16 research outputs found

    Modeling secondary level of HIV contact tracing: its impact on HIV intervention in Cuba

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Universal HIV testing/treatment program has currently been suggested and debated as a useful strategy for elimination of HIV epidemic in Africa, although not without practical issues regarding the costs and feasibility of a fully implemented program.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mathematical model is proposed which considers two levels of detection of HIV-infectives through contact tracing of known infectives in addition to detections through other means such as random screening. Simulations based on Cuban contact tracing data were performed to ascertain the potential impact of the different levels of contact tracing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Simulation studies illustrate that: (1) contact tracing is an important intervention measure which, while less effective than random screening, is perhaps less costly and hence ideal for large-scale intervention programs in developing countries with less resources; (2) the secondary level of contact tracing could significantly change the basic disease transmission dynamics, depending on the parameter values; (3) the prevalence of the epidemic at the time of implementation of contact tracing program might be a crucial factor in determining whether the measure will be effective in preventing disease infections and its eventual eradication.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that contact tracing for detection of HIV infectives could be suitably used to remedy inadequacies in a universal HIV testing program when designing timely and effective intervention measures.</p

    Desarrollo ecoturístico basado en las actividades tradicionales de una comunidad de la precordillera de Santiago : caso estudio : Sociedad de arrieros "Talajeros de Villa Paulina"

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    Tesis (Ecoturismo)En el sector nororiente de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, se encuentra el Santuario de la Naturaleza Yerba Loca, lugar que alberga una importante tradición, la de los "arrieros". Estos arrieros han conformado una Sociedad dentro del Santuario, buscando con ello aunar fuerzas para sortear las distintas presiones, tanto sociales como urbanas, que se les han ido imponiendo durante las últimas décadas. Estas presiones han ido provocando la paulatina desaparición, tanto de la tradición, como de sus representantes. Esta investigación busca demostrar que, mediante la implementación de iniciativas basadas en el ecoturismo y el agroturismo, es posible realizar la puesta en valor de tradiciones que se encuentran en vías de extinción, recuperándolas, y logrando que perduren en el tiempo. Para ello, se realizó un estudio completo de la tradición, tanto de su historia, como de los recursos de los cuales disponen, lo que permitió idear propuestas de productos,basados en las bases de la sustentabilidad, posibles de aplicar por este grupo de personas y sus familas, buscando el completo beneficio de la tradición, sus representantes y el medio ambiente. Este estudio busca ser un aporte para la Sociedad de Talajeros de Villa Paulina, donde se entregan propuestas, herramientas y métodos que pueden aplicar e integrar a sus prácticas diarias, para ir potenciando sus actividades, su tradición, y la completa recuperación, y mantención de ésta en el tiempo.In the north-eastern portion of the metropolitan area of Santiago, Chile, is located the Yerba Loca Sanctuary, a place that houses an important tradition: that of the "arrieros". These arrieros have formed a society within the sanctuary, seeking to join forces to overcome the severa] pressures -both social and urban- that have been imposed over them in recent decades. These pressures have been causing the gradual disappearance of both the tradition and its representatives. This research seeks to demonstrate that it is possible to enhance the endangered traditions through the implementation of eco-tourism and agro-tourism based initiatives, recovering them and keeping them alive over time. For this we conducted a comprehensive study of the tradition, both in its history as the resources they have, allowing the proposal of sustainable products that can be used by these characters and their families, seeking the full benefit of the tradition, their representatives and the environment. This study aims to be a contribution to the Sociedad de Talajeros de Villa Paulina, where proposals, tools and methods are delivered that can be applied and integrated in their daily practices to enhance their activities, their tradition and its complete recovery and endure over time

    Overexpression of SH2-containing inositol phosphatase contributes to chronic lymphocytic leukemia survival

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    Balanced activity of kinases and phosphatases downstream of the BCR is essential for B cell differentiation and function and is disturbed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In this study, we employed IgH.TEμ mice, which spontaneously develop CLL, and stable EMC CLL cell lines derived from these mice to explore the role of phosphatases in CLL. Genome-wide expression profiling comparing IgH.TEμ CLL cells with wild-type splenic B cells identified 96 differentially expressed phosphatase genes, including SH2-containing inositol phosphatase (Ship2). We found that B cell-specific deletion of Ship2, but not of its close homolog Ship1, significantly reduced CLL formation in IgH.TEμ mice. Treatment of EMC cell lines with Ship1/2 small molecule inhibitors resulted in the induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis. Using flow cytometry and Western blot analysis, we observed that blocking Ship1/2 abrogated EMC cell survival by exerting dual effects on the BCR signaling cascade. On one hand, specific Ship1 inhibition enhanced calcium signaling and thereby abrogated an anergic response to BCR stimulation in CLL cells. On the other hand, concomitant Ship1/Ship2 inhibition or specific Ship2 inhibition reduced constitutive activation of the mTORC1/ribosomal protein S6 pathway and downregulated constitutive expression of the antiapoptotic protein Mcl-1, in both EMC cell lines and primary IgH.TEμ CLL cells. Importantly, also in human CLL, we found overexpression of many phosphatases including SHIP2. Inhibition of SHIP1/SHIP2 reduced cellular survival and S6 phosphorylation and enhanced basal calcium levels in human CLL cells. Taken together, we provide evidence that SHIP2 contributes to CLL pathogenesis in mouse and human CLL

    International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG). ICES Scientific Reports, 3:69.

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    The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) coordinates fishery-inde-pendent multispecies bottom-trawl surveys within the ICES area. These long-term monitoring surveys provide data for stock assessments and facilitate examination of changes in fish distri-bution and abundance. The group also promotes the standardization of fishing gears and meth-ods and survey coordination. This report summarizes the national contributions in 2020–2021 and plans for the 2021–2022 surveys coordinated by IBTSWG. In the North Sea, the surveys are performed in quarters (Q) Q1 and Q3 while in the Northeast Atlantic the surveys are conducted in Q1, Q3, and Q4 with a suite of 14 national surveys covering a large area of continental shelf that ranges from North of Scotland to the Gulf of Cádiz. Despite the COVID-measures and bad weather, most surveys were able to complete the majority of the planned hauls. The Portuguese survey (PT-GFS-Q4) was cancelled in 2020 due to issues associated with the new vessel and a COVID-outbreak. A COVID-related delay in submitting the cruise application form for the French CGFS20 survey resulted in no authorisation to trawl in UK waters and only 70% of the core stations were completed. Issues with the UK permits, were also experienced in the North Sea surveys, only being resolved at the last moment, expected to be a returning issue. Therefore, IBTSWG addressed the permit issue in further detail in order to better evaluate the impact and propose possible solutions. All surveys, except for the Spanish GCGF-Q1 21 which is cancelled due to a vessel refit, are planned to take place according to the manuals in the next year. The SCOROC Q3 20 survey recorded second highest recruitment of zero group haddock on the Rockall Bank since the start of the new survey series in 2011. The North Sea Q1 21 survey rec-orded good recruitment of haddock as well, and high recruitment of mackerel, while overall herring recruitment seemed low except for three exceptionally large catches in the Skager-rak/Kattegat bringing the index above average. Both North Sea surveys reported large amounts of target species outside their index areas, which may warrant a revision of the species-specific areas on which the standard abundance indices are calculated. IBTSWG will continue a number of collaborative activities later this year. The Workshop on the Further Development of the New IBTS Gear (WKFDN) will focus on updating results of gear trails with the potential new gears. The Workshop on the production of swept area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiversity assessments (WKSAE) will continue work on the North-eastern Atlantic Flexfile available via DATRAS, for which country specific algorithms are used to fill data gaps relevant for the calculation of the swept area. This and the already available North Sea Flexfile can be used to produces swept area indices. IBTSWG also met with members of the assessment groups, Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak (WGNSSK) and Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF), to improve communication on for example circumstances affecting the execution of the surveys but also changes in survey design potentially impacting the indices