130 research outputs found

    Caso de estudio: análisis y diagnóstico de una empresa del sector agroindustrial peruano, propuesta de un plan estratégico

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    El presente trabajo titulado “Análisis, diagnóstico y formulación de estrategias para una empresa líder en el sector agroindustrial peruano” fue elaborado con la intención de poder brindar recomendaciones de carácter estratégico que permitan un mejor desenvolvimiento, crecimiento y mejora de la competitividad a la empresa “Camposol”en el sector agroindustrial.“Camposol”, una empresa agroindustrial, inicia sus operaciones en el año 1997, con la compra de sus primeras tierras en La Libertad, región ubicada en el norte del Perú, a 600 km de Lima. Hoy en día Camposol ya es una de las principales productoras y exportadores de palta, arándanos, uvas, mangos, mandarinas y langostinos. Así mismo, cuenta con un alto reconocimiento a nivel internacional, ingresos por más de US340millonesanualesyunaplanillaconmaˊsde14miltrabajadores,convirtieˊndolaenunadelasprincipalescompan~ıˊasempleadorasenelPeruˊ.Laelaboracioˊndelplandeaccioˊnparalacompan~ıˊacomprendeeldesarrollodelossiguientestemas:Primero,serealizaraˊundiagnosticoestrateˊgicoapartirdelanaˊlisisdelmodelodenegociodelaempresa,elcualpermitiraˊcomprendersuestructuraorganizacional,actividadesclave,fortalezas,debilidadesyventajascompetitivas.Luegosealinearaˊesteanaˊlisisconrespectoafactoresadversosalacompan~ıˊa,identificandolasoportunidades,amenazasyelnivelderivalidadempresarialdentrodelsectorenelqueopera.Unavezrealizadoeldiagnosticoestrateˊgico,seelaboraraˊunplandeaccioˊnenbaseaformulacioˊndeestrategias.Estasestrategiasestaraˊndirigidasanivelglobal,corporativo,denegociosyfuncional,definiendotambieˊnlamisioˊn,visioˊnylosobjetivosquesequierenlograrconsuimplementacioˊn.LuegodehaberformuladolasestrategiasmaˊsconvenientesparaCamposol,sepropondraˊlanuevaformadeestructuraorganizacionalquedeberıˊatenerlacompan~ıˊaparafacilitarsupuestaenmarcha.Estaestructuranuevaseraˊfrutodelanaˊlisisdelacreacioˊndenuevasunidadesestrateˊgicasdenegocioqueseadaptenalosobjetivospropuestosyalavisioˊnempresarial.Finalmente,seelaboraraˊunplandecontrolquepermitamedirlacorrectaimplementacioˊndelasestrategiasyelcumplimientodeobjetivos,incluyendounaseriedeconclusionesyrecomendacionesatomarencuentaparamantenerlacompetitividadenlosdistintosmercadosenlosqueopera.Thepresentworkentitled"Analysis,diagnosisandformulationofstrategiesforaleadingcompanyinthePeruvianagribusinesssector"waspreparedwiththeintentionofbeingabletoproviderecommendationsofastrategicnaturethatallowabetterdevelopment,growthandimprovementofcompetitivenessforthecompany"Camposolintheagribusinesssector.Camposol,anagribusinesscompany,beganoperationsin1997,withthepurchaseofitsfirstlandinLaLibertad,aregionlocatedinnorthernPeru,600kmfromLima.NowadaysCamposolisalreadyoneofthemainproducersandexportersofavocado,blueberries,grapes,mangoes,tangerinesandprawns.Likewise,ithasahighinternationalrecognition,revenuesofmorethanUS340 millones anuales y una planilla con más de14 mil trabajadores, convirtiéndola en una de las principales compañías empleadoras en el Perú.La elaboración del plan de acción para la compañía comprende el desarrollo de los siguientes temas: Primero, se realizará un diagnostico estratégico a partir del análisis del modelo de negocio de la empresa, el cual permitirá comprender su estructura organizacional, actividades clave, fortalezas, debilidades y ventajas competitivas. Luego se alineará este análisis con respecto a factores adversos a la compañía, identificando las oportunidades, amenazas y el nivel de rivalidad empresarial dentro del sector en el que opera. Una vez realizado el diagnostico estratégico, se elaborará un plan de acción en base a formulación de estrategias. Estas estrategias estarán dirigidas a nivel global, corporativo, de negocios y funcional, definiendo también la misión, visión y los objetivos que se quieren lograr con suimplementación. Luego de haber formulado las estrategias más convenientes para Camposol, se propondrá la nueva forma de estructura organizacional que debería tener la compañía para facilitar su puesta en marcha. Esta estructura nueva será fruto del análisis de la creación de nuevas unidades estratégicas de negocio que se adapten a los objetivos propuestos y a la visión empresarial. Finalmente, se elaborará un plan de control que permita medir la correcta implementación de las estrategias y el cumplimiento de objetivos, incluyendo una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones a tomar en cuenta para mantener la competitividad en los distintos mercados en los que opera.The present work entitled "Analysis, diagnosis and formulation of strategies for a leading company in the Peruvian agribusiness sector" was prepared with the intention of being able to provide recommendations of a strategic nature that allow a better development, growth and improvement of competitiveness for the company "Camposol” in the agribusiness sector. “Camposol”, an agribusiness company, began operations in 1997, with the purchase of its first land in La Libertad, a region located in northern Peru, 600 km from Lima. Nowadays Camposol is already one of the main producers and exporters of avocado, blueberries, grapes, mangoes, tangerines and prawns. Likewise, it has a high international recognition, revenues of more than US 340 million annually and with more than 14 thousand workers, making it one of the main employer companies in Peru.The elaboration of the action plan for the company includes the development of the following topics: First, a strategic diagnosis will be made based on the analysis of the company's business model, which will allow us to understand its organizational structure, key activities, strengths, weaknesses and competitive advantages. This analysis will then be aligned with respect to adverse factors to the company, identifying opportunities, threats and the level of business rivalry within the sector in which it operates.Once the strategic diagnosis has been made, an action plan will be developed based on strategy formulation. These strategies will be aimed at a global, corporate, business and functional level, also defining the mission, vision and objectives to be achieved with their implementation.After formulating the most convenient strategies for Camposol, the new form of organizational structure that the company should have in order to facilitate its implementation will be proposed. This new structure will be the result of the analysis of the creation of new strategic business units that adapt to the proposed objectives and the business vision.Finally, a control plan will be developed to measure the correct implementation of the strategies and the fulfillment of objectives, including a series of conclusions and recommendations to be taken into account to maintain competitiveness in the different markets in which it operates

    Diseño de saneamiento básico rural, para el acceso al agua y al saneamiento seguros en los caseríos san salvador, cunish, distrito de San Luis, provincia de San Pablo, Cajamarca

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    La investigación se llevó a cabo en los caseríos Cunish y San Salvador, que pertenecen a uno de los cuatro distritos de la provincia de San Pablo denominado San Luis en la región Cajamarca, donde se diseñó el sistema de agua potable y saneamiento como objetivo general, con el único fin de mejorar el acceso a servicios de calidad, se utilizó la metodología de tipo aplicada porque se utilizó conocimientos adquiridos para la solución de problemas, de enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental transversal descriptivo, se utilizó la encuesta, observación y análisis documentario como técnica que se apoyó en el cuestionario aplicado a 61 habitantes para la recolección de datos, para el desarrollo en primer lugar se realizó el diagnóstico del sistema existente, luego se ejecutó el estudio topográfico, mecánica de suelos, estudio poblacional y análisis físico-químico de agua que nos proporcionaron parámetros para los diseños fundamentados el marco teórico y la normativa vigente, como conclusión se obtuvo las cotas de la captación y reservorio en 1980.00 y 1684 msnm respectivamente, la capacidad portante del terreno fue 0.89 kg/cm2, se diseñó la línea de conducción con tubería de PVC de clase 7.5 con diámetro de 1 ½” en una longitud de 2,908.77 m, el reservorio calculado fue de 15 m3 de capacidad de almacenamiento el que dotara de agua a las 105 viviendas, además para el saneamiento como elección tecnológica se eligieron biodigestores en un total de 105 con capacidad de 600l, finalizando que con el diseño realizado la población beneficiaria de 398 habitantes tendrán accesibilidad al servicio de calida

    Environmental impact assessment of tritium release over the Western

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    The environmental impact of systems managing large (kg) tritium amount represents a public scrutiny issue for the next coming fusion facilities as DEMO. Furthermore, potentially new dose limits imposed by international regulations (ICRP) shall impact next coming devices designs and the overall costs of fusion technology deployment. Refined environmental tritium dose impact assessment schemes are then overwhelming. Detailed assessments can be procured from the knowledge of the real boundary conditions of the primary tritium discharge phase into atmosphere and into soils. Lagrangian dispersion models using real-time meteorological and topographic data provide strong refinement. Advance simulation tools are being developed in this sense. The tool integrates modeled numerical records from European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) with a lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model (FLEXPART). The model results can be coupled with tritium dose secondary phase pathway assessment tools. Nominal tritium discharge operational reference and selected incidental ITER-like plant systems tritium form source terms have been assumed. The real-time daily data and mesh-refined records together with lagrangian dispersion model approach provide accurate results for doses to population by inhalation or ingestion in the secondary phase

    Consequences of different meteorological scenarios in the environmental impact assessment of tritium in air

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    The environmental impact of systems managing large (kg) tritium amount represents a public scrutiny issue for the next coming fusion facilities as ITER and DEMO. Furthermore, potentially new dose limits imposed by international regulations (ICRP) shall impact next coming devices designs and the overall costs of fusion technology deployment. Refined environmental tritium dose impact assessment schemes are then overwhelming. Detailed assessments can be procured from the knowledge of the real boundary conditions of the primary tritium discharge phase into atmosphere (low levels) and into soils. Lagrangian dispersion models using real-time meteorological and topographic data provide a strong refinement. Advance simulation tools are being developed in this sense. The tool integrates a numerical model output records from European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) with a lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model (FLEXPART). The composite model ECMWF/FLEXTRA results can be coupled with tritium dose secondary phase pathway assessment tools. Nominal tritium discharge operational reference and selected incidental ITER-like plant systems tritium form source terms have been assumed. The realtime daily data and mesh-refined records together with lagrangian dispersion model approach provide accurate results for doses to population by inhalation or ingestion in the secondary phas

    Consequences of different meteorological scenarios in the environmental impact assesment of tritium release

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    The environmental impact of systems managing large (kg) tritium amount represents a public scrutiny issue for the next coming fusion facilities as ITER and DEMO. Furthermore, potentially new dose limits imposed by international regulations (ICRP) shall impact next coming devices designs and the overall costs of fusion technology deployment. Refined environmental tritium dose impact assessment schemes are then overwhelming. Detailed assessments can be procured from the knowledge of the real boundary conditions of the primary tritium discharge phase into atmosphere (low levels) and into soils. Lagrangian dispersion models using real-time meteorological and topographic data provide an strong refinement. Advance simulation tools are being developed in this sense. The tool integrates a numerical model output records from European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) with a lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model (FLEXPART). The composite model ECMWF/FLEXTRA results can be coupled with tritium dose secondary phase pathway assessment tools. Nominal tritium discharge operational reference and selected incidental ITER-like plant systems tritium form source terms have been assumed. The realtime daily data and mesh-refined records together with lagrangian dispersion model approach provide accurate results for doses to population by inhalation or ingestion in the secondary phase

    Estrategia Steam bolivariano para mejorar los aprendizajes en matemática de los estudiantes de quinto de secundaria de la institución educativa Simón Bolívar 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar en qué medida la aplicación de la estrategia STEAM Bolivariano mejora los aprendizajes en matemática de los estudiantes del quinto grado de secundaria de la institución educativa Simón Bolívar 2022. En la investigación experimentaron la enseñanza de la matemática a través de sesiones de aprendizaje con la estrategia STEAM Bolivariano, para mejorar el nivel de logro del aprendizaje de matemática de estudiantes del quinto grado de secundaria de la institución educativa Simón Bolívar de Moquegua. Para la realización del estudio, se trabajó con dos aulas de quinto grado del nivel secundario de la institución educativa Simón Bolívar en el año 2022. El tipo de muestreo es probabilístico de tipo aleatorio simple; la muestra estuvo constituida por 26 estudiantes, cuyas edades fluctúan de quince y dieciséis años y viven en la ciudad. Luego de realizar el procesamiento de los datos, los resultados de la evaluación de la pre prueba los resultados descriptivos muestran que el grupo obtuvo notas que lo ubican en nivel de Logro inicio, mientras que en la pos prueba mejoraron su aprendizaje al ubicarse en los niveles de Logro deseado y destacado. Los resultados inferenciales muestran que en la pre prueba obtuvieron un promedio de 8,6 puntos en tanto en la pos prueba se obtuvo 17,4 puntos, se observa un P -valor (0,000) < 0,01 lo que permite concluir que existe influencia altamente significativa debido a la aplicación de la estrategia STEAM Bolivariano en el aprendizaje de la matemática de los estudiantes del quinto grado de secundaria de la institución educativa Simón Bolívar

    Atmospheric modelling of tritium forms transport: review of capabilities and R&D needs for the assessment of fusion facilities environmental impact

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    One of the key scrutiny issues of new coming energy era would be the environmental impact of fusion facilities managing one kg of tritium. The potential change of committed dose regulatory limits together with the implementation of nuclear design principles (As Low as Reasonably achievable - ALARA -, Defense in Depth -D-i-D-) for fusion facilities could strongly impact on the cost of deployment of coming fusion technology. Accurate modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT, HTO) for the assessment of fusion facility dosimetric impact in Accidental case appears as of major interest. This paper considers different short-term releases of tritium forms (HT and HTO) to the atmosphere from a potential fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin. This work models in detail the dispersion of tritium forms and dosimetric impact of selected environmental patterns both inland and in-sea using real topography and forecast meteorological data-fields (ECMWF/FLEXPART). We explore specific values of this ratio in different levels and we examine the influence of meteorological conditions in the HTO behavior for 24 hours. For this purpose we have used a tool which consists on a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model useful to follow real time releases of tritium at 10, 30 and 60 meters together with hourly observations of wind (and in some cases precipitations) to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. We have assessed inhalation doses. And also HTO/HT ratios in a representative set of cases during winter 2010 and spring 2011 for the 3 air levels

    Pyrosequencing versus methylation-specific PCR for assessment of MGMT methylation in tumor and blood samples of glioblastoma patients

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    Circulating biomarkers in blood may provide an interesting alternative to risky tissue biopsies in the diagnosis and follow-up of glioblastoma patients. We have assessed MGMT methylation status in blood and tissue samples from unresected glioblastoma patients who had been included in the randomized GENOM-009 trial. Paired blood and tissue samples were assessed by methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and pyrosequencing (PYR). After establishing the minimum PYR cut-off that could yield a significant difference in overall survival, we assessed the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value (NPV) of the analyses. Methylation could be detected in cfDNA by both MSP and PYR but with low concordance with results in tissue. Sensitivity was low for both methods (31% and 38%, respectively), while specificity was higher for MSP in blood than for PYR in plasma (96% vs 76%) and NPV was similar (56 vs 57%). Concordance of results in tissue by MSP and PYR was 84.3% (P < 0.001) and correlated with outcome. We conclude that detection of cfDNA in the blood of glioblastoma patients can be an alternative when tumor tissue is not available but methods for the detection of cfDNA in blood must improve before it can replace analysis in tumor tissue

    A GRASP-Tabu Heuristic Approach to Territory Design for Pickup and Delivery Operations for Large-Scale Instances

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    We address a logistics districting problem faced by a parcel company whose operations consist of picking up and delivering packages over a service region. The districting process aims to find a partition of the service region into delivery and collection zones that may be served by a single vehicle that departs from a central depot. Criteria to be optimized are to balance workload content among the districts and to create districts of compact shape. A solution approach based on a hybrid procedure that combines elements of GRASP and Tabu Search (TS) is proposed to solve large-scale instances. Numerical experimentation is performed considering different instance sizes and types. Results show that the proposed solution approach is able to solve large-scale instances in reasonable computational times with good quality of the solutions obtained. To determine the quality of the solutions, results are compared with CPLEX solutions and with the current real solution to highlight the benefits of the proposed approach. Conclusions and recommendations for further research are provided

    Gas-phase electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to chemicals on sputtered Cu and Cu–C catalysts electrodes

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    A novel gas-phase electrocatalytic cell containing a low-temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) was developed to electrochemically convert CO2 into organic compounds. Two different Cu-based cathode catalysts (Cu and Cu–C) were prepared by physical vapor deposition method (sputtering) and subsequently employed for the gas-phase electroreduction of CO2 at different temperatures (70–90 °C). The prepared electrodes Cu and Cu–C were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As revealed, Cu is partially oxidized on the surface of the samples and the Cu and Cu–C cathodic catalysts were comprised of a porous, continuous, and homogeneous film with nanocrystalline Cu with a grain size of 16 and 8 nm, respectively. The influence of the applied current and temperature on the electro-catalytic activity and selectivity of these materials was investigated. Among the two investigated electrodes, the pure Cu catalyst film showed the highest CO2 specific electrocatalytic reduction rates and higher selectivity to methanol formation compared to the Cu–C electrode, which was attributed to the higher particle size of the former and lower CuO/Cu ratio. The obtained results show potential interest for the possible use of electrical renewable energy for the transformation of CO2 into valuable products using low metal loading Cu based electrodes (0.5 mg Cu cm−2) prepared by sputteringSe desarrolló una nueva celda electrocatalítica en fase gaseosa que contiene una membrana de intercambio de protones (PEM) de baja temperatura para convertir electroquímicamente el CO 2 en compuestos orgánicos. Se prepararon dos catalizadores de cátodo basados ​​en Cu diferentes (Cu y Cu–C) mediante el método de deposición física de vapor (pulverización) y posteriormente se emplearon para la electrorreducción de CO 2 en fase gaseosa a diferentes temperaturas (70–90 °C). Los electrodos Cu y Cu–C preparados se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X (XRD), fotoemisión de rayos Xespectroscopía (XPS) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Como se reveló, el Cu está parcialmente oxidado en la superficie de las muestras y los catalizadores catódicos de Cu y Cu-C estaban compuestos por una película porosa, continua y homogénea con Cu nanocristalino con un tamaño de grano de 16 y 8 nm, respectivamente. Se investigó la influencia de la corriente y la temperatura aplicadas sobre la actividad electrocatalítica y la selectividad de estos materiales. Entre los dos electrodos investigados, la película de catalizador de Cu puro mostró la mayor cantidad de CO 2tasas específicas de reducción electrocatalítica y mayor selectividad para la formación de metanol en comparación con el electrodo de Cu-C, lo que se atribuyó al mayor tamaño de partícula del primero y a la menor relación CuO/Cu. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un potencial interés para el posible uso de energía eléctrica renovable para la transformación de CO 2 en productos valiosos utilizando electrodos basados ​​en Cu de baja carga de metal (0,5 mg Cu cm −2 ) preparados por pulverización catódica