383 research outputs found

    Study of ground state properties of halo nuclei via quasi-free scattering reactions

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    The main goal of this work was the analysis and interpretation of experimental data obtained for the reaction (p,pn) of the one neutron halo nucleus 15C on a proton target. The measurement, performed at the GSI laboratory, was part of an experimental campaign (Experiment S393) of the R3B collaboration and the first step towards the measurement of fully exclusive reaction cross sections on exotic nuclei. The so-called halo nuclei are of high interest as they consist of bound nuclei characterized by one or more valence nucleons orbiting at larger distances from a core. These are novel quantum systems appearing at the limits of the dripline. Furthermore, halo nuclei are characterized by low separation energies, resulting in very narrow momentum distributions of the core in nucleon knockout reactions at relativistic energies. One neutron-halo nucleus of particularly high interest is 15C, which has a neutron separation energy of Sn = 1.218 MeV. Ground state and spectroscopic information have been extracted experimentally from Coulomb dissociation studies resulting in a consistent picture with a dominant (14C(0+) x 2s1/2) configuration. Momentum distributions of the core extracted from single neutron knockout reactions exhibited a width of 67 MeV/c, consistent with larger separation energy and the same dominant configuration. However, calculations failed to reproduce the tail of the measured momentum distributions. The momentum distributions are inclusive measurements and thus it is desirable to measure exclusive observables which incorporate more physics information. The Faddeev/AGS formalism is a non-relativistic three-body multiple scattering framework that treats equally all opening channels (elastic, breakup and transfer) and has been used to assess the validity of approximations considered in traditional scattering frameworks. This has highlighted that traditional reaction approaches may not be adequate to study the nuclei under consideration. It was also successfully applied to the study of reactions involving halo nuclei as well as light/medium nuclear systems. The 15C case, due to its dominant ground state configuration of 14C core in its ground state and a s-wave valence neutron (14C(0+) x 2s1/2), constitutes a very suitable case to apply the Fadeev/AGS reaction formalism to the study of the 15C

    CO2: A Contemporary Analysis of the Impact of Economic Growth and Energy on Carbon Dioxide Emissions

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    In today s world there is a growing concern about environmental preservation and the impact of human actions on it The Brazilian Panel on Climate Change highlights the interference of these actions which reach a global scale and unprecedented magnitude The intensification of carbon dioxide CO2 emissions into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution has been a significant factor in global climate change and the intensification of the greenhouse effect Therefore the objective of this thesis is to investigate the impact of energy consumption and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions This thesis is classified as explanatory research and is characterized by a quantitative approach The final sample consisted of 69 countries observed for a period of 11 years the data were collected from the World Bank database The analysis was carried out using the dynamic panel data structural model with fixed effects estimated by Maximum Likelihood The research concludes that i for a 1 increase in countries income there was an 0 18 increase in CO2 emissions ii a 1 increase in renewable energy consumption had the positive effect of reducing emission levels by 0 12 iii however the increase in non-renewable energy consumption aggravated the carbon dioxide problem by 0 2 iv a 1 increase in the total population caused a 0 21 increase in CO2 emissions v for a 1 increase in countries credit there was a 0 13 increase in CO2 emission


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    O artigo argumenta sobre a importância de se fazer uma reflexão sobre a educação ambiental desenvolvida pelas empresas e entidades representativas do agronegócio, uma vez que é necessário, considerar os objetivos das mesmas como sendo de interesse em divulgarem uma imagem de empresa sustentável, geradora de emprego, renda e de comprometimento com as questões sociais. No entanto, a histórica desigualdade na propriedade da terra no Conesul, imprime em seus conflitos indicadores negativos na distribuição de renda, riqueza. Diante do exposto, entende-se que deve estar inserido nos debates um viés crítico e transformador. Sendo assim, sustentamos teoricamente o assunto sobre o tema para que sirva de apoio aos dados empíricos de uma tese de doutorado


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    The viability of treated piggery wastewater for reuse in agricultural irrigation

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    Artigo publicado em:International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in AgricultureThe swine production is a very important economic matter, occupying prominent position in the worldwide market. However, it appears as the greater impacting activity for the water resources. Researches point a swine manure production of 105.6 million m3/year in Brazil, which resulted in a piggery wastewater rich in solids, nutrients, heavy metals, and pathogens. Moreover, the water consumption for swine production is approximately 15 L/animal/day in southern Brazil, resulting in an unsustainable water resource demand. Thereby, this study verifies the viability of two parallel stabilization reservoirs as a technology for polishing treated piggery wastewater. This technology has been shown effective in reducing organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens in the treatment of the effluents with low or high organic load rate. The reservoirs can improve effluent quality with minimal energy costs to simple operations. The technique would promote the value of the effluent through its reuse for agricultural irrigation. The study was conducted at a farm in the city of Braço do Norte, Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil; this region has one of the largest densities of pigs in the world, which causes serious environmental problems

    Avaliação in vitro da atividade de seis drogas antimicrobianas contra Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    Use of antimicrobials for the treatment of gonorrhea started in 1930 with the utilization of sulfonamides. With the years other drugs were used for its treatment such as penicillin, tetracycline, spectinomycin, and others. Although highly specific in the beginning, these drugs, with time did not show anymore the expected therapeutic results because of aspects of chromosomal and plasmid-mediated resistance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains to six drugs used for its treatment (penicillin, tetracycline, cefoxitin, thiamphenicol, spectinomycin and ofloxacin) by the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations of these drugs. We concluded that drugs, such as cefoxitin, thiamphenicol and spectinomycin still are excellent pharmacological agents for the treatment of gonorrhea. Penicillin, although still efficient, needs more attention regarding its use, as well as ofloxacin, because of the emergence of resistant strains. Tetracycline and its derivatives should be strongly contraindicated for the treatment of gonorrhea.A utilização de antimicrobianos no tratamento da gonorréia iniciou-se em 1930 com a utilização das sulfonamidas. No decorrer dos anos outras drogas passaram a ser utilizadas em seu tratamento como a penicilina, tetraciclina, espectinomicina e outras. Embora altamente eficazes no início, essas drogas, ao longo do tempo, passaram a não mais apresentar o resultado terapêutico esperado em virtude do aparecimento de quadros de resistência cromossômica e plasmidial. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a sensibilidade de cepas de Neisseria gonorrhoeae a seis drogas utilizadas no seu tratamento (penicilina, tetraciclina, cefoxitina, tianfenicol, espectinomicina e ofloxacina) através da concentração inibitória mínima. Concluimos que drogas como a cefoxitina, o tianfenicol e a espectinomicina ainda constituem excelentes fármacos para o tratamento da gonorréia. A penicilina, embora ainda eficaz, enseja maiores cuidados na sua utilização, assim como a ofloxacina, frente ao surgimento de cepas resistentes e, a tetraciclina e seus derivados deve ser sobremaneira contra-indicada no tratamento da gonorréia