258 research outputs found

    Twin semigroups and delay equations

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    In the standard theory of delay equations, the fundamental solution does not 'live' in the state space. To eliminate this age-old anomaly, we enlarge the state space. As a consequence, we lose the strong continuity of the solution operators and this, in turn, has as a consequence that the Riemann integral no longer suffices for giving meaning to the variation-of-constants formula. To compensate, we develop the Stieltjes-Pettis integral in the setting of a norming dual pair of spaces. Part I provides general theory, Part II deals with "retarded" equations, and in Part III we show how the Stieltjes integral enables incorporation of unbounded perturbations corresponding to neutral delay equations

    The Formation, Structure, and Stability of a Shear Layer in a Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity

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    The presence of viscosity normally has a stabilizing effect on the flow of a fluid. However, experiments show that the flow of a fluid might form shear bands or shear layers, narrow bands in which the velocity of the fluid changes sharply. In general, adiabatic shear layers are observed not only in fluids but also in thermo-plastic materials subject to shear at a high-strain rate and in combustion. Therefore there is widespread interest in modeling the formation of shear layers. In this paper we investigate the basic system of conservation laws for a one-dimensional flow with temperature-dependent viscosity using a combination of analytical and numerical tools. We present results to substantiate the claim that the formation of shear layers is due to teh fact that viscosity decreases sufficiently quickly as temperature increases and analyze the structure and stability properties of the layers

    De logica het werk laten doen

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    The numerical solution of forward–backward differential equations: Decomposition and related issues

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of computational and applied mathematics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 234,(2010), doi: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.01.039This journal article discusses the decomposition, by numerical methods, of solutions to mixed-type functional differential equations (MFDEs) into sums of “forward” solutions and “backward” solutions

    Маркерные иммунофенотипические признаки бластов при т-клеточном остром лимфобластном лейкозе у детей

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    Острые лимфобластные лейкозы (ОЛЛ) Т-клеточного происхождения у детей составляют около 12% среди всех ОЛЛ. Они отличаются чрезвычайно тяжелым клиническим течением и неблагоприятным прогнозом. По морфоцитохимическим признакам невозможно разграничить Т-клеточные ОЛЛ от В-клеточных, поэтому важным является определение иммунофенотипа бластных клеток. У 168 детей с ОЛЛ в возрасте от 1 года до 14 лет проведено иммунофенотипирование бластных клеток; Т-ОЛЛ выявлен у 23 больных. Выявлены особенности фенотипа бластных клеток при T-I, T-II и T-III подвариантах ОЛЛ у детей.T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemias (ALL) represent approximately 12% of all ALL in children. They feature unfavorable prognosis and extraordinarily hard clinical course. T-cell ALL cannot be differentiated from B-cell ALL by morphocytochemical features; therefore, it is crucial to define the immunophenotype of blast cells. Immunophenotyping of blast cells in 168 children with ALL aged from 1 to 14 was carried out. In 23 patients T-ALL was revealed. Peculiarities of the immunophenotype of blast cells in T-I, T-II, and T-III subgroups of ALL were established in children