21 research outputs found

    Controversies in science: to teach or not to teach?

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    Controversies in science are an essential feature of scientific practice: defined here as current problems that are unresolved because there are no accepted procedures by which they can be resolved or there are differing assumptions that affect the interpretation of evidence. Although there has been much attention in science education literature addressing socio-scientific and historical controversies in science, less has been paid to the teaching of contemporary scientific controversies. Using semi-structured qualitative interviews with 18 teachers at different career stages in England, we investigated teachers’ social representations of scientific controversies using the discourse of the collective subject (DSC). We found a lack of controversy in teachers’ responses. Whilst scientific controversies were seen as an essential feature of how science works, they were not viewed as essential in science education and were represented as a distraction and dealt with informally, outside the planned curriculum and in response to students’ questions. Subject knowledge was considered a barrier. We argue that teaching about carefully selected scientific controversies has the potential to contribute to teachers’ and students’ understandings of science and the nature of science. There are perceived to be few opportunities for teachers to exercise this in the English context. We suggest how the collective subject discourses might be used to open up a discussion about teaching controversies in professional learning situations. Materials to stimulate discussion of scientific controversies could be useful in future curriculum development in science, but these would need to address the barriers of subject knowledge, access to literature and conflict with assessment-related priorities and a perceived need to advocate for trust in science

    Temas controvertidos en la clase: ¿estamos listos? Una pequeña investigación entre los profesores de ciencias

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    In Brazil, teacher training dates from the nineteenth century, after independence from Portugal (1822). One of the problems at that time was that, despite the strong French inspiration of normal schools, with emphasis on the pedagogical and didactics aspects, in practice teachers learned nothing but the content they should teach their students. Despite changes over time, with the splitting process to form primary school teachers (escolas normais) and secondary education (at the university), some problems in the training teachers’ process still remain. In this article, we seek to listen to the teachers themselves about their training in a controversial issue: human life, its beginning and its end. It is a part of a thesis defended in 2009. The 11 participating teachers were mostly experienced in training teachers and said that these professionals are not prepared for it.El proceso de formación del profesorado tuvo inicio en Brasil en el siglo XIX, después de la independencia (1822). Un de los problemas en aquél entonces fue que, a pesar de la fuerte inspiración francesa de las escuelas normales, con énfasis en los aspectos didácticos- pedagógicos, en la práctica los profesores aprendían nada mas que los contenidos que debían enseñarles a sus alumnos. A pesar de los cambios a lo largo del tiempo, con la separación para formar profesores de enseñanza primaria (escuelas normales) y secundaria (a cargo de la universidad), ese y otros problemas iniciales siguen existiendo. En ese artículo, se buscó escucharles a los profesores mismos respecto a su formación en un tema controvertido: la vida humana, su inicio y su término. Es una parte de una tesis defendida en el 2009. Los 11 profesores participantes tenían en su mayoría experiencia en formación de profesores y dijeron que esos profesionales no están preparados para ello

    E a vida humana, o que é? O diálogo entre a ciência, a religião, os professores e o senso comum: enriquecendo o ensino de Ciências

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    Este  estudo  tem  como  objetivo recolher, sistematizar, analisar e com-parar os discursos científico, religioso e de professores de ciências do Ensino Médio sobre a definição de vida humana

    Ação sociopolítica e aprendizagem cooperativa: a elaboração de um banner com alunos do ensino fundamental no município de Miguel Pereira, Rio de Janeiro

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    Descreve-se, aqui, o processo de criação, organização/construção de um banner com uma turma de 8. °ano do ensino fundamental no município de Miguel Pereira (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), bem como da apresentação deste material aos demais alunos da escola. O tema proposto foi Amamentação no século XIX. Durante a preparação do material, utilizam-se técnicas de aprendizagem cooperativa (group investigation), com o objetivo de estimular o protagonismo dos estudantes ao desenvolver habilidades e valores como cooperação, interdependência positiva e responsabilidade. A atividade está sendo realizada no âmbito do projeto europeu Irresistible, de sensibilização de professores e de alunos para a pesquisa e inovação responsáveis. Os alunos apresentaram o painel aos colegas da escola, explicando o conteúdo e respondendo às perguntas feitas, no âmbito da semana mundial da amamentação, e assistiram juntos a um vídeo sobre as leis brasileiras que protegem a amamentação. A atividade foi realizada em 4 de agosto de 2016, para coincidir com o calendário da semana mundial de amamentação (1 a 7 de agosto).Abstract We describe here the creation process of a banner with a group of 8th grade of an elementary school in the city of Miguel Pereira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The proposed theme was “Breastfeeding in the nineteenth century”. In the process of preparation of the material to be exposed, teachers used cooperative learning techniques (group investigation), with the aim of encouraging the active participation of students, thus developing skills and values such as cooperation, positive interdependence and responsibility. The activity was carried out under the European project Irresistible, designed to raise teachers’ and students’ awareness on responsible research and innovation (RRI). The students exhibited the banner at the school, explaining its content to the others and answering the questions raised under the scope of the World Breastfeeding Week, and they watched a video about Brazilian pro-breastfeeding laws. The activity was undertaken on August 4th 2016 to match the World Breastfeeding Week calendar (August, 1st to 7th).Résumé Nous décrivons ici le processus de création, organisation d’une affiche, avec les élèves de 8e année de l'école primaire dans la ville de Miguel Pereira (Rio de Janeiro, Brésil). Le thème proposé est Allaitement au XIXe siècle. Pour préparer le matériel à exposer, les professeurs ont utilisé des techniques d'apprentissage coopératif (group investigation), dans le but d'encourager la participation active des étudiants à développer des compétences et des valeurs telles que la coopération, l'interdépendance positive et la responsabilité. L'activité est réalisée dans le cadre du Project Irresistible, créé par des chercheurs de l’Union Européenne. Ce projet a l’objectif de sensibiliser les enseignants et les étudiants à la recherche et l'innovation responsables. Les élèves ont présenté l’affiche aux collègues et leur ont expliqué quelques détails à propos de l’allaitement au XIXe siècle. Ensuite, ils ont regardé ensemble une vidéo. Cette activité a été organisée le 4 Août, 2016, pour coïncider avec la Semaine Mondiale de l'Allaitement Maternel (1-7 Aout).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unidades de conservação e suas potencialidades para a educação ambiental

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    Protected areas or Conservation Units (UC) have educational potential, being used as didactic support locations for scientific communication activities and the development of scientific research and Environmental Education (EE) actions. These are institutionalized non-formal educational spaces, ruled by precepts that establish their functioning. In those areas we can also find a group of people who work with the purpose of fulfilling pre-established educational objectives. We would like to highlight the potential of protected areas as places in which contextualized and interdisciplinary didactic-pedagogical practices can be developed. Educational actions in protected areas can contribute to the overall formation of the individual (affective, behavioural and cognitive) and to the collaborative involvement of the agents in the school community. By proposing this workshop, we aim to discuss the potential of protected areas for EE actions and provide space to create educational activities involving these areas. For this, we intend to engage teachers from different levels of education process, from basic to higher education. We aim to build, together and with the help of materials such as scientific articles, the necessary knowledge to carry out the activities of the workshop. We plan to invite participants to propose strategies and/or EE activities that can be carried out in the disciplines they responsible for, in the context of the protected areas. By bringing the subject to the didactic-pedagogical universe, we hope to stimulate the production of new lenses to bring complexity to approach environmental education subjects. Furthermore, we intend to highlight that the use of CUs as educational spaces can promote a favourable situation for multidisciplinary discussions.Las áreas protegidas o Unidades de Conservación (UC) tienen potencial educativo, sirviendo de soporte didáctico para la divulgación científica y el desarrollo de investigaciones científicas y acciones de Educación Ambiental (EA). Son espacios educativos no formales institucionalizados, en donde existen preceptos que establecen su funcionamiento, además de un grupo de personas que trabajan con el propósito de cumplir objetivos educativos preestablecidos. Estas áreas tienen potencial para prácticas didáctico-pedagógicas contextualizadas e interdisciplinarias. Las acciones educativas en áreas protegidas son capaces de contribuir a la formación integral del individuo (afectivo, conductual y cognitivo) ya la implicación colaborativa de los agentes de la comunidad escolar. El objetivo de este taller es discutir el potencial de las áreas protegidas para las acciones de EA y brindarles, a los participantes, con un espacio para crear actividades educativas que involucren estas áreas. Para ello, involucraremos a docentes desde la educación básica hasta la educación superior. Construiremos, juntos y con la ayuda de elementos como artículos científicos, los conocimientos necesarios para llevar a cabo las actividades del taller. Invitaremos a los participantes a proponer estrategias y/o actividades de EA que puedan realizar en las disciplinas que imparten, pensando en el espacio “área protegida”. Al acercar las áreas protegidas al universo didáctico-pedagógico, esperamos estimular la producción de nuevos lentes para complejizar la enseñanza, cuestionando las múltiples posibilidades de esta enseñanza en estos locales. Además, ponemos en evidencia que el uso de las áreas protegidas como espacios educativos puede promover una situación favorable para las discusiones multidisciplinarias.  As áreas protegidas ou Unidades de Conservação (UC) apresentam potencial educativo, servindo de apoio didático, para a divulgação científica e o desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas e ações de Educação Ambiental (EA). São espaços educativos não formais institucionalizados, nos quais há preceitos que estabelecem o seu funcionamento, além de um grupo de pessoas que trabalham com a finalidade de cumprir objetivos educacionais preestabelecidos. Essas áreas apresentam potencialidades para práticas didático-pedagógicas contextualizadas e interdisciplinares. Ações educativas em UC são capazes de contribuir para a formação global do indivíduo (afetivo, comportamental e cognitivo) e para o envolvimento colaborativo dos agentes da comunidade escolar. O objetivo proposto para esta oficina é discutir sobre as potencialidades das UC para ações de EA e propiciar espaço para criar atividades educativas envolvendo estas áreas. Para isso, envolveremos professores da educação básica ao ensino superior. Construiremos, de maneira conjunta e com a ajuda de elementos como artigos científicos, os conhecimentos necessários para realizar as atividades da oficina. Convidaremos os participantes a propor estratégias e/ou atividades de EA possíveis de realizar nas disciplinas que ministram, pensando no espaço da UC. Ao trazer as UC para o universo didático-pedagógico, esperamos estimular a produção de novas lentes para complexificar o fazer docente no ensino, problematizando as múltiplas possibilidades desse ensino em áreas protegidas. Além disso, evidenciamos que a utilização das UC como espaços educativos pode promover uma situação favorável para discussões multidisciplinares

    An introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic teams

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    Drawing on insights from a four-day online workshop, which explored geo-engineering and policy making with 13 youth participants, an academic and youth authorial team provide a guide to the co-creation of policy briefs. Drawing on excerpts from the policy brief at different stages of development and commentary provided by the authors during the workshops, we set out four stages including (1) Identifying the key message and audience, (2) Reading and critically engaging with examples of policy briefs during the drafting process, (3) Developing the policy brief text, and (4) Reviewing and revising the policy brief. We have developed this guidance with a co-creative, group work approach in mind and suggest that this has relevance for those working in and beyond the discipline of geography

    Controversial subjects in the classroom: are we ready for them? A compact study amongst science teachers

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    El proceso de formación del profesorado tuvo inicio en Brasil en el siglo XIX, después de la independencia (1822). Un de los problemas en aquél entonces fue que, a pesar de la fuerte inspiración francesa de las escuelas normales, con énfasis en los aspectos didácticos- pedagógicos, en la práctica los profesores aprendían nada mas que los contenidos que debían enseñarles a sus alumnos. A pesar de los cambios a lo largo del tiempo, con la separación para formar profesores de enseñanza primaria (escuelas normales) y secundaria (a cargo de la universidad), ese y otros problemas iniciales siguen existiendo. En ese artículo, se buscó escucharles a los profesores mismos respecto a su formación en un tema controvertido: la vida humana, su inicio y su término. Es una parte de una tesis defendida en el 2009. Los 11 profesores participantes tenían en su mayoría experiencia en formación de profesores y dijeron que esos profesionales no están preparados para ello.In Brazil, teacher training dates from the nineteenth century, after independence from Portugal (1822). One of the problems at that time was that, despite the strong French inspiration of normal schools, with emphasis on the pedagogical and didactics aspects, in practice teachers learned nothing but the content they should teach their students. Despite changes over time, with the splitting process to form primary school teachers (escolas normais) and secondary education (at the university), some problems in the training teachers' process still remain. In this article, we seek to listen to the teachers themselves about their training in a controversial issue: human life, its beginning and its end. It is a part of a thesis defended in 2009. The 11 participating teachers were mostly experienced in training teachers and said that these professionals are not prepared for it

    E a vida humana, o que é? : O diálogo entre a ciência, a religião, os professores e o senso comum enriquecendo o ensino de ciências

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    Submitted by Tatiana Oliveira ([email protected]) on 2012-05-18T13:27:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fernanda_a_veneulumb_ioc_ebs_0004_2009.pdf: 703045 bytes, checksum: 4b871c329c68e4e309e35607ac1a84e3 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-18T13:27:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fernanda_a_veneulumb_ioc_ebs_0004_2009.pdf: 703045 bytes, checksum: 4b871c329c68e4e309e35607ac1a84e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Este estudo tem como objetivo recolher, sistematizar, analisar e comparar os discursos científicos, religiosos e de professores de ciências do Ensino Médio sobre a definição humana. Como produções sociais, ciência e religião influenciam a sociedade e são influenciadas por ela. Os chamados representantes do senso comum também foram ouvidos, a fim de promover o diálogo entre ciência, religião e sociedade. A pesquisa, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizou entrevistas semi-estruturadas para a coleta de dados. Estes dados estão sendo analisados à luz da multirreferencialidade, ou seja, sob a ótica de vários olhares teóricos. As “falas” dos sujeitos foram registradas e analisadas por meio de interpretação simples, buscando-se identificar os significados mais importantes, no sentido de enriquecer a percepção de setores sociais envolvidos com o tema, bem como dos integrantes da sociedade que não lidam diretamente com o assunto. Ao conjugar múltiplos discursos sobre uma das indagações mais antigas da humanidade, pretende-se gerar subsídios a serem utilizados em ambientes de educação formal e não-formal em biociências e saúde. Ao sistematizar discursos que ordinariamente não são vistos juntos, e este é o ineditismo da pesquisa, pretende-se fornecer informações mais abrangentes para a capacitação de professores, bem como para incluir a temática de maneira multidisciplinar nos livros didáticos de ciências, e dessa forma, contribuir, de forma significativa, paa o processo ensino-aprendizagem de ciências.This study aims to collect, systematize, analyse and compare scientific, religious speeches and high school science teachers on human definition. How social production, science and religion influence society and are influenced by it. The so-called representatives of common sense were also heard, in order to promote dialogue between science, religion and society. The research, qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews used for data collection. These data are being analysed in the light of the multirreferencialidade, that is, from the perspective of various theoretical perspectives. The "lines" of the subjects were recorded and analyzed through simple interpretation, seeking to identify the most important meanings in order to enrich the perception of social sectors involved with the subject, as well as of the members of the society who do not deal directly with the matter. To combine multiple discourses on one of the oldest questions of humanity, it is intended to generate subsidies to be used in formal education and non-formal in biosciences and health. To systematize speeches that ordinarily are not seen together, and this is the originality of the research is intended to provide comprehensive information to the training of teachers, as well as to include the theme of multidisciplinary way in science textbooks, and therefore contribute significantly paa the process education-aprendiza

    Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Monográfico con el título: " Formación de profesores. Perspectivas de Brasil, Colombia, España y Portugal"Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónEl proceso de formación del profesorado tuvo inicio en Brasil en el siglo XIX, después de la independencia (1822). Uno de los problemas en aquél entonces fue que, a pesar de la fuerte inspiración francesa de las escuelas normales, con énfasis en los aspectos didácticos-pedagógicos, en la práctica los profesores aprendían nada más que los contenidos que debían enseñarles a sus alumnos. A pesar de los cambios a lo largo del tiempo, con la separación para formar profesores de enseñanza primaria (escuelas normales) y secundaria (a cargo de la universidad), ese y otros problemas iniciales siguen existiendo. En el artículo, se buscó escuchar a los profesores respecto a su formación en un tema controvertido: la vida humana, su inicio y su término. Forma parte de una tesis defendida en el 2009. Los 11 profesores participantes tenían en su mayoría experiencia en formación de profesores y dijeron que esos profesionales no están preparados para ello.ES