278 research outputs found

    Evaluación de competencias básicas desde la perspectiva de la Educación Física en el Primer Ciclo de Educación Primaria

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    La evaluación del rendimiento de los/as alumnos/as en Educación primaria es muy importante para el correcto proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este trabajo nos hemos planteado como objetivo evaluar el nivel de consecución de las competencias básicas en el área de Educación física en el primer ciclo de Educación primaria. Para dar respuesta a este objetivo hemos realizado una revisión de la literatura sobre las competencias básicas, la inteligencia corporal-cinestésica de Gardner y la evaluación en Educación física. De igual modo hemos llevado a cabo una investigación que combina los métodos descriptivo, correlacional y ex post-facto. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en una muestra de 99 discentes de un centro público de la provincia de Sevilla a los que se ha observado utilizando una rúbrica de elaboración propia, validada por profesores especialistas en Educación física. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten describir el rendimiento de los/as alumnos/as en dicha área en cada una de las competencias básicas, además hemos podido analizar la relación entre competencias y calificaciones escolares, grupos/sexo. Los resultados obtenidos muestra una relación consistencia de la evaluación de las competencias con las calificaciones escolares pero también la no existencia de diferencias, salvo en autonomía e iniciativa personal, entre sexos

    New analysis and extensions of split-spectrum processing algorithms

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    [EN] In this paper we compare the performances of different variants of split-spectrum algorithms and propose some new extensions based on the use of variable bandwidth filters equally spaced in frequency and energy gain equalized. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Gain and Flaw-to-Clutter Ratio Gain factors were selected as the figures of merit to make the comparisons among the different methods. We considered simulated ultrasonic signals using both stationary and non-stationary models for the grain noise, and real scans obtained in laboratory from low dispersive (aluminum) and high dispersive (cement) materials. Frequency Multiplication (FM) recombination method is revealed as the best option when combined with the new extensions.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Fomento (Spain) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain), and FEDER funds under the projects T39/2006, TEC2008-06728 and TEC2008-02975Rodríguez, A.; Miralles Ricós, R.; Bosch Roig, I.; Vergara Domínguez, L. (2012). New analysis and extensions of split-spectrum processing algorithms. NDT & E International. 45(1):141-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2011.10.001S14114745

    Bloqueo de la articulación metacarpofalángica por osteofito de la cabeza del metacarpiano

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    Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 79 años de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias de nuestro centro con un bloqueo de la articulación metacarpofalángica (MF) del dedo medio ocasionado por un osteofito en la cara cubital de la cabeza del tercer metacarpiano. El estudio radiológico permitió observar la presencia del osteofito y su extirpación permitió recuperar la normal excursión del ligamento colateral cubital de la art. MF y la extensión completa de la articulación.A 79 years old woman that presented her middle finger metacarpophalangeal joint blocked in flexion because and osteophite on the dorsal-ulnar aspect of the head of the metacarpal is presented. Diagnostic was stablished after radiological study. Resection of the osteophite allowed the ulnar collateral ligament come back to its normal excursion and complete extension of the joint was regained

    Measuring Predictability in Ultrasonic Signals: An Application to Scattering Material Characterization

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    [EN] In this paper, we present a novel and completely different approach to the problem of scattering material characterization: measuring the degree of predictability of the time series. Measuring predictability can provide information of the signal strength of the deterministic component of the time series in relation to the whole time series acquired. This relationship can provide information about coherent reflections in material grains with respect to the rest of incoherent noises that typically appear in non-destructive testing using ultrasonics. This is a non-parametric technique commonly used in chaos theory that does not require making any kind of assumptions about attenuation profiles. In highly scattering media (low SNR), it has been shown theoretically that the degree of predictability allows material characterization. The experimental results obtained in this work with 32 cement probes of 4 different porosities demonstrate the ability of this technique to do classification. It has also been shown that, in this particular application, the measurement of predictability can be used as an indicator of the percentages of porosity of the test samples with great accuracy.This work has been supported by the Spanish Administration under grant TEC2011-23403. We also wish to acknowledge Dr. Jorge Gosalbez for providing the ultrasound data of the cement paste probes.Carrión García, A.; Miralles Ricós, R.; Lara Martínez, G. (2014). Measuring Predictability in Ultrasonic Signals: An Application to Scattering Material Characterization. Ultrasonics. 54(7):1904-1911. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2014.05.008S1904191154

    Preparation and Structural Characterization of Metallophthalocyanine Particles Embedded in a Polymer Matrix

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    In this work, thin-film deposition of FePc particles nucleated and grown in gels was carried out in air by spin coating. The surface morphology and structure of these films were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The optical parameters have been investigated using spectrophotometric measurements of transmittance in the wavelength range of 200–1100 nm. The absorption spectra recorded in the UV-Vis region for the deposited samples showed a single band, namely the B or Soret band in the region between 285 and 305 nm. The dependence of the Tauc and Cody optical gaps associated with the thickness of the film was determined and found to be around 4.2 eV from direct transitions and 3.8 eV from non-direct transitions. The films’ electric properties and their dependence in the presence of radiation of several wavelengths were evaluated. At lower voltages, ohmic conduction is evident, while space-charge limited conductivity (SCLC) governed by an exponential trap distribution is to be found at higher voltages

    Solventless crosslinking of chitosan, xanthan, and locust bean gum networks functionalized with beta-Cyclodextrin

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    The incorporation of cyclodextrins into polymeric crosslinked gels of hydrophilic nature can be useful for promoting the sorption of hydrophobic molecules and/or modulating the release of active principles. The covalent addition of these excipients to the matrix integrates their solubilizing effect that can contribute to increase the capacity of retention of hydrophobic substances. In this study, three diverse polysaccharides, chitosan, xanthan gum, and locust bean gum, were crosslinked with or withoutβ-cyclodextrin, using citric acid in different ratios, to create hydrogel matrices. Through a green synthetic path, the efficient production of soluble and insoluble (hydrogel) networks functionalized with β-cyclodextrin was achieved by means of a solventless procedure. The characterization of their chemical composition, swelling in water, and their sorption and release behavior were also carried out in this work

    E. coli infection disrupts the epithelial barrier and activates intrinsic neurosecretory reflexes in the pig colon

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    This study aims to assess the barrier integrity and possible activation of enteric neural pathways associated with secretion and motility in the pig colon induced by an enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) challenge. 50 Danbred male piglets were used for this study. 16 were challenged with an oral dose of the ETEC strain F4+ 1.5 × 109 colony-forming unit. Colonic samples were studied 4- and 9-days post-challenge using both a muscle bath and Ussing chamber. Colonic mast cells were stained with methylene blue. In control animals, electrical field stimulation induced neurosecretory responses that were abolished by tetrodotoxin (10−6M) and reduced by the combination of atropine (10−4M) and α-chymotrypsin (10U/mL). Exogenous addition of carbachol, vasoactive intestinal peptide, forskolin, 5-HT, nicotine, and histamine produced epithelial Cl− secretion. At day 4 post-challenge, ETEC increased the colonic permeability. The basal electrogenic ion transport remained increased until day 9 post-challenge and was decreased by tetrodotoxin (10−6M), atropine (10−4M), hexamethonium (10−5M), and ondansetron (10−5M). In the muscle, electrical field stimulation produced frequency-dependent contractile responses that were abolished with tetrodotoxin (10−6M) and atropine (10−6M). Electrical field stimulation and carbachol responses were not altered in ETEC animals in comparison with control animals at day 9 post-challenge. An increase in mast cells, stained with methylene blue, was observed in the mucosa and submucosa but not in the muscle layer of ETEC-infected animals on day 9 post-challenge. ETEC increased the response of intrinsic secretory reflexes and produced an impairment of the colonic barrier that was restored on day 9 post-challenge but did not modify neuromuscular function

    Caracterización de colectas y accesiones de Jatropha curcas L. mediante estudios fenológicos y agronómicos

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    Para caracterizar la fenología y el comportamiento agronómico de la colección de germoplasma de Jatropha curcas L. del Centro Tecnológico Agropecuario en Paraguay (CETAPAR), ubicado en el distrito de Yguazú, departamento de Alto Paraná, Paraguay se realizó esta evaluación entre los meses de enero y julio del 2009. El método empleado para las evaluaciones agronómicas fue el muestreo aleatorio con 15 tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. Las evaluaciones fenológicas se realizaron de modo descriptivo. La colección está compuesta de híbridos clonales implantados en el 2007, provenientes de colectas de localidades paraguayas y brasileñas; además de accesiones del estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Se evaluaron el rendimiento de frutos por planta, peso medio de frutos secos, número de semillas por fruto, relación fruto-semilla y el rendimiento de semillas por planta. Se registraron la época de floración y la duración del periodo de cosecha de los distintos materiales. Los resultados estadísticos muestran que para todas las variables agronómicas evaluadas existen diferencias entre los materiales. Los mayores rendimientos de frutos y semillas, se obtuvieron en los materiales Caraguatay y Oracilia. Además Caraguatay presentó los frutos con mayor número de semillas y peso seco. El mayor porcentaje de semillas con relación al fruto se observó en la accesión Filomena. El periodo de cosecha alcanzó once semanas, exceptuando a la colecta de Santa Rosa del Aguaray, la cual se cosechó durante nueve semanas

    Fracaso del cartílago costal en el tratamiento de defectos óseos experimentales: Estudio histológico y radiológico

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    Se realiza un estudio experimental para demostrar la utilidad del cartílago costal, fresco o criopreservado (autólogo y homólogo), en el tratamiento de defectos óseos cavitarios de huesos largos y observar si la radiología simple es fiable para la valoración de su incorporación. Para ello se implanta cartílago costal, sin pericondrio, en un defecto óseo cavitario de la metáfisis distal del fémur de conejo. Se utilizan dos tipos de injerto según su procedencia (antólogo y homólogo) y el procedimiento de conservación (fresco y criopreservado). Se trabaja sobre 3 grupos de 6 conejos cada uno. Se valora la incorporación del injerto mediante histología y radiología simple, a las 3, 6 y 12 semanas. Las conclusiones de este trabajo demuestran que el implante de cartílago costal no actúa como elemento osteoinductor; la radiología simple no es un método fiable para la valoración de la incorporación del injerto.An experimental study was carried out to demonstrate the utility of costal, fresh or cryopreserved cartilage (autologus and homologous), in the treatment of cavitary bone defects of long bones and to observe whether simple radiology is reliable for assessing of its incorporation. The study involved implanting costal cartilage, without perichondrial tissue, in a cavitary bone defect of the distal metafisis in rabbit femur. Two types of graft were used, according to their origin (autologus and homologous) and to the conservation procedure (fresh and cryopreserved). We workek on 3 separate groups of 6 rabbits. We assessed the incorporation of the graft by means of histology and simple radiology studies, at 3, 6 and 12 weeks. The conclusions of this work demonstrate that costal cartilage implants do not act as osteoinductor elements, and that simple radiology is not a reliable method for assessing the incorporation of the graft