91 research outputs found

    Monitoring a national open access funder mandate

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    Comunicação apresentada na "11th International Conference on Open Repositories" (OR 2016), Dublin, Irlanda, 13 - 16 de junho de 2016.The definition of an Open Access funder mandate involves usually in a long process of advocacy but it’s only the first step of a broader process. This presentation focus on the implementation of the monitoring process of a funder open access policy with implication at national level. The practical implementation is based on some assumptions: using existing infrastructure and defined guidelines. This work presents the options taken to simplify the process of reporting to the researchers and the role of the existing infrastructure to support new challenges.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Especialização Desportiva em Jovens Hoquitas Masculinos. Estudo do jovem atleta, do processo de selecção e da estrutura do rendimento

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    Tese de doutoramento em Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física, na especialidade de Ciências do Desporto, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraO presente estudo, organizado em trabalhos parcelares, pretende identificar um conjunto de variáveis susceptíveis de definir o perfil auxológico do jovem hoquista, conhecer o processo de selecção e especialização desportiva num conjunto de variáveis funcionais (não específicas da modalidade) e, recorrendo a uma análise da sua estrutura dinâmica, estudar a tipologia de jogo que caracteriza a primeira fase de internacionalização. O primeiro estudo compreende uma amostra de 122 hoquistas, com 14.6-16.7 anos de idade, representando uma parte representativa dos clubes e associações de patinagem nacionais, tendo sido sujeitos a uma avaliação da componente auxológica e funcional com recurso a testes de campo e laboratoriais. A análise de dados considerou, inicialmente, a estatística descritiva e foi testado o efeito da idade cronológica, maturação e posição de campo sobre a morfologia externa e variáveis funcionais, aplicando–se, para o efeito, a análise da variância. A regressão linear múltipla (método backward) foi utilizada para identificar as variáveis metodológicas capazes de ajudar a explicar a variância dos resultados em cada uma das medidas funcionais. O nível de significância foi mantido em 5%. No segundo estudo foram considerados 73 hoquistas (32 de elite e 41 de nível local) com 14.5-16.5 anos de idade. Replicando-se a totalidade dos testes do Estudo 1, acrescentando informação associada à maturação somática, esquelética, e ao desempenho funcional, materializado pela determinação da potência aeróbia (obtida através de um teste directo, máximo, contínuo e por patamares de carga progressiva no treadmill) e pela força isocinética, completando o estudo com informação sobre os indicadores de preparação desportiva. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado através da estatística descritiva para a totalidade das variáveis, pela análise da variância para testar as diferenças por nível competitivo (local e nacional) e pela análise da função discriminante para encontrar um conjunto restrito de variáveis capazes de reclassificar os hoquistas nos grupos iniciais. O terceiro estudo incluiu a análise dos indicadores tácticos morfo-funcionais e indicadores tácticos atitudinais de 5 jogos do Campeonato da Europa de Juvenis, em que participou a Selecção Nacional composta por atletas integrantes do Estudo 2. A análise dos dados considerou, por outro lado, a estatística descritiva para a totalidade da amostra e a análise da variância para comparar os valores dos índices de desempenho relativos às acções tácticas da Selecção Nacional e selecções adversárias no conjunto dos 5 jogos. A análise estatística dos três estudos foi levada a cabo com a versão 17.0 do Software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Relativamente às principais conclusões dos três estudos podemos referir que: 1) Identificou-se um conjunto de indicadores morfológicos e funcionais que caracterizam o hoquista juvenil; 2) O hoquista de elite distingue-se, para melhor, dos seus pares de nível local no estado de crescimento, maturação, desempenhos de longa duração e força muscular; 3) O processo de selecção parece privilegiar o tamanho corporal, atletas avançados maturacionalmente com maior resistência à fadiga e melhores índices de força dos membros inferiores; 4) O perfil da dimensão táctica do jogo da Selecção Nacional de Juvenis traduz-se na regularidade de pressupostos ofensivos com um elevado número de acções de ataque planeado, com uma maior frequência de aproximações à zona de finalização como resultado de acções de contra-ataque.This study, compiled in three fragmented works, tries to identify a set of variables that define the auxology profile of young hockey players, to identify the selection process and sportive specialization in a set of functional variables (non-specific of the sport), and additionally, to study the type of game that characterizes the first phase of internationalization using an analysis of its dynamic structure. The sample of the first study included 122 male roller-skate hockey players with 14.6-16.7 years of age, representing a significant portion of clubs and national skating associations. For the evaluation of the auxology and functional variables, field and laboratory tests were used. Data analysis considered descriptive statistic. ANOVA was used to test the effect of the chronological age, maturation and outfield position as significant cause of morphological and functional variation (level of significance was maintained in 5%). Multiple regressions (backward method) were used to identify the correlate variables able to explain the variation of the results in each functional measure. The level of significance was maintained in 5%. For the second study, the sample included 73 male roller-skate hockey players (32 of elite and 41 of local level) with 14.5-16.5 years of age. All the tests of the first study were reproduced, adding data of somatic and skeletal maturation, functional performance, embodied by the determination of the aerobic power (through a direct, maximal and progressive treadmill exercise test) and by isokinetic dynamometry assessments. Additionally, it was reported information of the training history (quantity of annual practice and sportive experience). Data analysis considered descriptive statistic. ANOVA was used to test the effect of competitive level (local and national) as significant cause of variation. The discriminant function analysis was used to find a limited set of variables, able to re-classify the hockey players in the original groups. The third study included the analysis of tactical indicators of five games of the Juvenile European Championship, where the national team, composed with athletes who participated in study 2, attended. The data analysis considered the descriptive statistics for the entire sample and the analysis of variance to compare the values of performance indices on the tactical actions of the team of Portugal and its opponents, in the overall of the five games. The statistical analysis of the three studies was carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0 software. The main conclusions of the three studies can be summarized as follows: 1) it was identified a set of morphological and functional indicators that characterize the youth hockey players; 2) the elite hockey players stand out of their peers of local level in the state of growth, maturity status, long-term performance and muscle strength; 3) it seems that the process of sportive selection benefits body size, advanced athletes in maturity status, with greater resistance to fatigue and better rates of lower limb strength; 4) The profile of the tactical dimension of the youth national team game is defined by the regularity of offensive assumptions with a high number of actions of organized attack, but with a higher frequency of approaches to the central offensive area as a result of engaging in counter-attack

    Achievement goals and self-determination in adult football players: a cluster analysis

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    To better understand the relationship between aspects of motivation and performance level of adult football players, this study aimed to identify differences in motivation in different motivational profiles created through hierarchical cluster analysis. The participants consisted of 304 adult football players (90 professionals, 144 semi-professionals, 70 amateurs, age: 25.4 ± 4.6 y). Participants completed the Task and Ego Orientation in Sports Questionnaire and the Self-Regulation Questionnaire. Based on the constructs of the questionnaires cluster analyses were performed. Chi-square was used to determine any relationships between players and clusters. Four different clusters were identified. There was no typical motivational profile for football players from different competitive levels. However, the differences in all four clusters represented specific characteristics in football players from the different levels of competition most represented in each cluster. Cluster 1, which was the most adaptive, was not related to competition level. On the other hand, professional athletes were significantly less represented in the least adaptive motivational profile (Cluster 4). The results highlight the complex relationship between competition and sporting motivation. Identifying the motivational profile characteristics of football players who can reach higher competitive levels presents itself as a future research opportunity

    Confinement During the COVID-19 Pandemic After Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery—Associations Between Emotional Distress, Energy-Dense Foods, and Body Mass Index

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    Funding Information: The authors gratefully acknowledge the participants enrolled in the current study for their kindness, generosity, and time in contributing with their personal information. We also acknowledge the support from the Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Unit of Hospital CUF Tejo, CUF Healthcare Group, and the support of the Lifestyle Medicine Unit of CUF Healthcare Group by NOVA Medical School. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Purpose: To estimate the association of emotional distress with both consumption of energy-dense micronutrient-poor foods (EDF) and body mass index (BMI) and the association between EDF consumption and change in BMI, during COVID-19 pandemic in patients with prior bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study applied an online structured questionnaire to 75 postoperative bariatric patients during the first Portuguese lockdown. Emotional distress was assessed trough the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and dietary intake was evaluated by Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Self-reported BMI prior to and at the end of confinement was used to compute BMI change. Pre-surgery BMI was computed from measured height and weight from clinical records. Results: After adjustment for education, sex, time since surgery, pre-surgery BMI, and exercise practice, moderate/severe scores in HADS were significantly positively associated with consumption of EDF (ẞ = 0.799; 95% CI: 0.051, 1.546), but not with BMI. Daily EDF consumption significantly increased the odds of maintaining/increasing BMI (OR = 3.34; 95% CI: 1.18, 9.45), instead of decreasing it (reference). Sweets consumption was the only subcategory of EDF significantly positively associated with the odds of a worse outcome in BMI change (OR = 4.01; 95% CI: 1.13, 14.22). Conclusions: Among postoperative bariatric patients, higher reported levels of emotional distress during confinement are associated with increased EDF consumption. Increased EDF consumption during confinement, particularly sweets, is associated with higher odds of bariatric patients not decreasing their BMI. Additional effort is needed to address inadequate lifestyle behaviors among these patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]publishersversionpublishe

    The perceptions of elite rink hockey head coaches: preparation/observation and intervention

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    The study explored the perception of rink-hockey head coaches in relation to the use of performance analysis as a tool to assist training and match preparation, observation and interventions. Seven experienced First Division Portuguese rink-hockey head coaches were included in the study. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and the data were analysed through inductive and deductive content analyses. Several themes emerged from the interviews including “preparation/observation” and “intervention”. Rink-hockey head coaches prefer to analyse the opponents themselves to plan training, as well as to assist with tactical preparation and implement within-match strategies. They considered video analysis an important tool to analyse opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, with particular focus on the opponent’s goalkeeper. Seek to identify qualities and deficiencies in the opponents’ team and individual players. Focus the analysis of opponents’ teams on the five moments of the game. Training intervention involves the adaption of training exercises, whereby information is communicated during meetings. These data have implications both from a performance and a training practice perspective. Future research should focus on players and goalkeepers’ perspectives

    The influence of opponents’ offensive play on the performance of professional rink hockey goalkeepers

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the performance of professional rink hockey goalkeepers and ascertain whether this is influenced by the opposition’s offensive play. A sample of 40 matches, including 1713 shots on goal from the Portuguese First Division (2016/2017) was analysed using Chi-square and logistic regression analysis. The results suggest that goalkeepers are more effective in the first half versus the second half (odds ratio [OR] = 1.39; 95% CI: 1.06–1.82; p = 0.017) of matches. Goalkeeping performance was also lower in the direct free-hits (OR = 0.22; 95% CI: 0.13–0.38; p < 0.001) and penalties (OR = 0.12; 95% CI: 0.06–0.22; p < 0.001), when compared with indirect free-hits. The technique most used by rink hockey goalkeepers to save shots at goal is the “knee on the floor”. Observations demonstrate that when attacks commence in the oppositions defensive area, teams are 55% more likely to score and shots at the upper zones of the goal have a higher probability of being successful. These findings could assist coaches and researchers in understanding current goalkeeping performance in relation to offensive patterns of play in rink hockey

    Influence of thickness and coatings morphology in the antimicrobial performance of zinc oxide coatings

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    "Author's copy"In this research work, the production of undoped and silver (Ag) doped zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films for food-packaging applications were developed. The main goal was to determine the influence of coatings morphology and thickness on the antimicrobial performance of the produced samples. The ZnO based thin films were deposited on PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) substrates by means of DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The thin films were characterized by optical spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The antimicrobial performance of the undoped and Ag-doped ZnO thin films was also evaluated. The results attained have shown that all the deposited zinc oxide and Ag-doped ZnO coatings present columnar morphology with V-shaped columns. The increase of ZnO coatings thickness until 200 nm increases the active surface area of the columns. The thinner samples (50 and 100 nm) present a less pronounced antibacterial activity than the thickest ones (200–600 nm). Regarding Ag-doped ZnO thin films, it was verified that increasing the silver content decreases the growth rate of Escherichia coli and decreases the amount of bacteria cells present at the end of the experiment.The work described in this paper was supported by project NANOPACKSAFER: NANO-engineered PACKaging systems for improving quality, SAFEty and health characteristics of foods, Portugal-Spain International Nanotechnology Laboratory Nanotechnology Projects Call; and also by the FEDER funding through the COMPETE program and FCT PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/2011 project

    Efficacy of pilates in functional body composition : a systematic review

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    The aim of this review was to collect and systematize results of studies from the last 5 years concerning the influence of the Pilates method (PM) on functional body composition (FBC). Methods: The criteria of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were used in this review. We conducted research in three scientific databases: (i) Web of Science Core Collection, (ii) SCOPUS, and (iii) search directory of the library catalog of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra—EBSCO Discovery Services. We found 334 articles, covering the period between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2021. After the selection process, we found 33 eligible articles. Results: The main results seem to point to a tendency to get a better body weight and body fat percentage (BFP), hip circumference (HC), waist, and skinfolds from the chest, abdomen, triceps, and supra-iliac in mostly female samples. Available evidence indicates that, in body composition (BC) and FBC, Pilates practice tends to be effective in reducing obesity as a multifactorial condition. Conclusions: It is concluded that there is a marked trend in the benefits of Pilates in FBC, which is in line with other systematic reviews at the BC level (which includes body weight (BW) and body mass index (BMI)) and in the reduction of the percentage of fat mass (FM). It is also concluded that there is a vast lack of studies on the male population, preventing further scientific development in this area. The limitations of this systematic review can be overcome with studies that bring together multidisciplinary aspects of FBC, better designed and methodologically more robust, which will allow more reliable analyses for the implementation of the Pilates method in terms of FBC. In addition, further studies with a male sample or mixed samples (men vs. women) could confirm the trend of no gender differences in the benefits of Pilates practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Termination in Psychotherapy: Contributions of an Integrative Metamodel

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    In this article, we discuss the process of terminating psychotherapy based on an integrative perspective—the paradigmatic complementarity metamodel (PCM). One of the research fronts in PCM is the temporal sequence of phases structuring strategic objectives. The temporal sequencing of the therapeutic work in terms of phases, stages, or steps is believed to be a general principle of change among different theoretical orientations, both of an integrative and nonintegrative nature (Vasco, 2006; Vasco et al., 2018). According to the PCM, the therapeutic process unfolds as the client and therapist progress along 7 phases regarding the implementation of strategic objectives. In this article, we address termination and its implications at different phases of therapy considering the PCM. Some vignettes are used as illustrations