1,006 research outputs found

    Politeness and interaction in Ancient Greek: preventing and avoiding dispreferred reactions in the dialogues of Plato

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    Following the descriptive and methodological framework of Conversation Analysis, this paper analyzes the linguistic strategies employed in order to avoid or prevent dispreferred reactions in interaction, and examines their implications in terms of positive and negative face. It focuses especially on the treatment of possible rejections to requests and offers, and on the avoidance of direct disagreement in talk-in-interaction. this is a corpus study based on the dialogues of Plato

    La Irrupción de lo fantástico. Una aproximación a la narrativa de Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel

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    Un breve repaso por la narrativa fantástica actual sería suficiente para constatar su relevancia, no solo por la nómina de autores consagrados a tal efecto, sino por la labor de las editoriales y el interés de los lectores. Lo fantástico, con su poder para transgredir y cuestionar el mundo, se ha instituido como una de las modalidades narrativas más pertinentes para adentrarse en los misterios humanos. En ese panorama destaca la figura literaria de Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel, escritor malagueño que profundiza en la poética de lo fantástico posmoderno a través de sus libros de cuentos y de sus novelas. Una taxonomía exhaustiva de los resortes fantásticos permite acceder a ese cosmos narrativo, ofreciendo un análisis global de toda su producción.A brief review of current fantastic narrative would be enough to corroborate its relevance, not only thanks to the large number of canonical authors who have used it but also because of the work of publishing houses and the interest of readers. The fantastic, with its power to transgress and question the world, has become one of the most important narrative modes to penetrate human mysteries. The literary figure of Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel stands out within this literary framework. He is a writer from Malaga, Spain who delves deep into the postmodern fantastic through his short stories and novels. An exhaustive classification of the resources of the fantastic allows entering that narrative space, by offering a global analysis of his whole production

    The adverb ΣΥΛΛΉΒΔΗΝ as a discourse marker in Ancient Greek and the meaning of recapitulation

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    El presente estudio parte del análisis de los contextos en los que el adverbio griego συλλήβδην se comporta como un marcador discursivo, para esbozar una descripción semánticopragmática de la reformulación recapitulativa como operación del discurso.This paper starts from the analysis of those contexts where the Greek adverb συλλήβδην becomes a discourse marker, and aims to outline a semantic and pragmatic description of the recapitulation as a discourse function

    Modified SHA1: A Hashing Solution to Secure Web Applications through Login Authentication

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    The modified SHA1 algorithm has been developed by expanding its hash value up to 1280 bits from the original size of 160 bit. This was done by allocating 32 buffer registers for variables A, B, C and D at 5 bytes each. The expansion was done by generating 4 buffer registers in every round inside the compression function for 8 times. Findings revealed that the hash value of the modified algorithm was not cracked or hacked during the experiment and testing using powerful online cracking tool, bruteforce and rainbow table such as CrackingStation and Rainbow Crack and bruteforcer which are available online thus improved its security level compared to the original SHA1

    Exemplification between reformulation and argumentation in ancient greek: a corpus-study based on Plato's Republic

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es definir las diferentes funciones de la ejemplificación discursiva en griego antiguo a partir del estudio de los diferentes contextos ejemplificativos que aparecen en La República de Platón. Se parte de la propuesta de un doble prototipo para la ejemplificación, capaz de asumir funciones reformulativas y argumentativas, y se describen los diferentes procedimientos formales que participan en estas estrategias. Finalmente, la aproximación al fenómeno de la ejemplificación da pie a un análisis más detallado de determinados pasajes concretos.This corpus-study based on Plato’s Republic aims to approach exemplification in Ancient Greek. A complete study of every instance of exemplification in this dialogue allows us to describe a double-faced prototype: exemplification takes part in both reformulative and argumentative strategies in discourse. Formal procedures involved in exemplification processes are also described and illustrated. Finally, the analysis gives cause to a more thorough reading of some specific passages

    Aproximaciones a la crisis humanitaria en el Medio Oriente

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    The violation of the human rights of persons is the fundamental cause for refuge seeking and displacement. This is so, given that the fear of incarceration, torture, slavery, rape or murder is the driving force leading people to flee, leaving behind their homes, communities and country of origin. The present article is derived of the doctorate thesis investigation and it’s propose is to give an approximation to the problematic of whom leave their home for became into refugees. The refugee problem has worsened because of the armed conflicts in different places around the world, like in the Middle East, especially in Syria.En la violación de los derechos humanos de las personas está la causa fundamental del refugio y del desplazamiento, ya que el temor de que las encarcelen, torturen, esclavicen, violen o asesinen, las hace huir, abandonando su hogar, sus pertenencias, su comunidad e incluso su país. El presente artículo es derivado de la investigación para la tesis doctoral y tiene como finalidad brindar una aproximación a la problemática de quienes se ven en la necesidad de abandonar su hogar para convertirse en refugiados. El problema de los refugiados se ha recrudecido con los años debido a que se presentan conflictos armados en diversas partes del mundo, como en el Medio Oriente, principalmente en Siria

    Hands to heART: Art Therapy and Voices of Cancer

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    As second-year graduate students from LMU’s Art Therapy program, we are excited to introduce the focus of our Master’s research project, a concept we coined as exhibition as intervention. Our goal is to create a space that brings awareness to the possibilities of exhibition to amplify the voice and increase empathy between artist and viewer. Originally, our vision was to hold the exhibition at Cedars-Sinai to supplement the 2020 Art Therapy Research Symposium. With COVID-19 placing restrictions on public gatherings, the exhibition had to transform from a physical experience to a virtual one. The catalog which began as our secondary focus to the exhibition, shifted to become the primary source of communicating our intentions. Informed by the literature of our research, we felt a catalog best collected and organized the data, which in this case was the artwork submitted. It is our great privilege to present this catalog with the works of artists engaging in the creative process to make meaning of their experiences with cancer. Co-Presented by Loyola Marymount University’s Art Therapy Research Institute and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s Wellness, Resilience and Survivorship Programhttps://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/mft_exhibition/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Hands to heART: Art Therapy and Voices of Cancer

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    As second-year graduate students from LMU’s Art Therapy program, we are excited to introduce the focus of our Master’s research project, a concept we coined as exhibition as intervention. Our goal is to create a space that brings awareness to the possibilities of exhibition to amplify the voice and increase empathy between artist and viewer. Originally, our vision was to hold the exhibition at Cedars-Sinai to supplement the 2020 Art Therapy Research Symposium. With COVID-19 placing restrictions on public gatherings, the exhibition had to transform from a physical experience to a virtual one. The catalog which began as our secondary focus to the exhibition, shifted to become the primary source of communicating our intentions. Informed by the literature of our research, we felt a catalog best collected and organized the data, which in this case was the artwork submitted. It is our great privilege to present this catalog with the works of artists engaging in the creative process to make meaning of their experiences with cancer