17 research outputs found

    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    676sinoneBackground: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.noneIelpo B.; Podda M.; Pellino G.; Pata F.; Caruso R.; Gravante G.; Di Saverio S.; Ielpo B.; Podda M.; Pellino G.; Pata F.; Caruso R.; Gravante G.; Di Saverio S.; Gallo G.; Lui R.; Orengia A.; Chowdary A.; Kulkarni A.; Kuvvetli A.; Navarro A.; Pisanu A.; Smith A.; Ibiricu A.C.; Nacion A.J.D.; Alsaleh A.; Alhazmi A.; Elmabri A.; Wani A.; Rencuzogullari A.; Lasarte A.S.; Rubio A.V.; Bavikatte A.; Kumar A.; Jamiri A.-R.; Padilla A.M.A.; Cacurri A.; de San Ildefonso A.; Porcu A.; Sartori A.; Rocca A.; Yanez A.P.; Becaria A.; Solis-Pena A.; Sretenovic A.; Urbistondo A.; Bandin A.; Najar A.; De Luca A.; Boddy A.; Charalabopoulos A.; Tzivanakis A.; Amendola A.; de Velasco A.R.-G.; Yildirim A.C.; Frontali A.; Toure A.O.; Garcia-Granero A.; Roldan A.M.; Larrainzar A.S.; Ratnayake A.S.; Gonzalez-Ganso A.M.; Minaya-Bravo A.M.; Das A.; Bondurri A.; Costanzi A.; Lucchi A.; Mazzari A.; Musig A.; Peloso A.; Piano A.; Police A.; Mihailescu A.; Pouy A.; Romano A.; Iossa A.; Leonetti A.C.; Guariniello A.; Isaac A.; Bovi A.P.D.; Chessa A.; Tromba A.; Martinez A.A.; Brillantino A.; Caira A.; Castaldi A.; Ferronetti A.; Giuliani A.; Prestera A.; la Medina A.R.-D.; Tarasconi A.; Tornambe A.; Picciariello A.; Ioannidis A.; Leppaniemi A.; Khan A.; Rashid A.; Perez-Sanchez A.L.E.; Mittal A.; Mitul A.R.; Mehraj A.; Laharwal A.; Dorisme A.; Marinis A.; Iqbal A.; Moncada A.; Braccio B.; Alkhafaji B.; de Andres Asenjo B.; Martin-Perez B.; Perez B.S.; Creavin B.; Cali B.; Cali B.; Pascotto B.; Stubbs B.; Retes B.Z.; Jovanovic B.; Goh B.K.P.; Sensi B.; Biddau C.; Gazia C.; Vallicelli C.; Fagundes C.A.; Santacruz C.C.; Chirico C.; Diaz C.J.G.; Petrola C.; Rodriguez C.S.; Benitez C.Y.; Dammaro C.; Faro C.L.; Reinke C.; Paez C.D.; Oliva C.; Paranjape C.; Thomas C.; Chia C.F.; Kong C.K.; De Lucia C.; Chao C.O.; Arcudi C.; Guerci C.; Chia C.; Parise C.; Folliero C.; Varela C.; Ferguson D.M.; Camacho D.; Popowich D.; Lima D.S.; Rega D.; Delogu D.; Zigiotto D.; Vinci D.; D'Antonio D.; Parini D.; Merlini D.A.; Zimmerman D.D.E.; Moro-Valdezate D.; Pertile D.; Giusti D.M.; Keller D.S.; Tarik D.; Kalivaci D.; Mazingi D.; Maldonado-Pintado D.G.; Sasia D.; Linardoutsos D.; Osilli D.; Murrone D.; Russello D.; Rodas E.; Roa E.A.A.; Ricciardi E.; Rosso E.; Saladino E.; Flores-Villalba E.; Ajs E.R.; Smith-Singares E.; Baili E.; Kouroumpas E.; Bourmpouteli E.; Douka E.; Martin-Perez E.; Guaitoli E.; Samadov E.; Francone E.; Vaterlini E.; Morales E.; Pena E.; Zhao E.; Andres E.D.P.; Benzoni E.; Erdas E.; Pinotti E.; Colas-Ruiz E.; Aytac E.; Laterza E.; Agastra E.; Foianini E.; Moscoso E.; Laviano E.; Marra E.; Cardamone E.; Licardie E.; Mpaili E.; Pinna E.; Varo E.; Navarro F.M.; Marino F.; Medas F.; Romano F.; Maraska F.; Saliu F.; Madrid F.; Rosa F.; Mastella F.; Gheza F.; Luvisetto F.; Alconchel F.; Vieira F.M.; Pareja F.; Agresta F.; Luna F.; Bonilla F.; Cordera F.; Burdio F.; Mendoza-Moreno F.; Flores F.M.; Aranda F.P.; Taylor F.; Ramos F.L.; Fernandes F.; Tropeano F.P.; Balestra F.; Bianco F.; Ceci F.; Colombo F.; Di Marzo F.; Ferrara F.; Lancellotti F.; Lazzarin F.; Litta F.; Martini F.; Pizza F.; Roscio F.; Virdis F.; Antona F.B.; Ramirez F.C.; Fernandez F.M.; Llinares F.O.; Quezada F.; Schlottmann F.; Quezada F.; Herrera-Almario G.; Massaferro G.; Bislenghi G.; van Ramshorst G.; Gallo G.; Luglio G.; Bointas G.; Kampouroglou G.; Papadopoulos G.; Manrique G.A.; Calini G.; Nastri G.; Formisano G.; Galiffa G.; Palini G.M.; Colucci G.; Pagano G.; Pellino G.; Vanni G.; Pattacini G.C.; Gravante G.; De Paola G.; Lisi G.; Partida G.; Bellanova G.; De Nobili G.; Necchi G.S.; Sinibaldi G.; Tebala G.; Bagaglini G.; Izzo G.; Argenio G.; Brisinda G.; Candilio G.; Di Grezia G.; Esposito G.; Faillace G.; Frazzetta G.; La Gumina G.; Nigri G.; Romeo G.; Amatriain G.C.; Ortega G.; Martin-Martin G.; Stavrou G.A.; Gunadi; Ugon G.A.; Machain G.; Marcucci G.; Martinez-Mier G.; Machain G.M.; Nari G.; Calvo H.; Fathy H.; Hamilto; Ahmed H.; Faraj H.; Nava H.; Macias H.O.; Nikaj H.; Solano H.; Khan H.A.; Alarcon H.S.; Ebied H.; Giani I.; Ateca I.V.; Neri I.; Roman I.A.S.; Fidoshev I.; Rodriguez I.M.; Negoi I.; Ortega I.; Bernescu I.; Russo I.S.; Rodriguez I.V.; Palomares I.; Baltazar I.; Torrejimeno I.J.; Jurado I.M.C.; Reccia I.; Hussain I.; Toledo I.B.; Mora-Guzman I.; Dogaru I.; Romic I.; Balciscueta I.; Kenington J.C.; Sagolsem J.; Jang J.Y.; Olivier J.; Lammel-Lindemann J.; Dziakova J.; Villavicencio J.I.R.; Salinas J.; Parreira J.P.J.G.; Jovanovic; Perez J.R.; Reyes J.A.S.; Luque J.A.M.; Mak J.; Rodriguez J.S.; Kok J.H.H.; Krook J.; Diaz-Elizondo J.A.; Castell J.; Garcia-Flores J.E.; Navalon J.M.J.; Rodrigues J.M.S.; Pereira J.; Gomez J.T.C.; Luque J.B.; del Olmo J.C.M.; Salamea J.C.; Olivier J.F.C.; Laina J.L.B.; Ordonez J.M.; Gutierrez J.; Abba J.; Sofi J.A.; Sherafgan K.; Sahnan K.; Yanaga K.; Beatson K.; Asim L.; Alvarez L.; Siragusa L.; Farber L.; Ong L.; Athanasios L.; Garcia-Bruna L.; De Martino L.; Ferrario L.; Giordano L.; Gordini L.; Pio L.; Ponchietti L.; Moletta L.; Curella L.; Poggi L.; Taglietti L.; Bonavina L.; Conti L.; Goffredi L.; Ruiz L.A.G.; Barrionuevo L.; Fregoso L.E.; Cabrera L.F.; Rodriguez L.G.; Grande L.; Osoria L.G.; Gonzalez L.J.K.; Sanchez-Guillen L.; Tallon-Aguilar L.; Tresierra L.; Giavarini L.; Hasabelnabi M.; Odovic M.; Uemura M.; Khan M.; Artiles-Armas M.; David M.; Di Martino M.; Spampinato M.G.; Ribeiro M.A.F.; Viola M.; Angrisani M.; Calussi M.; Cannistra M.; Catarci M.; Cereda M.; Conte M.; Giordano M.; Pellicciaro M.; Marino M.V.; Vaterlini M.E.; Jimenez M.F.; Lolli M.G.; Bellini M.I.; Lemma M.; Chiarello M.M.; Nicola M.; Arrigo M.; Mejia M.C.; Manrique M.M.; Rodriguez-Lopez M.; Serradilla-Martin M.; Lara M.Z.; Martinez M.; Bagnall M.; Peter M.; Lara M.C.; Gomez M.J.; Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans M.; Gonzalez M.P.; Rutegard M.; Salo M.; Franceschilli M.; Silveri M.; Veroux M.; Pezzulo M.; Nardi M.; Rottoli M.; Tolonen M.; Ciro M.P.; Zuluagua M.; Cannavo M.; Cervellera M.; Iacobone M.; Montuori M.; Podda M.; Dominguez M.G.; Bingol-Kologlu M.; Tahir M.; Lim M.; Wilson M.S.; Wilson M.; Campanelli M.; Bisaccia M.; De Rosa M.; Maruccia M.; Paterno M.; Pisano M.; Torre M.; Trevino M.; Zuolo M.; Hernandez Bartolome M.A.; Farina M.; Pera M.; Calvo M.P.; Sotelo M.; Thway M.M.; Hassan M.; Hassan M.S.E.; Azfar M.; Bouhuwaish M.; Taha M.; Zaieem M.; Korkoman M.; Guraieb M.; Shalaby M.; Raza M.A.; Younis M.U.; Elhadi M.; Ali M.Z.; Quazi N.; Dudi-Venkata N.N.; Alselaim N.; Loria N.; Ramirez N.V.; Than N.W.; Smart N.; Trelles N.; Pinto N.; Allievi N.; Petrucciani N.; Antonacci N.; Cillara N.; Gica N.; Cristiana N.D.; Krystek N.; Falco N.; Pecorelli N.; Tamini N.; Dallas N.A.; Machairas N.; Brito N.; Fieturi N.A.; Ortega N.; Mercado O.A.; Irkorucu O.; Alsherif O.; Valles O.; Ioannidis O.; Palmas O.H.; Palmas O.I.H.; Guadarrama O.S.; Bozbiyik O.; Omelanczuk P.; Ottolino P.; Rodrigues P.; Ruiz P.; Campenni P.; Chiarade P.; Olivares P.P.; Baroffio P.; Panaccio P.; Wintringer P.; Di Fronzo P.; Talento P.; Favoriti P.; Sendino P.; Marsanic P.; Mifsut P.; Andrade P.; Ajawin P.; Abadia-Barno P.; Castaneda P.A.N.; Arevalos P.O.S.; Bellver P.P.; Koh P.S.; Souza P.; Major P.; Bali R.S.; Khattar R.M.; Melo R.B.; Ebrahiminia R.; Azar R.; Murga R.L.; Caruso R.; Pirolo R.; Brady R.; Davies R.J.; Dholakia R.; Rattan R.; Singhal R.; Lim R.; Angelico R.; Isernia R.M.; Tutino R.; Faccincani R.; Peltrini R.; Carrera-Ceron R.; Tejos R.; Kashyap R.; Fajardo R.; Lozito R.; Pareja R.M.; Garbarino S.; Di Saverio S.; Morales-Conde S.; Benli S.; Mansour S.; Flores S.; Suarez S.L.; Ben S.L.; Fuentes S.; Napetti S.; de Guzman S.O.; Awad S.; Weckmann Lujan S.A.; Gentilli S.; Grimaldi S.; Pizarro S.O.; Tayar S.; Nabi S.; Chan S.M.; Junaid S.; Rojas S.; Monetti S.; Garcia S.; Salvans S.; Tenconi S.; Shaw S.; Santoni S.; Parra S.A.; Cardenas S.; Perez-Bertolez S.; Chiappetta S.; Dessureault S.; Delis S.; Bonapasta S.A.; Rausei S.; Scaringi S.; Keswani S.; Ali S.M.; Cetinkunar S.; Fung T.L.D.; Rawashdeh T.; Lopez T.N.; De Campos T.; Duque T.C.; Perra T.; Liakakos T.; Daskalakis T.; Liakakos T.; Barnes T.; Koeter T.; Zalla T.; Gonzalez T.E.; Elosua T.; Campagnaro T.; Brown T.; Luoto T.; Oumar T.A.; Giustizieri U.; Grossi U.; Bracale U.; Rivas U.; Sosa V.; Testa V.; Andriola V.; Tonini V.; Balassone V.; Celentano V.; Progno V.; Raju V.; Carroni V.; Cavallaro V.; Katta V.R.; De Simone V.; Romaguera V.P.; Orozco V.H.G.; Luraschi V.; Rachkov V.; Turrado-L V.; Visag-Castillo V.; Dowling V.; Graham V.; Papagni V.; Vigorita V.; Fonseca V.C.; Carneros V.J.; Bellato V.; Goncalves W.; Powers W.F.; Grigg W.; Bechstein W.O.; Lim Y.B.; Altinel Y.; Golubovic Z.; Balciscueta Z.Ielpo, B.; Podda, M.; Pellino, G.; Pata, F.; Caruso, R.; Gravante, G.; Di Saverio, S.; Ielpo, B.; Podda, M.; Pellino, G.; Pata, F.; Caruso, R.; Gravante, G.; Di Saverio, S.; Gallo, G.; Lui, R.; Orengia, A.; Chowdary, A.; Kulkarni, A.; Kuvvetli, A.; Navarro, A.; Pisanu, A.; Smith, A.; Ibiricu, A. C.; Nacion, A. J. D.; Alsaleh, A.; Alhazmi, A.; Elmabri, A.; Wani, A.; Rencuzogullari, A.; Lasarte, A. S.; Rubio, A. V.; Bavikatte, A.; Kumar, A.; Jamiri, A. -R.; Padilla, A. M. A.; Cacurri, A.; de San Ildefonso, A.; Porcu, A.; Sartori, A.; Rocca, A.; Yanez, A. P.; Becaria, A.; Solis-Pena, A.; Sretenovic, A.; Urbistondo, A.; Bandin, A.; Najar, A.; De Luca, A.; Boddy, A.; Charalabopoulos, A.; Tzivanakis, A.; Amendola, A.; de Velasco, A. R. -G.; Yildirim, A. C.; Frontali, A.; Toure, A. O.; Garcia-Granero, A.; Roldan, A. M.; Larrainzar, A. S.; Ratnayake, A. S.; Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M.; Minaya-Bravo, A. M.; Das, A.; Bondurri, A.; Costanzi, A.; Lucchi, A.; Mazzari, A.; Musig, A.; Peloso, A.; Piano, A.; Police, A.; Mihailescu, A.; Pouy, A.; Romano, A.; Iossa, A.; Leonetti, A. C.; Guariniello, A.; Isaac, A.; Bovi, A. P. D.; Chessa, A.; Tromba, A.; Martinez, A. A.; Brillantino, A.; Caira, A.; Castaldi, A.; Ferronetti, A.; Giuliani, A.; Prestera, A.; la Medina, A. R. -D.; Tarasconi, A.; Tornambe, A.; Picciariello, A.; Ioannidis, A.; Leppaniemi, A.; Khan, A.; Rashid, A.; Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E.; Mittal, A.; Mitul, A. R.; Mehraj, A.; Laharwal, A.; Dorisme, A.; Marinis, A.; Iqbal, A.; Moncada, A.; Braccio, B.; Alkhafaji, B.; de Andres Asenjo, B.; Martin-Perez, B.; Perez, B. S.; Creavin, B.; Cali, B.; Cali, B.; Pascotto, B.; Stubbs, B.; Retes, B. Z.; Jovanovic, B.; Goh, B. K. P.; Sensi, B.; Biddau, C.; Gazia, C.; Vallicelli, C.; Fagundes, C. A.; Santacruz, C. C.; Chirico, C.; Diaz, C. J. G.; Petrola, C.; Rodriguez, C. S.; Benitez, C. Y.; Dammaro, C.; Faro, C. L.; Reinke, C.; Paez, C. D.; Oliva, C.; Paranjape, C.; Thomas, C.; Chia, C. F.; Kong, C. K.; De Lucia, C.; Chao, C. O.; Arcudi, C.; Guerci, C.; Chia, C.; Parise, C.; Folliero, C.; Varela, C.; Ferguson, D. M.; Camacho, D.; Popowich, D.; Lima, D. S.; Rega, D.; Delogu, D.; Zigiotto, D.; Vinci, D.; D'Antonio, D.; Parini, D.; Merlini, D. A.; Zimmerman, D. D. E.; Moro-Valdezate, D.; Pertile, D.; Giusti, D. M.; Keller, D. S.; Tarik, D.; Kalivaci, D.; Mazingi, D.; Maldonado-Pintado, D. G.; Sasia, D.; Linardoutsos, D.; Osilli, D.; Murrone, D.; Russello, D.; Rodas, E.; Roa, E. A. A.; Ricciardi, E.; Rosso, E.; Saladino, E.; Flores-Villalba, E.; Ajs, E. R.; Smith-Singares, E.; Baili, E.; Kouroumpas, E.; Bourmpouteli, E.; Douka, E.; Martin-Perez, E.; Guaitoli, E.; Samadov, E.; Francone, E.; Vaterlini, E.; Morales, E.; Pena, E.; Zhao, E.; Andres, E. D. P.; Benzoni, E.; Erdas, E.; Pinotti, E.; Colas-Ruiz, E.; Aytac, E.; Laterza, E.; Agastra, E.; Foianini, E.; Moscoso, E.; Laviano, E.; Marra, E.; Cardamone, E.; Licardie, E.; Mpaili, E.; Pinna, E.; Varo, E.; Navarro, F. M.; Marino, F.; Medas, F.; Romano, F.; Maraska, F.; Saliu, F.; Madrid, F.; Rosa, F.; Mastella, F.; Gheza, F.; Luvisetto, F.; Alconchel, F.; Vieira, F. M.; Pareja, F.; Agresta, F.; Luna, F.; Bonilla, F.; Cordera, F.; Burdio, F.; Mendoza-Moreno, F.; Flores, F. M.; Aranda, F. P.; Taylor, F.; Ramos, F. L.; Fernandes, F.; Tropeano, F. P.; Balestra, F.; Bianco, F.; Ceci, F.; Colombo, F.; Di Marzo, F.; Ferrara, F.; Lancellotti, F.; Lazzarin, F.; Litta, F.; Martini, F.; Pizza, F.; Roscio, F.; Virdis, F.; Antona, F. B.; Ramirez, F. C.; Fernandez, F. M.; Llinares, F. O.; Quezada, F.; Schlottmann, F.; Quezada, F.; Herrera-Almario, G.; Massaferro, G.; Bislenghi, G.; van Ramshorst, G.; Gallo, G.; Luglio, G.; Bointas, G.; Kampouroglou, G.; Papadopoulos, G.; Manrique, G. A.; Calini, G.; Nastri, G.; Formisano, G.; Galiffa, G.; Palini, G. M.; Colucci, G.; Pagano, G.; Pellino, G.; Vanni, G.; Pattacini, G. C.; Gravante, G.; De Paola, G.; Lisi, G.; Partida, G.; Bellanova, G.; De Nobili, G.; Necchi, G. S.; Sinibaldi, G.; Tebala, G.; Bagaglini, G.; Izzo, G.; Argenio, G.; Brisinda, G.; Candilio, G.; Di Grezia, G.; Esposito, G.; Faillace, G.; Frazzetta, G.; La Gumina, G.; Nigri, G.; Romeo, G.; Amatriain, G. C.; Ortega, G.; Martin-Martin, G.; Stavrou, G. A.; Gunadi, ; Ugon, G. A.; Machain, G.; Marcucci, G.; Martinez-Mier, G.; Machain, G. M.; Nari, G.; Calvo, H.; Fathy, H.; Hamilto, ; Ahmed, H.; Faraj, H.; Nava, H.; Macias, H. O.; Nikaj, H.; Solano, H.; Khan, H. A.; Alarcon, H. S.; Ebied, H.; Giani, I.; Ateca, I. V.; Neri, I.; Roman, I. A. S.; Fidoshev, I.; Rodriguez, I. M.; Negoi, I.; Ortega, I.; Bernescu, I.; Russo, I. S.; Rodriguez, I. V.; Palomares, I.; Baltazar, I.; Torrejimeno, I. J.; Jurado, I. M. C.; Reccia, I.; Hussain, I.; Toledo, I. B.; Mora-Guzman, I.; Dogaru, I.; Romic, I.; Balciscueta, I.; Kenington, J. C.; Sagolsem, J.; Jang, J. Y.; Olivier, J.; Lammel-Lindemann, J.; Dziakova, J.; Villavicencio, J. I. R.; Salinas, J.; Parreira, J. P. J. G.; Jovanovic, ; Perez, J. R.; Reyes, J. A. S.; Luque, J. A. M.; Mak, J.; Rodriguez, J. S.; Kok, J. H. H.; Krook, J.; Diaz-Elizondo, J. A.; Castell, J.; Garcia-Flores, J. E.; Navalon, J. M. J.; Rodrigues, J. M. S.; Pereira, J.; Gomez, J. T. C.; Luque, J. B.; del Olmo, J. C. M.; Salamea, J. C.; Olivier, J. F. C.; Laina, J. L. B.; Ordonez, J. M.; Gutierrez, J.; Abba, J.; Sofi, J. A.; Sherafgan, K.; Sahnan, K.; Yanaga, K.; Beatson, K.; Asim, L.; Alvarez, L.; Siragusa, L.; Farber, L.; Ong, L.; Athanasios, L.; Garcia-Bruna, L.; De Martino, L.; Ferrario, L.; Giordano, L.; Gordini, L.; Pio, L.; Ponchietti, L.; Moletta, L.; Curella, L.; Poggi, L.; Taglietti, L.; Bonavina, L.; Conti, L.; Goffredi, L.; Ruiz, L. A. G.; Barrionuevo, L.; Fregoso, L. E.; Cabrera, L. F.; Rodriguez, L. G.; Grande, L.; Osoria, L. G.; Gonzalez, L. J. K.; Sanchez-Guillen, L.; Tallon-Aguilar, L.; Tresierra, L.; Giavarini, L.; Hasabelnabi, M.; Odovic, M.; Uemura, M.; Khan, M.; Artiles-Armas, M.; David, M.; Di Martino, M.; Spampinato, M. G.; Ribeiro, M. A. F.; Viola, M.; Angrisani, M.; Calussi, M.; Cannistra, M.; Catarci, M.; Cereda, M.; Conte, M.; Giordano, M.; Pellicciaro, M.; Marino, M. V.; Vaterlini, M. E.; Jimenez, M. F.; Lolli, M. G.; Bellini, M. I.; Lemma, M.; Chiarello, M. M.; Nicola, M.; Arrigo, M.; Mejia, M. C.; Manrique, M. M.; Rodriguez-Lopez, M.; Serradilla-Martin, M.; Lara, M. Z.; Martinez, M.; Bagnall, M.; Peter, M.; Lara, M. C.; Gomez, M. J.; Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M.; Gonzalez, M. P.; Rutegard, M.; Salo, M.; Franceschilli, M.; Silveri, M.; Veroux, M.; Pezzulo, M.; Nardi, M.; Rottoli, M.; Tolonen, M.; Ciro, M. P.; Zuluagua, M.; Cannavo, M.; Cervellera, M.; Iacobone, M.; Montuori, M.; Podda, M.; Dominguez, M. G.; Bingol-Kologlu, M.; Tahir, M.; Lim, M.; Wilson, M. S.; Wilson, M.; Campanelli, M.; Bisaccia, M.; De Rosa, M.; Maruccia, M.; Paterno, M.; Pisano, M.; Torre, M.; Trevino, M.; Zuolo, M.; Hernandez Bartolome, M. A.; Farina, M.; Pera, M.; Calvo, M. P.; Sotelo, M.; Thway, M. M.; Hassan, M.; Hassan, M. S. E.; Azfar, M.; Bouhuwaish, M.; Taha, M.; Zaieem, M.; Korkoman, M.; Guraieb, M.; Shalaby, M.; Raza, M. A.; Younis, M. U.; Elhadi, M.; Ali, M. Z.; Quazi, N.; Dudi-Venkata, N. N.; Alselaim, N.; Loria, N.; Ramirez, N. V.; Than, N. W.; Smart, N.; Trelles, N.; Pinto, N.; Allievi, N.; Petrucciani, N.; Antonacci, N.; Cillara, N.; Gica, N.; Cristiana, N. D.; Krystek, N.; Falco, N.; Pecorelli, N.; Tamini, N.; Dallas, N. A.; Machairas, N.; Brito, N.; Fieturi, N. A.; Ortega, N.; Mercado, O. A.; Irkorucu, O.; Alsherif, O.; Valles, O.; Ioannidis, O.; Palmas, O. H.; Palmas, O. I. H.; Guadarrama, O. S.; Bozbiyik, O.; Omelanczuk, P.; Ottolino, P.; Rodrigues, P.; Ruiz, P.; Campenni, P.; Chiarade, P.; Olivares, P. P.; Baroffio, P.; Panaccio, P.; Wintringer, P.; Di Fronzo, P.; Talento, P.; Favoriti, P.; Sendino, P.; Marsanic, P.; Mifsut, P.; Andrade, P.; Ajawin, P.; Abadia-Barno, P.; Castaneda, P. A. N.; Arevalos, P. O. S.; Bellver, P. P.; Koh, P. S.; Souza, P.; Major, P.; Bali, R. S.; Khattar, R. M.; Melo, R. B.; Ebrahiminia, R.; Azar, R.; Murga, R. L.; Caruso, R.; Pirolo, R.; Brady, R.; Davies, R. J.; Dholakia, R.; Rattan, R.; Singhal, R.; Lim, R.; Angelico, R.; Isernia, R. M.; Tutino, R.; Faccincani, R.; Peltrini, R.; Carrera-Ceron, R.; Tejos, R.; Kashyap, R.; Fajardo, R.; Lozito, R.; Pareja, R. M.; Garbarino, S.; Di Saverio, S.; Morales-Conde, S.; Benli, S.; Mansour, S.; Flores, S.; Suarez, S. L.; Ben, S. L.; Fuentes, S.; Napetti, S.; de Guzman, S. O.; Awad, S.; Weckmann Lujan, S. A.; Gentilli, S.; Grimaldi, S.; Pizarro, S. O.; Tayar, S.; Nabi, S.; Chan, S. M.; Junaid, S.; Rojas, S.; Monetti, S.; Garcia, S.; Salvans, S.; Tenconi, S.; Shaw, S.; Santoni, S.; Parra, S. A.; Cardenas, S.; Perez-Bertolez, S.; Chiappetta, S.; Dessureault, S.; Delis, S.; Bonapasta, S. A.; Rausei, S.; Scaringi, S.; Keswani, S.; Ali, S. M.; Cetinkunar, S.; Fung, T. L. D.; Rawashdeh, T.; Lopez, T. N.; De Campos, T.; Duque, T. C.; Perra, T.; Liakakos, T.; Daskalakis, T.; Liakakos, T.; Barnes, T.; Koeter, T.; Zalla, T.; Gonzalez, T. E.; Elosua, T.; Campagnaro, T.; Brown, T.; Luoto, T.; Oumar, T. A.; Giustizieri, U.; Grossi, U.; Bracale, U.; Rivas, U.; Sosa, V.; Testa, V.; Andriola, V.; Tonini, V.; Balassone, V.; Celentano, V.; Progno, V.; Raju, V.; Carroni, V.; Cavallaro, V.; Katta, V. R.; De Simone, V.; Romaguera, V. P.; Orozco, V. H. G.; Luraschi, V.; Rachkov, V.; Turrado-L, V.; Visag-Castillo, V.; Dowling, V.; Graham, V.; Papagni, V.; Vigorita, V.; Fonseca, V. C.; Carneros, V. J.; Bellato, V.; Goncalves, W.; Powers, W. F.; Grigg, W.; Bechstein, W. O.; Lim, Y. B.; Altinel, Y.; Golubovic, Z.; Balciscueta, Z

    OUP accepted manuscript

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    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Screening policies, preventive measures and in-hospital infection of COVID-19 in global surgical practices

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    Correction: Evolving Trends in the Management of Acute Appendicitis During COVID-19 Waves: The ACIE Appy II Study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    Screening policies, preventive measures and in-hospital infection of COVID-19 in global surgical practices

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    Background: In a surgical setting, COVID-19 patients may trigger in-hospital outbreaks and have worse postoperative outcomes. Despite these risks, there have been no consistent statements on surgical guidelines regarding the perioperative screening or management of COVID-19 patients, and we do not have objective global data that describe the current conditions surrounding this issue. This study aimed to clarify the current global surgical practice including COVID-19 screening, preventive measures and in-hospital infection under the COVID-19 pandemic, and to clarify the international gaps on infection control policies among countries worldwide. Methods: During April 2-8, 2020, a cross-sectional online survey on surgical practice was distributed to surgeons worldwide through international surgical societies, social media and personal contacts. Main outcome and measures included preventive measures and screening policies of COVID-19 in surgical practice and centers' experiences of in-hospital COVID-19 infection. Data were analyzed by country's cumulative deaths number by April 8, 2020 (high risk, >5000; intermediate risk, 100-5000; low risk, <100). Results: A total of 936 centers in 71 countries responded to the survey (high risk, 330 centers; intermediate risk, 242 centers; low risk, 364 centers). In the majority (71.9%) of the centers, local guidelines recommended preoperative testing based on symptoms or suspicious radiologic findings. Universal testing for every surgical patient was recommended in only 18.4% of the centers. In-hospital COVID-19 infection was reported from 31.5% of the centers, with higher rates in higher risk countries (high risk, 53.6%; intermediate risk, 26.4%; low risk, 14.8%; P < 0.001). Of the 295 centers that experienced in-hospital COVID-19 infection, 122 (41.4%) failed to trace it and 58 (19.7%) reported the infection originating from asymptomatic patients/staff members. Higher risk countries adopted more preventive measures including universal testing, routine testing of hospital staff and use of dedicated personal protective equipment in operation theatres, but there were remarkable discrepancies across the countries. Conclusions: This large international survey captured the global surgical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighted the insufficient preoperative screening of COVID-19 in the current surgical practice. More intensive screening programs will be necessary particularly in severely affected countries/institutions

    Screening policies, preventive measures and in-hospital infection of COVID-19 in global surgical practices

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    Background In a surgical setting, COVID-19 patients may trigger in-hospital outbreaks and have worse postoperative outcomes. Despite these risks, there have been no consistent statements on surgical guidelines regarding the perioperative screening or management of COVID-19 patients, and we do not have objective global data that describe the current conditions surrounding this issue. This study aimed to clarify the current global surgical practice including COVID-19 screening, preventive measures and in-hospital infection under the COVID-19 pandemic, and to clarify the international gaps on infection control policies among countries worldwide.Methods During April 2-8, 2020, a cross-sectional online survey on surgical practice was distributed to surgeons worldwide through international surgical societies, social media and personal contacts. Main outcome and measures included preventive measures and screening policies of COVID-19 in surgical practice and centers' experiences of in-hospital COVID-19 infection. Data were analyzed by country's cumulative deaths number by April 8, 2020 (high risk, >5000; intermediate risk, 100-5000; low risk, <100).Results A total of 936 centers in 71 countries responded to the survey (high risk, 330 centers; intermediate risk, 242 centers; low risk, 364 centers). In the majority (71.9%) of the centers, local guidelines recommended preoperative testing based on symptoms or suspicious radiologic findings. Universal testing for every surgical patient was recommended in only 18.4% of the centers. In-hospital COVID-19 infection was reported from 31.5% of the centers, with higher rates in higher risk countries (high risk, 53.6%; intermediate risk, 26.4%; low risk, 14.8%; P<0.001). Of the 295 centers that experienced in-hospital COVID-19 infection, 122 (41.4%) failed to trace it and 58 (19.7%) reported the infection originating from asymptomatic patients/staff members. Higher risk countries adopted more preventive measures including universal testing, routine testing of hospital staff and use of dedicated personal protective equipment in operation theatres, but there were remarkable discrepancies across the countries.Conclusions This large international survey captured the global surgical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighted the insufficient preoperative screening of COVID-19 in the current surgical practice. More intensive screening programs will be necessary particularly in severely affected countries/institutions