62 research outputs found

    Síndrome de burnout en el profesorado de la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (México)

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el síndrome de burnout o desgaste emocional en 250 docentes de la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, México. Para ello se utilizó el Inventario de Burnoutde Maslach, que mide tres dimensiones: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y realización personal y se compararon los resultados de los docentes de distintos centros universitarios y en función del sexo y de la edad. El análisis de los resultados con las pruebas estadísticas t de Student y ANOVA mostró una diferencia significativa (p< 0’05) en la dimensión realización personal entre el personal de las Facultades de Enfermería y Contaduría-Administración. De igual forma se encontró que los hombres experimentan más agotamiento emocional y despersonalización que las mujeres (p< 0’05). Aldrete, Preciado, Franco, Pérez, y Aranda (2008) explican que estas diferencias pueden radicar en qué la práctica docente se relaciona más como una profesión femenina. Por último, los resultados arrojaron que los docentes más jóvenes y con menos años de servicio en la institución, presentaron altos niveles de agotamiento emocional y despersonalización a comparación de los docentes con más edad y más años de servicio (p< 0’05).Theaim of the study was to analyze the Burnout Syndrome or emotional burnout in 250 teachers of the Autonomous University of Campeche, Mexico. For which the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used, which measures three dimensions: Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Realization. The resultswereexaminedwiththestatistical t Student´stests and ANOVA. A significant difference was found (p<.05) in the Personal RealizationbetweentheFaculties of Nursing and Accounting-Administration. Similarly, men were found to experience more emotional exhaustion and depersonalization than women (p<.05). Aldrete, Preciado, Franco, Pérez, and Aranda (2008) explain that these differences may lie in what the teaching practice is more related to as a female profession. Finally, theresultsshowedthatyoungerteacherswith fewer years of service in the institution had high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization compared to teachers with more age and more years of service (p<.05)

    Desarrollo de capas transparentes con propiedades eléctricas sobre vidrio plano mediante pulverización catódica de ITO

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    En la actualidad existe un conjunto de aplicaciones industriales en las que es interesante disponer sobre un vidrio una capa transparente con determinadas propiedades conductoras: aislamiento frente a radiación electromagnética, vidrio calefactabels, electrodos transparentes para módulos fotovoltaicos o pantallas de señalización y multimedia. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la deposición mediante la técnica de sputtering asistida por campo magnético de capas transparentes y conductoras de ITO (indium tin oxide) sobre vidrio plano; caracterización de las magnitudes que determinan la naturaleza de la capa: índice de refracción, espectros de transmisión y reflexión, y conductividad, y la final optimización del proceso de deposición

    Assessment of MALDI-TOF MS as Alternative Tool for Streptococcus suis Identification

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    The accuracy of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for identifying Streptococcus suis isolates obtained from pigs, wild animals, and humans was evaluated using a PCR-based identification assay as the gold standard. In addition, MALDI-TOF MS was compared with the commercial multi-tests Rapid ID 32 STREP system. From the 129 S. suis isolates included in the study and identified by the molecular method, only 31 isolates (24.03%) had score values ≥2.300 and 79 isolates (61.24%) gave score values between 2.299 and 2.000. After updating the currently available S. suis MALDI Biotyper database with the spectra of three additional clinical isolates of serotypes 2, 7, and 9, most isolates had statistically significant higher score values (mean score: 2.65) than those obtained using the original database (mean score: 2.182). Considering the results of the present study, we suggest using a less restrictive threshold score of ≥2.000 for reliable species identification of S. suis. According to this cut-off value, a total of 125 S. suis isolates (96.9%) were correctly identified using the updated database. These data indicate an excellent performance of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of S. suis

    Deciphering the chemical dialogue between Bacillus and pathogenic fungi.

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    In nature, bacteria frequently form bacterial communities known as biofilms, where cells are embedded within an extracellular matrix (ECM) that provides protection against external aggressions or facilitates the efficient uptake and utilization of available resources. Interactions with other microbes can notably alter the community structure and, consequently, the nature of the relationship with the environment1. Previous studies of our laboratory have demonstrated the significance of biofilm formation in the antagonistic interaction between Bacillus and the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis in the melon phyllosphere2. Our hypothesis is that the ECM plays a complementary role to the structural aspects of this antagonistic interaction. In this study, we dissect how the different components of Bacillus ECM mediate the adhesion of bacterial cells to Botrytis hyphae, which could enhance the efficient release of antifungal metabolites. We also describe how several purified components of the ECM and specific secondary metabolites of Bacillus participate in the chemical communication between Bacillus and Botrytis, thereby altering the physiology and metabolism of Botrytis. Our findings unveil that during this antagonistic interaction, Botrytis secrets different oxylipins, defence molecules capable of killing Bacillus. In response, Bacillus increases the production of several secondary metabolites, which appears to have antifungal effects. Our results underscore the urgency of further investigation of these interactions with the aim of identifying and describing adaptation processes that either lead to the exclusion or coexistence of two initially antagonistic microorganisms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    GMP-Compliant Manufacturing of NKG2D CAR Memory T Cells Using CliniMACS Prodigy

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    Natural killer group 2D (NKG2D) is a natural killer (NK) cell-activating receptor that recognizes different stress-induced ligands that are overexpressed in a variety of childhood and adult tumors. NKG2D chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells have shown potent anticancer effects against different cancer types. A second-generation NKG2D CAR was generated by fusing full-length human NKG2D to 4-1BB costimulatory molecule and CD3ζ signaling domain. Patient-derived CAR T cells show limitations including inability to manufacture CAR T cells from the patients' own T cells, disease progression, and death prior to return of engineered cells. The use of allogeneic T cells for CAR therapy could be an attractive alternative, although undesirable graft vs. host reactions may occur. To avoid such adverse effects, we used CD45RA- memory T cells, a T-cell subset with less alloreactivity, as effector cells to express NKG2D CAR. In this study, we developed a protocol to obtain large-scale NKG2D CAR memory T cells for clinical use by using CliniMACS Prodigy, an automated closed system compliant with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines. CD45RA+ fraction was depleted from healthy donors' non-mobilized apheresis using CliniMACS CD45RA Reagent and CliniMACS Plus device. A total of 108 CD45RA- cells were cultured in TexMACS media supplemented with 100 IU/mL IL-2 and activated at day 0 with T Cell TransAct. Then, we used NKG2D-CD8TM-4-1BB-CD3ζ lentiviral vector for cell transduction (MOI = 2). NKG2D CAR T cells expanded between 10 and 13 days. Final cell products were analyzed to comply with the specifications derived from the quality and complementary controls carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Spanish Regulatory Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) for the manufacture of investigational advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). We performed four validations. The manufacturing protocol here described achieved large numbers of viable NKG2D CAR memory T cells with elevated levels of NKG2D CAR expression and highly cytotoxic against Jurkat and 531MII tumor target cells. CAR T cell final products met release criteria, except for one showing myc overexpression and another with viral copy number higher than five. Manufacturing of clinical-grade NKG2D CAR memory T cells using CliniMACS Prodigy is feasible and reproducible, widening clinical application of CAR T cell therapies.This study was funded in part by the National Health Service of Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), FONDOS FEDER grant (FIS) PI18/01301, by the Unoentrecienmil Foundation and by CRIS Cancer Foundation to beat Cancer (http://criscancer.org).LF, AF, IM, and AE are granted by CRIS Cancer Foundation to beat cancer.S

    Brood parasitism is associated with increased bacterial contamination of host eggs: bacterial loads of host and parasitic eggs

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    Factors related to bacterial environment of nests are of primary interest for understanding the causes of embryo infection and the evolution of antimicrobial defensive traits in birds. Nest visitors such as parasites could act as vectors for bacteria and/or affect the hygienic conditions of nests and hence influence the nest bacterial environment. In the present study, we explored some predictions of this hypothetical scenario in the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)-magpie (Pica pica) system of brood parasitism. Great spotted cuckoos visit the nests of their magpie hosts and frequently damage some of the host eggs when laying eggs or on subsequent visits. Therefore, it represents a good system for testing the effect of nest visitors on the bacterial environment of nests. In accordance with this hypothesis, we found that the bacterial load of magpie eggshells was greater in parasitized nests, which may suggest that brood parasitism increases the probability of bacterial infection of magpie eggs. Moreover, comparisons of bacterial loads of cuckoo and magpie eggs revealed that: (1) cuckoo eggshells harboured lower bacterial densities than those of their magpie hosts in the same nests and (2) the prevalence of bacteria inside unhatched eggs was higher for magpies than for great spotted cuckoos. These interspecific differences were predicted because brood parasitic eggs (but not host eggs) always experience the bacterial environments of parasitized nests. Therefore, the results obtained in the present study suggest that parasitic eggs are better adapted to environments with a high risk of bacterial contamination than those of their magpie hosts

    Optimizing the procedure to manufacture clinical‐grade NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy

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    Natural killer (NK) cells represent promising tools for cancer immunotherapy. We report the optimization of an NK cell activation–expansion process and its validation on clinical‐scale. Methods: RPMI‐1640, stem cell growth medium (SCGM), NK MACS and TexMACS were used as culture mediums. Activated and expanded NK cells (NKAE) were obtained by coculturing total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) or CD45RA+ cells with irradiated K562mbIL15‐41BBL or K562mbIL21‐41BBL. Fold increase, NK cell purity, activation status, cytotoxicity and transcriptome profile were analyzed. Clinical‐grade NKAE cells were manufactured in CliniMACS Prodigy. Results: NK MACS and TexMACs achieved the highest NK cell purity and lowest T cell contamination. Obtaining NKAE cells from CD45RA+ cells was feasible although PBMC yielded higher total cell numbers and NK cell purity than CD45RA+ cells. The highest fold expansion and NK purity were achieved by using PBMC and K562mbIL21‐41BBL cells. However, no differences in activation and cytotoxicity were found when using either NK cell source or activating cell line. Transcriptome profile showed to be different between basal NK cells and NKAE cells expanded with K562mbIL21‐41BBL or K562mbIL15‐41BBL. Clinical‐grade manufactured NKAE cells complied with the specifications from the Spanish Regulatory Agency. Conclusions: GMP‐grade NK cells for clinical use can be obtained by using different starting cells and aAPCThis work was supported by the National Health Service of Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), FONDOS FEDER grant (FIS) PI18/01301 to Pérez-Martínez A, CRIS Foundation to Beat Cancer to Escudero A, Fernández A; Navarro A, Mirones I, and Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado and La Sonrisa de Álex to Vela

    Balance y retos de la epidemiología ante el tercer año de pandemia

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    Artículo de divulgación publicado en The Conversation España el día 01/01/2023.En 2022, la covid-19 ha seguido impactado fuertemente en la vigilancia de todas las enfermedades, transmisibles o no. Incluso los programas preventivos, como los de cribado para la detección precoz del cáncer, se han visto afectados.N

    Balance y retos de la epidemiología ante el tercer año de pandemia

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    En 2022, la covid-19 ha seguido impactado fuertemente en la vigilancia de todas las enfermedades, transmisibles o no. Incluso los programas preventivos, como los de cribado para la detección precoz del cáncer, se han visto afectados