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    La era de los agentes antimicrobianos se inicia a principios de 1935 con el hallazgo de las sulfonamidas por Domagk. En 1940, Ernest Chain y Howard Florey manifestaron que la penicilina observada por Alexander Fleming en 1929 podía convertirse en una sustancia quimioterápica efectiva. La llamada Edad de Oro de los antibióticos comienza en 1941 con la producción de la penicilina y su empleo en la práctica clínica. Durante los siguientes años las investigaciones se centraron fundamentalmente alrededor de las sustancias antibacterianas de origen microbiano denominadas antibióticos

    Physical Fitness and Body Shape (Physical Shape)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine Zulu women’s perceptions of their body image relative to weight status attending a noncommunicable disease (NCD) clinic in South Africa. A cross-sectional exploratory study design was used and included 328 (91%) Zulu women who were sampled systematically. The women were subjected to anthropometric measurements and engaged the Stunkard?s body image figures to determine perception. The study showed that 61% of the sample was in the 40–59 age strata. The mean body mass index (BMI) was 37kg/m2 (±9.41 kg/m2), with over 90% being overweight or obese. A discrepancy between Zulu women?s perceived body image and actual BMI existed in all weight status categories with overweight and obesity demonstrating the widest variations (p < 0.000). Women perceived themselves to be thinner than their actual BMI. More than 99% associated an underweight body image to one with disease. Diabetes mellitus (72%) was the most frequent NCD encountered. Only 23% with this condition correctly perceived their body image. It was shown that the negative impact of preferring a larger body image in Zulu women with preexisting NCDs could be refueling their existing comorbidities

    Fundamentos para el desarrollo del capital intelectual en la economía informacional

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    El presente trabajo trata de realizar una aproximación reflexiva en torno a las bases fundamentales sobre las que poder potenciar el desarrollo del llamado Capital Intelectual –activos intangibles o inmateriales– como fuente directa de riqueza y motor de competitividad en la nueva economía informacional. Partiendo de un breve recorrido acerca de las principales implicaciones que las actuales transformaciones sociotécnicas tienen sobre las características del empleo, la lógica del diseño organizativo e inclusive del perfil de requerimientos del trabajador, los autores reflexionan de manera crítica sobre algunas características sensibles de ese Capital Intelectual que explicarían en gran medida los altos niveles de desempleo en nuestro país. Concretamente se centrarán en los niveles de formación de la población en relación con el empleo y en ciertos factores o elementos culturales y psicosociales que obstaculizarían la iniciativa empresarial entre la población española. Por último, atendiendo a las tendencias tecno-económicas y organizativas que van configurando la sociedad del conocimiento los autores proponen una doble estrategia de actuación que fortalezca el desarrollo del Capital Intelectual. Así en el ámbito educacional, sugieren incluir algunos elementos formativos claves que resultan indispensables considerar en el diseño de un nuevo modelo educativo que sea funcional con los parámetros de la nueva economía emergente. Respecto al ámbito empresarial-organizacional elaboran un modelo de potenciación del Capital Intelectual en la empresa antecedido por el desarrollo de un conjunto de factores sensibles que engloban bajo el nombre de Capital Social, ya que si el conocimiento como bien intangible cobra relevancia como generadora de riqueza, la dimensión social y psicológica que acompaña y se mezcla con aquélla no puede ser ajena a esta nueva lógica de desarrollo

    Digestibilidad in vivo en cuyes alimentados con cuatro variedades de Brachiaria spp

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    The development in the production of guinea pig (Cavalia porcellus), as an alternative source of protein for the population, is an initiative that has been gaining strength in Colombia; considering that the species Brachiaria grasses, represent a source of fiber and energy for the tropics, its inclusion in diets for C. porcellus is limited by the lack of information on its nutritional value and digestive harnessing in these animals, therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the nutritional value and digestibility coefficients of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), fat (GR) and crude fiber (CF), and estimate the nitrogen-free extract (ENN), percentage of total digestible nutrients (TDN), gross energy (Mcal/kg MS) (EB), digestible ( ED) and metabolic (EM). The forages and treatments used were: (Brachiaria hybrid cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv. amargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) and Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). For the experiment twelve creole male Cavalia porcellus were used, with an average weight of 778 ± 10 g, installed in metabolic cages, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments, four species of Brachiaria and three replicates each one. The amount of forage consumed ad libitum was weighty, and also, they were collected and weighed feces for six days, to later analyze them in the laboratory, in order to estimate their digestibility coefficients and energy distribution. Digestibility coefficients of MS were higher (P&lt;0.05) for B. decumbens and B. brizantha cv marandú (0.80 and 0.88). Likewise, the digestibility coefficients of CP, GR, CF, ENN and EB were higher (P&lt;0.05) for these same fodder, observing, the highest ratio in CP of B. brizantha cv marandú (0.90) and the lowest in CF of B. brizantha cv toledo (0.66). B. decumbens was the best forage profiteer by C. porcellus due to lower fecal energy (EF) wasted (15.5%), leaving more energy for metabolic functions compared with other forages, being its EF 25.4, 21.4 and 22.6% for the B. híbrida cv. mulatto grass, B. brizantha cv. toledo and B. brizantha cv. marandú respectively. The digestible energy and metabolic was higher in B. decumbens despite its lower content PC (6%) compared to B. brizantha cv. marandú (7.8%). C. porcellus, grasses, digestibility, lesser species.El desarrollo en la producción del cuy (Cavia porcellus), como fuente alternativa de proteína para la población, es una iniciativa que ha venido tomando fuerza en Colombia; teniendo en cuenta que las especies gramíneas del género Braquiaria, representan una fuente de fibra y energía para el trópico, su inclusión en dietas para cuyes es limitada por la escasa información disponible sobre su valor nutritivo y su aprovechamiento digestivo en estos animales, por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el valor nutricional y los coeficientes de digestibilidad de la materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), grasa (GR) y fibra cruda (FC), y estimar el extracto no nitrogenado (ENN), porcentaje de nutrientes digestible totales (NDT), energía (Mcal/kg MS) bruta (EB), digestible (ED) y metabólica (EM). Los forrajes utilizados y tratamientos fueron: Brachiaria hibrido cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv amargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) y Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). Para el experimento se emplearon doce cuyes machos criollos, con un peso promedio de 778 ± 10 g, instalados en jaulas metabólicas, distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos, cuatro especies de Braquiaria y tres replicas cada uno. Se pesó la cantidad de forraje consumido ad libitum, y también se recolectaron y pesaron las heces durante seis días, para posteriormente analizarlas en el laboratorio, con el fin de estimar sus coeficientes de digestibilidad y la distribución de la energía. Los coeficientes de digestibilidad de MS fueron superiores (P&lt;0.05) para pasto amargo y marandú (0.80 y 0.88). Así mismo, los coeficientes de digestibilidad de la PC, GR, FC, ENN y EB fueron superiores (P&lt;0.05) para estos mismos forrajes, observándose, el mayor coeficiente en la PC del pasto marandú (0.90) y el más bajo en la FC del pasto toledo (0.66). El pasto amargo fue el forraje mejor aprovechado por los cuyes, debido a una menor energía fecal (EF) desperdiciada (15.5%), dejando mayor disponibilidad de energía para las funciones metabólicas en comparación con los otros forrajes, siendo su EF del 25.4, 21.4 y 22.6% para el pasto mulato, toledo y marandú respectivamente. La energía digestible y metabólica fue mayor en pasto amargo a pesar de su menor contenido PC (6%) en comparación con el marandú (7.8%).O desenvolvimento na produção de porquinhos-da-índia (Cavalia porcellus), como uma fonte alternativa de proteínas para a população, é uma iniciativa que vem ganhando força na Colômbia; considerando que as espécies gramíneas de Brachiaria, representam uma fonte de fibra e energia para os trópicos, o inclusão em dietas para Cavalia porcellus é limitada pela falta de informação sobre o seu valor nutritivo e a sua utilização digestivo nestes animais, portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o valor nutritivo e coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), gordura (GR) e fibra bruta (FB), e estimar o extrato não nitrogenado (ENN), porcentagem de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), energia bruta (Mcal/kg MS) (EB), digestiva (ED) e metabólica (EM). Forragem e tratamentos utilizados foram: (Brachiaria híbrida cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv. mmargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) e Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). Para o experimento foram utilizados doze machos crioulas Cavalia porcellus, com um peso médio de 778 ± 10 g, instalados em gaiolas metabólicas, distribuídos em um desenho inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, quatro espécies de Brachiaria e três repetições cada um. É peso a quantidade de forragem consumida ad libitum, e também foram recolhidos e pesados fezes durante seis dias, para depois analisá-los no laboratório, a fim de estimar seus coeficientes de digestibilidade e distribuição de energia. Coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS foram maiores (P&lt;0.05) para B. decumbens e B. brizantha cv marandú (0.80 e 0.88). Da mesma forma, o coeficientes de digestibilidade da PB, GR, FC, ENN e EB foram maiores (P&lt;0.05) para estes mesmos forragem, observados, o rácio mais elevado no PC o B. briantha cv. &nbsp;marandú (0.90) ea menor em FC o B. brizantha cv. toledo (0.66). B. decumbens foi o melhor gramínea forrageira utilizada por C. porcellus devido à menor energia fecal (EF) desperdiçado (15.5%), deixando mais energia para as funções metabólicas em comparação com outras forrageiras, siendo sua EF 25.4, 21.4 e 22.6% para a grama B. híbrida cv. mulato, B. brizantha cv. toledo e B. brizantha cv. marandú respectivamente. A energia digestível e metabólica o grama B. decumbens foi maior, apesar de seu PC de conteúdo inferior (6%) em comparação com B. brizantha cv. marandú (7.8%)

    Índice de progreso social del distrito de San Juan Lurigancho

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    San Juan de Lurigancho es uno de los distritos más representativos del Perú, no solo por ser el más poblado del país, sino por ser producto de la convergencia de una gran diversidad de idiosincrasias y procedencias, surgidas a raíz de los procesos migratorios desde inicios de la colonia hasta la explosión demográfica en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Es en este contexto que el Índice de Progreso Social (IPS) es de vital importancia pues ayuda a caracterizar y develar la calidad de vida de los más de un millón de personas que habitan el distrito, más allá de indicadores estrictamente económicos; permitiendo identificar las brechas de progreso social, en términos de necesidades humanas básicas, fundamentos de bienestar y oportunidades para todos los ciudadanos. En consecuencia, la presente investigación tuvo como propósito calcular el modelo del IPS del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, partiendo de su división en cuatro zonas geográficas y recolectando información tanto de fuentes primarias como secundarias; con el fin de establecer el nivel de progreso social de cada una de ellas, teniendo en cuenta las dimensiones, componentes e indicadores establecidos por la metodología. Así pues el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho alcanzó un IPS de 53.40, que lo situaron en la categoría baja; a nivel de dimensiones, tanto fundamentos de bienestar como oportunidades se ubicaron en la categoría baja; y a nivel de componentes las mayores oportunidades de mejora se mostraron en: seguridad personal, sostenibilidad ambiental y el acceso a la educación superior; además se estableció que las zonas más críticas son la tres y cuatro con un nivel de progreso social muy bajo y bajo, respectivamente. Estos resultados mostraron una realidad que requiere de atención inmediata por parte de las autoridades y actores sociales involucrados; para ello, se formularon recomendaciones que tienen como finalidad actuar como fuente para implementar las iniciativas necesarias a través de las entidades competentes, que permitan potenciar la merecida calidad de vida de sus habitantes.San Juan de Lurigancho is one of the most representative districts of Peru, not only because it is the most populous in the country but also it is the product of the convergence of a great diversity of idiosyncrasies and provenances, arisen as a result of the migratory processes since the beginning of the colony until the demographic explosion in the second half of the twentieth century. Into this context, the Social Progress Index (SPI) is of vital importance as it helps to characterize and reveal the quality of life, of more than one million people that live in the district, beyond strictly economic indicators, allowing identify the gaps in social progress in terms of basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunities for all citizens. Consequently, the present investigation aims to calculate the model of SPI of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, starting by its division into four geographical zones and collecting information from primary and secondary sources in order to establish the level of social progress in each of them, taking into account the dimensions, components and indicators stablished by the methodology. In that way, the district of San Juan de Lurigancho got a SPI of 53.40, locating it in the low level of the scale; at the level of dimensions, both foundations of wellbeing and opportunities located in the low category; and at the component level the mayor improvement opportunities are into: personal safety, environmental quality and access to advanced education; additionally it was stablished that the most critical zones are the three and four, with a very low and low level of social progress, respectively. These results showed a reality that requires immediate attention from the authorities and social actors involved; in that way, recommendations were formulated which are intended to act as a source for implementing the necessary initiatives through the competent entities that allows potentiate the deserved quality of life of its inhabitants.Tesi

    Similarities between the lipid proile of Mexican patients with lupus and the general population

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    Premature cardiovascular events have been observed in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, but the reason for this accelerated process is still debatable; although traditional risk factors are more prevalent in such patients than in the general population, the do not seem to fully explain that enhanced risk. One of the most important conditions is a proatherogenic lipid proile. There is not enough data about it in Mexican SLE patients. Objective: To establish the differences in the lipid proiles between Mexican patients with SLE and the general population. Material and methods: Observational, transversal, descriptive and comparative study, between SLE patients and age-sex-matched healthy volunteers. We performed a full lipid proile (by spectrophotometry) 14 hours of fast. The results obtained were analyzed by the statistical program SPSS® Statistics version 17. Results: We studied the full lipid proiles of 138 subjects, 69 with a diagnosis of SLE and 69 agesex- matched healthy volunteers; 95.7% were females and 4.3% males. Average age was 30 years; average body mass index (BMI) 25.96 ± 5.96 kg/m² in SLE patients and 26.72 ± 4.36 kg/m² in the control group (p = 0.396). Average of total cholesterol 156 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 169.4 mg/dl in the control group (p =0.028); average of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol 85.27 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 97.57 mg/dl in the control group (p = 0.023). Conclusions: We did not ind statistical differences in the lipid proiles among patients and healthy volunteers, which could explain increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality observed in SLE patient

    Analysis of a Fundamental Procedure for Solving the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem Applied to Simple Systems

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    Heat transfer phenomena develop in various natural and artificially created processes. Fundamental laws of physics allow the transfer mechanisms to be classified; however, describing the phenomena is relatively complex, even if the analysis is limited to conduction. In particular, to determine the temperature distribution in a solid body, the definition of the boundary conditions that perturb it is required. Such conditions mathematically model a fluid’s hydrodynamic and thermodynamic behavior, and when the temperature differences are significantly high, the flow by radiation. It is then complex to define the functions of the thermal boundary conditions and solve the well-posed problem. Naturally, nonlinear system results and applying numerical methods are constant in the analysis. However, a unique solution for the thermal field in a solid does ensure. Alternatively, the scheme of the discretization of the system allows us to propose that through the knowledge of a fraction of the thermal field, the boundary condition is quantified independently of its nature. Such a procedure is called inverse analysis and has the characteristic of not satisfying the single solution criterion. However, some cases of interest can treat, and the estimate is guaranteed to be highly accurate

    Comparación de la castración quirúrgica al nacimiento versus inmunocastration sobre las características de la canal y carne en machos Holstein

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    El objetivo fue comparar el efecto de la castración quirúrgica al nacimiento vs immunocastración, sobre las características de la canal y carne en machos Holstein en engorda; se utilizaron 720 machos Holstein aproximadamente de 7 a 8 meses de edad con peso inicial de 240.82 kg. Se formaron 2 tratamientos con 4 corrales de 90 animales en cada uno: toros castrados quirúrgicamente que fueron castrados 24 h después del nacimiento y toros inmunocastrados vacunados con Bopriva aplicando cuatro dosis, al día 1, 21, 101 y 181 de engorda. Se tomaron pesos individuales en cada vacunación. Los animales se sacrificaron a los 242 días de engorda. A partir de la segunda vacunación se observaron diferencias (P0.05) entre tratamientos mientras que los valores de b*, C* y H* fueron más altos (P<0.05) en los animales inmunocastrados. Para fines de producción, el sacrificar los machos Holstein al nacimiento, se obtienen animales más pesados y con mejores características en la canal; sin embargo es importante evaluar el impacto del bienestar animal por la castración al nacimiento

    Associated factors for mortality in a COVID-19 colombian cohort : is the third wave relevant when Mu variant was predominant epidemiologically?

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    Q1Q1Pacientes con COVID-19Objectives: To evaluate the association between Colombia's third wave when the Mu variant was predominant epidemiologically (until 75%) in Colombia and COVID-19 all-cause in-hospital mortality. Methods: In this retrospective cohort, we included hospitalized patients ≥18 years with SARS-CoV-2 infection between March 2020 to September 2021 in ten hospitals from three cities in Colombia. Description analysis, survival, and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to evaluate the association between the third epidemic wave and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 25,371 patients were included. The age-stratified time-to-mortality curves showed differences according to epidemic waves in patients ≥75 years (log-rank test p = 0.012). In the multivariate Cox analysis, the third wave was not associated with increased mortality relative to the first wave (aHR 0.95; 95%CI 0.84–1.08), but there was an interaction between age ≥75 years and the third wave finding a lower HR for mortality (aHR 0.56, 95%CI 0.36–0.86). Conclusions: We did not find an increase in in-hospital mortality during the third epidemic wave in which the Mu variant was predominant in Colombia. The reduced hazard in mortality in patients ≥75 years hospitalized in the third wave could be explained by the high coverage of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in this population and patients with underlying conditions.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1833-1599https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5363-5729https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6964-2229https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3975-2835https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9441-4375Revista Internacional - IndexadaA1N