15,791 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Search for Extra Light and Heavy Higgs Bosons via Cascade Decays

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    Models with extended Higgs sectors can contain several additional Higgs states, heavier or lighter than the SM Higgs boson. The couplings of lighter extra states to SM particles can be strongly reduced, leading to small cross sections for their direct production. Heavier extra states can have larger couplings to SM particles and, moreover, have large branching fractions into lighter extra states, notably into a SM-like Higgs boson accompagnied by another Higgs state which can be lighter or heavier than 125\simGeV. Motivated by corresponding scenarios in the NMSSM we study the prospects for the discovery or exclusion of cascade decays ggFH3H2+H1ggF \to H_3 \to H_2 + H_1 in the bbˉbbˉb\bar{b}b\bar{b}, bbˉττb\bar{b}\tau\tau and bbˉγγb\bar{b}\gamma\gamma final states where either H1H_1 or H2H_2 can be SM-like. Significant regions of the NMSSM parameter space can be tested by these searches. These are, however, not confined to models of the NMSSM type.Comment: 34 pages, 64 figures, explanations, figures and reference added, to appear in JHE

    Discovery Prospects of a Light Scalar in the NMSSM

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    We study a region in the NMSSM parameter space in which the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson is uplifted by ~4-17 GeV, allowing for stop masses and |A_t| <= 1 TeV alleviating the little fine tuning problem of the MSSM. An uplift of the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson is possible in two distinct regions in the NMSSM parameter space: Either for large lambda and small tan(beta) or, through singlet-doublet mixing, for small lambda and large tan(beta). For a mostly singlet-like Higgs state H_S with a mass below 125 GeV we investigate possible direct or indirect search channels at the run II of the LHC as function of the NMSSM-specific uplift of the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson: Direct production of H_S in gluon fusion with H_S decaying into diphotons, modified reduced couplings of the SM-like Higgs state, and the possible production of H_S in ggF -> A -> Z + H_S. We find that the region featuring singlet-doublet mixing can be tested if searches at the LHC at 13 TeV for BSM Higgs bosons in the mass range 88 - 102 GeV decaying into diphotons become sensitive to signal cross sections sigma(gg -> H_S -> diphotons) ~ 20 fb, or if measurements of the reduced coupling kappa_V(H_{SM}) of the SM Higgs boson to electroweak gauge boson exclude (or confirm) the region kappa_V(H_{SM}) <~ 0.93.Comment: 20 pages, 16 Figs., reference added, LPT Orsay 15-9

    Three-dimensional electrode array for brain slice culture

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    Multielektroder arrays (MEA) er rækker af elektroder mest i mikrometer størrelse, som er blevet brugt i stor omfang til at stimulere og måle elektrisk aktivitet fra neuronale netværker. Brug af disse for at analysere hjerne slices (hjerneskiver) kan give indsigt i interaktioner mellem neuroner, eftersom dyrkninger af hjerneskiver in vitro beholder funktionaliteten af netværkerne i den levende hjerne. Elektroder var designet og fabrikeret med det formal at optimere MEA præstationen ved stimulering af og måling fra hjerneskiver in vitro. Meget af arbejdet beskrevet her beskæftiger sig med studiet af silicium mikrofabrikations teknikker for at opnå 3D elektroder med en høj dimensionsforhold, som er de mest egnede til at interagere med hjerneskiver. Elektroderne blev karakteriseret bade elektrisk og mekanisk for at demonstrere deres bedre egenskaber ved elektriske malinger og væv indtrægningsevne. Ved et andet sæt eksperimenter, det fabrikeret MEA system blev forsøgt integreret med et dyrkningsplatform som skal gøre længerevarende målinger mulige. Baseret på eksisterende litteratur mange forskellige platformer blev udviklet og tested med hjerneskiver. Selvom dyrkningen af væv ikke var mulig i disse systemer, eksperimenterne viser at de mikrofluidiske dele af systemet var funktionelle og det var muligt at integrere MEA systemet med ved at modificere den og lave den del af gennemstrømningsmekanismen. Til sidst en mekanisme som var I stand til at flytte elektroderne ind og ud af hjerneskiveren blev udviklet, simuleret og testet. Systemet var i stand til at flytte MEA chippen. Selvom mindre modifikationer vil være ønskelige for at forbedre bevægelsespræcisionen, integrering af denne mekanisme med MEA chippen var mulig og funktionaliteten af systemet blev påvist

    Human capital and other factors of the total productivity in Spanish Regions

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    The productivity evolution results a main factors indicators in order to explain the uneven growth of the different economic spaces and their different levels of welfare in a long run. Just, the crucial importance of productivity for economic growth can be derived from its relation to other indicators of economic performance. Among other factors, these include accumulation of physical and human capital, technological progress, resources allocation and efficiency, and competitiveness. For this reason, in this paper we elaborate in the first place an indicator of Total Factor Productivity for the Spain regions from of point of view of the theoretical justifications of the different methodological proposals. In the second place, and using the available statistics, we explain the unequal behaviour of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) between these regions from a point of view that variables like public capital (infrastructure), human capital (qualification), technological capital (research and development), productive specialization, the different grades of resource's uses, the exploitation of scale economies ..., may justify the regional divergence in productivity terms.

    Local quanta, unitary inequivalence, and vacuum entanglement

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    In this work we develop a formalism for describing localised quanta for a real-valued Klein-Gordon field in a one-dimensional box [0,R][0, R]. We quantise the field using non-stationary local modes which, at some arbitrarily chosen initial time, are completely localised within the left or the right side of the box. In this concrete set-up we directly face the problems inherent to a notion of local field excitations, usually thought of as elementary particles. Specifically, by computing the Bogoliubov coefficients relating local and standard (global) quantizations, we show that the local quantisation yields a Fock space FL\mathfrak F^L which is unitarily inequivalent to the standard one FG\mathfrak F^G. In spite of this, we find that the local creators and annihilators remain well defined in the global Fock space FG\mathfrak F^G, and so do the local number operators associated to the left and right partitions of the box. We end up with a useful mathematical toolbox to analyse and characterise local features of quantum states in FG\mathfrak F^G. Specifically, an analysis of the global vacuum state 0GFG|0_G\rangle\in\mathfrak F^G in terms of local number operators shows, as expected, the existence of entanglement between the left and right regions of the box. The local vacuum 0LFL|0_L\rangle\in\mathfrak F^L, on the contrary, has a very different character. It is neither cyclic nor separating and displays no entanglement. Further analysis shows that the global vacuum also exhibits a distribution of local excitations reminiscent, in some respects, of a thermal bath. We discuss how the mathematical tools developed herein may open new ways for the analysis of fundamental problems in local quantum field theory.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    A fractional porous medium equation

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    We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for a porous medium equation with fractional diffusion, ut+(Δ)1/2(um1u)=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + (-\Delta)^{1/2} (|u|^{m-1}u)=0 in RN\mathbb{R}^N, with m>m=(N1)/Nm>m_*=(N-1)/N, N1N\ge1 and fL1(RN)f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^N). An L1L^1-contraction semigroup is constructed and the continuous dependence on data and exponent is established. Nonnegative solutions are proved to be continuous and strictly positive for all xRNx\in\mathbb{R}^N, t>0t>0

    Algunas fábulas de La Fontaine y algunas historias en forma de relato

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    Las fábulas de La Fontaine y analisis desde del géenro tras la traducción al español de las fábulas en verso.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Electra, Medea, and Antigone in Caribbean Theater: Virgilio Pinera, Jose Triana, and Luis Rafael Sanchez

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    This lecture will examine the feminine myths of classical Greek theater as they were appropriated in Caribbean theater of the mid-20 \u27 century and their relationship with other works of contemporary theater: Electra Garrig6 (1948) and the relationship between Virgilio Pinera\u27s work and that of Eugene O\u27Neill; Medea en espejo (1960), by Jose Triana, and its double reference to Grillparzer\u27s Medea and Unamuno\u27s Medea; and finally La pasion segun Antigono Perez (1 968), by the Puerto Rican playwright Luis Rafael Sanchez, and the European revisions of the myth of Antigone, such as those of Anouilh and Brecht.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cri_events/1408/thumbnail.jp