
Modern trends in the development of innovative transport and logistic complex of the European Union


Досліджено аспекти розвитку транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури Європейського Союзу. Проаналізовано досвід розвинених європейських держав у застосуванні логістичних підходів у транспортному секторі. Визначено роль транспортно-логістичних центрів, охарактеризовано процес формування євромережі логістичних терміналів. Особливу увагу приділено транспортній інфраструктурі, зокрема сформульовано чотири основні завдання галузі: зміна балансу між різними видами транспорту, усунення «вузьких місць» у транспортній інфраструктурі, орієнтація транспортної політики на її споживачів, отримання позитивного ефекту від процесу глобалізації транспорту.Тhe aspects of the development of transport and logistic infrastructure of the European Union is examined in the article. The experience of the developed European countries in logistical approaches of the transport sector is analyzed. The role of transport and logistic centers is determined, the process of forming the euro network of logistic terminals is characterized. Special attention is paid to the transport infrastructure and its four basic tasks are formulated as follows: balance changing between different types of transport, elimination of bottlenecks within the transport infrastructure, transport policy focus on its customers, a positive effect from the transport globalization process. European experience testifies that transportation system of any country without logistical approaches operates less efficiently and is more expensive. It is of great importance that transport as an element оf the infrastructure takes over the non-transportation functions releasing the user out of the marketing and distribution operations. Therefore, transport becomes a separate branch of the economy which sells services for cargo or passengers movement. It serves as a manufacturer of a wide range of logistics services and is willing to make a comprehensive service of material flows. In addition, information technology and communication in European transport and logistic sector are used rationally. Thus, the aim of the article is to explore the European experience of functioning and development of basic infrastructure facilities in transport and logistic complex in order to their further implementation

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