hopCP: A concurrent hardware description language


Journal ArticlehopCP is a language for the specification, simulation, and synthesis of hardware systems. hopCP captures the behavior of a hardware system by specifying the causal relationships between actions that the system can perform. No specific timing discipline is implied by a hopCP specification. Hence, hopCP specifications can be implemented as synchronous, asynchronous, or mixed synchronous and asynchronous circuits. Salient features of hopCP include nonatomic actions, synchronous and asynchronous styles of value communication, broadcast channels, a purely functional sublanguage to express the computational aspects of hardware behavior, and an efficient tool (called parComp) to infer the composite behavior of a collection of hopCP modules. Operational Semantics of hopCP in terms of labeled transition systems is presented. A few examples are described to illustrate the expressive power of hopCP. A summary of the implementation is also presented

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