104 research outputs found

    Sport: A Possible Road toward Social Inclusion and Quality of Life

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    Sport is a universal language, recognized and shared by all. A psychiatric users Association, in collaboration with public Mental Health Department and UISP, Italian Union Promoting Sport for All, proposes the sport as one of the possible strategies within a wider therapeutic project for schizophrenia. Soft gymnastic, swimming, football, and volley are observed from the point of view of users, main recipients of the intervention, trainers, and referees. The perceived quality of life was measured in the users/athletes, using the WHOQOL-brief schedule. To practice sport enhances the adhesion to treatment and the quality of life and can reduce hospitalizations. It is a useful tool for promoting well-being, personal autonomy and an active lifestyle, preventing isolation, and improving self-esteem and social cognition. It may be an important factor preventing poor functional outcome and promoting recovery. Team sports seem to have a greater therapeutic value, producing fun, cohesion, and social inclusion; they can also play an important educational role, preventing social stigma

    Factors associated with nurses' positive attitudes towards families' involvement in nursing care: a scoping review

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    Aim: to map the factors associated with nurses’ positive attitudes towards families’ involvement in nursing care and to identify any existing gaps in knowledge. Background: several tools have been proposed to assess the attitudes, beliefs and practices of nurses towards families in different care contexts. However, there is a knowledge gap on how the results of these tools can identify the factors that are associated with more positive attitudes of nurses. Design: a scoping review based on the steps proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Methods: three independent reviewers searched the databases: PUBMED/Medline; LILACS; Virtual Health Library; PsycInfo; Google Scholar; SCOPUS and CINAHL, from 2006 to August 2021, guided by the question: what are the factors associated with nurses’ positive attitudes towards families´ involvement in nursing care, in studies that used one or both of the following two scales ‘Families’ Importance in Nursing Care- Nurses’ Attitudes’ and ‘Family Nursing Practice Scale’? This review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA-ScR. Results: twenty-six primary studies were identified, in which 9,620 nurses participated. Positive attitudes were associated with three types of variables: (a) personal— longer working career (42.3%) and older age (26.9%); (b) educational—higher level of academic education (30.8%) and family nursing education (23.0%); and (c) workplace— working in primary health care and/or outpatient clinics (34.6%) or in a unit with philosophy/approach to families (23.0%). Conclusions: personal variables such as age and time of service are non-modifiable aspects, but educational and workplace variables are subject to intervention to improve nurses’ attitudes towards families’ involvement in nursing care. Continuing development programmes about family care can constitute important strategies to improve positive attitudes of nurses towards families in practice. Relevance to clinical practice: recognising the characteristics associated with nurses´ positive attitudes towards families may enable the development of tailored interventions that promote family-focused care


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    Background - Current procedures for collection of human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells (hAFSCs) imply that amniotic fluid cells were cultured in flask for two weeks, than can be devoted to research purpose. However, hAFSCs could be retrieved directly from a small amount of amniotic fluid that can be obtained at the time of diagnostic amniocentesis. The aim of the study was to verify if a direct freezing of amniotic fluid cells is able to maintain and / or improve the potential of the sub-population of stem cells. Methods - We compared the potential of the hAFSCs depending on the moment in which they are frozen, cells obtained directly from amniotic fluid aspiration (D samples) and cells cultured in flask before freezing (C samples). Colony-forming-unit ability, proliferation, morphology, stemness-related marker expression, senescence, apoptosis, and differentiation potential of C and D samples were compared. Results - hAFSCs isolated from D samples expressed MSC markers until later passages, had a good proliferation rate, and exhibited differentiation capacity similar to hAFSCs of C samples. Interestingly, the direct freezing induce a higher concentration of cells positive for pluripotency stem cell markers, without teratoma formation in vivo. Conclusions - This study suggests that minimal processing may be adequate for the banking of amniotic fluid cells, avoiding in vitro passages before the storage and exposure to high oxygen concentration affecting stem cell properties. This technique might be a reasonable approach in terms of costs and for the process of accreditation in GMP for a stem cell bank

    Seletividade de herbicidas e controle de plantas daninhas no cultivo de gladíolo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the selectivity of pre- and post-emergent herbicides and their efficiency in weed control, as well as the growth and quality of floral stems, in a gladiolus (Gladiolus x grandiflorus) crop in two growing seasons. The experiments were carried out in the field, where the planted gladiolus received the application of pre- and post-emergent herbicides, with and without mechanical weed control. At 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after emergence (DAE), monocotyledon and eudicotyledon control and phytotoxicity to gladiolus plants were evaluated. At 28 DAE, the shoot dry matter of weeds and gladiolus plants was also evaluated. The s-metolachlor and diuron pre-emergent herbicides and the haloxyfop-p-methyl post-emergent herbicide are selective to gladiolus plants in both seasons, which allows of the production of floral stems with commercial quality. The s-metolachlor and haloxyfop-p-methyl herbicides also promote an efficient control of monocotyledons regardless of the growing season. Although, when applied, saflufenacil and 2,4-D cause phytotoxicity in the vegetative phase of gladiolus, they do not affect the production of floral stems and control satisfactorily eudicotyledons in the second season.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas pré e pós-emergentes e a sua eficiência no controle de plantas daninhas, bem como o crescimento e a qualidade de hastes florais, na cultura do gladíolo (Gladiolus x grandiflorus), em duas épocas de cultivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos a campo, onde os gladíolos plantados receberam a aplicação de herbicidas pré e pós-emergentes, com e sem controle mecânico das plantas daninhas. Aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a emergência (DAE), avaliaram-se o controle de monocotiledôneas e eudicotiledôneas, além da fitotoxicidade no gladíolo. Aos 28 DAE, também foi avaliada a massa seca da parte aérea das plantas daninhas e dos gladíolos. Os herbicidas pré-emergentes s-metolacloro e diuron e o pós-emergente haloxifope-p-metílico são seletivos ao gladíolo, em ambas as épocas de cultivo, o que possibilita a produção de hastes florais com qualidade comercial. Os herbicidas s-metolacloro e haloxifope-p-metílico também promovem controle eficiente de monocotiledôneas independentemente da época de cultivo. Embora, quando aplicados, saflufenacil e 2,4-D causem fitotoxicidade na fase vegetativa do gladíolo, não afetam a produção de hastes florais e controlam satisfatoriamente as eudicotiledôneas no segundo cultivo


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é explicar o que são os átomos e sua importância na química e física, apontando também para a evolução dos modelos atômicos em nossa sociedade. Usualmente, temas que envolvem átomos são conteúdos de difícil compreensão, por isso é necessário muito estudo. É muito importante introduzir modelos atômicos na aprendizagem porque eles explicam como funcionam a matéria e seus fenômenos. Os cientistas que foram os principais pesquisadores e contribuintes para os resultados que temos hoje tiveram que gastar muito tempo estudando os modelos, mas eles ainda estão sendo aprimorados e podem ser refutados a qualquer momento, sempre com um estudo que contribua para as teorias atômicas. Os átomos começaram a ser figurados pelo modelo atômico de Dalton (bola de bilhar) que dizia que um átomo era uma esfera massiva e indivisível, e deste modelo surgir novas hipóteses, assim como novos modelos, logo após Thompson sugerir um modelo cuja forma era parecido com um “pudim com passas” de uma esfera carregada positivamente à qual estavam ligadas cargas elétricas negativas, e era possível dividi-la. Enquanto o modelo de Rutherford eliminou a ideia de que o átomo era uma esfera, mas separado entre um núcleo e a eletrosfera. (sistema planetário). O mais utilizado hoje nas escolas é o modelo atômico de Bohr, no qual o núcleo incluiu prótons e nêutrons e a eletrosfera é organizada em camadas, no qual estão localizados os elétrons. O modelo atômico de Schrödinger é uma forma comum usada para designar a descrição do átomo por meio da resolução da equação de Schrödinger. A equação é concebida com base em importantes observações obtidas dentro da mecânica quântica, trazendo uma justificativa robusta para a energia do átomo e do elétron. O átomo é baseado na dualidade onda-partícula, no princípio da incerteza. Trouxe grandes avanços para a compreensão da matéria, pois abriu caminho para uma compreensão mais sólida de átomos polieletrônicos

    Biofumigation experiences in Argentina

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    Artículo publicado en el sitio de Harper Adams University. Centre for Integrated Pest Management. International Biofumigation Network recopila información del uso de la biofumigación en cultivos hortícolas en distintas regiones de nuestro país.EEA San PedroFil: Mitidieri, Mariel Silvina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Peralta, Romina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Barbieri, Martín Osvaldo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Brambilla, María Virginia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Piris, Estela Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Sasia, Fabiana. Profesional actividad privada; ArgentinaFil: Obregón, Verónica Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bella Vista; ArgentinaFil: Vasquez, Pablo Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Reybet, Graciela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Baron, Claudio. Corporación del Mercado Central de Buenos Aires; Argentina

    Hitting sbottom in natural SUSY

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    We compare the experimental prospects of direct stop and sbottom pair production searches at the LHC. Such searches for stops are of great interest as they directly probe for states that are motivated by the SUSY solution to the hierarchy problem of the Higgs mass parameter - leading to a "Natural" SUSY spectrum. Noting that sbottom searches are less experimentally challenging and scale up in reach directly with the improvement on b-tagging algorithms, we discuss the interplay of small TeV scale custodial symmetry violation with sbottom direct pair production searches as a path to obtaining strong sub-TeV constraints on stops in a natural SUSY scenario. We argue that if a weak scale natural SUSY spectrum does not exist within the reach of LHC, then hopes for such a spectrum for large regions of parameter space should sbottom out. Conversely, the same arguments make clear that a discovery of such a spectrum is likely to proceed in a sbottom up manner.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures,v2 refs added, JHEP versio

    Multidisciplinary geological excursion in the open-air laboratory of the Island of Malta. 11-18 November 2010. Field-Trip Guide.

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    Si tratta della guida all'escursione geologica multidisciplinare tenutasi a Malta dall'11 al 18 novembre 2010, nell'ambito del progetto di internazionalizzazione dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia dal titolo "Multidisciplinary research in the open-air laboratory of the island of Malta: an internazional network for landslide hazard assessment in coastal areas" (2008-2010) finanziato dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena e Reggio Emilia, per i Corsi di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Geologiche e Magistrale in Scienze e Tecnologie Geologiche

    Mass-Matching in Higgsless

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    Modern extra-dimensional Higgsless scenarios rely on a mass-matching between fermionic and bosonic KK resonances to evade constraints from precision electroweak measurements. After analyzing all of the Tevatron and LEP bounds on these so-called Cured Higgsless scenarios, we study their LHC signatures and explore how to identify the mass-matching mechanism, the key to their viability. We find singly and pair produced fermionic resonances show up as clean signals with 2 or 4 leptons and 2 hard jets, while neutral and charged bosonic resonances are visible in the dilepton and leptonic WZ channels, respectively. A measurement of the resonance masses from these channels shows the matching necessary to achieve S0S\simeq 0. Moreover, a large single production of KK-fermion resonances is a clear indication of compositeness of SM quarks. Discovery reach is below 10 fb1^{-1} of luminosity for resonances in the 700 GeV range.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    The Impact of Lifestyle Interventions in High-Risk Early Breast Cancer Patients: A Modeling Approach from a Single Institution Experience

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    none21noA healthy lifestyle plays a strategic role in the prevention of BC. The aim of our prospective study is to evaluate the effects of a lifestyle interventions program based on special exercise and nutrition education on weight, psycho-physical well-being, blood lipid and hormonal profile among BC patients who underwent primary surgery. From January 2014 to March 2017, a multidisciplinary group of oncologists, dieticians, physiatrists and an exercise specialist evaluated 98 adult BC female patients at baseline and at different time points. The patients had at least one of the following risk factors: BMI ≥ 25 Kg/m2, high testosterone levels, high serum insulin levels or diagnosis of MS. Statistically significant differences are shown in terms of BMI variation with the lifestyle interventions program, as well as in waist circumference and blood glucose, insulin and testosterone levels. Moreover, a statistically significant difference was reported in variations of total Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score, in the anxiety HADS score and improvement in joint pain. Our results suggested that promoting a healthy lifestyle in clinical practice reduces risk factors involved in BC recurrence and ensures psycho-physical well-being.openMirco Pistelli, Valentina Natalucci, Laura Scortichini, Veronica Agostinelli, Edoardo Lenci, Sonia Crocetti, Filippo Merloni, Lucia Bastianelli, Marina Taus, Daniele Fumelli, Gloria Giulietti, Claudia Cola, Marianna Capecci, Roberta Serrani, Maria Gabriella Ceravolo, Maurizio Ricci, Albano Nicolai, Elena Barbieri, Giulia Nicolai, Zelmira Ballatore, Agnese Savini and Rossana BerardiPistelli, Mirco; Natalucci, Valentina; Scortichini, Laura; Agostinelli, Veronica; Lenci, Edoardo; Crocetti, Sonia; Merloni, Filippo; Bastianelli, Lucia; Taus, Marina; Fumelli, Daniele; Giulietti, Gloria; Cola, Claudia; Capecci, Marianna; Serrani, Roberta; Gabriella Ceravolo, Maria; Ricci, Maurizio; Nicolai, Albano; Barbieri, Elena; Nicolai, Giulia; Ballatore, Zelmira; Savini and Rossana Berardi, Agnes