84 research outputs found

    YAMA: yet another microassembler description && users guide

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    Journal ArticleYAM A is an CommonLisp program for creating microcode PROMS. It lets you specify the microcode in a fairly high level language that provides various features found normally in sophisticated assemblers. The salient features of YAMA are 1. Provision for record and enumerated data types at micro assembly level. 2. Provision for a flexible and heirarchical microword format. 3. Provision for horizontal and vertical microprograms with the help of special syntactic constructs. 4. Provision of various directives to tailor the code according to one's taste. It produces the "bit" pattern for the microwords. The input specifications are in a data definition language called MICRO which has a data declaration part, a directives part and a specification section. This report contains the summary of the design of the micro assembly language and the construction of the micro assembler and also serves as the user's guide

    Specification and validation of control intensive ICs in hopCP

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    technical reportControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations polling and interrupt driven modes of operation multiple concurrent threads of execution non-trivial computational requirements and programmability. In this paper we illustrate the use of formal methods in the design of a control intensive IC called the "Intel 8251" Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART), using our hardware description language 'hopCP'. A feature of hopCP is that it supports communication via synchronous ports in addition to synchronous message passing Asynchronous ports are distributed shared variables writable by exactly one process We show the usefulness of this combination of communication constructs We outline algorithms to determine safe usages of asynchronous ports and also to discover other static properties of the specification We discuss a compiled code concurrent functional simulator called CFSIM, as well as the use of concurrent testers for driving CFSIM. The use of a semantically well specified and simple language and the associated analysis/simulation tools helps conquer the complexity of specifying and validating control intensive ICs

    hopCP: language definition, semantics and examples

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    Journal ArticleWe describe a formalism for high level modeling of hardware based on flow graphs and nonatomic actions called hopCP. A module is the description of a hardware system in hopCP, which contains a flow graph to model the behavioral aspects and ports which represent the communication links. Operations are provided to manipulate modules and flow graphs. Nonatomic actions provide the necessary functional and temporal abstraction to model hardware and action refinement is introduced to bridge the abstraction gap for high level synthesis. Examples are provided to elucidate the semantics of hopCP and illustrate the expressive power of the language

    Static analysis techniques for the synthesis of efficient asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportIn the context of deriving asynchronous circuits from high-level descriptions, determining whether two actions are potentially concurrent (overlapped execution) or serial (non-overlapped execution) has several advantages. This knowledge can be utilized to efficiently implement shared variables, support speculative guard evaluation, and optimize resources (circuitry) by sharing. In a distributed environment with several concurrent processes, determining whether two actions are potentially concurrent or not, automatically, is often difficult to formulate and computationally expensive. In this paper, we present techniques to overcome these problems. First, we present a tool called parComp which infers the composite behavior of a collection of modules, and then we present an algorithm called conCur to analyze the inferred behavior to detect the seriality of two actions. Simple heuristics are presented for the abstraction of the inferred behavioral descriptions and improving the efficiency of conCur. The algorithms parComp and conCur are illustrated in the hopCP framework and implemented in Standard ML of New Jersey. Execution times of the algorithms are reported on a variety of examples. The results are quite encouraging

    Specification and validation of control-intensive integrated circuits in hopCP

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    technical reportControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations, polling and interrupt-driven modes of operation, multiple concurrent threads of execution, complex computations, and programmability. In this paper, we illustrate the use of formal methods in the design of a control intensive IC called the "Intel 8251" Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART), using our formal hardware description language 'hopCP'. A feature of hopCP is that it supports communication via asynchronous ports (distributed shared variables writable by exactly one process), in addition to synchronous message passing. We show the usefulness of this combination of communication constructs. We outline static analysis algorithms to determine safe usages of asynchronous ports, and also to discover other static properties of the specification. We discuss a compiled-code concurrent functional simulator called CFSIM, as well as the use of concurrent testers for driving CFSIM. The use of a seraantically well specified and simple language, and the associated analysis/simulation tools helps conquer the complexity of specifying and validating control intensive ICs

    CFSIM: A concurrent compiled-code functional simulator for hopCP

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    Journal ArticleControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations, polling and interrupt-driven modes of operation, multiple concurrent threads of execution, complex computations, and programmability. In this paper, we illustrate the use of formal methods in the design of a control intensive IC called the "Intel 8251" Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART), using our formal hardware description language 'hopCP'. A feature of hopCP is that it supports communication via asynchronous ports (distributed shared variables writable by exactly one process), in addition to synchronous message passing. We show the usefulness of this combination of communication constructs. We outline static analysis algorithms to determine safe usages of asynchronous ports, and also to discover other static properties of the specification. We discuss a compiled-code concurrent functional simulator called CFSIM, as well as the use of concurrent testers for driving CFSIM. The use of a semantically well specified and simple language, and the associated analysis/simulation tools helps conquer the complexity of specifying and validating control intensive ICs

    High level optimizations in compiling process descriptions to asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportAsynchronous/'Self-Timed designs are beginning to attract attention as promising means of dealing with the complexity of modern VLSI technology. In this paper, we present our views on why asynchronous systems matter. We then present details of our high level synthesis tool SHILPA that can automatically synthesize asynchronous circuits from descriptions in our concurrent programming language, hopCP. We outline some of the high level communication abstractions available in hopCP. We illustrate how these abstractions are realized in the asynchronous circuits generated by SHILPA. We then present a series of examples that present many of the high level optimization strategies used by SHILPA. Some of these optimizations aim to speed up the generated circuits by avoiding un-necessary waiting. Others synthesize components that are much easier to realize in a variety of technologies. We also discuss some of the tradeoffs possible between optimizations and timing constraints

    hopCP: A concurrent hardware description language

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    Journal ArticlehopCP is a language for the specification, simulation, and synthesis of hardware systems. hopCP captures the behavior of a hardware system by specifying the causal relationships between actions that the system can perform. No specific timing discipline is implied by a hopCP specification. Hence, hopCP specifications can be implemented as synchronous, asynchronous, or mixed synchronous and asynchronous circuits. Salient features of hopCP include nonatomic actions, synchronous and asynchronous styles of value communication, broadcast channels, a purely functional sublanguage to express the computational aspects of hardware behavior, and an efficient tool (called parComp) to infer the composite behavior of a collection of hopCP modules. Operational Semantics of hopCP in terms of labeled transition systems is presented. A few examples are described to illustrate the expressive power of hopCP. A summary of the implementation is also presented

    From process-oriented functional specifications to efficient asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportA methodology for high-level synthesis and performance optimization of asynchronous circuits is described. A specification language called hopCP which is based on a simple extension to classical flow graphs is introduced. The extension involves the addition of expression actions to a flow graph, to model computational aspects of hardware behavior in a purely functional framework. Control and Communication aspects are modeled explicitly just as in Hoare's CSP. A systematic methodology to synthesize asynchronous circuits from hopCP based on the notion of a self-timed block is presented. The compilation methodology based on self-timed blocks coupled with the functional flavor of hop CP gives us the ability to exploit several optimizations like quick return, intra-loop pipelining and speculative evaluation of conditional expressions. The specification language hopCP, the synthesis procedure and the optimizations are illustrated in design of an asynchronous iterative multiplier

    Testing two-phase transition signaling based self-timed circuits in a synthesis environment

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    Journal ArticleThe problem of testing self-timed circuits generated by an automatic synthesis system is studied. Two-phase transition signalling is assumed and the circuits are targetted for an asynchronous macromodule based implementation as in [?, ?, ?, ?]. The partitioning of the circuits into control blocks, function blocks, and predicate (conditional) blocks, originally conceived for synthesis purpose, is found to be very elegant and appropriate for test generation. The problem of data dependent control flow is solved by introducing a new macromodule called SCANSELECT (SELECT with scan). Algorithms for test generation are based on the Petri-net like representation of the physical circuit. The techniques are illustrated on the high-level synthesis system called SHILPA being developed by the Author's
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