1,523 research outputs found

    Exploiting graphic processing units parallelism to improve intelligent data acquisition system performance in JET's correlation reflectometer

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    The performance of intelligent data acquisition systems relies heavily on their processing capabilities and local bus bandwidth, especially in applications with high sample rates or high number of channels. This is the case of the self adaptive sampling rate data acquisition system installed as a pilot experiment in KG8B correlation reflectometer at JET. The system, which is based on the ITMS platform, continuously adapts the sample rate during the acquisition depending on the signal bandwidth. In order to do so it must transfer acquired data to a memory buffer in the host processor and run heavy computational algorithms for each data block. The processing capabilities of the host CPU and the bandwidth of the PXI bus limit the maximum sample rate that can be achieved, therefore limiting the maximum bandwidth of the phenomena that can be studied. Graphic processing units (GPU) are becoming an alternative for speeding up compute intensive kernels of scientific, imaging and simulation applications. However, integrating this technology into data acquisition systems is not a straight forward step, not to mention exploiting their parallelism efficiently. This paper discusses the use of GPUs with new high speed data bus interfaces to improve the performance of the self adaptive sampling rate data acquisition system installed on JET. Integration issues are discussed and performance evaluations are presente

    On the perturbative S-matrix of generalized sine-Gordon models

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    Motivated by its relation to the Pohlmeyer reduction of AdS_5 x S^5 superstring theory we continue the investigation of the generalized sine-Gordon model defined by SO(N+1)/SO(N) gauged WZW theory with an integrable potential. Extending our previous work (arXiv:0912.2958) we compute the one-loop two-particle S-matrix for the elementary massive excitations. In the N = 2 case corresponding to the complex sine-Gordon theory it agrees with the charge-one sector of the quantum soliton S-matrix proposed in hep-th/9410140. In the case of N > 2 when the gauge group SO(N) is non-abelian we find a curious anomaly in the Yang-Baxter equation which we interpret as a gauge artifact related to the fact that the scattered particles are not singlets under the residual global subgroup of the gauge group

    Application of maize and efficient rhizospheric microorganisms for the remediation of saline soils

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    Soil salinity is a serious problem causing loss of fertility, as plants facing salt stress suffer alterations in physiology that adversely affects its growth. This work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of combinations of microorganisms for the recovery of crop productivity in soils affected by different levels of salinity (0, 2.5 and 5 gNaCl.kg-1). The strategy relied on the culture in greenhouse conditions of a high value food and energetic crop (maize) inoculated with soil plant growth promoting microbiota – an arbuscular mychorrizal fungi (Rhizophagus irregularis), a rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas reactans) and a bacterial endophyte (Pantoea ananatis). Plant biomass was assessed at harvest and differences between treatments were analysed. As the work also aimed to relate the effects of bioinoculation to alterations in plant response to salt stress, further parameters were assessed. Elevated salt levels induce ionic stress, with consequent nutrient imbalance; therefore, levels of Na, K and Ca were determined in plant tissues. As salt is also a major stress to soil organisms, rhizosphere samples were analysed to follow up of microbiota survival by molecular biology techniques (DGGE), assessing the effect of soil salinity at the different tested levels on the inoculated soil microorganisms persistence and relationship with the existing community. The collected information allowed understanding the effects of the applied biologically based treatments in the quality of the tested saline soils, on the dynamics of the present microbiota and on maize growth, focusing on the further development of cropping strategies for saline soils, grounded on sustainable agriculture practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathogenesis of an experimental mycobacteriosis in an apple snail

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    In this work, we aimed at investigating cell and tissue responses of the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata, following the inoculation of the zoonotic pathogen Mycobacterium marinum. Different doses were tested (10, 20, 65, and 100 M CFU) and the mortality rate was negligible. The histopathogenesis was followed at 4, 9, and 28 days after inoculation. Overt histopathological lesions were consistently observed after the two largest doses only. In the lung, marked hemocyte aggregations, including intravascular nodule formation, were observed within the large blood veins that run along the floor and roof of this organ. Hemocyte aggregations were found occluding many of the radial sinuses supplying the respiratory lamina. Acid-fast bacilli were contained in the different hemocyte aggregations. In addition, hemocytes were observed infiltrating the storage tissue, which makes up most of the lung wall, and the connective tissue of the mantle edge. Additionally, signs of degradation in the storage tissue were observed in the lung wall on day 28. In the kidney, nodules were formed associated with the constitutive hemocyte islets and with the subpallial hemocoelic space, in whose hemocytes the acid-fast structures were found. Electron microscopy analysis revealed the presence of bacteria-containing phagosomes within hemocytes located in the surface zone of the islets. Additionally, electron-dense spheroidal structures, which are likely remnants of digested mycobacteria, were observed in close proximity to the hemocytes’ nuclei. The size attained by the hemocyte nodules varied during the observation period, but there was no clear dependence on dose or time after inoculation. Nodules were also formed subpallially. Some of these nodules showed 2–3 layers with different cellular composition, suggesting they may also form through successive waves of circulating cells reaching them. Nodular cores, including those formed intravascularly in the lung, would exhibit signs of hemocyte dedifferentiation, possibly proliferation, and death. Hemocyte congestion was observed in the hemocoelic spaces surrounding the pallial ends of the renal crypts, and the renal crypts themselves showed de-epithelization, particularly on day 28. The diverse cellular responses of P. canaliculata to M. marinum inoculation and the high resilience of this snail to the pathogen make it a suitable species for studying mycobacterial infections and their effects on cellular and physiological processes

    Non-Markovian stochastic description of quantum transport in photosynthetic systems

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    We analyze several aspects of the transport dynamics in the LH1-RC core of purple bacteria, which consists basically in a ring of antenna molecules that transport the energy into a target molecule, the reaction center, placed in the center of the ring. We show that the periodicity of the system plays an important role to explain the relevance of the initial state in the transport efficiency. This picture is modified, and the transport enhanced for any initial state, when considering that molecules have different energies, and when including their interaction with the environment. We study this last situation by using stochastic Schr{\"o}dinger equations, both for Markovian and non-Markovian type of interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Tumor testicular de saco vitelino con metástasis a pleura: primer caso reportado en la literatura

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    ResumenEl cáncer testicular es el tumor urológico maligno más común en hombres jóvenes. Más del 90% corresponden a tumores de células germinales. El objetivo del estudio es el reporte del primer caso de cáncer testicular de tumores de células germinales con metástasis a pleura.Paciente masculino de 21 años, inicia su padecimiento con dolor en hemitórax derecho; la radiografía de tórax presenta una radioopacidad en lóbulo medio de pulmón derecho y la tomografía de tórax detecta una masa intratorácica y extrapulmonar. La biopsia torácica guiada por ultrasonido muestra una masa sólida adosada a la pared torácica, con efecto de desplazamiento sobre la pleura, conocido como «efecto en cola de cometa». La biopsia fue positiva para lesión neoplásica maligna poco diferenciada de la pleura. A la exploración encontramos testículo derecho con tumoración en polo inferior el cual se corrobora por ultrasonido. Los marcadores tumorales solo con elevación de alfa-fetoproteína 295.87ng/dL y deshidrogenasa láctica en 2,380UI/L. En la tomografía de abdomen se identificó actividad ganglionar interaortocava. Realizamos orquiectomía radical derecha. Reporte patológico: tumor testicular de saco vitelino, pT1N2M1S2.En este caso se pudo comprobar que las metástasis fueron a nivel pleural, que lo ubica como una forma de diseminación excepcional.AbstractTesticular cancer is the most common malignant urologic tumor in young men. More than 90% are germ cell tumors. The aim of this study was to report the first case of germ cell tumor testicular cancer with metastasis to the pleura.A 21-year-old man had disease onset with pain in the right hemithorax. The chest x-ray showed radio-opacity in the middle lobe of the right lung. A chest tomography scan detected an intrathoracic and extrapulmonary mass. Ultrasound-guided thoracic biopsy revealed a solid mass attached to the thoracic wall, displaced over the pleura, known as the “comet tail effect”. The biopsy was positive for a poorly differentiated malignant neoplastic lesion of the pleura. Upon physical examination we encountered a right testis with a tumor at the lower pole; this was corroborated through ultrasound. In relation to tumor markers, only alpha-fetoprotein was elevated at 295.87ng/dl and lactate dehydrogenase at 2,380 IU/l. An abdominal tomography scan identified interaortocaval lymph node activity. We performed a right radical orchiectomy and the pathology report was testicular yolk sac tumor, pT1N2M1S2.In our patient, metastasis at the level of the pleura was confirmed, making this a case with an exceptional form of spread

    Miocarditis en niños con fiebre por dengue hemorrágico en un hospital universitario de colombia

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    Objetivo Determinar la frecuencia de miocarditis en niños con fiebre por Dengue hemorrá­gico-FDH, en el Huila, Colombia.Materiales y Métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de observación prospectiva, entre Marzo del 2005 y Octubre de 2006. Se observaron 102  pacientes con dia­gnóstico de FDH, basado en los criterios de la OMS, para identificar la frecuencia de miocarditis.Resultados Un 10,7 % de los niños presentaron miocarditis.  Solo un caso con mio­carditis  fue clasificado como dengue II; los otros diez casos fueron dengue III y IV. La diferencia en la presentación de miocarditis en los estadíos más severos de den­gue fue estadísticamente significativa, con un  p=0.0004. Diez de los pacientes  tuvieron miocarditis que respondió al soporte inotrópico tem­prano. En el electrocar­diograma (EKG), dos pacientes presentaron taquiarritmias, uno tipo supraventricular y otro ventricular, el resto mostró bradicardia sinusal con trastornos de repolarización y bajos voltajes. El ecocardiograma se realizó en 50 % de los niños, encontrándose derrame pericárdico grado I–II en dos pacientes y uno con la fracción de eyección muy disminuida. La estancia promedio fue de 7 días. Un paciente presentó desen­lace fatal