351 research outputs found

    El interés objetivo en la nueva casación contencioso-administrativa

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    La casación contencioso-administrativa estaba dejando de ser un instrumento adecuado para la formación de la jurisprudencia y para que el Tribunal Supremo cumpliera su papel de establecer pautas interpretativas uniformes del ordenamiento jurídico estatal. Las últimas reformas, elevando el umbral cuantitativo para acceder a la casación a sumas casi estratosféricas (600.000 euros), provocaron que quedaran al margen de la tarea jurisprudencial del Tribunal Supremo amplios sectores del ordenamiento administrativo y fiscal español. La Ley Orgánica 7/2015, en su disposición final tercera, modificó la Ley 29/1998 para reformar en profundidad el recurso de casación en el orden contencioso-administrativo, ampliando el catálogo de resoluciones recurribles y haciendo pivotar la admisión del recurso sobre un nuevo concepto: «el interés casacional objetivo para la formación de la jurisprudencia». Este trabajo explica las razones de la reforma, analiza la nueva disciplina legal y da cuenta de los primeros criterios del Tribunal Supremo en la puesta en marcha del nuevo recurso de casaciónThe cassation appeal was ceasing to be an appropriate instrument for the formation of jurisprudence and for the Supreme Court to fulfill its role of establishing uniform interpretative guidelines of the state legal system. The last reforms, raising the quantitative to access the cassation appeal to sums almost stratospheric (600,000 euros), caused that were left to the margin of the jurisprudential task of the Supreme Court ample sectors of the Administrative and Fiscal Spanish order. The Organic Law 7/2015, in its third final provision, amended the Law 29/1998 to reform in depth the cassation appeal in the administrative jurisdiction, expanding the catalog of appealable decisions and pivoting the admission of the appeal on a new concept: «objective cassational interest for the formation of jurisprudence». This work explains the reasons for the reform, analyzes the new legal discipline and shows the first criteria of the Supreme Court in the implementation of the new appeal cassatio

    Public management, private management and collective action in the Portoviejo river basin: Visions and conflicts

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    Producción CientíficaAgricultural policies show an orientation in the management of natural resources, such as water, towards specialized production for world markets. This is promoting models of private use against those of common use. The objective of this research is to evaluate the transformations in the institutional framework associated with the change of vision of water and the pressures created on peasant communities that culturally maintain socio-ecological systems. Based on Ostrom’s methodological proposals for the governance of common goods, a case study of the Rio Portoviejo Basin (Ecuador) was carried out. The three developed management models are analyzed: public, private and community. Evidence is provided that the community model is more equitable, efficient and sustainable. The way in which the extension of the market model, which conditions agricultural activity to profitability, is weakening the networks of peasant communities is also studied. In this context, the correlation between the loss of the traditional agrarian culture and the environmental degradation of the area is observed

    Rehabilitación Casona Din_399

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    A novel P2P and cloud computing hybrid architecture for multimedia streaming QoS cost functions

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    Since its appearance, peer-to-peer technology has given raise to various multimedia streaming applications. Today, cloud computing offers different service models as a base for successful end user applications. In this paper we propose joining peer-to-peer and cloud computing into new architectural realization of a distributed cloud computing network for multimedia streaming, in a both centralized and peer-to-peer distributed manner. This architecture merges private and public clouds and it is intended for a commercial use, but in the same time scalable to offer the possibility of non-profitable use. In order to take advantage of the cloud paradigm and make multimedia streaming more efficient, we introduce APIs in the cloud, containing build-in functions for automatic QoS calculation, which permits negotiating QoS parameters such as bandwidth, jitter and latency, among a cloud service provider and its potential clients

    The Sustainable Management of Metals: An Analysis of Global Research

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    The objective of this study was to analyze research trends in the field of sustainable management of metals on a global level between 1993 and 2017. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on a total of 6967 articles. The results revealed the growing interest in this research field, particularly over the last five year-period during which 63% of all articles were published. The three journals in which most articles had been published were the Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, and Chemsuschem. The countries that published the most articles were China, the United States, India, Germany, and the United Kingdom. A sizeable network of collaboration has been established between countries for the joint publication of studies. The main lines of research have been focused on metal decontamination in water and soil, waste management oriented towards reuse and recycling, and the innovation of processes for cleaner and more efficient production. The results revealed the need for comprehensive studies that integrate different disciplines within the same analytical framework, and to promote research that contributes to the different dimensions of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social)

    Didactic programming of the “Radiocommunications systems” module belonging to the Higher Cycle “Telecommunications and computer systems”

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    Domínguez Alda, María José (codirectora)Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Tecnología (M176

    Desarrollo sostenible y paisaje

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    This text comes across the critical situation of the present day society through the concepts of landscape and sustainable development, emphasizing the need to prevent their values, common goods, from being socially reduced to those of the dominant members. Only that interpretation of the sustainable development made in terms of the progress of the whole society proves to be valid. The landscape concept, which cultural schema is essential for individuals to understand their environment, summarizes the infinite values and the ecological and social systems the sustainable development is strongly related to, and therefore must respect. The author enhances the role that the State must play in the administration of these common goods; conditions helping to the sustainable development of a landscape are enunciated as well.El texto refleja la situación crítica de la sociedad actual a través de los conceptos de paisaje y desarrollo sostenible, destacando la necesidad de impedir que los valores de éstos, bienes públicos, sean socialmente reducidos a los de los sectores dominantes. Únicamente resulta válida aquella interpretación del desarrollo sostenible realizada en términos de progreso de toda la sociedad en su conjunto. El paisaje, cuyo esquema cultural es indispensable para la comprensión del medio ambiente por parte del individuo, es la expresión de los valores infinitos que en él se sintetizan, de los sistemas ecológicos y sociales con los que el desarrollo sostenible tiene un estrecho vínculo y que debe respetar. El autor destaca el papel que debe desempeñar el Estado en la administración de estos bienes, y establece las condiciones en que un paisaje contribuye al desarrollo sostenible

    Menores umbrales de dolor a la presión en masetero y temporal en pacientes con férula de descarga

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    RESUMEN: El presente estudio descriptivo y transversal, tiene como objetivo comprobar la relación entre la disfunción Temporomandibular (DTM) de origen parafuncional y la presencia de Puntos Gatillo Miofasciales (PGM) en los músculos Temporal y Masetero, mediante una evaluación con algómetro. Se utilizó un algómetro de presión (AP), con el que se midió y registró el umbral de dolor a la presión (UDP). El estudio se llevó a cabo en la población universitaria de la EU Gimbernat Cantabria y sin distinción de sexo. La población que se estudió estaba formada por 18 estudiantes. Esta se dividió en 2 grupos (9 con férula de descarga y 9 sin férula). La medición se llevó a cabo en una única sesión. En un primer lugar se usó la palpación digital, para después pasar a realizar la medición algométrica para la cuantificación de los (UDP). La algometría se realizó tres veces, utilizando, finalmente, la media de las 2 últimas mediciones. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que en esta población no existe relación entre llevar férula de descarga y tener PGM en el masetero y en el temporal, ya que sus valores no fueron estadísticamente significativos.ABSTRACT: The present descriptive and transversal study aims to test the relationship between Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TJD) with parafunctional origin and the presence of Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) in the Temporal and Masseter muscles, using an algometric assessment. We used a pressure algometer, which was used to take measures and to record Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT). The study was carried out with the E.U. Gimbernat Cantabria student’s and without distinction of sex. The population studied consisted of 18 students. This was divided into 2 groups (9 with bite splint and 9 without it). The measurement was carried out in a single session. At first, digital palpation was used, and then the algometric measurements were achieved to obtain PPT. This was performed three times, finally, using the average of the 2 last measurements. The results showed that in this population there is no relationship between taking bite splint and having (MTrPs) in the masseter and temporal, since their values were not statistically significant.Grado en Fisioterapi

    Hábitat del Treparriscos (Tichodroma muraria) en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares

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    En aquest article s'estudia l'hàbitat del pela-roques en base a una revisió bibliogràfica i les dades obtingudes mitjançant una enquesta. Les altituds mitjanes en les quals s'ha trobat al pela-roques durant la reproducció, dispersió, migració i hivernada són 1839 m, 2062 m, 972 m i 816 m respectivament amb diferències significatives entre cadascun d'ells. L'espècie ocupa principalment roques calcàries tot l'any, però també roques silíciques i durant la migració roques argiloses. Es troba en penya-segats (fluvials i no fluvials) , i durant la migració i hivernada també se'l pot veure en penya-segats marins, construccions humanes i també és freqüent en gorges de rius

    Fenología de reproducción del Treparriscos (Tichodroma muraria) en la Península Ibérica

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    S'analitzen 37 citacions de reproducció de pela-roques a la península Ibèrica. Els cants nupcials i l'aparellament es van detectar entre l'abril i principi de juliol, la construcció del niu al maig i principi de juny, la posta al juny, polls al juliol i principi d'agost, grups familiars a l'agost, i joves independents entre final de juliol i setembre