184 research outputs found


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    Makanan selain dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, tetapi dapat pula menjadi sumber penularan penyakit apabila tidak dikelola secara hygienis. Salah satu tahap dalam hygiene dan sanitasi adalah penyajian makanan yaitu penggunaan piring. Kontaminasi pada piring dapat disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme/kuman, pencucian yang tidak baik, hygiene penjamah yang tidak baik serta air bersih yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Jumlah Kuman pada Piring di warung Pemancingan Janti Kabupaten Klaten Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Jenis penelitian adalah explanatory research dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh piring yang berupa piring pada 25 warung Pemancingan Janti dengan sampel sebanyak 75 piring (3 piring tiap warung). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi yang menggunakan kuesioner dan checklist yaitu tentang hygiene penjamah, sanitasi piring, penyediaan air bersih dan kondisi tempat penirisan. Analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square (Fisher's Exact Test) dengan signifikansi ( <0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 19 responden (76,0%) memiliki praktik hygiene penjamah makanan yang baik dengan jumlah kuman pada piring memenuhi syarat sebesar 73,7%, 16 warung (64,0%) memiliki sanitasi piring baik dengan jumlah kuman pada piring memenuhi syarat sebesar 75,0%, 18 warung (72,0%) menggunakan air bersih dari sumber mata air dengan jumlah kuman pada piring yang memenuhi syarat sebesar 38,9%, 18 warung (72,0%) memiliki kondisi tempat penirisan yang baik dengan jumlah kuman pada piring memenuhi syarat sebesar 72,2%. Uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan antara hygiene penjamah (p=0,003 dan PR=3,8), sanitasi alat makan (p=0,016 , PR=3), kualitas bakteriologis air bersih (p=0,008, PR=2,6) dan kondisi tempat penirisan (p=0,014 , PR=3) dengan jumlah kuman pada piring. Saran bagi warung pemancingan yang sudah memiliki hygiene penjamah makanan, sanitasi piring, kualitas bakteriologis air bersih dan kondisi tempat penirisan yang sudah memenuhi kriteria baik dan memenuhi syarat sebaiknya tetap dipertahankan serta lebih ditingkatkan. Kata Kunci: Sanitasi Piring, Jumlah Kuman, Warung Pemancingan Janti FACTORS THAT THE ASSOCIATED WITH BETWEEN AMOUNT OF MICROBA INFECTING IN DISHERS AT SEVERAL FISHERY FOOD VENDORS IN JANTI REGION, KLATEN DISTRICT, CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE 2008 Food may become the source of infection diseases through unhygienic usage of dishers besid as the primary substance in the basic necessary of human life. The usage of dishers can be contaminated by microba infecting, unclean washing, dirty water and unhygienic behavior of consumer. This research aims at understanding that factors that the associated with between amaont of microba infecting in dishers at several fishery food vendors in Janti region Klaten district, and Central Java province. This research type is an explanatory research combined with cross sectional approach method. The research populations include all kind of dishers in the form of plates at 25 of fishing eateries in Janti region with totally 75 plates sample (3 plates sample every eatery). Data collecting methods are observation and interview utilizing checklist and questionnaire which is contains list of dishers sanitation, hygienic behavior of costumer, availability of cleaning water, and hygiene of shelf plate. Chi Square test (Fisher's Exact Test) is used as data analysis with signification factor ( <0.05). Based on the analyzed data, the research findings show that, first, 19 eateries (76%) are demonstrated hygienic behavior customer in practice. The amount of microba infecting in dishers is standard quality level or equal to 73.7%. Second, 16 eateries (64.0%) have proven as good rank in dishers sanitation with amount of microba infecting in dishers up is to standard quality level or equal to 75,0%. Thrid, 18 eateries (72.0%) have used cleaning water from wellspring with amount of microba infecting in dishers up is to standard quality level or equal to 72,2%. Based on the statistical test, it can be shown that there is a correlation between hygienic behavior of consumer (p = 0,003, PR = 3.8), eat tools sanitation (p = 0,016, PR = 3), clean water bacteriological quality (p = 0,008, PR = 2.6) and hygienic shelf plate (p= 0,014, PR = 3) with the amount of microba infecting in dishers. Keyword : Dishers sanitation, amount of microba infecting, several fishery food vendor

    Exploring the Role of Culture and Race In Stroke Rehabilitation Disparities

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    A study found that racial differences exist in stroke rehabilitation care and outcomes between African Americans (AAs) and Caucasian Americans (CAs). In addition to health status, the rehabilitation care of AAs with stroke (AAwS) may be influenced by cultural and or racial similarities or differences that exist between themselves and their physical therapists (PTs). Distorted perceptions of culture and race in the patient-PT relationship may contribute to disparities in stroke rehabilitation care and outcomes for AAwS. Current stroke rehabilitation literature lacks qualitative research that examines racialized differences in treatment. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory research study was to investigate the perspectives of: (1) AAwS regarding the ways in which culture and race may have influenced their physical therapy experiences during inpatient rehabilitation, and (2) PTs regarding how culture, race, and health status (latter two evidenced in literature) contribute to the disparities in rehabilitation care and outcomes for persons with stroke. Semistructured individual and paired interviews were conducted with a purposeful criterion sample of five AAwS. Semistructured focus group interviews were conducted with a purposeful criterion sample of PTs. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, and content analyzed. Data analysis revealed six themes for AAwS: (1) self-acknowledgement, (2) shift in barriers to optimal health, (3) health cultured inferiority or subordination, (4) health outcome investment with a subtheme, culturally-relevant and functional activities, (5) issues of trust, and (6) race role interaction. Six themes emerged for PTs: (1) justice and equality, (2) family capacity, (3) patient-PT relationship, (4) health outcome investment, with a subtheme of physical therapy intensity, (5) systematic healthcare limitations, and (6) patient social health attributes. The diversity of these themes demonstrates the complexities involved in providing equitable care related to culture, race, and health status. Also, culture and race of the patient and PT are characteristics that factor into the patient-PT relationship in physical therapy practice. Future qualitative studies should interview and observe patient-PT dyads to investigate how physical therapy practice and the patient-PT relationship can accommodate the factors of culture, race, and health status to eliminate disparities in stroke rehabilitation care and outcomes between AAs and CAs

    I Sistemi idrici come organismi cibernetici: un approccio relazionale nella pianificazione di laghi artificiali e aree umide costiere

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    The research deals with river basin planning considering both the relations between water, wetlands, and landscape, and the crisis caused by a design approach still conceiving water infrastructure elements – i.e. dams, water supply and treatment, and flood prevention systems – as separate and unrelated to the receiving water system, to its wetlands, and to landscape with its environmental, cultural, historic, and human features. Particular attention is given to artificial reservoirs and coastal wetlands insomuch as they represent nodal points of drainage basins, as they reflect territorial dynamics of water, and as they are cybernetic organisms representing a deeply interconnected socio-environment. The study examines two cases: the Boadella-Aiguamolls de l'Empordà system in Catalonia and the Cuga-Calich system in Sardinia. The research centres on the processes of review and structuration of landscape-water infrastructure relation, organizing its content based on multiple territorial layerings, within which complex issues – like flood risk, poor quality of water, low efficiency of water supply network, degradation of environment and landscape, or social denial of waterscapes – become driving forces in the definition of potential planning strategies rather than being mere outcomes

    Korupsi Bantuan Sosial COVID-19: Analisis Implementasi Etika Normatif Pejabat Publik di Indonesia COVID-19

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    Dalam mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang transparan, akuntabel, dan bebas dari KKN, diperlukan adanya implementasi etika agar dapat membangun integritas pemerintahan dan menumbuhkan kepercayaan publik. Namun, pemerintah dinilai masih lemah dalam tata kelola akibat maraknya kasus korupsi di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi etika yang dilakukan pelaku korupsi dan penegak hukum dalam kasus korupsi bantuan sosial COVID-19. Studi dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder, dimana hasil analisis dipaparkan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pelaku korupsi bansos COVID-19 tidak menerapkan etika dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya, baik secara deontologi dan teleologi. Di sisi lain, penegak hukum telah menggambarkan perilaku etis secara etika deontologi yang dicerminkan dari kode etik profesi dalam menjatuhkan hukuman vonis


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa dengan bantuan metode pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif pada siswa SMK. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah metode demonstrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi Experiment dengan desain penelitian nonequivalent control group design.Terdapat hasil penilaian ahli multimedia sebesar 82% dan penilaian ahli materi sebesar 88%, keduanya termasuk ke dalam nilai kategori sangat baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran demonstrasi berbasis multimedia interaktif ini layak digunakan untuk penerapan pembelajaran. Terdapat hasil penerapan dengan metode tersebut, hasil rata-rata pre-test kelas kontrol sebesar 54,22 dan nilai rata-rata post-test kelas kontrol sebesar 77,34. Diperoleh nilai gain kelas kontrol sebesar 0,51. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas eksperimen sebesar 53,59 dan nilai rata-rata post-test kelas eksperimen sebesar 80,94 dengan nilai gain sebesar 0,59. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, terlihat adanya peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa antara kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional dengan kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran demonstrasi berbasis multimedia interaktif.---------- This research aims to know the upgrading of cognitive aspect with application of learning demonstration methode based interactive multimedia of vocational strudents on basic audio processing. The research method used is Quasi Experiment with nonequivalent control group design. From this research showed assessment result obtained from media experts at 82% and assessment result obtained from subject experts at 88%. That included in the category of excellent, from both of the value can be concluded that the learning demonstration methode based interactive multimedia is suitable for applied in learning. As for the application of learning in the classroom consist of pre-test processing stage, learning implementation, and post-test processing. From this research stage, obtained the average value of the pre-test control class is 54,22 and the average value of the post-test control class is 77,34. By calculating the value of pre-test and post-test of control class, obtained value of gain equal to 0,51. While the average value of the experimental class pre-test is 53,59 and the average value of the experimental class post-test is 80,94 with the value of gain equal to 0,59. Based on the result of the research, there is a significant improvement of student cognitive capability between control class using conventional learning model with experimental class using Learning Demonstration Methode Based Interactive Multimedia


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh menurunnya kebijakan dividen pada perusahaan subsektor pariwisata, restoran, dan hotel yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2010-2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran profitabilitas yang diukur dengan Return On Equity (ROE), leverage yang diukur dengan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan kebijakan dividen yang diukur dengan Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas dan leverage terhadap kebijakan dividen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari masing-masing perusahaan subsektor pariwisata, restoran, dan hotel yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2010-2014. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji asumsi klasik dan regresi linear berganda, serta uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji keberartian regresi dan uji keberartian koefisien regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ROE berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap DPR, sedangkan DER tidak berpengaruh terhadap DPR.----------The background research is the decline of dividend policy on tourism, restaurants and hotels subsector companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010-2014. This research aims to know the description of the profitability as measured by Return On Equity (ROE), leverage as measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and dividend policy as measured by Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), as well as to know the influence profitability and leverage toward the dividend policy. This research uses descriptive and verification research method. The data used are secondary data from each company subsector tourism, restaurants and hotels listed in IDX from 2010-2014. Samples taken with purposive sampling technique. Analytical techniques used are classic assumption test and multiple linear regression, as well as a test of the hypothesis test using F-test and t-test. This research showed that the ROE effect positive significantly to DER, while the DER has no effect on DPR

    Synergistic effect of gefitinib and rofecoxib in mesothelioma cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an aggressive tumor that is resistant to conventional modes of treatment with chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Research into the molecular pathways involved in the development of MM should yield information that will guide therapeutic decisions. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) are involved in the carcinogenesis of MM. Combination of COX-2 and EGFR inhibitors, therefore, could be an effective strategy for reducing cell growth in those lines expressing the two molecular markers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to verify the effect of COX-2 and EGFR inhibitors, five MM cell lines NCI-2452, MPP89, Ist-Mes-1, Ist-Mes-2 and MSTO-211 were characterized for COX-2 and EGFR and then treated with respective inhibitors (rofecoxib and gefitinib) alone and in combination. Only MPP89, Ist-Mes-1 and Ist-Mes-2 were sensitive to rofecoxib and showed growth-inhibition upon gefitinib treatment. The combination of two drugs demonstrated synergistic effects on cell killing only in Ist-Mes-2, the cell line that was more sensitive to gefitinib and rofecoxib alone. Down-regulation of COX-2, EGFR, p-EGFR and up-regulation of p21 and p27 were found in Ist-Mes-2, after treatment with single agents and in combination. In contrast, association of two drugs resulted in antagonistic effect in Ist-Mes-1 and MPP89. In these cell lines after rofecoxib exposition, only an evident reduction of p-AKT was observed. No change in p-AKT in Ist-Mes-1 and MPP89 was observed after treatment with gefitinib alone and in combination with rofecoxib.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Gefitinib and rofecoxib exert cell type-specific effects that vary between different MM cells. Total EGFR expression and downstream signalling does not correlate with gefitinib sensitivity. These data suggest that the effect of gefitinib can be potentiated by rofecoxib in MM cell lines where AKT is not activated.</p