129 research outputs found

    Modern trends in the development of innovative transport and logistic complex of the European Union

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    Досліджено аспекти розвитку транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури Європейського Союзу. Проаналізовано досвід розвинених європейських держав у застосуванні логістичних підходів у транспортному секторі. Визначено роль транспортно-логістичних центрів, охарактеризовано процес формування євромережі логістичних терміналів. Особливу увагу приділено транспортній інфраструктурі, зокрема сформульовано чотири основні завдання галузі: зміна балансу між різними видами транспорту, усунення «вузьких місць» у транспортній інфраструктурі, орієнтація транспортної політики на її споживачів, отримання позитивного ефекту від процесу глобалізації транспорту.Тhe aspects of the development of transport and logistic infrastructure of the European Union is examined in the article. The experience of the developed European countries in logistical approaches of the transport sector is analyzed. The role of transport and logistic centers is determined, the process of forming the euro network of logistic terminals is characterized. Special attention is paid to the transport infrastructure and its four basic tasks are formulated as follows: balance changing between different types of transport, elimination of bottlenecks within the transport infrastructure, transport policy focus on its customers, a positive effect from the transport globalization process. European experience testifies that transportation system of any country without logistical approaches operates less efficiently and is more expensive. It is of great importance that transport as an element оf the infrastructure takes over the non-transportation functions releasing the user out of the marketing and distribution operations. Therefore, transport becomes a separate branch of the economy which sells services for cargo or passengers movement. It serves as a manufacturer of a wide range of logistics services and is willing to make a comprehensive service of material flows. In addition, information technology and communication in European transport and logistic sector are used rationally. Thus, the aim of the article is to explore the European experience of functioning and development of basic infrastructure facilities in transport and logistic complex in order to their further implementation

    Physiotherapy Treatment of Obstetrics Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) Erb - Duchenne by age group

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    Presentation: Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy is a damage of Brachial Plexus. The aim of Study: The importance of treatment Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy divided by age groups , Erb - Duchenne with the techniques of Bobath and Vojta. Material and methods:In the study were 30 cases in an 8-year timeframe. Wich 15 of these children have come within 3 months of birth. These entities are applied treatment techniques according to Bobath and Vojta. Result:Of the 30 cases in the study, 15 came within 3 months of their birth. Were treated with Bobath and Vojta techniques and have achieved 100%functional results and 90% aesthetic. 15 children come after this age, 8 arrivals within the first year of birth have reached 90% function and 80% aesthetic. 7 arrivals after 18 months have received 80% function and 70% aesthetics. In measuring the results have participated doctors orthopedic and neuro-pediatric of Q.S.U. "Mother Teresa" and Trauma. Conclusion:Determinant in the results:1. The degree of damage2. Time of arrival in treatment3. Treatment by age.Keywords: Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy, Erb-Duchenne, 30 cases, techniques Bobath and Vojta, Function, Aesthetics

    Upper Nilradical In Terms Of A Left Ideal In X The Ring Of Real Matrix

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               Based on the idea of Andrunakievic and Rjabuhin for linking Jacobson's radical to a right-wing ideal [3], we interfered with the theory of the upper nilradical, examining them concerning a unilateral ideal of an associative ring. We'll be here briefly as soon as possible

    Restructuring seafarers’ welfare under the Maritime Labour Convention: an empirical case study of Greece

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    Maritime transport is the ‘invisible’ backbone that keeps the global economy moving on any given day, as has become obvious during the COVID-19 crisis. However, shipping and seafarers do not turn up in the public mind as a key sector, with key workers. It is important in this context to look into major issues concerning seafarers. This paper examines three of the major issues relating to the welfare of seafarers, including wages, social security benefits, and onboard and ashore welfare facilities and services. It is impossible to research all countries here, so this paper selects Greece – which is one of today’s primary shipping countries as for shipowning, as well as for global supply and demand for seafarers – to conduct an empirical case study. The entry into force of Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC), which probably is the most comprehensive convention governing maritime labour up to date, has had a significant impact on the world maritime industry. While the Convention aims to ensure fair competition and level-playing field for quality owners of ships, it is indisputable that it will increase shipowners’ operation cost in the first place. Despite involving more than 30,000 seafarers, Greece had not ratified MLC 2006 until 2013 when the Convention entered into force. Based on the existing knowledge and scholarship, and primary data collected in several phases of fieldwork, this paper critically examines the three major issues relating to the welfare of Greek seafarers. The main findings reveal that there is still a gap between the theoretical legal framework and the practical implementation in Greece. The paper explains the legal concepts regarding seafarer welfare matters in detail and collects the opinions from the industry. Such dilemmas are also common in other countries. These include possible delays and irregularities of wage payments, expensive and limited online communications and insufficient rest hours. Thus, the findings and suggestions revealed from this paper are of importance for the shipping industry and other states


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    Mitrush Kuteli is one of the most prominent authors of Albanian literature known as a multidimensional man, but his strongest connection has been with the field of paper works. He is often evaluated by two important achievements, which distinguish him among the authors of Albanian literature of all time. Mitrush Kuteli, is the creator of the Albanian modern prose and one of the most famous authors of Albanian modernity. The Kutelian narrative as a narrative process carries the constant presence of the narrator's voice, where Albanian reality appears to be broken, seen from many sides, sometimes close to the real and sometimes close to fantasy. In his narratives, the author emerges in the second plan, leaving room for the folk language, for the use of the language of folklore and especially of the folk phraseology. The folk phraseology used by Mitrush Kuteli has played an important role in enriching the literary work. Through folk phraseology he enriches everyday life, habits, rituals and Albanian traditions, using the language of truthfulness. Kuteli is among the deepest connoisseurs of this phraseology. The folk phraseology inherited from generation to generation constitutes a fundamental matter in the enrichment of the literary work, which complements and widens the literary work, by giving it meaningful, stylistic, emotional and expressive hues.Keywords: Phraseological l units expressing: congratulations, curses, life, death, morality.

    Psycho-mental Enigmas and Symbols of Unconsciousness in Koliqi’s Characters

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    The post-independence period was characterized by an increased interest of the Albanian artists in our cultural heritage, in all areas; for contemporary resources and phenomena and also treasures created in centuries. The most representative authors of this period, Koliqi, Kuteli, Lasgush, tried to organically integrate the contemporary European civilization with the Albanian contradictory reality. Ernest Koliqi is one of the prominent Albanian authors who synthesize successfully the traditional with the modern, whose narration appears as an original expression of the neo-Latin tradition narrative prose

    Physiotherapy Treatment of Obstetrics Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) Erb - Duchenne by age group

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    Presentation: Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy is a damage of Brachial Plexus. The aim of Study: The importance of treatment Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy divided by age groups, Erb - Duchenne with the techniques of Bobath and Vojta. Material and methods: In the study were 30 cases in an 8-year timeframe. Wich 15 of these children have come within 3 months of birth. These entities are applied treatment techniques according to Bobath and Vojta. Result: Of the 30 cases in the study, 15 came within 3 months of their birth. Were treated with Bobath and Vojta techniques and have achieved 100%functional results and 90% aesthetic. 15 children come after this age, 8 arrivals within the first year of birth have reached 90% function and 80% aesthetic. 7 arrivals after 18 months have received 80% function and 70% aesthetics. In measuring the results have participated doctors orthopedic and neuro pediatric of Q.S.U. "Mother Teresa" and Trauma. Conclusion: Determinant in the results: 1. The degree of damage2. Time of arrival in treatment3. Treatment by age

    Nga premtimi për libër të hapur, për bashkëkrijim autor-lexues-romancier (Studim shkencor dhe narratologjik i romanit “Loja e Fituar”) nga shkrimtari Dario Rexhollari

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    “Jeta është një ndër mësuesit më të këqinj… por njëkohësisht dhe më të mëdhenj! Jeta të mëson si të mos digjesh, pasi je djegur!”, f. 34. Shkrimtari nuk mund të tregojë atë që ka ndodhur, po atë që mund të ndodhte, d.m.th. gjërat që mund të ngjasin sipas gjasës ose nevojës. Historiani dhe shkrimtari ndryshojnë pasi i pari rrëfen ç’ngjan e tjetri si mund të ngjajë , kurse arti nuk paraqet atë çka do të ndodhë, por çka mund të ndodhë, që është një tërësi e njëtrajtshme, në të cilën veprimet dhe ngjarjet e veçanta përputhen sipas ligjit të shkakut dhe të rrjedhimit, sikurse edhe sipas ligjit të mundësisë dhe të probabilitetit. Autori bën pozicionimin e lexuesit duke e futur atë në proçesin e tij krijues. Përveç mjeteve dhe arsyeve të kësaj mënyre të të rrëfyerit, është me rëndësi të dallojmë edhe funksionet që realizohen përmes këtyre mjeteve, që janë: ndërfutjet e shpeshta të autorit dhe e realizon, njëkohësisht duke bërë të mundur atë, që Umberto Eko e quan “autor modeldhelexuesi model kuprania e këtij të fundit-të brendashkruar në tekst-i cili orienton leximin, duke e ndihmuar lexuesin real të plotësojë boshllëqet e ligjërimit e të bëjë të zëshme heshtjet. Ky lexues model është një abstraksion semiotik, domëthënë një paradigmë edukative, udhëheqëse, e cila shpëton lexuesin a interpretuesin nga shpërbërja e nga boshti, i cili krijon urat lidhëse mes autorit dhe lexuesit”. Marrëdhënia e ngushtë mes shkrimtarit dhe lexuesit (“dëgjuesit” sipas gjuhës së kritikës), realizohet si të ishte një bashkëbisedim mes tyre. “Duke u larguar më larg sipërfaqes, në thelb të lojës do të kemi thelbin e jetës. Inkursionet marrin jetë që në lëvizjen e parë. Më pas, gjithçka shndërrohet në një përpjekje për mbijetesë. Që një mbret të triumfojë, duhet që çdo lojtar të jetë një novator idesh guximtare, ku në thelb është sakrifikimi i më të dobëtit. Mjeshtërit, shpesh bëjnë të kundërtën...murojnë momentin e papritur për të realizuar të vetmin ideal, triumfin. Por,-bërtiti,- në fund të betejës, kur lojtarët kanë dhënë goditjen përfundimtare, të gjitha figurat përfundojnë në të njëjtën kuti. Në fund, nuk ka dallime mes ushtarit dhe mbretit, kundërshtarit dhe aleatit, sepse të gjithë, në një vend do të flenë...tha i dëshpëruar”, f. 29. Materiali i veçantë i shkrimtarëve janë fjalët dhe sintaksa, ajo sintaksë që krijohet e ngjitet zellshëm në veprën e tyre duke kaluar në ndijim. Natyrisht që as kujtesa që thërret perceptimet e shkuara, as kujtesa e pavullnetshme që shton reminishencën si faktori ruajtës i së tashmes, nuk mjaftojnë për të dalë prej perceptimeve të jetuara. Arti është gjuha e ndijimeve, gjuhë që tejçohet përmes fjalësh, ngjyrash, tingujsh ose gurësh. Arti nuk ka opinion. Shkrimtari përdor fjalët, por duke krijuar një sintaksë të tillë që i kalon ato në ndijim dhe, duke e zhytur në gjuhën e përditshme, e bën të dridhet ose të klithë, ose të këndojë, është stili, toni, gjuha e ndijimeve, ose gjuha e huaj brenda gjuhës, gjuhë që thërret një popull të vijë.Fjalë kyçe: romani, Dario Rexhollari, fkalët, sintaksa, Umberto Eko, etj

    Development of a non-radioactive diagnostic test for the detection of microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer

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    Ankara : Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 1997.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997.Includes bibliographical references leaves 50-60.Stepwise accumulation o f mutations in the human genome is the initial step in carcinogenesis. Microsatellites are the regions which are first hit by the mutations resulting from mismatch repair deficiency. Until today microsatellite alterations have been shown mainly in hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) and several other cancer types. Recent advances indicate that microsatellite alterations can also be detected in DNA samples (such as blood, urine, etc.), which are shed fiOm tumors. This is an important finding for the early diagnosis o f cancer since malignant cells can be detected in tissues other than the primary tumor. Therefore microsatellite analysis, when coupled with an easy, powerful screening technique could have a high diagnostic value for cancer types other than colorectal cancer. Despite its drawbacks the most common microsatellite screening method is based on the use of radioisotopes and autoradiography. However in the clinical setting non-radioactive detection methods are preferred. The aim o f this thesis is development o f a non-radioactive diagnostic test for the detection o f microsatellite instability in genomic DNA which can be used for the early detection o f some forms o f cancer. Therefore we have optimized the PCR conditions for eight microsatellite markers which are: i. mononucleotide repeats BAT25 and intragenic repeat region o f BAX gene, ii. dinucleotide repeats D5S105, D6S291, D11S904, D13S175, D17S855, and in. tetranucleotide repeat FGA. In addition, we have analyzed the mononucleotide repeat markers in blood, paraffin embedded and fi"esh tumor samples o f six colorectal cancer patients with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver stainingVata, KorkutM.S