926 research outputs found

    Qualification program "Consultancy pedagogical architecture"

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    Die Qualifizierungsmaßnahme „Beratung PĂ€dagogische Architektur“ ist eine neue UnterstĂŒtzungsmaßnahme des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, um Schulen in Schulbaufragen zu beraten und zu unterstĂŒtzen. Die Erfahrungen der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass die QualitĂ€t der Planungsvorbereitungen und die Einbindung pĂ€dagogischer Aspekte zu einem sehr frĂŒhen Zeitpunkt maßgebliche Gelingensbedingungen fĂŒr einen pĂ€dagogischen Schulbau sind. Dementsprechend bietet die „QualitĂ€ts- und UnterstĂŒtzungsAgentur – Landesinstitut fĂŒr Schule des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen“ (QUA-LiS) ab Februar 2022 eine Qualifizierung fĂŒr LehrkrĂ€fte zu „Beraterinnen und Beratern fĂŒr PĂ€dagogische Architektur“ an. (DIPF/Orig.)The qualification program “Consultancy Pedagogical Architecture” is a new support measure of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to advise and support schools in school construction issues. The experience of recent years has shown that the quality of planning preparations and the integration of pedagogical aspects at a very early stage are decisive conditions for the success of pedagogical school construction. Accordingly, the “QualitĂ€ts- und UnterstĂŒtzungsAgentur – Landesinstitut fĂŒr Schule des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen” (QUA-LiS) offers a qualification for teachers to become “consultants for pedagogical architecture” from February 2022. (DIPF/Orig.

    Right to mental integrity and neurotechnologies:Implications of the extended mind thesis

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    The possibility of neurotechnological interference with our brain and mind raises questions about the moral rights that would protect against the (mis)use of these technologies. One such moral right that has received recent attention is the right to mental integrity. Though the metaphysical boundaries of the mind are a matter of live debate, most defences of this moral right seem to assume an internalist (brain-based) view of the mind. In this article, we will examine what an extended account of the mind might imply for the right to mental integrity and the protection it provides against neurotechnologies. We argue that, on an extended account of the mind, the scope of the right to mental integrity would expand significantly, implying that neurotechnologies would no longer pose a uniquely serious threat to the right. In addition, some neurotechnologies may even be protected by the right to mental integrity, as the technologies would become part of the mind. We conclude that adopting an extended account of the mind has significant implications for the right to mental integrity in terms of its protective scope and capacity to protect against neurotechnologies, demonstrating that metaphysical assumptions about the mind play an important role in determining the moral protection provided by the right

    Analisis Ketersediaan Air dengan Metode F.J Mock pada Daerah Persawahan Desa Poboya Palu Sulawesi Tengah

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    This study aims to analyze the availability of water and determine farming patterns planning for aggriculture. Research process begin from collecting data then conducting hidrology analysis to know if the water is sufficient to meet the water needs in fungsional field and planning the suitable farming patterns. To determine the ratio between the need and the availability of water, in this case for aggriculture sector, the analysis of hydrology and the calculation of water requirement on the paddy field were done. There are some methods which can be used: Penman's Method modification, used to calculating the value of the evapotranspiration by considering the related meteorological factors such as the air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and sun radiation. By using F.J. Mock Method, the amount of water flow obtained from rain's data, characteristics of hydrology flow area, and evapotranspiration can be calculated. According to the results of data analyzing with 46.642 km2 catchments area, show that availability of water in Poboya's Irrigation field in the middle of January is 0,038 m3/sec meanwhile water requirement is 0,0078 m3/sec. From the result it can be concluded that water supply in Poboya's Irrigation is enough to fullfill the needs of water on t he functional area, as well as by a farming pattern plans of Rice – Rice – Palawij

    Sowing Density: A Neglected Factor Fundamentally Affecting Root Distribution and Biomass Allocation of Field Grown Spring Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)

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    Studies on the function of root traits and the genetic variation in these traits are often conducted under controlled conditions using individual potted plants. Little is known about root growth under field conditions and how root traits are affected by agronomic practices in particular sowing density. We hypothesized that with increasing sowing density, root length density (root length per soil volume, cm cm−3) increases in the topsoil as well as specific root length (root length per root dry weight, cm g−1) due to greater investment in fine roots. Therefore, we studied two spring barley cultivars at ten different sowing densities (24–340 seeds m−2) in 2 consecutive years in a clay loam field in Germany and established sowing density dose-response curves for several root and shoot traits. We took soil cores for measuring roots up to a depth of 60 cm in and between plant rows (inter-row distance 21 cm). Root length density increased with increasing sowing density and was greatest in the plant row in the topsoil (0–10 cm). Greater sowing density increased specific root length partly through greater production of fine roots in the topsoil. Rooting depth (D50) of the major root axes (root diameter class 0.4–1.0 mm) was not affected. Root mass fraction decreased, while stem mass fraction increased with sowing density and over time. Leaf mass fraction was constant over sowing density but greater leaf area was realized through increased specific leaf area. Considering fertilization, we assume that light competition caused plants to grow more shoot mass at the cost of investment into roots, which is partly compensated by increased specific root length and shallow rooting. Increased biomass per area with greater densities suggest that density increases the efficiency of the cropping system, however, declines in harvest index at densities over 230 plants m−2 suggest that this efficiency did not translate into greater yield. We conclude that plant density is a modifier of root architecture and that root traits and their utility in breeding for greater productivity have to be understood in the context of high sowing densities

    Achieving cleaner growth in agriculture: establishing feasible mitigation through a bottom-up approach

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    Achieving climate emissions to meet the 1.5 °C target by 2050 is particularly challenging for the agricultural sector. Cleaner Growth Mitigation Measures (CG-MM) are practices and technologies which balance food production and greenhouse gas abatement and are also identified as being economically acceptable. This paper explores a large number of CG-MMs to assess their feasibility using a novel participatory filtering process. Each measure is explored through a series of mapping exercises with supply chain actors to identify the impact on greenhouse gases and their applicability to different farming systems. These were then refined in a series of farmer workshops to identify which measures were considered feasible to adopt. Results show that acceptance of CG-MMs by the industry and the farmers themselves is limited. A pessimistic estimate of 50 to 60% of potential abatement could be lost due to lack of acceptance of currently available CG-MMs. This impacts expectations on decarbonisation trajectories for the agricultural sector to reach net zero by 2050. This also argues for targeted approaches to agricultural support in order to capture some of the lost abatement


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    This study was conducted to analyze the questions for the Final Semester Examination (UAS) which were used to measure students' abilities in chemistry subjects in the science department of class XII of SMA Negeri 2 Lhokseumawe. Participants in this subject consist of 75 students. The questions given are in the form of multiple choice questions totaling 25 items related to integrated calculation and theory material in chemistry subject matter from class X, XI and XII. The Model Rasch is used to obtain fit items. This analysis was carried out with the help of Winsteps software. From the output of the Winsteps program, the results of the final semester exam (UAS) in chemistry subjects were tested using the Model Rasch to produce data, namely the item score (item reliability) of 0.77 with consistent information that the answers were in the sufficient category and the reliability of the person (person reliability) was 0.95. , with information on the quality of the items in the special category and Cronbach's alpha value of 0.85. The Outfit Mean Square Statistic (Outfitt MNSQ) value for the suitability of the questions and the level of difficulty of the questions is (1.54 = 1.5) in the person column. The Outfit Z Standard (Outfit ZSTD) value for the suitability of the questions and the level of difficulty of the questions in the item column is 0.55. The Outfit Mean Square Statistic (Outfitt MNSQ) value for students' abilities is 1.36 in the person column. The Outfit Z Standard (Outfit ZSTD) value for students' abilities in the item column is 0.19. The test questions used for chemistry subjects are 25 questions, after being tested with a fit Model Rasch, 18 questions (72%) can be used and as many as 7 questions (28%) are not fit or cannot be used

    O cotidiano da Covid-19 no olhar de mulheres negras cearenses

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    Esse artigo tem como objetivo expor percepçÔes e experiĂȘncias vivenciadas no cotidiano da atual da pandemia de Covid-19 atravĂ©s do relato de mulheres negras moradoras da cidade de Fortaleza/CE. Os depoimentos colhidos sĂŁo das cursistas do Projeto de extensĂŁo “Mulheres Negras Resistem: processo formativo teĂłrico-polĂ­tico para mulheres negras”. A perspectiva teĂłrica e polĂ­tica que perpassa esses depoimentos dialoga com o feminismo negro e a luta antirracista.This article aims to expose perceptions and experiences lived in the daily life of the current Covid-19 pandemic through the report of black women living in the city of Fortaleza / CE. The testimonies collected are from the participants of the extension project “Black Women Resist: theoretical and political training process for black women”. The theoretical and political perspective that permeates these statements dialogues with black feminism and the anti-racist struggle

    Two Time Scales for The Price Of One (Almost)

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    Although differences exist between seasonal- and decadal-scale climate variability, predictability, and prediction, investment in observations, prediction systems, and decision systems for either time scale can benefit both
