1,224 research outputs found

    Integración de dos sistemas de gestión de la medición basado en la norma NCh-ISO 10012/1 Of.94 para el departamento de control de calidad de Pfizer Chile S.A.

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    Tesis (Químico Farmacéutico)El presente proyecto está dirigido a la integración del Sistema de Gestión de la Medición de pfIzer Chile S.A. y de Wyeth Inc., basado en los requerimientos de la Norma Chilena NCh - ISO 1001211 Of.94 . Como antecedente cabe mencionar que la unión fisica del departamento de Control de Calidad, de PfIzer Chile S.A. yde Wyeth Inc., se encuentra pendiente al cumplimiento de los requerimientos legales y regulaciones locales. La metodología utilizada se basa en una revisión bibliográfica, se determina los requerimientos básicos de la Norma Chilena NCh - ISO 10012/1 0f.94, como método de control. Se efectúa un análisis de la situación actual, mediante un cuestionario de autoinspección, como método de diagnóstico y se mide el grado de cumplimento por Sistemas de Gestión de la Medición. Se utiliza el método de integración básico para desarrollar el plan de integración y fue implementado en cuatro etapas. Se corrigen las observaciones del Sistema de Gestión de la Medición de Wyeth Inc. y se elabora un plan de acción para el Sistema de Gestión de la Medición de PfIzer Chile S.A., dicho plan será implementado posterior a la unión fisica

    El mito de Carmen: exotismo, romanticismo e identidad

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    Este artículo propone un recorrido por las diferentes adaptaciones de la obra Carmen de Merimée, reconocida en el mundo entero como representación del ideal romántico de las mujeres hispanas. El texto hace hincapié en la pervivencia casi anti-histórica del mito, junto a la enfatización de los componentes identitarios, que enfrentan el progreso con el atraso endémico. Si en su origen Carmen revelaba la mirada foránea, actualmente su reproducción compete casi exclusivamente a autocomplacientes creaciones autóctonas, que hasta ahora no han aprovechado el conocimiento de la realidad española para recrear una versión más crítica.This article proposes an itineray by the different adaptations from Merimée’s Carmen, recognized in the entire world like the romantic representation of the ideal of Hispanic women. The text emphasizes the almost antihistorical continuity of the myth, the emphasis of the identity elements, that oppose the progress and the endemic underdevelopment. If in its origin Carmen revealed the foreign look, at the moment its reproduction is incumbent on almost exclusively to self-complacents native creations, that have not yet taken advantage from the knowledge of Spanish reality to recreate a more critical version

    Educar los conceptos del factor de retención de una empresa con el caso del aumento del nivel de compromiso de los empleados

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    The current socio-economic situation creates similar conditions and rules for companies in various industries around the world.in this vein, the study and educate the retention factors of the company are of a great importance.  The task of staff productivity increase and the overall effectiveness of its activities is relevant. The most important role in addressing the issue of employee productivity and performance increasing, as well as his retention is played by employee engagement. The researchers studying engagement at work recognize that this phenomenon is multifaceted and define it as an employee's physical, cognitive and emotional state, causing excessive performance of his functional duties. Involvement is interconnected with the motivational potential of work, therefore, the conditions for the engagement development are the following ones: work significance and diversity, the comparison of work with its result. The authors of the article conducted the study of engagement at work in the enterprises of fishing and fish processing industries. We determined the problems that impede the growth of staff engagement. The authors of the article implemented the program of corrective actions aimed to improve the factors affecting the engagement at work and retention of staff. We determined the interdependence of involvement level and the coefficient of staff turnover, as well as the return of employees to some holding.La situación socioeconómica actual crea condiciones y reglas similares para las empresas de diversas industrias en todo el mundo. En este sentido, el estudio y la educación de los factores de retención de la empresa son de gran importancia. La tarea de aumentar la productividad del personal y la efectividad general de sus actividades es relevante. El papel más importante para abordar el problema del aumento de la productividad y el rendimiento de los empleados, así como su retención, lo desempeña el compromiso de los empleados. Los investigadores que estudian el compromiso en el trabajo reconocen que este fenómeno es multifacético y lo definen como el estado físico, cognitivo y emocional de un empleado, lo que provoca un desempeño excesivo de sus deberes funcionales. La participación está interconectada con el potencial motivador del trabajo, por lo tanto, las condiciones para el desarrollo del compromiso son las siguientes: importancia y diversidad del trabajo, la comparación del trabajo con su resultado. Los autores del artículo realizaron el estudio de la participación en el trabajo en las empresas de lasindustrias pesqueras y de procesamiento de pescado. Determinamos los problemas que impiden el crecimiento de la participación del personal. Los autores del artículo implementaron el programa de acciones correctivas destinadas a mejorar los factores que afectan el compromiso en el trabajo y la retención del personal. Determinamos la interdependencia del nivel de participación y el coeficiente de rotación del personal, así como el retorno de los empleados a alguna explotación

    Manufacturing technology of stone miniature columns from the Bronze Age site Gonur Depe (southern Turkmenistan)

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    Archaeological cultures of the Bronze Age, despite the widespread use of metal, also used stone raw materials for the manufacture of tools, household, and sacred items. A lot of stone products had a complicated shape and meticulous finishing, but the technology of their manufacture is still not always clear. This fully applies to the materials of the Bronze Age of southern Turkmenistan where long-term settlements of the proto-urban type are being studied. These include Gonur Depe (2500-1500 BCE) - the administrative and religious centre of ancient Margiana (Sarianidi 2005). Among its materials are stone miniature columns of “unknown” purpose in the shape of a chess rook, which are usually found in sacral complexes. This paper deals with the technology of producing these objects (half of the collection of intact items was investigated) and is part of a collective work on a comprehensive study of large stone cult objects from Gonur Depe. The raw materials for studied miniature columns were gypsum, limestone, marbled limestone, marbled onyx, onyx, talcochlorite, and polymictic breccia. For the first time the authors made an attempt to consider the issues of miniature columns manufacturing technology. Thanks to the use-wear study of their surfaces, it became possible to reveal numerous technological traces invisible to the naked eye. The data obtained made it possible to characterize all stages of the miniature columns manufacturing technology, which indicates a high level of development of the stone-processing industry in the settlements of the Bronze Age of Turkmenistan

    Phytoconstituents and bioactivity of plants of the genus Spiraea L. (Rosaceae): A review

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    The genus Spiraea L. belongs to the Rosaceae Juss. family and includes more than 100 species distributed in the temperate zone and subtropical zone of the Northern Hemisphere at the center of species diversity in East Asia. Representatives of the genus are known as ornamental plants with many forms and varieties, are widely used in conventional medicine, and have a high resource potential. This review provides information on the diversity of phenolic compounds (flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, and lignans), terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids, and other classes of secondary metabolites in the species of Spiraea worldwide. The article also presents little-known and hard-to-find data published in Russian concerning Spiraea phytochemistry. The biological activities of extracts and their fractions and of individual compounds having different types of biological activity (e.g., antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal) are discussed. Data about biotechnological research on representatives of the genus Spiraea are presented too. The analysis of the literature showed that further chemical and pharmacological studies on Spiraea plants are quite promising

    Educating the Concepts of Retention Factor of a Company with the Case of Employee Engagement Level Increase

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    The current socio-economic situation creates similar conditions and rules for companies in various industries around the world.in this vein, the study and educate the retention factors of the company are of a great importance.  The task of staff productivity increase and the overall effectiveness of its activities is relevant. The most important role in addressing the issue of employee productivity and performance increasing, as well as his retention is played by employee engagement. The researchers studying engagement at work recognize that this phenomenon is multifaceted and define it as an employee's physical, cognitive and emotional state, causing excessive performance of his functional duties. Involvement is interconnected with the motivational potential of work, therefore, the conditions for the engagement development are the following ones: work significance and diversity, the comparison of work with its result. The authors of the article conducted the study of engagement at work in the enterprises of fishing and fish processing industries. We determined the problems that impede the growth of staff engagement. The authors of the article implemented the program of corrective actions aimed to improve the factors affecting the engagement at work and retention of staff. We determined the interdependence of involvement level and the coefficient of staff turnover, as well as the return of employees to some holding

    Smoking, Respiratory Diseases and Endothelial Dysfunction

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    Vascular endothelium actively participates in inflammatory reactions in the majority of chronic respiratory diseases. Smoking is a major risk factor for bronchopulmonary diseases, and it plays an important role in endothelial dysfunction development. Some experiments prove that aggressive pollutants of tobacco smoke (benzopyrene, peroxynitrite, acrolein, cyanides, peroxides, etc.) can cause direct damage to endothelial cells due to expression of adhesion molecules on their surface and intensification of lipid peroxidation. In turn, oxidized lipoproteins in the tunica intima of the vessel work as attractants for chemotaxis of leukocytes and monocytes that start to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines in big amounts. These processes trigger systemic inflammatory response that leads to irreversible thickening of the vessel walls and deterioration of their mechanical properties. Chronic exposure to tobacco smoke and the products of combustion of tobacco leads to chronic system inflammatory reaction, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and morpho-functional damage of target organs. Nowadays, the connection between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases has been well established. Studying the mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in brain blood vessels of patients with smoking habits and COPD can be very important for preventing acute vascular events

    Producción y uso de las grandes hojas de sílex durante el Calcolítico del Noreste de Bulgaria

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    The Chalcolithic sites of Bulgaria are characterized by a large number of tools from Dobrudjian flint. Results of studying of flint items the main blank for which was the long blade, existence of workshops, a wide circulation of the same products in different regions of the country testify to high technological level of processing of flint raw materials, professionalism of craftsmen and specialization of flint production in economy of this time. Archaeological materials were studied by means of technical- morphological and experimental-traceological methods and ethnographic data were also used.Los yacimientos calcolíticos de Bulgaria se caracterizan por presentar una gran cantidad de piezas de sílex de Dobrudjian. Los resultados del estudio de los artefactos de sílex, materia sobre la que se elaboraron las grandes hojas, la existencia de talleres, y de una amplia circulación de los mismos productos en diferentes regiones del país dan testimonio del alto nivel tecnológico del procesado de las materias primas silíceas, de la capacidad de los artesanos y de la especialización de la producción de artefactos sílex en la economía de esa época. Los materiales arqueológicos se han estudiado mediante métodos tecno-morfológicos y experimental-traceológicos, y también se tuvieron en cuenta datos etnográficos