67 research outputs found

    Diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de gestión de depósitos bancarios para la adqusición de bienes inmuebles de la compañía de promoción y desarrollo humano y social COOPUEBLO

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    El presente proyecto describe la implementación de un sistema de gestión de depósitos bancarios para la Compañía de Promoción y Desarrollo Humano y Social Coopueblo, la cual fue creada con el objetivo de ayudar a personas de escasos recursos económicos a adquirir un bien inmueble, para ello la persona interesada deberá convertirse en socio de esta institución. El software fue creado con el fin de ayudar a las personas que trabajan en la empresa, a llevar un control adecuado de las cuentas de los clientes, para ello el software cuenta con distintos módulos de administración dependiendo del tipo de usuario. Para la realización de este proyecto, primero se obtuvo una recopilación de la información de la compañía, con a fin de analizar las necesidades de los empleados de esta institución, y así realizar el diseño del sistema. Posteriormente se fueron creando módulos de software funcionales, los mismos que luego de ser sometidos a pruebas, mostraron los resultados esperados tanto por los empleados de la compañía, así como por el equipo de desarrollo del sistema

    Connexin-Based Channels and RhoA/ROCK Pathway in Angiotensin II-Induced Kidney Damage

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    The incidence of chronic kidney diseases is increasing worldwide, and there is no efficient therapy to reduce this phenomenon. The main therapies currently available focus on the control of blood pressure and the optimization of the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, it is known that in several models of kidney damage, the amounts of connexins are altered. On the other hand, fasudil, a selective ROCK blocker, has shown renoprotective effects. The beneficial effects of blocking the RhoA/ROCK pathway in renal function may be related to its action of reducing macrophage infiltration, inflammation, and oxidative stress (OS), its expression of extracellular matrix genes and proteinuria, or to its effects on connexin abundance. Even though a correlation has been found between renal damage, caused by an increase in the RAS activity, connexins, and the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway, it has not yet been possible to clearly determine its functional significance. Moreover, it has not been possible to identify the preponderance of this signaling pathway in the development of chronic kidney diseases. Here, we describe the advances in this subject

    Huaca Garagay Site Museum

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    El proyecto de Museo de Sitio Huaca Garagay, ubicado en el distrito de San Martín de Porres, en Lima, es una intervención arquitectónica – urbana, cuyo objetivo busca proteger y repotenciar la importancia de un espacio arqueológico abandonado, destruido e invadido durante su historia, consolidando este sector en un espacio público metropolitano. Haciendo esto, integramos este sector con la ciudad de Lima, pero también, se buscará que este proyecto genere un espacio comunitario para los vecinos de la zona, con la búsqueda de proteger el monumento arquitectónico ya existente en el lugar. Este proyecto se sustenta en bases teóricas, las cuales son desarrolladas en base al proceso de investigación, dando importancia a los recursos que se han tomado en los últimos 20 años para intervenir de manera armónica un resto arqueológico, teniendo como resultado una propuesta que se materializa en generar un vínculo entre la Arquitectura Prehispánica y la Arquitectura Contemporánea. La propuesta busca la mímesis entre lo existente (la Huaca Garagay) y lo nuevo (el Museo). La edificación tendrá en el primer nivel, a manera de excavación, espacios comunitarios (Biblioteca, Talleres) que permitirán la recreación y descanso en una “plaza hundida” central. El segundo nivel, que estará a nivel de la calle, tendrá como desarrollo el recorrido del Museo de Sitio y el Auditorio, y el último nivel, el restaurante. Todo conectado con un área de investigación, administración y servicios. Finalmente, se concluye que la propuesta tiene un resultado positivo en la sociedad, la ciudad y el entorno.The Huaca Garagay Site Museum project, located in San Martín de Porres district, in Lima, is an architectural-urban intervention, whose purpose seeks to protect and reinforce the importance of an archaeological space abandoned, destroyed and invaded during its history, consolidating this sector in a metropolitan public space. By doing this, I integrate this sector with the city of Lima, but also, this project will create a community space for the residents of the area, seeking to protect the architectural monument already existing in the place. This project is based on theoretical bases, which means that have been developed on the research process, giving importance to the resources that have been taken in the last 20 years to harmoniously intervene in an archaeological site, resulting in a proposal that materializes in generating a link between Pre-Hispanic architecture and Contemporary Architecture. The proposal seeks a mimesis between what exists (the Huaca Garagay) and what is new (the Museum), generating one only building. On its first level, as an excavation, will have community spaces (library, workshops) that will allow recreation and rest in a "sunken plaza” central. The second level, which will be at street level, will have the development of the Site Museum and the Auditorium, and the last level, the restaurant. Everything connected to research, administration and services area. Finally, it is concluded that the proposal has a positive result in society, the city and the environment.Tesi


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    Mobile Application Design: Sale of Clothes Through Electronic Commerce

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    "During the COVID-19 pandemic, small clothing sales companies lost economic income and customers due to a lack of digital transformation, causing the dismissal of many employees. Due to this problem, our objective is to design an ecommerce mobile application for the sale of clothes, so that Small and medium-sized enterprises dedicated to this area generate income and retain their customers. For this, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology was applied, because this methodology provides a structured way for companies or developers to visualize the development of the software, and for the validation by expert judgment, the survey and the questionnaire were used as instruments. Obtaining as a result a positive rating for the design of the mobile application and its acceptance to accommodate what is reflected. In conclusion, the e-commerce mobile application was successfully designed, backed by expert judgment, so that Small and medium-sized enterprises can offer their products and generate income, as well as build customer loyalty.

    Intrinsic motivation in the teaching-learning English process as a Foreign Language

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar los factores que influyen en la motivación intrínseca durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Esta fue una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo, ya que los datos se describieron, analizaron e interpretaron los datos con precisión y claridad; además, no hubo influencia en ninguna de las variables: la motivación intrínseca y el aprendizaje de inglés como Lengua Extranjera; por lo tanto, el investigador no tuvo influencia ni en el comportamiento ni en la naturaleza de las variables. Este fue también un estudio de campo, puesto que, los datos fueron recolectados directamente de los sujetos estudiados y del lugar donde ocurrieron los hechos, sin cambiar las condiciones. Se aplicó el instrumento del cuestionario, una encuesta compuesta por 12 preguntas cerradas y una pregunta abierta que fue aplicada a 68 estudiantes de Nivel III de inglés. Los resultados demostraron que la motivación intrínseca influye en el aprendizaje, los estudiantes manifestaron que no les gusta inglés, que solo estudian o hacen tareas porque necesitan ser promovidos al próximo nivel; además, no trabajan de manera autónoma o sienten la necesidad de repetir una tarea para mejorar su conocimiento; los estudiantes solo buscan obtener mínimas calificaciones que les permitan ser promovidos al próximo nivel. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes mencionaron que existen algunos factores que limitan su motivación por aprender inglés, entre esas tenemos: demasiados deberes, tareas, contenidos y número de horas asignadas a las clases de inglés; poco interés y paciencia de parte de los docentes al momento de explicar temas gramaticales; miedo a hablar causado por las críticas y burlas de sus compañeros. Se recomienda a los docentes buscar estrategias que motiven el desarrollo de la autoestima, curiosidad y autonomía de los estudiantes dentro de las clases de inglés. The main objective of this research was to identify the factors which influence in the intrinsic motivation during the teaching-learning English process as a Foreign Language. This was a qualitative descriptive research since the data was described, analyzed, and interpreted with clear and precisive terms; besides this research did not have influence in any of the variables; intrinsic motivation and English as a Foreign Language learning; therefore, the nature of the variables and their behavior were not manipulated by the researcher. This study was also a field research because data was collected directed from the studied individuals and from the scenario were the facts occurred, without changing the conditions. The instrument was the questionnaire, a survey with 12 open questions and one close question was applied to 68 Level III students. The results demonstrated that intrinsic motivation influences learning, students declared that they do not like English, they only study or do homework because they need to be promoted to the next level; besides they do not work autonomously or feel the necessity to repeat any task only with the purpose of improving their knowledge; they only want to obtain minimum grades which allow them to be promoted to the next level. In addition, students mentioned that there are some factors which restrict their motivation to learn English, some of them are excessive homework, tasks, contents, and number of hours assigned for English classes; little interest and patience from the teachers to explain grammar contents; students fear to speak because their classmates criticize and make fun of them. It is recommended that the teachers look for strategies to foster self-esteem, curiosity, and autonomy in the English classroom

    Formación y entrenamiento de ingenieros nucleares mediante el máster de Ciencia y Tecnología nuclear de la UPM

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    El Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear imparte los Programas oficiales de Máster y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear, que cuentan desde el año 2006 con la Mención de Calidad del Ministerio de Educación y desde este curso 2010-2011con la Mención a la Excelencia. El contenido del Máster abarca desde la tecnología nuclear de los reactores de fisión hasta el estudio de los combustibles y materiales para los futuros reactores de fusión tanto inercial como magnética

    Assesment of the QuickSee wavefront autorefractor for characterizing refractive errors in school-age children

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    Purpose To assess the performance of an open-view binocular handheld aberrometer (QuickSee) for diagnosing refractive errors in children. Methods 123 school-age children (9.9 ± 3.3 years) with moderate refractive error underwent autorefraction (AR) with a standard desktop device and subjective refraction (SR), with or without cycloplegia to determine their eyeglass prescription. Measurements with QuickSee (QS) were taken in 62 of these patients without cycloplegia (NC), and in 61 under cycloplegia (C). Differences in refraction values (AR vs SR vs QS) as well as the visual acuity (VA) achieved by the patients with each method (QS vs SR) were used to evaluate the performance of the device in measuring refractive error. Results The spherical equivalent refraction obtained by QS agreed within 0.5 D of the SR in 71% (NC) and 70% (C) of the cases. Agreement between the desktop autorefractor and SR for the same threshold was of 61% (NC) and 77% (C). VA resulting from QS refractions was equal to or better than that achieved by SR procedure in 77% (NC) and 74% (C) of the patients. Average improvement in VA with the QS refractions was of 8.6 and 13.4 optotypes for the NC and C groups respectively, while the SR procedure provided average improvements of 8.9 (NC) and 14.8 (C) optotypes. Conclusions The high level of agreement between QuickSee and subjective refraction together with the VA improvement achieved in both study groups using QuickSee refractions suggest that the device is a useful autorefraction tool for school-age children.Eduardo Lage is funded by the Ramon y Cajal program from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (RYC-2016- 21125). Pablo Perez-Merino was funded by the Juan de la Cierva program from the same Ministry (FJCI-2015-27101). Carlos S. Hernandez and Andrea Gil are funded by the Madrid Regional Government through IND2019/TIC-17116 grant PlenOptika Inc. provided support in the form of salaries for authors AG, MR, CSH, IC, SD, and DL, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and decision to publish

    Initiatives and facilities for E&T in the nuclear science and technology master at UPM

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    The present Master/Doctorate in Nuclear Science and Technology programme implemented in the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (NED-UPM) has the excellence qualification by the Spanish Ministry of Education. One of the main of this programme is the training for the development of methodologies of simulation, design and advanced analysis, including experimental tools, necessary in research and in professional work in the nuclear field

    Cross neutralization of SARS‐CoV‐2 omicron subvariants after repeated doses of COVID‐19 mRNA vaccines

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    We have measured the humoral response to messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines in COVID-19 naïve and convalescent individuals. Third doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines induced a significant increase in potency and breadth of neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VoC) including Omicron subvariants BA.1, BA.2, and BA.2.12.1, that were cross-neutralized at comparable levels and less for BA.4/5. This booster effect was especially important in naïve individuals that only after the third dose achieved a level that was comparable with that of vaccinated COVID-19 convalescents except for BA.4/5. Avidity of RBD-binding antibodies was also significantly increased in naïve individuals after the third dose, indicating an association between affinity maturation and cross neutralization of VoC. These results suggest that at least three antigenic stimuli by infection or vaccination with ancestral SARS-CoV-2 sequences are required to induce high avidity cross-neutralizing antibodies. Nevertheless, the circulation of new subvariants such as BA.4/5 with partial resistance to neutralization will have to be closely monitored and eventually consider for future vaccine developments