1,379 research outputs found
Munasarjastruuma. Haigusjuhu kirjeldus koos erialakirjanduse ĂŒlevaatega
Munasarjastruuma ehk struma ovarii (SO) on haruldane munasarjakasvaja. SO sisaldab enamasti hormonaalselt aktiivset kilpnÀÀrmekude, mis vĂ”ib pĂ”hjustada hĂŒpertĂŒreoidismi. Valdav osa sellistest moodustistest on healoomulised, aga ligikaudu 5% ka halvaloomulised. SO operatsioonieelne kliiniline ja radioloogiline diagnoosimine on keeruline, sest haigus vĂ€ljendub sageli mittespetsiifiliste sĂŒmptomitena ja vĂ”ib radioloogilistel uuringutel imiteerida pahaloomulist munasarjakasvajat. Diagnoosi kinnitavad tavaliselt histopatoloogilise uuringu tulemused. Artiklis on esitatud ĂŒhe SO haigusjuhu kirjeldus koos radioloogiliste uuringute tulemustega
SöömishÀiretest pÔhjustatud amenorröa ja viljatus
Naise normaalne reproduktiivne funktsioon on kompleksne protsess, milles elustiilil ja toitumisel on tĂ€htis osa. NĂ€lgimine vĂ”i oluline kaalulangus vĂ”ib pĂ”hjustada puberteedieas tĂŒtarlastel soolise arengu peetust ja primaarset amenorröad, reproduktiivses eas kasvab menstruatsioonifunktsiooni hĂ€irete, sekundaarse amenorröa ja viljatuse sagedus. Raseduse iseeneslikke katkemisi, kaasasĂŒndinud arengurikkeid, perinataalse suremuse sagenemist ning madalakaaluliste laste sĂŒndi seostatakse viljastumis- ja rasedusaegse nĂ€lgimisega. Vaegtoitumise vĂ”i nĂ€lgimise tagajĂ€rjel kujunenud reproduktiivse funktsiooni hĂ€ired ja naiseviljatus on enamasti kĂŒll pöörduva iseloomuga, kuid teatud juhtudel on tĂ€ielik tervenemine ja fertiilsuse taastumine vĂ€ga pikaajaline protsess.
Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (6): 374â37
Spontaanabort â immunoloogilisi aspekte
Raseduse iseeneslik katkemine on ĂŒks sagedasemaid raseduse tĂŒsistusi, kusjuures sageli jÀÀvad habituaalsete abortide pĂ”hjused selgusetuks. 50%-l juhtudest on habituaalsete abortide pĂ”hjus ema organismi puudulikust immuunvastusest tulenev lootemuna Ă€ratĂ”ukereaktsioon. Rasedus mĂ”jutab autoimmuunsete haiguste kulgu. Samal ajal osa autoimmuunhaigusi suurendab raseduse katkemise tĂ”enĂ€osust, mille pĂ”hjuseks peetakse alanenud immuuntolerantsust. Raseduse iseenesliku katkemise vĂ”imalike immunoloogiliste mehhanismide vĂ€ljaselgitamine ning adekvaatne ravi on olulised nii spontaanabordi profĂŒlaktika kui ravi aspektist.
Eesti Arst 2003; 82 (3): 177â18
Application of luciferase assay for ATP to antimicrobial drug susceptibility
The susceptibility of bacteria, particularly those derived from body fluids, to antimicrobial agents is determined in terms of an ATP index measured by culturing a bacterium in a growth medium. The amount of ATP is assayed in a sample of the cultured bacterium by measuring the amount of luminescent light emitted when the bacterial ATP is reacted with a luciferase-luciferin mixture. The sample of the cultured bacterium is subjected to an antibiotic agent. The amount of bacterial adenosine triphosphate is assayed after treatment with the antibiotic by measuring the luminescent light resulting from the reaction. The ATP index is determined from the values obtained from the assay procedures
Rapid method for determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities pattern of urinary bacteria
Method determines bacterial sensitivity to antimicrobial agents by measuring level of adenosine triphosphate remaining in the bacteria. Light emitted during reaction of sample with a mixture of luciferase and luciferin is measured
Determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities on infected urines without isolation
A method is described for the quick determination of the susceptibilities of various unidentified bacteria contained in an aqueous physiological fluid sample, particularly urine, to one or more antibiotics. A bacterial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay is carried out after the elimination of non-bacterial ATP to determine whether an infection exists. If an infection does exist, a portion of the sample is further processed, including subjecting parts of the portion to one or more antibiotics. Growth of the bacteria in the parts are determined, again by an ATP assay, to determine whether the unidentified bacteria in the sample are susceptible to the antibiotic or antibiotics under test
Estimates of local biodiversity change over time stand up to scrutiny
We present new data and analyses revealing fundamental flaws in a critique of two recent meta-analyses of local-scale temporal biodiversity change. First, the conclusion that short-term time series lead to biased estimates of long-term change was based on two errors in the simulations used to support it. Second, the conclusion of negative relationships between temporal biodiversity change and study duration was entirely dependent on unrealistic model assumptions, the use of a subset of data, and inclusion of one outlier data point in one study. Third, the finding of a decline in local biodiversity, after eliminating post-disturbance studies, is not robust to alternative analyses on the original dataset, and is absent in a larger, updated dataset. Finally, the undebatable point â noted in both original papers â that studies in the ecological literature are geographically biased, was used to cast doubt on the conclusion that, outside of areas converted to croplands or asphalt, the distribution of biodiversity trends is centered approximately on zero. Future studies may modify conclusions, but at present, alternative conclusions based on the geographic-bias argument rely on speculation. In sum, the critique raises points of uncertainty typical of all ecological studies, but does not provide an evidence-based alternative interpretation.PostprintPeer reviewe
Different temporal trends in vascular plant and bryophyte communities along elevational gradients over four decades
Despite many studies showing biodiversity responses to warming, the generality of such responses across taxonomic groups remains unclear. Very few studies have tested for evidence of bryophyte community responses to warming, even though bryophytes are major contributors to diversity and functioning in many ecosystems. Here, we report an empirical study comparing long-term change in bryophyte and vascular plant communities in two sites with contrasting long-term warming trends, using "legacy" botanical records as a baseline for comparison with contemporary resurveys. We hypothesized that ecological changes would be greater in sites with a stronger warming trend and that vascular plant communities, with narrower climatic niches, would be more sensitive than bryophyte communities to climate warming. For each taxonomic group in each site, we quantified the magnitude of changes in species' distributions along the elevation gradient, species richness, and community composition. We found contrasted temporal changes in bryophyte vs. vascular plant communities, which only partially supported the warming hypothesis. In the area with a stronger warming trend, we found a significant increase in local diversity and dissimilarity (beta-diversity) for vascular plants, but not for bryophytes. Presence-absence data did not provide sufficient power to detect elevational shifts in species distributions. The patterns observed for bryophytes are in accordance with recent literature showing that local diversity can remain unchanged despite strong changes in composition. Regardless of whether one taxon is systematically more or less sensitive to environmental change than another, our results suggest that vascular plants cannot be used as a surrogate for bryophytes in terms of predicting the nature and magnitude of responses to warming. Thus, to assess overall biodiversity responses to global change, abundance data from different taxonomic groups and different community properties need to be synthesized.Peer reviewe
Du rĂ©chauffement aux consĂ©quences Ă©cologiques : sâadapter, migrer ou disparaĂźtre?
Le rĂ©chauffement climatique est un phĂ©nomĂšne planĂ©taire menant Ă des changements dans les conditions environnementales, tels que la tempĂ©rature et la quantitĂ© de prĂ©cipitations, posant un dĂ©fi de taille pour les espĂšces sauvages. De nombreux scientifiques Ă©tudient les rĂ©ponses biologiques des plantes et des animaux face Ă ces changements. Cet article est un aperçu des connaissances scientifiques sur les stratĂ©gies et rĂ©ponses Ă©cologiques que les organismes vivants utilisent pour faire face, notamment, Ă lâaugmentation des tempĂ©ratures Ă lâĂ©chelle globale. Toutefois, pour certaines espĂšces, le rĂ©chauffement survient Ă une vitesse trop rapide, menant Ă leur disparition, et laissant parfois place Ă de nouvelles espĂšces
A rapid method for the determination of microbial susceptibility using the firefly luciferase assay for adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Luciferase assay for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was optimized for pure bacteria in broth in order to evaluate if changes in bacterial ATP content could be used as a rapid measure of antibiotic effect on microorganisms. Broth cultures of log phase bacteria were incubated at 310 K (37 C) for 2.5 hours at antimicrobial concentrations which resulted in the best discrimination between sensitive and resistant strains. Eighty-seven strains of 11 bacterial species were studied for their susceptibility to 12 commonly used antimicrobial agents: ampicillin, Penicillin G, nafcillin, carbenicillin, cephalothin, tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin, gentamicin, nitrofurantoin, colistin, and chloramplenicol. The major advantage of the ATP system over existing methods of rapid microbial susceptibility testing is that the assay can be made specific for bacterial ATP
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