47 research outputs found

    Grammatical Evolution for the Multi-Objective Integration and Test Order Problem

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    Search techniques have been successfully applied for solving different software testing problems. However, choosing, implementing and configuring a search technique can be hard tasks. To reduce efforts spent in such tasks, this paper presents an offline hyper-heuristic named GEMOITO, based on Grammatical Evolution (GE). The goal is to automatically generate a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) to solve the Integration and Test Order (ITO) problem. The MOEAs are distinguished by components and parameters values, described by a grammar. The proposed hyper-heuristic is compared to conventional MOEAs and to a selection hyper-heuristic used in related work. Results show that GEMOITO can generate MOEAs that are statistically better or equivalent to the compared algorithms

    An Approach for the Generation of Multi-Objective Algorithms Applied to the Integration and Test Order Problem

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    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been successfully applied to solve hard real software engineering problems. However, to choose and design a MOEA is considered a difficult task, since there are several parameters and components to be configured. These aspects directly impact the generated solutions and the performance of MOEAs. In this sense, this paper proposes an approach for the automatic generation of MOEAs applied to the Integration and Test Order (ITO) problem. Such a problem refers to the generation of optimal sequences of units for integration testing. The approach includes a set of parameters and components of different MOEAs, and is implemented with two design algorithms: Grammatical Evolution (GE) and Iterated Racing (irace). Evaluation results are presented, comparing the MOEAs generated by both design algorithms. Furthermore, the generated MOEAs are compared to two well-known MOEAs used in the literature to solve the ITO problem. Results show that the MOEAs generated with GE and irace perform similarly, and both outperform traditional MOEAs. The approach can reduce efforts spent to design and configure MOEAs, and serves as basis for implementing solutions to other software engineering problems

    Metaheuristic Design Pattern: Visitor for Genetic Operators

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    Metaheuristics, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), and hyper-heuristics have been widely studied and applied in the literature. This led to the development of several frameworks to aid the execution and development of such algorithms. Consequently, the reusability, scalability and maintainability became fundamental points to be attacked by developers. Such points can be improved using Design Patterns, but despite their advantages, few works have explored their usage with metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics. In order to contribute to this research topic, we present a solution based on the Visitor pattern used to design genetic operators. A case study is presented with the Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order problem (HITO). This case study shows that the proposed solution can increase the reusability of the implemented operators, and also enable easy addition of new genetic operators and representations

    A pattern-driven solution for designing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been widely studied in the literature, which led to the development of several frameworks and techniques to implement them. Consequently, the reusability, scalability and maintainability became fundamental concerns in the development of such algorithms. To this end, the use of design patterns (DPs) can benefit, ease and improve the design of MOEAs. DPs are reusable solutions for common design problems, which can be applied to almost any context. Despite their advantages to decrease coupling, increase flexibility, and allow an easier design extension, DPs have been underexplored for MOEA design. In order to contribute to this research topic, we propose a pattern-driven solution for the design of MOEAs. The MOEA designed with our solution is compared to another MOEA designed without it. The comparison considered: the Integration and Test Order (ITO) problem and the Traveling Salesman problem (TSP). Obtained results show that the use of this DP-driven solution allows the reuse of MOEA components, without decreasing the quality, in terms of hypervolume. This means that the developer can extend the algorithms to include other components using only object-oriented mechanisms in an easier way, while maintaining the expected results

    The Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering: Past, Present and Future

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    CONTEXT: Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is the research field where Software Engineering (SE) problems are modelled as search problems to be solved by search-based techniques. The Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE) is the premier event on SBSE, which had its 11th edition in 2019. OBJECTIVE: In order to better understand the characteristics and evolution of papers published at SSBSE, this work reports results from a mapping study targeting the proceedings of all SSBSE editions. Despite the existing mapping studies on SBSE, our contribution in this work is to provide information to researchers and practitioners willing to enter the SBSE field, being a source of information to strengthen the symposium, guide new studies, and motivate new collaboration among research groups. METHOD: A systematic mapping study was conducted with a set of four research questions, in which 134 studies published in all editions of SSBSE, dated from 2009 to 2019, were evaluated. In a fifth question, 32 papers published in the challenge track were summarised. RESULTS: Throughout the years, 290 authors from 25 countries have contributed to the main track of the symposium, with the collaboration of at least two institutions in 46.3% of the papers. SSBSE papers have got substantial external visibility, as most citations are from different venues. The SE tasks addressed by SSBSE are mostly related to software testing, software debugging, software design, and maintenance. Evolutionary algorithms are present in 75% of the papers, being the most common search technique. The evaluation of the SBSE approaches usually includes industrial systems. CONCLUSIONS: SSBSE has helped increase the popularity of SBSE in the SE research community and has played an important role on making SBSE mature. There are still problems and challenges to be addressed in the SBSE field, which can be tackled by SSBSE authors in further studies

    Curcumin affects HSP60 folding activity and levels in neuroblastoma cells

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    The fundamental challenge in fighting cancer is the development of protective agents able to interfere with the classical pathways of malignant transformation, such as extracellular matrix remodeling, epithelial\u2013mesenchymal transition and, alteration of protein homeostasis. In the tumors of the brain, proteotoxic stress represents one of the main triggering agents for cell transformation. Curcumin is a natural compound with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties with promising potential for the development of therapeutic drugs for the treatment of cancer as well as neurodegenerative diseases. Among the mediators of cancer development, HSP60 is a key factor for the maintenance of protein homeostasis and cell survival. High HSP60 levels were correlated, in particular, with cancer development and progression, and for this reason, we investigated the ability of curcumin to affect HSP60 expression, localization, and post-translational modifications using a neuroblastoma cell line. We have also looked at the ability of curcumin to interfere with the HSP60/HSP10 folding machinery. The cells were treated with 6, 12.5, and 25 \ub5M of curcumin for 24 h, and the flow cytometry analysis showed that the compound induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner with a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at 25 \ub5M. This dose of curcumin-induced a decrease in HSP60 protein levels and an upregulation of HSP60 mRNA expression. Moreover, 25 \ub5M of curcumin reduced HSP60 ubiquitination and nitration, and the chaperonin levels were higher in the culture media compared with the untreated cells. Furthermore, curcumin at the same dose was able to favor HSP60 folding activity. The reduction of HSP60 levels, together with the increase in its folding activity and the secretion in the media led to the supposition that curcumin might interfere with cancer progression with a protective mechanism involving the chaperonin

    A multi-objective and evolutionary hyper-heuristic applied to the Integration and Test Order Problem

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    The field of Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) has widely utilized Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) to solve complex software engineering problems. However, the use of such algorithms can be a hard task for the software engineer, mainly due to the significant range of parameter and algorithm choices. To help in this task, the use of Hyper-heuristics is recommended. Hyper-heuristics can select or generate low-level heuristics while optimization algorithms are executed, and thus can be generically applied. Despite their benefits, we find only a few works using hyper-heuristics in the SBSE field. Considering this fact, we describe HITO, a Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order Problem, to adaptively select search operators while MOEAs are executed using one of the selection methods: Choice Function and Multi-Armed Bandit. The experimental results show that HITO can outperform the traditional MOEAs NSGA-II and MOEA/DD. HITO is also a generic algorithm, since the user does not need to select crossover and mutation operators, nor adjust their parameters

    The challenging riddle about the janus‐type role of hsp60 and related extracellular vesicles and miRNAs in carcinogenesis and the promises of its solution

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    Hsp60 is one of the most ancient and evolutionarily conserved members of the chaperoning system. It typically resides within mitochondria, in which it contributes to maintaining the organelle’s proteome integrity and homeostasis. In the last few years, it has been shown that Hsp60 also occurs in other locations, intracellularly and extracellularly, including cytosol, plasmacell membrane, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Consequently, non‐canonical functions and interacting partners of Hsp60 have been identified and it has been realized that it is a hub molecule in diverse networks and pathways and that it is implicated, directly or indirectly, in the development of various pathological conditions, the Hsp60 chaperonopathies. In this review, we will focus on the multi‐faceted role of this chaperonin in human cancers, showing the contribution of intra‐ and extracellular Hsp60 in cancer development and progression, as well as the impact of miRNA‐mediated regulation of Hsp60 in carcinogenesis. There are still various aspects of this intricate biological scenario that are poorly understood but ongoing research is steadily providing new insights and we will direct attention to them. For instance, we will highlight the possible applications of the Hsp60 involvement in carcinogenesis not only in diagnosis, but also in the development of specific anti‐cancer therapies centered on the use of the chaperonin as therapeutic target or agent and depending on its role, pro‐ or anti‐tumor

    Search-based fault localisation: A systematic mapping study

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    Context. Software Fault Localisation (FL) refers to finding faulty software elements related to failures produced as a result of test case execution. This is a laborious and time consuming task. To allow FL automation search-based algorithms have been successfully applied in the field of Search-Based Fault Localisation (SBFL). However, there is no study mapping the SBFL field to the best of our knowledge and we believe that such a map is important to promote new advances in this field. Objective. To present the results of a mapping study on SBFL, by characterising the proposed methods, identifying sources of used information, adopted evaluation functions, applied algorithms and elements regarding reported experiments. Method. Our mapping followed a defined process and a search protocol. The conducted analysis considers different dimensions and categories related to the main characteristics of SBFL methods. Results. All methods are grounded on the coverage spectra category. Overall the methods search for solutions related to suspiciousness formulae to identify possible faulty code elements. Most studies use evolutionary algorithms, mainly Genetic Programming, by using a single-objective function. There is little investigation of real-and-multiple-fault scenarios, and the subjects are mostly written in C and Java. No consensus was observed on how to apply the evaluation metrics. Conclusions. Search-based fault localisation has seen a rise in interest in the past few years and the number of studies has been growing. We identified some research opportunities such as exploring new sources of fault data, exploring multi-objective algorithms, analysing benchmarks according to some classes of faults, as well as, the use of a unique definition for evaluation measures

    Aequorin-based measurements of intracellular Ca(2+)-signatures in plant cells

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    Due to the involvement of calcium as a main second messenger in the plant signaling pathway, increasing interest has been focused on the calcium signatures supposed to be involved in the patterning of the specific response associated to a given stimulus. In order to follow these signatures we described here the practical approach to use the non-invasive method based on the aequorin technology. Besides reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of this method we report on results showing the usefulness of aequorin to study the calcium response to biotic (elicitors) and abiotic stimuli (osmotic shocks) in various compartments of plant cells such as cytosol and nucleus