support the key role of S1P in the biology of skeletal muscle. Methods and Results: Here we provide experimental evidence that S1P signalling is modulated by globular Adn treatment being able to increase the phosphorylation of SK1/2 as well as the mRNA expression levels of S1P(4) in C2C12 myotubes. These findings were confirmed by LC-MS/MS that showed an increase of S1P levels after Adn treatment. Notably, the involvement of S1P axis in Adn action was highlighted since, when SK1 and 2 were inhibited by PF543 and ABC294640 inhibitors, respectively, not only the electrophysiological changes but also the increase of oxygen consumption and of aminoacid levels induced by the hormone, were significantly inhibited. Conclusion: Altogether, these findings show that S1P biosynthesis is necessary for the electrophysiological properties and oxidative metabolism of Adn in skeletal muscle cells