46 research outputs found

    Study of the immunohistochemical expression of metalloproteinase – 9 (mmp-9) in periapical lesions

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    Objetivo: avaliar através da técnica imuno-histoquímica a expressão da metaloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) em granulomas periapicais e cistos radiculares. Metodologia: Foram selecionados 47 casos de lesões periapicais dos quais 26 eram granulomas periapicais e 21 cistos radiculares no período de 14 anos no Laboratório de Patologia Cirúrgica Profº Rildege Accioly, da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco FOP/UPE. Os dados demográficos analisados foram: sexo, raça, idade, sintomatologia, aspecto radiográfico e localização anatômica. A amostra composta por 46 casos foi submetida à técnica imuno-histoquímica que foi realizada através do método estreptavidina-biotina, utilizando o anticorpo anti-MMP9. O teste estatístico utilizado foi o exato de Fisher (p ≤ 0,05). Resultado: 55,3% das lesões encontradas corresponderam a granuloma periapical. A faixa etária prevalente foi de 31 a 40 anos de idade (40,9%). Observou-se maior número de casos da raça branca (68,2%) e do sexo feminino (59,6%). Quanto à sintomatologia 72,1% corresponderam a lesões assintomáticas, e quanto ao aspecto radiográfico radiolúcida em 88,6% dos casos, sendo a maxila a localização anatômica mais acometida (59,1%). Em relação à expressão imuno-histoquímica da MMP-9, 19 cistos (90,5%) e 25 granulomas (96,2%) foram positivos, exibindo intensidade de expressão variada. Conclusão: O granuloma periapical é a lesão periapical inflamatória de origem odontogênica mais comum em indivíduos da raça branca na faixa etária entre 31 – 40 anos. A MMP-9 parece participar do processo de desenvolvimento e manutenção dos cistos e granulomas periapicais, participando do processo inicial de osteólise principalmente por degradar vários componentes da matriz extracelular.Purpose: evaluate the immunohistochemical technique using the expression of metalloproteinase - 9 (MMP-9) in periapical granulomas and cysts root. Methods: We selected 60 cases of periapical lesions of which 31 were periapical granulomas and 29 radicular cysts in 14 years in the Laboratory of Surgical Pathology Professor, Rildege Accioly, Faculty of Dentistry of Pernambuco FOP / UPE. Demographic data were collected through biopsy referral sheets on file in the laboratory. The sample comprised 47 cases were subjected to immunohistochemical technique that was performed using the streptavidin-biotin method, using anti-MMP7. The statistical test used was Fisher's exact test (p ≤ 0.05). Results: 55.3% of the lesions corresponded to periapical granuloma while 44.7% corresponded to cysts. The most prevalent age group was 31-40 years old (40.9%). There was a higher number of cases were white (68.2%) and females (59.6%). Regarding symptoms accounted for 72.1% of asymptomatic lesions and radiographic radiolucent (88.6%), and the jaw anatomic location most affected (59.1%). Regarding the immunohistochemical expression of MMP-9 in periapical lesions, 19 cysts (90.5%) and 25 granulomas (96.2%) were positive showing intensities. Conclusion: The periapical granuloma is inflammatory periapical lesion odontogenic more common in Caucasians aged 31-40 years. The MMP-9 seems to participate in the process of development and maintenance of periapical cysts and granulomas, participating in the initial process of osteolysis primarily degrade various components of the extracellular matrix

    Os mecanismos da atividade osteoclástica: revisão da literatura

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    Bone tissues are continually being remodeled depending on the organic situation, with hard tissue resorption and neoformation. Homeostasis and inflammatory conditions concerning bone may bring about the activation of hematopoietic cells with the ability to generate or dissolve bone matrix for a number of organic needs. The mechanisms used by osteoclasts to resorb hard tissues and the basic cell to cell interactions, with the participation of immune cells such as lymphocytes, along with other substances, as well as bone composition are described in this review.O tecido ósseo é continuamente remodelado dependendo da situação orgânica, com reabsorção dos tecidos duros e neoformação óssea. A homeostasia e condições inflamatórias envolvendo o osso podem ativar células hematopoiéticas com a capacidade de gerar ou dissolver a matriz óssea para uma grande variedade de necessidades orgânicas. Os mecanismos usados pelos osteoclastos para reabsorver tecidos duros e as interações básicas intercelulares, com a participação de células imunológicas tais como linfócitos, junto com outras substâncias, bem como a composição óssea são descritas nesta revisão

    Análise comparativa da radiopacidade do MTA e cimento Portland nos sistemas radiográficos digitais e convencionais

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    Introduction: The present study aimed evaluates objectively the radiopacity of MTA and Portland Cement (PC) in conventional and digital radiographic systems. Methods: Five test specimens for each material had been confectioned with 10mm of diameter and 2mm of thickness and exposed on a E/F Kodak Insight film together with a lead plate and step wedge in a focus-film distance of 40cm, device of 70kVp, 8mA and time of exposition of 0,4 and 0,2 second for the conventional and digital system respectively. The optic densities were measured in the radiograph and the values of pixels, in the digital images. For each exposure a graph was made of the measured values versus mmAl, to generate a radiopacity curve of the step wedge steps, obtaining the correspondence in equivalence of mmAl of the studied materials. Results: The statistical test of Mann-Whitney showed statistical significant difference between the radiopacity of MTA and PC, whereas it did not between the gotten results in the radiographical systems. Conclusions: MTA can be used in odontologic clinic because showed radiopacity inside of the standards demanded by specification N○ 57 of the American National Standards/ American Dental Association, whereas PC, not. Therefore, it is necessary the addition of radiopacificators in PC in attempt to increase its radiopacity which is an essential property of odontologic cements.Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a radiopacidade do Agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA) e Cimento Portland (PC) em imagens radiográficas convencionais e digitais a fim de verificar se estão em conformidade com a especificação ANSI / ADA. Materiais e Métodos: Cinco corpos de prova para cada material com 10mm de diâmetro, 1mm de espessura e um penetrômetro foram expostos a 70kVp, 8mA a uma distância foco-filme de 30cm. Os tempos de exposição foram 0,4 e 0,2 s para o filme Insight Kodak e sistema digital CR Kodak 7400, respectivamente. A densidade óptica foi medida na radiografia através de um fotodensitômetro e o valor de pixel foi obtido para as imagens digitais. Um gráfico dos valores obtidos versus mmAl foi elaborado a fim de gerar uma curva de radiopacidade dos degraus do penetrômetro, obtendo a correspondência em equivalência de mmAl dos materiais estudados Um gráfico foi feito para os valores medidos em comparação mmAl, a fim de gerar uma curva de radiopacidade dos passos penetrômetro, obtendo-se a correspondência de equivalência de mmAl dos materiais estudados. Resultados: O teste estatístico de Mann-Whitney mostrou diferença estatística significativa na radiopacidade entre MTA e PC, tanto no sistema convencional (valor p = 0,009) e digital(valor p = 0,009). O mesmo teste também mostrou diferença estatística significativa entre os sistemas convencionais e digitais em ambos os materiais (p = 0,016 valueMTA-e p-valuecp = 0,009). Conclusões: MTA e CP não apresentaram radiopacidade dentro dos padrões exigidos pela especificação N ○ 57 do American National Standards / American Dental Association

    Oral complaints in progressive systemic sclerosis : two cases report

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    Progressive systemic sclerosis is a chronic sclerotic disease which causes diffuse, increased deposition of extracellular matrix in connective tissue with vascular abnormalities, resulting in tissue hypoxia. Aesthetic and facial dysfunction are followed by important oral and facial manifestation of disturbances such as xerostomia, the lack of saliva in the mouth, and its associated complications. Most clinical manifestations begin with tongue rigidity. The facial skin changes and bone resorption of mandible angle are often reported. Other systemic changes include the involvement of internal organs which leads to serious complications as well as disorders in the cardiac muscle and Raynaud´s phenomenon. The objective of the this paper is to report two cases of systemic sclerosis in patients with oral and facial manifestations of the disease. A brief review of the literature, focusing on deontological alterations is also presented

    Retrospective study of 289 odontogenic tumors in a Brazilian population

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    Background: Odontogenic tumors (OTs) are considered important among oral lesions because of their clinicopathological heterogeneity, and variable biological behavior. This paper aims to determine the frequency and distribution of OTs, over a period of 10 years, at a public university in Northeastern Brazil and compare this data with previous reports. Material and Methods: We reviewed all cases of OTs from oral pathology laboratory of University of Pernambuco (UPE), from 2004 to 2014. Diagnoses were re-evaluated and the tumors were classified according to the latest (2005) World Health Organization Classification of Tumors. In addition, we searched in the English-language literature retrospective studies on OTs that used the same classification. Results: Within the total of 6028 oral biopsies, 289 (4.79%) were OTs. Of these, 287 (99.3%) were benign and 2 (0.7%) were malignant. The overall incidence was 31.1/million. Mandible-maxilla ratio was 2.5:1 and mean age 35 years. Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) (34.6%) was the most frequent lesion, followed by ameloblastoma (AMB) (32.9%) and odontoma (ODO) (11.4%). Conclusions: OTs are uncommon neoplasms with geographic variation. Our clinicopathological features are according to literature. In the present study, KCOT was the most frequent one, showing that the new classification of OTs altered the distribution of these lesions and possibly made KCOT the most common OT observed in diagnostic services worldwid