207 research outputs found

    Australian health policy on access to medical care for refugees and asylum seekers

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    Since the tightening of Australian policy for protection visa applicants began in the 1990s, access to health care has been increasingly restricted to asylum seekers on a range of different visa types. This paper summarises those legislative changes and discusses their implications for health policy relating to refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. Of particular concern are asylum seekers on Bridging Visas with no work rights and no access to Medicare. The paper examines several key questions: What is the current state of play, in terms of health screening and medical care policies, for asylum seekers and refugees? Relatedly, how has current policy changed from that of the past? How does Australia compare with other countries in relation to health policy for asylum seekers and refugees? These questions are addressed with the aim of providing a clear description of the current situation concerning Australian health policy on access to medical care for asylum seekers and refugees. Issues concerning lack of access to appropriate health care and related services are raised, ethical and practical issues are explored, and current policy gaps are investigated

    Análisis de las normativas tributarias aduaneras y su incidencia en las empresas Courier de la Ciudad de Guayaquil.

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    Este análisis de la incidencia de las reformas de la normativa aduanera y tributaria, en el mercado de las empresas de Courier en la Ciudad de Guayaquil, comienza generando una actividad sustitutiva basada en las nuevas necesidades de una sociedad moderna y con la cohesión Tributaria en la conciliación analítica de las Leyes del País. Creando como base un estudio explicativo de la realidad de este mercado de la implementación de la categorización de régimen Courier y pago de tasa de 42,00enlasimportaciones4x4enestereˊgimen.Laplanificacioˊndeestainvestigacioˊnfavoreceraˊaldesarrollodeestesectordentrodelnuevoordeninternacional;promuevelaseguridadadecuadadegestioˊndelosactoresdelsector,pretendiendoestablecersuscausasyefectosutilizandomecanismoseinstrumentosdeinterpretacioˊnquepermitiraˊllegaradeterminarconexactitudelsentidodelamisma.AldemostrarlaviabilidaddelaplaneacioˊnequitativadelaTributacioˊnAduaneraylastransaccionescomercialesdelosserviciosCourier,cuyodominioserealizaraconcriteriosdelarealidaddeestemercadoalaconciliacioˊnanalıˊticadelasLeyesTributarias.Constituyenfactoresqueinfluyendeformacadavezmaˊsdecisivaenelcrecimientoeconoˊmicoyeldesarrollodeestesector.Habraˊqueestablecer,porconsiguiente,criteriospedagoˊgicosdepartidaalComercioExterior.Esporellosehaplanteadoelsiguienteproyectodeinvestigacioˊnconelcualsedisen~aunplandegestioˊnparalograrlaimplementacioˊndelapropuesta.Estetrabajoconstaconunaintroduccioˊngeneralquehablasobrelaincidenciadelasreformasdelanormativaaduaneraytributaria,enelmercadodelasempresasdeCourierenlaCiudaddeGuayaquil.Estaˊestructuradoencincocapıˊtulosycomoinstrumentosparalainvestigacioˊnestaˊnlasteˊcnicasdelaobservacioˊndirectaeindirectayeltipodeinvestigacioˊnescorrelacionaldescriptiva.SeutilizacomomedialaencuestaylaentrevistaparatenermayorfacilidadenrecopilarlainformacioˊnquesepresentadetalladamenteafindesuplirestanecesidadenelsectorpostalenlaCiudaddeGuayaquil.ThisanalysisoftheimpactofthereformsoftheCustomsandTaxregulation,onthemarketofCourierServicecompaniesinGuayaquil,startsbygeneratingasubstituteactivitybasedonthenewneedsofamodernsocietyandwiththeTributarycohesionintheanalyticalconciliationoftheLawsoftheCountry.CreatinganexplanatorystudyoftherealityofthismarketbasedontheimplementationofthecategorizationofCourierserviceregimeandpaymentrateof42,00 en las importaciones 4x4 en este régimen. La planificación de esta investigación favorecerá al desarrollo de este sector dentro del nuevo orden internacional; promueve la seguridad adecuada de gestión de los actores del sector, pretendiendo establecer sus causas y efectos utilizando mecanismos e instrumentos de interpretación que permitirá llegar a determinar con exactitud el sentido de la misma. Al demostrar la viabilidad de la planeación equitativa de la Tributación Aduanera y las transacciones comerciales de los servicios Courier, cuyo dominio se realizara con criterios de la realidad de este mercado a la conciliación analítica de las Leyes Tributarias. Constituyen factores que influyen de forma cada vez más decisiva en el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo de este sector. Habrá que establecer, por consiguiente, criterios pedagógicos de partida al Comercio Exterior. Es por ello se ha planteado el siguiente proyecto de investigación con el cual se diseña un plan de gestión para lograr la implementación de la propuesta. Este trabajo consta con una introducción general que habla sobre la incidencia de las reformas de la normativa aduanera y tributaria, en el mercado de las empresas de Courier en la Ciudad de Guayaquil. Está estructurado en cinco capítulos y como instrumentos para la investigación están las técnicas de la observación directa e indirecta y el tipo de investigación es correlacional descriptiva. Se utiliza como media la encuesta y la entrevista para tener mayor facilidad en recopilar la información que se presenta detalladamente a fin de suplir esta necesidad en el sector postal en la Ciudad de Guayaquil.This analysis of the impact of the reforms of the Customs and Tax regulation, on the market of Courier Service companies in Guayaquil, starts by generating a substitute activity based on the new needs of a modern society and with the Tributary cohesion in the analytical conciliation of the Laws of the Country. Creating an explanatory study of the reality of this market based on the implementation of the categorization of Courier service regime and payment rate of 42, 00 in the imports 4x4 in this regime. The proposed research will favor the development of this industry inside the new international order; it promotes the proper interaction between its players, trying to establish the causes and effects using mechanisms and instruments of interpretation that will allow to determine with accuracy the sense of the regulation. Demonstrating the viability of the Customs Taxation planning and the commercial transactions of the courier services, according with criteria of the reality of the market and the analytical conciliation of the Tax Laws. They constitute factors that influence economic growth and industry development in a decisive and increasing way. Consequently, it will be necessary to establish, pedagogical criteria mainly to the Foreign Trade. Therefore, the following project has been proposed as a way of analysis and future implementation of a development plan. This paper contains a general introduction that discusses the impact of the reforms of the customs and tributary regulation, on the market of Courier's companies in the City of Guayaquil. It is structured in five chapters and as instruments for the investigation we have tools of the direct and indirect observation and also considered as a descriptive type of research. The survey and the interview are the methods used to collect the information in an easier way, this in order to replace the existing need in the courier´s industry in Guayaquil

    El reasentamiento de jóvenes refugiados en Australia: experiencias y resultados en el tiempo

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    Los resultados de un estudio longitudinal de experiencias de reasentamiento a largo plazo de jóvenes refugiados que viven en Melbourne muestran que las experiencias de los refugiados —tanto antes como después del reasentamiento— continúan influyendo en las oportunidades y los resultados muchos años después de la llegada

    Navigating precarious terrains: Reconceptualising refugee youth settlement

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    Settlement is widely understood as the final stage of the refugee journey: a durable solution to forced displacement and a stable environment in which former refugees can rebuild their lives. However, settlement is shaped by rapidly changing socio-political forces producing contingent, unpredictable, and even hostile environments. This article draws upon Vigh’s concept of social navigation to reconceptualize settlement as a continuation of a fraught journey in which refugee settlers must continually seek new strategies to pursue viable futures. We illustrate with an in-depth case study of the settlement journey of one refugee-background young man over his first eight years in Melbourne, Australia

    Escenario multpropositos Itinerante

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    Escenario tipo camión para diversificar la oferta cultural, artística y recreativa de la ciuda

    Predictors of secondary school completion among refugee youth 8 to 9 years after resettlement in Melbourne, Australia

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    Being able to attend school and achieve an education is one of the most desired opportunities among resettled refugee young people. However, turning educational aspirations into reality is not straightforward. There is a large body of research documenting the barriers associated with educational achievement among refugees who resettle as teenagers, both in Australia and internationally. No studies, however, have identified the factors that predict completion of secondary school among resettled refugee youth over time. This paper reports the predictors of completion of secondary school among a cohort of 47 refugee youth resettled in Melbourne, Australia. Eight to nine years after resettlement, 29 (62%) had completed secondary school and 18 (38%) had left school prior to completing Year 12. Age on arrival and experiences of discrimination in Australia were significant predictors of secondary school completion. Older refugee youth (on arrival) and those who reported experiences of discrimination over the first eight to nine years in Australia were significantly less likely to complete secondary school. This longitudinal study confirms that, as a group, refugee youth are particularly at risk of not completing secondary school education, which can have an impact on their wellbeing and long-term socio-economic standing in their settlement country. Our study provides further evidence of the negative impact of discrimination on the educational outcomes of disadvantaged young people

    Catastro de usuarios y suscriptores como una herramienta de gestión en empresas de acueducto

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    Este artículo pretende mostrar la aplicación del catastro de usuarios y suscriptores como una herramienta de gestión en empresas de acueducto de tres tipos: la primera operada por la administración municipal como es la Empresa de acueducto municipal de Marsella “EMPUMAR”, la segunda, administrada por un operador privado como la Compañía de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios S.A. E.S.P. “ACUASEO” y la tercera de administración comunitaria como la Asociación de Suscriptores del Servicio de agua de la Vereda Mundo Nuevo, Municipio de Pereira “ASAMUN”. Lo anterior se llevó a cabo aplicando la metodología del Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT)

    Schistosoma haematobium infection and morbidity risk factors for pre-school age children in western Angola: A knowledge, attitudes and practices survey

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    Schistosomiasis; Medical risk factors; MorbidityEsquistosomiasi; Factors de risc mèdic; MorbilitatEsquistosomiasis; Factores de riesgo médico; MorbilidadBackground Urogenital schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. It is a poverty-related disease conditioned by behavioural practices. Methods Our objective is to evaluate the awareness, mindset and habits about urogenital schistosomiasis in the community of Cubal (Angola), as well as its association with infection and urinary tract morbidity in pre-school age children. A cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitudes and practices at home was conducted between February and May 2022 with 250 participants. Results Overall, 93.6% of those surveyed had some prior knowledge about schistosomiasis and, among all the symptoms associated with this disease, blood in the urine was the best known (54.4%). Nevertheless, 57.6% obtained a medium knowledge score. Regarding attitude, the majority of respondents had a high attitude score (79.2%) with 96.0% willing to participate in mass drug administration campaigns. Laundry in the river was the most common risk practice (61.2%) and 55.2% out of the total were classified with a low practice score. Conclusion Low knowledge about symptoms and transmission by caregivers was the outstanding risk factor for infection in pre-school age children (OR = 16.93, 95%CI: 3.93–72.82), and lack of knowledge that avoiding entering the river prevents schistosomiasis was the main risk factor for morbidity in PSAC (OR = 8.14, 95%CI: 1.14–58.25).This research was supported by the Red de Investigación de Centros de Enfermedades Tropicales – RICET of the PN de I+D+I, ISCIII-Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa RETICS), Ministry of Health and Consumption, Madrid; by CIBER de Enfermedades Infecciosas (Projects CB21/13/00056 and CB21/13/00029), ISCIII, Ministry of Science and Education, Madrid; by Project No. 2021/004 of the PROMETEO Program, Programa de Ayudas para Grupos de Investigación de Excelencia, Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Catastro de usuarios y suscriptores como una herramienta de gestión en empresas de acueducto

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    Este artículo pretende mostrar la aplicación del catastro de usuarios y suscriptores como una herramienta de gestión en empresas de acueducto de tres tipos: la primera operada por la administración municipal como es la Empresa de acueducto municipal de Marsella “EMPUMAR”, la segunda, administrada por un operador privado como la Compañía de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios S.A. E.S.P. “ACUASEO” y la tercera de administración comunitaria como la Asociación de Suscriptores del Servicio de agua de la Vereda Mundo Nuevo, Municipio de Pereira “ASAMUN”. Lo anterior se llevó a cabo aplicando la metodología del Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT)