228 research outputs found

    Panel. Faulkner and the Popular Magazine

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    Programmed for Seduction: Faulkner\u27s Fiction and Men\u27s Magazines of the 1950s / Kristi Rowan Humphreys, Texas Tech UniversityThis study analyzes the use of Faulkner’s fiction in men’s magazines of the 1950s, The Dude: The Magazine Devoted to Pleasure (1956) and The Gent: An Approach to Relaxation (1957). The characters and themes in Faulkner’s stories integrate with the seemingly disconnected adjacent content, thus working toward the magazines’ ultimate goals of seduction. This study contends that an analysis of these integrations—of Faulkner’s short stories and their neighboring content—within both 1957 issues of The Dude and The Gent, reveals the ways in which Faulkner’s fiction has been programmed for seduction.Gearing Up For War: Faulkner\u27s Two Soldiers and The Saturday Evening Post / Jennifer Nolan-Stinson“Two Soldiers,” Faulkner’s story about a young boy’s reaction to his brother’s decision to enlist after Pearl Harbor, appeared as the lead item in the March 28, 1942 issue of The Saturday Evening Post during a period of editorial upheaval and increasingly war-oriented coverage. Looking beyond the text, the advertisements, articles, and even the poetry bombard the reader with evidence of and calls for service. In this context, “Two Soldiers” provides a rare and much-needed expression of Americans’ complex and conflicted feelings about having recently entered the war, which challenges scholarly oversimplifications of the story as unequivocally patriotic or mere pandering. The Most Horrific Tale : Faulkner, Sanctuary and The Shudder Pulps / Matthew R. Vaughn, Jefferson CollegeAlthough Sanctuary is usually considered an example of Faulkner’s “popular” work, its startling combination of pulp horror with modernist technique illustrates the aesthetic affinity between pulp and modernist writing. By reading Sanctuary alongside the pulp horror stories of John H. Knox, I demonstrate the ways in which both horror fiction and Faulkner’s novel combine sensationalism with a modernist subversion of heteronormativity. In Sanctuary and horror fiction, the pleasure of the sensational text is derived not through identification with the villain but through vicarious participation in the distress of the pulp damsel

    Bullying Among Adolescent Football Players: Role of Masculinity and Moral Atmosphere

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    Identifying practices of masculinity socialization that contribute to the establishment of gender privilege can help address violence and bullying in schools (Connell, 1996). Because the sport of football is considered an important contributor to masculinity construction, establishing peer networks, and creating hierarchies of student status, this study examined the influence of social norms (i.e., moral atmosphere, meanings of adolescent masculinity) on bullying beliefs and behaviors of 206 high school football players. Results demonstrated that moral atmosphere (Peer Influence, Influential Male Figure) and adherence to male role norms significantly predicted bullying, but the strongest predictor was the perception of whether the most influential male in a player’s life would approve of the bullying behavior. In addition to prevention interventions highlighting the role of influential men and masculinity norms in this process, implications for practice suggest that football players can use their peer influence and status as center sport participants to create a school culture that does not tolerate bullying

    Genomic distribution of H3K9me2 and DNA methylation in a maize genome

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    DNA methylation and dimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9me2) are two chromatin modifications that can be associated with gene expression or recombination rate. The maize genome provides a complex landscape of interspersed genes and transposons. The genome-wide distribution of DNA methylation and H3K9me2 were investigated in seedling tissue for the maize inbred B73 and compared to patterns of these modifications observed in Arabidopsis thaliana. Most maize transposons are highly enriched for DNA methylation in CG and CHG contexts and for H3K9me2. In contrast to findings in Arabidopsis, maize CHH levels in transposons are generally low but some sub-families of transposons are enriched for CHH methylation and these families exhibit low levels of H3K9me2. The profile of modifications over genes reveals that DNA methylation and H3K9me2 is quite low near the beginning and end of genes. Although elevated CG and CHG methylation are found within gene bodies, CHH and H3K9me2 remain low. Maize has much higher levels of CHG methylation within gene bodies than observed in Arabidopsis and this is partially attributable to the presence of transposons within introns for some maize genes. These transposons are associated with high levels of CHG methylation and H3K9me2 but do not appear to prevent transcriptional elongation. Although the general trend is for a strong depletion of H3K9me2 and CHG near the transcription start site there are some putative genes that have high levels of these chromatin modifications. This study provides a clear view of the relationship between DNA methylation and H3K9me2 in the maize genome and how the distribution of these modifications is shaped by the interplay of genes and transposons.The research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (IOS-1237931) to MWV and NMS. This work also used resources or cyberinfrastructure provided by iPlant Collaborative. The iPlant Collaborative is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DBI-0735191; www. iplantcollaborative.org). Start-up funds from the University of Georgia and a research grant from the National Science Foundation (IOS-1339194) to RJS supported aspects of this study

    Extra-Zodiacal-Cloud Astronomy via Solar Electric Propulsion

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    Solar electric propulsion (SEP) is often considered as primary propulsion for robotic planetary missions, providing the opportunity to deliver more payload mass to difficult, high-delta-velocity destinations. However, SEP application to astrophysics has not been well studied. This research identifies and assesses a new application of SEP as primary propulsion for low-cost high-performance robotic astrophysics missions. The performance of an optical/infrared space observatory in Earth orbit or at the Sun-Earth L2 point (SEL2) is limited by background emission from the Zodiacal dust cloud that has a disk morphology along the ecliptic plane. By delivering an observatory to a inclined heliocentric orbit, most of this background emission can be avoided, resulting in a very substantial increase in science performance. This advantage enabled by SEP allows a small-aperture telescope to rival the performance of much larger telescopes located at SEL2. In this paper, we describe a novel mission architecture in which SEP technology is used to enable unprecedented telescope sensitivity performance per unit collecting area. This extra-zodiacal mission architecture will enable a new class of high-performance, short-development time, Explorer missions whose sensitivity and survey speed can rival flagship-class SEL2 facilities, thus providing new programmatic flexibility for NASA's astronomy mission portfolio. A mission concept study was conducted to evaluate this application of SEP. Trajectory analyses determined that a 700 kg-class science payload could be delivered in just over 2 years to a 2 AU mission orbit inclined 15 to the ecliptic using a 13 kW-class NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) SEP system. A mission architecture trade resulted in a SEP stage architecture, in which the science spacecraft separates from the stage after delivery to the mission orbit. The SEP stage and science spacecraft concepts were defined in collaborative engineering environment studies. The SEP stage architecture approach offers benefits beyond a single astrophysics mission. A variety of low-cost astrophysics missions could employ a standard SEP stage to achieve substantial science benefit. This paper describes the results of this study in detail, including trajectory analysis, spacecraft concept definition, description of telescope/instrument benefits, and application of the resulting SEP stage to other missions. In addition, the benefits of cooperative development and use of the SEP stage, in conjunction with a SEP flight demonstration mission currently in definition at NASA, are considered

    Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy

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    Purpose: Serum platinum is measurable for years after completion of cisplatin-based chemotherapy (CBC). We report the largest investigation of serum platinum levels to date of 1,010 testicular cancer survivors (TCS) assessed 1-35 years after CBC and evaluate genetic contributions to these levels. Experimental Design: Eligible TCS given 300 or 400 (±15) mg/m2 cisplatin underwent extensive audiometric testing, clinical examination, completed questionnaires and had crude serum platinum levels measured. Associations between serum platinum and various risk factors and toxicities were assessed after fitting a bi-exponential model adjusted for follow-up time and cumulative cisplatin dose. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed using the serum platinum residuals of the dose and time-adjusted model. Results: Serum platinum levels exceeded the reference range for approximately 31 years, with a strong inverse relationship with creatinine clearance at follow-up (age-adjusted p = 2.13×10−3). We observed a significant, positive association between residual platinum values and luteinizing hormone (age-adjusted p=6.58×10−3). Patients with high residual platinum levels experienced greater Raynaud’s phenomenon than those with medium or low levels (age-adjusted ORhigh/low = 1.46; p = 0.04), as well as a higher likelihood of developing tinnitus (age-adjusted ORhigh/low = 1.68, p = 0.07). GWAS identified one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) meeting genome-wide significance rs1377817 (p=4.6×10−8, a SNP intronic to MYH14). Conclusions: This study indicates that residual platinum values are correlated with several cisplatin-related toxicities. One genetic variant is associated with these levels

    Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo's structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning

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    Borneo contains some of the world's most biodiverse and carbon-dense tropical forest, but this 750 000 km(2) island has lost 62% of its old-growth forests within the last 40 years. Efforts to protect and restore the remaining forests of Borneo hinge on recognizing the ecosystem services they provide, including their ability to store and sequester carbon. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is a remote sensing technology that allows forest structural properties to be captured in great detail across vast geographic areas. In recent years ALS has been integrated into statewide assessments of forest carbon in Neotropical and African regions, but not yet in Asia. For this to happen new regional models need to be developed for estimating carbon stocks from ALS in tropical Asia, as the forests of this region are structurally and composition-ally distinct from those found elsewhere in the tropics. By combining ALS imagery with data from 173 permanent forest plots spanning the lowland rainforests of Sabah on the island of Borneo, we develop a simple yet general model for estimating forest carbon stocks using ALS-derived canopy height and canopy cover as input metrics. An advanced feature of this new model is the propagation of uncertainty in both ALS- and ground-based data, allowing uncertainty in hectare-scale estimates of carbon stocks to be quantified robustly. We show that the model effectively captures variation in aboveground carbon stocks across extreme disturbance gradients spanning tall dipterocarp forests and heavily logged regions and clearly outperforms existing ALS-based models calibrated for the tropics, as well as currently available satellite-derived products. Our model provides a simple, generalized and effective approach for mapping forest carbon stocks in Borneo and underpins ongoing efforts to safeguard and facilitate the restoration of its unique tropical forests.Peer reviewe
