815 research outputs found

    Evaluating the performance of model transformation styles in Maude

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    Rule-based programming has been shown to be very successful in many application areas. Two prominent examples are the specification of model transformations in model driven development approaches and the definition of structured operational semantics of formal languages. General rewriting frameworks such as Maude are flexible enough to allow the programmer to adopt and mix various rule styles. The choice between styles can be biased by the programmer’s background. For instance, experts in visual formalisms might prefer graph-rewriting styles, while experts in semantics might prefer structurally inductive rules. This paper evaluates the performance of different rule styles on a significant benchmark taken from the literature on model transformation. Depending on the actual transformation being carried out, our results show that different rule styles can offer drastically different performances. We point out the situations from which each rule style benefits to offer a valuable set of hints for choosing one style over the other

    Status of carnivores in Biscay (N lberian peninsula)

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    The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula.The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula.The first study on the carnivore community of Biscay was published in 1985. The present study, made twelve years later, was carried out to assess the present situation of these mammals. In this work, data collected from 1990 to 1996 by trapping, sighting, and surveying road and other kills, as well as faeces and tracks are reported. Records of 12 species were obtained, of which American mink Mustela vison (Schreber, 1777) is cited for the first time, and the wolf reappears as a non-occasional species. The main trends observed during the last twelve years seem to be related to changes in land use and management of natural resources. The situation has turned favourable for the most opportunistic species, which have become very abundant in some areas, while populations of the most specialist or relictic species show a more restricted distribution. At the same time, the expansion of wolf and European mink, with the appearance of American mink for the first time, reflect a dynamic but very unstable scene. Key words: Carnivores, Population status, Distribution, Conservation, lberian peninsula

    Cognitive function in childhood and lifetime cognitive change in relation to mental wellbeing in four cohorts of older people

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    Background: poorer cognitive ability in youth is a risk factor for later mental health problems but it is largely unknown whether cognitive ability, in youth or in later life, is predictive of mental wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cognitive ability at age 11 years, cognitive ability in later life, or lifetime cognitive change are associated with mental wellbeing in older people.Methods: we used data on 8191 men and women aged 50 to 87 years from four cohorts in the HALCyon collaborative research programme into healthy ageing: the Aberdeen Birth Cohort 1936, the Lothian Birth Cohort 1921, the National Child Development Survey, and the MRC National Survey for Health and Development. We used linear regression to examine associations between cognitive ability at age 11, cognitive ability in later life, and lifetime change in cognitive ability and mean score on the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale and meta-analysis to obtain an overall estimate of the effect of each.Results: people whose cognitive ability at age 11 was a standard deviation above the mean scored 0.53 points higher on the mental wellbeing scale (95% confidence interval 0.36, 0.71). The equivalent value for cognitive ability in later life was 0.89 points (0.72, 1.07). A standard deviation improvement in cognitive ability in later life relative to childhood ability was associated with 0.66 points (0.39, 0.93) advantage in wellbeing score. These effect sizes equate to around 0.1 of a standard deviation in mental wellbeing score. Adjustment for potential confounding and mediating variables, primarily the personality trait neuroticism, substantially attenuated these associations.Conclusion: associations between cognitive ability in childhood or lifetime cognitive change and mental wellbeing in older people are slight and may be confounded by personality trait difference

    Exploiting the Hierarchical Structure of Rule-Based Specifications for Decision Planning

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    Rule-based specifications have been very successful as a declarative approach in many domains, due to the handy yet solid foundations offered by rule-based machineries like term and graph rewriting. Realistic problems, however, call for suitable techniques to guarantee scalability. For instance, many domains exhibit a hierarchical structure that can be exploited conveniently. This is particularly evident for composition associations of models. We propose an explicit representation of such structured models and a methodology that exploits it for the description and analysis of model- and rule-based systems. The approach is presented in the framework of rewriting logic and its efficient implementation in the rewrite engine Maude and is illustrated with a case study.

    Una mirada crítica a la frecuencia de la deshonestidad académica del estudiantado universitario en cinco décadas

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    The frequency of academic dishonesty is often highlighted by the percentage of students who admit one or more associated behaviors in surveys. However, it is conditioned on five issues that deserve further analysis and which are discussed in this work: (a) the questions included in a questionnaire, (b) the procedure for calculating the frequency of academic dishonesty behaviors, (c) the questions‘ timeframe, (d) the sample selection, and (e) the instrument‘s administration. We reviewed 38 reports of surveys conducted in 23 countries, published between 1970 and 2020, addressing these issues. Despite using percentages for indexing the frequency of university academic dishonesty behaviors, a closer look to these issues is critical.La frecuencia de la deshonestidad académica en las universidades suele destacarse con el porcentaje del estudiantado que admite uno o más comportamientos asociados en las encuestas realizadas. Los resultados se tienden a magnificar y comparar sin tomar en cuenta varios asuntos metodológicos que merecen mayor análisis y que se exponen en este trabajo: (a) las preguntas en el cuestionario administrado, (b) el modo de reportar la frecuencia de comportamientos de deshonestidad académica, (c) el marco temporal de las preguntas, (d) el tamaño de la muestra y (e) la administración del instrumento. Revisamos 38 informes de encuestas realizadas en 23 países, publicadas entre los años 1970 y 2020, considerando estos asuntos. Estos generan la diversidad de porcentajes reportados y que requieren atención y prudencia en la información provista acerca de la frecuencia o incidencia de comportamientos asociados a la deshonestidad académica en el estudiantado universitario

    Validez y confiabilidad en la evaluación del aprendizaje mediante las metodologías activas

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    Las exigencias en la educación universitaria demandan cambios en las estrategias de enseñanza y en las técnicas y los instrumentos que contribuyen a evaluar el aprendizaje estudiantil. Las metodologías activas, como parte de estas estrategias, facilitan el desarrollo de determinados aprendizajes o competencias, mediante situaciones o problemas vinculados con el mundo laboral y social. Esto requiere replantear, planificar y orientar la enseñanza centrada en el estudiantado y utilizar técnicas e instrumentos para recoger información que conduzcan a emitir juicios apropiados, certeros y justos de los aprendizajes. Sin embargo, no se ha prestado mucha atención a la validez y la confiabilidad de las interpretaciones de las puntuaciones o la información recopilada con estos instrumentos para el uso propuesto, según se desprende de las publicaciones revisadas. El propósito de este trabajo es aportar a la discusión acerca de la validez y confiabilidad de las puntuaciones o la información recopilada con los instrumentos aplicados en las aulas universitarias. Se consultaron varias publicaciones especializadas y se presentan algunas recomendaciones acerca de las fuentes de evidencia para sustentar la validez y la confiabilidad. Como mínimo, se sugiere la evidencia relacionada con el contenido y la consistencia de las puntuaciones o la información, al emitir juicios y tomar decisiones que afectan al estudiantado. Se concluye que se necesita mayor prudencia en las interpretaciones e inferencias de los aprendizajes, si no existe suficiente evidencia de la validez.//The demands on university education call for changes on teaching strategies and on the evaluation of student learning. Active methodologies are one of these strategies, which facilitate the development of student learning or competencies, through situations or problems close to the real world and to a professional career. These require to rethink, plan and guide teaching as student-centered and to use techniques and tools for collecting valid and reliable information that leads to an appropriate and a fair evaluation of student learning. However, the validity and reliability of the interpretations of the scores or information collected with these tools have not had sufficient attention, according to the literature reviewed. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the validity of the interpretation and reliability of the scores or the information collected through classroom assessment tools in universities. Accordingly, to some publications, a set of recommendations is provided with sources of evidence that underpin validity and reliability. At a minimum, it is suggested taking into account evidence related to content validity and to internal consistency of the scores or the information collected, when making judgments and decisions that affect the students. It is concluded that greater prudence is needed in theinterpretations and inferences of learning, if there is insufficient validity evidence

    Encuesta acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras

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    How to cite: Medina-Díaz, M. del R. & Verdejo-Carrión, A. (2005). Encuesta acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Pedagogía, 38(1), 179-204.Cómo citar: Medina-Díaz, M. del R. & Verdejo-Carrión, A. (2005). Encuesta acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Pedagogía, 38(1), 179-204

    El plagio como deshonestidad académica estudiantil

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    This article exposes, in brief, relevant matters related to the study of plagiarism in written works as an essential element of student academic dishonesty. Initially, it discusses the concept of plagiarism and its different types. Also, it briefly summarizes the results of 32 studies (25 surveys and seven qualitative studies) about plagiarism in different countries, including Puerto Rico. Finally, it provides some reasons for committing plagiarism and recommendations for its detection, intervention, and prevention. How to cite: Medina-Díaz, M. del R., & Verdejo-Carrión, A. L. (2019). El plagio como deshonestidad académica estudiantil. Pedagogía, 45(1), 29- 58. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16497Este artículo expone, de manera breve, varios asuntos relevantes al estudio del plagio de trabajos escritos como parte primordial de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil. Comienza con una exposición acerca del concepto y los tipos de plagio. Luego, reseña brevemente 32 investigaciones (25 encuestas y siete estudios cualitativos) en torno al plagio del estudiantado en instituciones universitarias en distintos países, incluido Puerto Rico. Termina con una serie de razones para cometer plagio y recomendaciones para su detección, intervención y prevención. Cómo citar: Medina-Díaz, M. del R., & Verdejo-Carrión, A. L. (2019). El plagio como deshonestidad académica estudiantil. Pedagogía, 45(1), 29- 58. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/1649

    Perspectivas de la facultad acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras

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    This pilot study explores a group of faculty members’ perceptions regarding three main issues in academic dishonesty at a higher education institution in Puerto Rico: (a) frequency of and reasons for academic dishonesty behaviors in undergraduate students, (b) actions that professors take for preventing and dealing with these behaviors, and (c) the institutional factors that may foster academic dishonesty. Fourty-two professors of the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras voluntarily answered the trial version of the Cuestionario de Honestidad Académica-Facultad. For them, the three most frequent dishonest behaviors among the students are: (a) copying information without referencing or footnoting, (b) not showing at the exam hour without a reason, and (c) lying about a health problem when an exam or paper was due. Twenty seven professors had caught a student cheating on an exam or paper at least once, but only six reported the incident to the university authorities. The results reveal that this group of professors deals with a student’s academic dishonesty behavior in an individual basis, and uses some measures for preventing cheating on the exams. In general, the findings of this pilot study are similar to previous research regarding faculty’s perceptions and actions about students’ academic dishonesty. Cómo citar: Medina-Díaz, M. del R., & Verdejo-Carrión, A. L. (2008). Perspectivas de la facultad acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Pedagogía, 41(1), 149-172. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16681Este estudio piloto explora las perspectivas de un grupo de profesores acerca de tres asuntos vinculados con la deshonestidad académica estudiantil: (a) frecuencia de los comportamientos asociados que cometen los estudiantes subgraduados de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras y las razones para hacerlo, (b) sus acciones para atender y prevenir estos comportamientos y (c) los factores institucionales que podrían fomentarla. Cuarenta y dos profesores de cursos subgraduados en siete facultades de esta institución contestaron, de manera voluntaria, el Cuestionario de Honestidad Académica (para la Facultad). Los tres comportamientos de deshonestidad académica que la facultad ha visto con mayor frecuencia son: (a) copiar información de algún material sin indicar la fuente, (b) no presentarse a un examen a la hora indicada sin justificación y (c) mentir sobre su estado de salud cuando pasó la fecha de entrega de un trabajo o de tomar un examen. Veintisiete profesores alguna vez habían descubierto a un estudiante copiándose en un examen o trabajo escrito, pero sólo seis lo informaron a las autoridades universitarias. La mayoría prefiere manejar estos actos individualmente sin aplicar los procedimientos institucionales. Además, indicaron que comúnmente toman ciertas medidas para prevenirla. Los resultados de este estudio, basados en una muestra pequeña y voluntaria de profesores, coinciden con los de otras investigaciones acerca de este tema. Cómo citar: Medina-Díaz, M. del R., & Verdejo-Carrión, A. L. (2008). Perspectivas de la facultad acerca de la deshonestidad académica estudiantil en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Pedagogía, 41(1), 149-172. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/1668

    Investigating the Mechanisms of Hallucinogen-Induced Visions Using 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA): A Randomized Controlled Trial in Humans

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    The mechanisms of drug-induced visions are poorly understood. Very few serotonergic hallucinogens have been studied in humans in decades, despite widespread use of these drugs and potential relevance of their mechanisms to hallucinations occurring in psychiatric and neurological disorders.We investigated the mechanisms of hallucinogen-induced visions by measuring the visual and perceptual effects of the hallucinogenic serotonin 5-HT2AR receptor agonist and monoamine releaser, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. We found that MDA increased self-report measures of mystical-type experience and other hallucinogen-like effects, including reported visual alterations. MDA produced a significant increase in closed-eye visions (CEVs), with considerable individual variation. Magnitude of CEVs after MDA was associated with lower performance on measures of contour integration and object recognition.Drug-induced visions may have greater intensity in people with poor sensory or perceptual processing, suggesting common mechanisms with other hallucinatory syndromes. MDA is a potential tool to investigate mystical experiences and visual perception