152 research outputs found

    Estudio de la madera machiembrada demandadas por las empresas constructoras inmobiliarias de la VII Region del Maule, mediante analisis conjunto

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    81 p.El desarrollo de este trabajo esta basado en la metodología de valorización de la madera machihembrada mediante análisis conjunto. Estos tipos de análisis son usados para determinar la percepción del valor del producto, sus atributos y el precio de mercado que puede alcanzar. Se aplico un modelo de regresión utilizando cada atributo del producto y se creo un modelo de simulación para calcular el valor total de una pizca de madera machihembrada. Entre los atributos mas importantes en la evaluación del valor del producto, y en orden de preferencias se encuentran el Precio, Contenido de Humedad, Enfermedades (manchas), Nudos, y Cepillado. Utilizando técnicas de clasificación de respuestas, se logro cuantificar el precio en relación con el tipo de calidad de los atributos. De esta manera, se comprobó que los compradores de madera machihembrada fundamentaron pagar precios altos con el fin de obtener maderas de mejores calidades, y bajos precios por calidades inferiores. Considerando los actuales precios y calidades que se transan en el mercado, es posible acceder a mejores precios haciendo hincapié en las percepciones de los atributos mejor valuados por los consumidores

    El cáncer de próstata confinado al órgano: diagnóstico excesivo y tratamiento innecesario

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    El sobrediagnóstico y el sobretratamiento son, muy probablemente, los efectos adversos más importantes del cribado en el cáncer de próstata. Asociadas a ellos tenemos que aceptar incertidumbres negativas en cuanto a la calidad de vida, el costo y la rentabilidad. Un porcentaje importante de los pacientes –aproximadamente un 40%– se encuadran dentro de lo que llamamos grupo de bajo riesgo de progresión. Este “cáncer” no implica una progresión inexorable a la metástasis y la muerte, por lo tanto su mejor forma de tratamiento sea, probablemente, la vigilancia clínica.Over-diagnosis and over-treatment are very likely the most significant adverse effects of screening on prostate cancer. Associated with them we have to accept negative uncertainties as to the quality of life, cost and profitability. A significant percentage of patients –approximately 40%– falls within what we call low-risk group for progression. This «cancer» does not imply an inexorable progression to metastasis and death and therefore its best form of treatment is likely clinical surveillance.Medicin

    Successful development of vitrified embryonic kidney after laparoscopy transplantation into non-immunosuppressed hosts

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    [EN] Transplantation from living or deceased donors has been limited by donor availability that is opposed to the increasing demand and by the risk of allograft loss rejection and immunosuppressive therapy toxicity. In recent years, xenotransplantation of metanephroi has offered a novel solution for the unlimited supply of human donor organs. However, even if in a most favourable and idyllic situation the organ availability and its demand could be balanced using transplantation of animal embryonic organs, the future of this treatment would still be compromised without proper long-term storage procedure. Thus, based on the ongoing long-term storage necessities, this study was designed to investigate the effect of two specific time window of the metanephroi development (15 days-old and 16 days-old) on the in vivo developmental capacity and the developed morphologically normal glomeruli of vitrified metanephroi in non-immunosuppressive rabbits. Metanephroi originating from 15 and 16 days old rabbit embryos were vitrified using M22 solution and Cryotop® as a device. After three months of storage in liquid nitrogen, metanephroi were transplanted into non-immunosuppressed adult hosts by laparoscopy surgery. Twenty-one days after allotransplantation, 6 (32%) and 7 (35%) new kidneys were recovered. All the new kidneys recovered exhibited significant growth and mature glomeruli. However, histomorphometry analysis revealed that new kidneys developed from 16 days-old metanephroi exhibit a greater degree of maturity compared with 15 days-old metanephroi. Results obtained in the present study point out that, in rabbit model, vitrified 16 days-old metanephroi could be stored in liquid nitrogen, achieving good in vivo developmental capacity and the developed morphologically normal glomeruli after laparoscopy transplantation into non-immunosuppressed hosts.This work was supported by funds from the Generalitat Valenciana Research Programme (PrometeoII 2014/036), ALCER-TURIA foundation and PRECIPITA CROWDFUNDING. English text version was revised by N. Macowan English Language Service.Garcia-Dominguez, X.; Vicente Antón, JS.; Vera Donoso, CD.; Marco-Jiménez, F. (2017). Successful development of vitrified embryonic kidney after laparoscopy transplantation into non-immunosuppressed hosts. Transplantation open. 2(2):1-5. https://doi.org/10.15761/JTO.1000125S152

    Embryonic Organ Transplantation: The New Era of Xenotransplantation

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    Here, we review the recent advances towards the use of organs from embryonic donors, antecedent investigations, and the latest work from our own laboratory exploring the utility for transplantation of embryonic kidney as an organ replacement therapy. In addition, we have recently reported, for the first time, that it is possible to create a long-term biobank of kidney precursors as an unlimited source of organs for xenotransplantation, facilitating inventory control and the distribution of organs

    PSMA-Targeted Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Selective Intracellular Delivery of Docetaxel in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    [EN] Although docetaxel is currently broadly used in prostate cancer treatment, poor water solubility and systemic toxicity limit the dose and duration of therapy. In this context, although different nanoplatforms have been proposed to overcome these issues, selective therapy needs developing methodologies to target malignant cells and minimizing the impact on healthy tissue. We here present a novel drug delivery system obtained by covalent conjugation of docetaxel and an anti-prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) molecule (anti-FOLH1 monoclonal antibody, clone C803N) over mesoporous silica nanoparticles. This conjugate remains stable in physiological medium and shows high selectivity for LNCaP, a specific cell line that overexpresses PSMA. As a consequence, cell internalization is increased by 25%. Furthermore, cytotoxic activity of the targeted system increases by 2-fold with regard to nontargeted nanoparticles and by 2 orders with regard to the naked drug. Conversely, no targeting effect is observed over PC3, a nonbearing PSMA cell line. We expect that this therapeutic system shows strong potential for treating nonmetastatic prostate cancer, mostly through intraprostatic administration.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects MAT2015-66666-C3-2-R, TEC2016-80976-R, and SEV-2016-0683) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2017/060) is gratefully acknowledged. We appreciate the assistance of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Rivero-Buceta, EM.; Vidaurre Agut, CM.; Vera Donoso, CD.; Benlloch Baviera, JM.; Moreno Manzano, V.; Botella Asuncion, P. (2019). PSMA-Targeted Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Selective Intracellular Delivery of Docetaxel in Prostate Cancer Cells. ACS Omega. 4(1):1281-1291. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.8b02909S128112914

    Protein Corona over Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Influence of the Pore Diameter on Competitive Adsorption and Application to Prostate Cancer Diagnostics

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    [EN] Diagnostic tests based on proteomics analysis can have significant advantages over more traditional biochemical tests. However, low molecular weight (MW) protein biomarkers are difficult to identify by standard mass spectrometric analysis, as they are usually present at low concentrations and are masked by more abundant resident proteins. We have previously shown that mesoporous silica nanoparticles are able to capture a predominantly low MW protein fraction from the serum, as compared to the protein corona (PC) adsorbed onto dense silica nanoparticles. In this study, we begin by further investigating this effect using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)/MS and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to compare the MW of the proteins in the coronas of mesoporous silica nanoparticles with the same particle size but different pore diameters. Next, we examine the process by which two proteins, one small and one large, adsorb onto these mesoporous silica nanoparticles to establish a theory of why the corona becomes enriched in low MW proteins. Finally, we use this information to develop a novel system for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. An elastic net statistical model was applied to LC-MS/MS protein coronas from the serum of 22 cancer patients, identifying proteins specific to each patient group. These studies help to explain why low MW proteins predominate in the coronas of mesoporous silica nanoparticles, and they illustrate the ability of this information to supplement more traditional diagnostic tests.Financial support from the University of Vermont, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects TEC2016-80976-R and SEV-2016-0683), and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2017/060), is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr. Jaime Font de Mora for his assistance in the clinical sample collection and Dr. David Herva ' s for the statistical study supervision. We also appreciate the assistance of the electron microscopy service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Vidaurre Agut, CM.; Rivero-Buceta, EM.; Romaní-Cubells, E.; Clemments, AM.; Vera Donoso, CD.; Landry, C.; Botella Asuncion, P. (2019). Protein Corona over Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Influence of the Pore Diameter on Competitive Adsorption and Application to Prostate Cancer Diagnostics. ACS Omega. 4(5):8852-8861. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.9b00460S885288614

    Bosquejo estratigráfico del Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas

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    En el presento trabajo se recopilan e interpretan los datos existentes sobre el Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas, en especial del sector comprendido entre las Sierras del Segura y Gibraltar. Una primera parte se dedica a la descripción de las características litoestratigráficas de las serios, agrupándolas en unidades comunes, tanto para la Zona Subbética, como para las Zonas Prebética y Bética. Con el conjunto de los datos se elaboran unos gráficos de reconstrucción de la cuenca sedimentaria para el Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas. Se elabora una mapa de la distribución de las diversas utilidades, y en el que se incluye además la serie estratigráfica esquematizada para cada una de ellas. La segunda parte se dedica a la descripción de las microfacies más características, en relación con las faunas de Ammonitos, en especial para el sector central de la Zona Subbética. Se incluyen ilustraciones de las microfacies más representativas. Por último se recopila la casi totalidad de la bibliografía referente al Jurásico de estas Cordilleras, en sus aspectos estratigráfico-paleontológicos más diversos

    Quality of life in elderly people after a hip fracture: a prospective study

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    ANTECEDENTES: La fractura de cadera es un importante problema social y médico por su creciente prevalencia, las consecuencias para la salud y el impacto económico en el sistema sanitario, pero no cabe duda de que también repercute en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). De ahí la importancia de conocer y determinar el impacto de la enfermedad en la vida cotidiana desde la perspectiva del bienestar físico, emocional y social del paciente. PROPÓSITO: Determinar el impacto de la fractura de cadera en la CVRS de las personas mayores de 65 años un mes después de la cirugía, los factores relacionados y los efectos en la capacidad funcional y el estado de ánimo. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional prospectivo realizado en las unidades de traumatología de dos hospitales universitarios de la provincia de Cáceres con muestreo consecutivo de todos los pacientes mayores de 65 años ingresados por cirugía de fractura de cadera durante el periodo de estudio. Se registraron datos sociodemográficos y clínicos en el momento del ingreso y de forma prospectiva en la visita de seguimiento 1 mes después. Se recogieron variables clínicas, sociales, de calidad de vida (EQ-5D-), de capacidad funcional e instrumental básica (Índice de Barthel (BI) y Escala de Lawton y Brody) y de depresión geriátrica (Yesavage). RESULTADOS: El estudio incluyó 224 pacientes con una edad media de 84,6 años (DE ± 6,1), el 76,3% eran mujeres. La comorbilidad de Charlson fue de 5,3 (DE ± 1,2). El índice EQ-5D disminuyó de 0,62 (DE ± 0,35) a 0,16 al mes de seguimiento (DE ± 0,20) p < 0,001. La puntuación media de la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) del EQ-5D disminuyó de 72,8 (DE ± 15,8) a 48,3 (DE ± 17,2) p < 0,001. Todas las dimensiones de la EQ-5D mostraron una reducción significativa desde el momento del estado previo a la fractura hasta 1 mes después de la cirugía. Los factores independientes asociados con la CVRS 1 mes después de la cirugía fueron la puntuación del Índice de Barthel antes de la fractura, la escala de Lawton y Brody, la presencia de depresión y el tipo de cirugía. CONCLUSIONES: Después de una fractura de cadera, los pacientes experimentan un deterioro considerable de su CVRS, especialmente en el cuidado personal, las actividades diarias y la movilidad. También se produce una disminución significativa de la capacidad funcional para las actividades básicas e instrumentales de la vida diaria. Un mes después de la cirugía, la CVRS está muy lejos de los niveles previos a la fractura.BACKGROUND: Hip fracture is an important social and medical problem due to its increasing prevalence, the consequences for health and the economic impact on the health care system, but there is no doubt that it also has repercussions on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Hence the importance of understanding and determining the impact of the condition on everyday life from the perspective of the patient’s physical, emotional and social well-being. PURPOSE: To determine the impact of hip fracture on HRQoL of people over the age of 65 1 month after surgery, related factors and the effects on functional ability and mood. METHODS: Prospective observational study conducted in the traumatology units of two university hospitals in the province of Cáceres with consecutive sampling of all patients over the age of 65 admitted for hip fracture surgery during the study period. Sociodemographic and clinical data were recorded at the time of admission and prospectively at the follow-up visit 1 month later. Clinical, social, quality of life (EQ-5D-), basic functional and instrumental capacity (Barthel Index (BI) and Lawton & Brody Scale), and geriatric depression (Yesavage) variables were collected. RESULTS: The study included 224 patients with a median age of 84.6 years (SD ± 6.1), 76.3% were female. Charlson’s comorbidity was 5.3 (SD ± 1.2). The EQ-5D index decreased from 0.62 (SD ± 0.35) to 0.16 at 1 month follow up (SD ± 0.20) p < 0.001. The mean Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score of EQ-5D decreased from 72.8 (SD ±15.8) to 48.3 (SD ± 17.2) p < 0.001. All dimensions of EQ-5D showed a significant reduction from the time of pre-fracture status to 1 month after surgery. Independent factors associated with HRQoL 1 month after surgery were pre-fracture status Barthel Index score, Lawton and Brody scale, presence of depression, and type of surgery. CONCLUSIONS: After a hip fracture, patients experience considerable deterioration in their HRQoL, especially in selfcare, daily activities, and mobility. There is also a significant decline in functional capacity for both the basic and instrumental activities of daily living. One month after surgery, HRQoL is a long way from pre-fracture levels.peerReviewe

    Vitrification of kidney precursors as a new source for organ transplantation

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    [EN] Kidney transplantation from deceased or living human donors has been limited by donor availability as opposed to the increasing demand, and by the risk of allograft loss rejection and immunosuppressive therapy toxicity. In recent years, xenotransplantation of developed kidney precursor cells has offered a novel solution for the unlimited supply of human donor organs. Specifically, transplantation of kidney precursors in adult hosts showed that intact embryonic kidneys underwent maturation, exhibiting functional properties, and averted humoural rejection post-transplantation from non-immunosuppressed hosts. Even if supply and demand could be balanced using xenotransplants or lab-grown organs from regenerative medicine, the future of these treatments would still be compromised by the ability to physically distribute the organs to patients in need and to produce these products in a way that allows adequate inventory control and quality assurance. Kidney precursors originating from fifteen-day old rabbit embryos were vitrified using Cryotop® as a device and VM3 as vitrification solution. After 3 months of storage in liquid nitrogen, 18 kidney precursors were transplanted into non-immunosuppressed adult hosts by laparoscopy surgery. Twenty-one days after allotransplantation, 9 new kidneys were recovered. All the new kidneys recovered exhibited significant growth and mature glomeruli. Having achieved these encouraging results, we report, for the first time, that it is possible to create a long-term biobank of kidney precursors as an unlimited source of organs for transplantation, facilitating the inventory control and distribution of organs.This work was supported by funds from the Generalitat Valenciana Research Programme (PrometeoII 2014/036).Marco Jiménez, F.; Garcia-Dominguez, X.; Jiménez Trigos, ME.; Vera Donoso, CD.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2015). Vitrification of kidney precursors as a new source for organ transplantation. Cryobiology. 70(3):278-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryobiol.2015.04.007S27828270